Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Jul 1917, p. 7

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THE DAILY BRITISH _WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 1917. PAGE SEVEN P-- E-- SE G R A N D OPERA | HOU SE| tariDaily il | Jk! The People's Forum BANK or TORONTO ! Hei Sages: HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO, CANADA, | Lionel Barrymore, in Capital . 'se . $3,000,000 | = Reserved Funds ... ... $0,439 382 "The End of the Tour." ' -- ! | The Pathe News, (Comedy and Other | CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES FOR SALE TO LET . Photoplays, First Insertion, 1¢ a word. Each com . a ; y A ----o------ s | 3SK EFFECTIVE ADVTS. COST OTIC Ce amps ~ THRIFT t ng g - secutive insertion thereafter, half- i Wg once, 25¢; three times 60c; FOUND cor Tage ON Fr uLL, : enn ar) LY Rory on Sure Thursday, Friday, Saturday sent 4 word, 2 uti charge for | one week, $1.00 ! ~ " -- _ one insertion, i AUTOMOBILE SIDE CURTAIN, o S| . this bu POLITE VAUDEVILLE i SOc; wix $1; one month, $2. DELIVERY WAGON AND HARNESS, aknost few, picked up on OFFIoEs NU ARENCE Sr CHAN. ] A Five Act Photoplay =n it Rew. Gages Grocery, Plne Biee it Arply E. Green, street 79 Clarence street. Directors: p ti of HELP WANTED MOTOR BOAT, SPEED 18 MILES PER rorsy ARTICLES ADVER- ut OOM NUVEE, CEN. eel i a alas « . x »" i o« W ONL ¥ ; fce-Pre | Gladys Brockwell in KITCHEN WOMAN. APPLY RAN. ir, ~ Will be sold cheap. Apply rRLICLES A tally 'Tocated. abi m r conven MