THE DAILY BRITISH A -------- PAGE ELEVEN . We carry a. complete line of Fresh Vegetables, including. New Potatoes Home Grown Cabbage, Canadian Strawberries, Beets, Carrots, Toma- toes, Cucumbers, Radish and Spin- ach, Rhubarb, Lettuce, Green and Dry Onions, are leaders in Glassco's Famous Grape Juice. MClarys United Grocery, SUNSHINE FURNACE | i &m = "i fm Phone 267 138 Princess St. 0 ONTREAL VANCOUVER i Jon 5 8. EHS al 2 Brook MILTON CATGRRY HL DEE LESS HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS To Points in | ALBERTA, MANITOBA, SASKAT. | CHEWAN & BRITISH COLUMBIA, | Via COCHRANE and "THE NATION. | AL ROUTE" or CHICAGO, NORTH BAY, SARNIA OR TORONTO. Round trip tickets will be sold at | LOW FARES Going ench TUESDAY from MAY STH to OCTOBER 30th, 1917. Return Mmit of two mouths, excluding date of sale. An extension of time limit, not exoeced- Ink twe months, on Homencekhers' the- wold May, June, and July enly, he had on payment of $5.00 fur month or part thereof. top-over privileges may he had at unipeg . between WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 1917. ee ~ Palma Beach Suits Fine English Worsted Suits Large stock of Indigo blue serge and wor- sted suitings. Summer Weight Rain Coats JOHN TWEDDELL Civil and Military Tailors 131 Princess St. --p------ [FROM THE COUNTRYSIDE PURVIS STREET. July 1.--Ray Gibson Brockvkilie on Friday. Berneice Bushfield has scarlet fever, but is fast improving. Road work was | done in this section last week. Miss B. Dickey. closed school on Wednes- day and returned to her home at Caintown. James Muirhead has purchased a fine new buggy. Mrs. Frank Herbisqn spent a day last week visiting James Marshall. Lillies. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Frank-! Comfort in the Home The Sunshine Furnace chases chills from coldest corners and insures ut- most comfort in the home throughout the winter. Don't buy any furnace or heating plant until you have in- vestigated the merits of the "Sun- shine," ALLEN. June 30.--The recent freshed everything and crops look a lot better. A number from here attended a picmic at R. Smith's grove on Wednesday last in aid of Trinity church he party at A. Henderson's on Friday evening was a decided succes Picnics are being held daily at Brophy's Point. We rain has re- makes the went to J te Ht st tata aa BE SURE YOUR MILK IS DELIVERED IN SEALED BOTTLES. All our milk is thoroughly pasteurized and bottled at once. It is safe. It is pure. tended and a good sum was realiz- It is good. Gh Toe Debus fas Sondre Phone 845 - Price's |:iif: fi iy HIGH FALLS. : July 2.--The garden party given in aid of the Red Cross was well at- For Sale by J. B. Bunt & Co. B. Graham and children motored to Athens last Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs James Pottinger spent Sunday at William Curtis at Me- Intosh Mills ' PORTLAND. YOU ARE PAYING FOR IT ANYWAY. School closed on June ' have hard day. { teachers returned to frazzled, Mrs. G. Bauder at J. Deyo's. A their homes Stewart Charlton beter ins number from here attended the passed away on Friday morning. "home camp meeting at Godfrey on Wed- | The funeral was held on Sunday to R i night. the English church, and the body --n was placed in the vault here. Mr. MYER'S CAVE. Diamond, Montreal, has rented W. --A number from here at- Bolton's cottage for the season and he picnic at Dead Creek om | moved into it on Saturday. The C. Miss A. Patterson has|N R. brought over one hundred her home in Burridge people on the 30th to their cottages Mr. Marks, Toronto, is spending a| fo; the summer season. Miss Lor- few days here. Mr. Donald and/ gra McKenry, Kingston, is spending sister, Tena MacGregor, was over the week-end at her home here. Mrs. Sunday visitors at Ardoch Mr. jc Lyons is visiting friends at New- Brown, Carleton Place, and Mr. bore and Westport A meeting of Hamilton, Ardoch, were over Sun-|{ ihe Ladies' Institute was held here day visitors at Charles MacGregor's. on the 30th It was well attended Percy King called at Hill Crest on | Miss Adaline Scott is in the Smith's Sunday Rev. and Mrs. Wick- | pans Hospital for treatment. ware spent Wednesday afternoon at Joseph Perry's. Mrs. Rintoul and baby have returned home after spending the last week in Lanark. Wilmer Bauder was at T. Perry's on Sunday. lin, Junetown, and Mr. and Mrs. B. | on sick list Edward Morey made a trip to Kingston "i : Miss Jennie Rolls and Dorey, of Kingston, at H. B. Page's; Mrs. Max Bauder at Oscar Bauder's; the July 2.- 29th and the You go You eat want tx from to you Eo ow the cabaret when you don't ea You are away home v 1 Yau want be at « tio Bongard, Ryerson & Co, MEMBERS OF TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE STOCKS, BONDS, GRAINS & COTTON Private wires to Toronto, Montreal and New York. Howard S. Folger, anager. Kingston Addfess, 44 Clarence St. Ph 995. Toronto Address,. 85 Bay street. July 2 tended t Thursday returned to music from the 'nusic | Hanley, Ontario streets. CANADA SS. LINES FREIGHT SERVICE | Between Hamilton, Terente, Picton, Kingston, Cornwall, Montreal and Quebec. plano or You're t getting it. That ng costs as much, ? trume talking machine can e, 1d the payments can unting money wiil than take E MUSIC CO., Ltd. Sydenham and Princess Streets Phone 132 last. LYNDHURST. A good many sympathiz- . ing friends of Mr. and Mrs. William be Wiltze, Cushendall, attended 'the « funeral of their little son, Bernard D. Mrs L. Fluke and little son, Robin, Yarker, returned home on Friday after spending a month with her sister, Mrs. Amos Weeks. Mrs. 0. Chapman, Elgin, and Mrs. D. Kilburn, Plum Hollow, were week- end visitors at R. R. Tate's. Mrs. Robert Moulton and daughter, Mild- red, Berrytown, and Miss L. M. Wing, Brier Hil, were Sunday visit- ors at R. R. Tate's. J. Young and | family and George Charlton and William Tate attended the funeral of Steward Charlton at Portland on Sunday. The farmers of this section are having a very hard time trying to secure help for haying and harvesting There are every prospects of a good crop of both hay | and grain | July 2 more EASTBOUND "Belleville" Lv. Toronto 10 p.m. Monday, \ Ar. Kingaton, Wednesday, 5 a.m, "City of Ottawa" Lv, Teromnte 5 pom, Wednesday. Ar. Kingston, Thursday » a.m, "City of Hamilton" Lv, Saturday, Ar. | LOWER GLENDOWER June 30.--The farmers welcomed the rain of Friday last. A mumber from here attended the social at the High Falls on Tuesday evening and report a good time. School has closed for the summer holidays. Charles Fitzgerald is erecting a new house. Miss Carrie McDonald, Wolfe Island is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Kiley. Miss Katie Cor- coran has returned home from Carthage, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. T. and Mary W,. Metalf and Mrs. T. McGuire and daughters Kathleen Tobin, Portsmouth, also Mr. and Mrs. M. Kelly, Bob's Lake, spent Sunday at Mrs. D. Coulter's; Mrs. L. Murphy, Bob's Lake, at A. Legary's. Miss Anna Rose Coulter is visiting her cousin, Miss Mary E. Tobin, Portsmouth. WE | "Relleville" Ly, Montreal 7 pm, Fri. day. Ar. Kingston, Monday 4 a.m.) Pleton, Monday a.m. "City of Hamilton" Lv. Montreal, 3 p.m, Tuesday. Ar. Kingston Thure- | |" of Ottawa" Lv, Montreal 12 neon Saturday. Ar. Kingston, Monday a.m. For further information, apply Phones 296 or 31. . M. E. PARKS, LOW RETURN FARES TO WESTERN CANADA =u ONCE A WEENK -m Convenient Service. Modern Electric Lighted Equipment Tourist Sleeping Cars and Colonist Coaches For Tickets, Reservations, Literature and Information, apply to J. E. IVEY, STATION AGT, or M. C. DUNN, CITY AGT. Or write R. L. Fairbairn, G.P.A,, 68 Wing St. €., Toronto. We Manvfacture SHEET LEAD BABBIT1 METAL SOLDER, LEAD PIPE SPOT STOCKS LOMBARDY. June 30.--Mr. and Mrs. A. Covell entertained a party of friends at Otter Lake on Tuesday, including Mr. and Mrs. George Covell, Mrs. McVeety and Miss McVeety, Perth. The different schools in. this vicinity | closed for the holiday on Friday, { 29th. Miss Marshall left for her } irr | home in" Mallorytown. Miss Heffer- TTT man for Perth and Miss Tobin for Westport. Mrs. Bernard Breen, Sud- bury, is visiting Miss Mary Breen and other relatives in this vicinity. Passenger Service Between | Montreal and London | (Calling Falmouth io ii PRasengers) Montreal and Bristol For particulars of sailings and rates apply to local agents or to The Robert Reford Co. Limited, General ents, 60 King Street East, Toronto General Agent. NN Ft st marl] ECHO LAKE June 21.--Everything is looking pretty dry and the farmers are wish- ing for rain. The telephone poles are all up through this neighborhood ready for the wire. Chester Bab- cock bas purchased a fine automo- bile. Quite a few from here attend- od the camp meeting at Bethel. Mrs Charles Gates, Kingston, and Mrs. Wesley Storms, Verona spent the -- of PIG LEAD PIG TIN / Probably the quickest way for a man to get rid of his wife's acquaint- ances is to make love to them. A A AAA Pe AAA AAA a UE A man's standard of beauty always | depends on the woman who ques-: tions him. ZINC SPELTER week-end here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. David Ruttan at H. Hicks': Misses Halttie and Rhoda Cox at D. Rev. R. P. Hurford and Mrs. Hur- ford, Milton, called on many friends here during the week, and proceed- ed to New Boyne, to visit friends be- fore returning home. J, C: Allen is erecting a fine club house on an is- land in Otter Lake for some Ameri- | can gentlemen. Mrs. Stanley Blan- | cher, North Lancaster, has been ' home owing to the illness of her | grandmother, Mrs. John Gardiner. MeCleod's; Mrs. L. Switzer and Mrs. Wesley Storms at J. Babcock's; Miss Bthel Draffin at C. Cox's; Miss Zelda Cousins, Wagarville, at S. Switzer's; Joseph Lereque and his two sisters, Florence and Marie spent Sunday at Phone Park 761 H. Hicks' and attended meeting at € night. Miss Ella MecOleod and Miss S 1 Mary Ann Buckley are spendinz a few days at Enterprise. Earl Bab- cock spent Sunday at home. The Canada Metal Co. Limited TORONTO Fraser Avenue JOYCEVILLE. School has closed for the summer vacation, Miss McQuitty, Teacher, has gone to her home at Douglas and will resume her duties again on Sept. 4th. E. Kenny had the misfortune to sprain his ankle while riding his motorcycle The Rideau is headquarters these days for fishing and all report a fine catch The young folks are looking forward to the social to be held on the Fair grounds here on Friday evening. Rev. Father Crowley, Miss Moran, and Miss B. Milne, Chester- ville, were guests at C. Milne's last week. R. Ollmann, has returned home after spending a few days at Ottawa. Mrs. W. Wood's spent a few days at Carleton last week. Mrs. Hunt, Toronto, is visiting her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. McCarey. Mrs. Joseph Murphy and little daughter, Lorene, visited friends in the city re- cently. - July 2. SR a es RRA 3 A Q Mrs. Russell Stewart and little son! Wellesley, Winipeg, visiting the for } mer's sister, Mrs. O. W. Wright, left | on Wednesday for Fairfield East. | Dr. W. L. Tait, Smith's Falls, district deputy grand master, paid an official visit to Otter Lodge A.F. and A.M. | Lombardy, on Monday evening, ac-| companied by a number of Masons. Visitars were also present from | Merrickville, Toledo and Perth. and ' after lodge a banquet and social time was enjoyed. The speakers during the evening were Dr. Tait, B. Ma-' gee and T. H. Watchorn, Merrick-| ville, Clark Nichols, Lombardy, and | others. Miss Posella O'Mara came ap from Ottawa for the week-end. ! Cecil Allen is home from Ottawa for a three weeks' holidays. Mrs. Ha- mer, Westport, visiting relatives in! this vicinity, returned home on Sat-| urday. Miss Ruth Percival, Iro-| quo,is has ben the guest of Mr. and | Mrs. John Covell. A large number from this vicinity are attending al Holiness Movement Camp meeting, at Carleton Place. Trinity Charch Sunday school will abserve Oonfed-| eration Day by holding a picnic at Rideau Ferry. Where You Cannot Prophesy -- PREPARE '! OT even the best-informed man in government or business circles dares to attempt a prophecy of conditions after the war. We hope for the best-- meantime wise men are preparing now for anything. How ? By regulating their expend \ actual <M rather than by their pr ity--by husbanding the surplus--and by investing to the limit in Canadian War Loans that help so much to maintain present prosperity. saved and loaned to Canada by Canadians is a two- Empire to .he forwarded overseas. | the future. The lenders will benefit disently A. Blakely, Belleville, was in town interest return and absolute secu an W. Tordukes and Miss Elsie Bear-|this week. Rev. Dr. Roblin of Bos- interest thus kept in Canada will help to ance, Elginburg, at H. E. Johnston's; | ton, is making ja visit here. S|! good after the war. Miss K. Stewart, Sunnyside, at Mrs. Thompson, Riverhurst, Sask. is Lawsons; W. Redmond and wife at visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. | their father's; C. Lake, Sydenham, at|D. Thompson. The Red Cross Circle | H. Buck's; Miss Helen Wartman, Ei-| of Green hurst meets at Mrs. Jarvis gin, at her father's; Mrs. B. C. Free-| English's for next meeting. At their man visited recently at W. Lake's,|last meeting they made up ten boxes Elginburg; Mrs. L. W. Asselstine{ard packages for the boys overseas. has gone to the city to se her broth-| P. McCrimmon and wife motored to! er-in-law, Rev. Mr. Lidstone, who is Kingston in their new car last week. seriously ill. Miss Lena Orser is; Mrs. E. McGaw Was a recent visitor visiting her brother, Myles Orser,{at J. Kenny's; C. G. Fox at W. Col- Murvale. liver's, and 8. Head at Sim McCoy's. KEPLER, June 30.--The crops in this local- ity are looking fine. The rain yes- terday will make the hay an abun- dant crop. The lawn social in aid of the Methodist church, held on June 26th was a decided success, both socially and financially. The programme wis furnished by Sals- bury's orchestra, Kingston. The pro- ceeds amounted to over $91. Rev. E. Codling has left for his new field of labor at Battersea. Rev. Mr, Charlesworth, our new pastor, occu- pied the pulpit last Sunday for the first. Mrs. John Redmond is very poorly, Her daughter, Miss Anna Redmond arrived to-day from Syra- cuse, N.Y. John Johnston is reno- vating his dwelling. Visitors: Mrr. relief is near, if you want it. Painful corns succumb to these inexpensive, wonderful little plasters. Millions of people have mastered corns this way. The treatment is quick and gentle. The first application ends most corns after 48 hours. The stubborn few vanish with the second or third treatment. Pared corns keep coming back. Harsh liquids are dangerous. Blue-jay treatment alone is permanent. Prove tonight that every corn is needless. Get Blue-jay at your drug store. Relief is instant. In 48 hours your corn is gone for- ever. Try this certain way once--tonight! bY PICTON June 29.--The choir of the First: Methodist Church was entertained | on Tuesday afternoon and evening at "Camp Louise." Rev. M. Wood thanked those responsible for the afternoon's enjoyment in behalf of | the choir. Cressy sewing circle do-! nated a large supply of soldiers' comforts to the Daughters of the itures according to their nal Service Board of Canada. OTTAWA. 18 All of us can learn something from the baby. It is good natured in the morning. : It takes a smart man fo conceal from others the things he doesn't know,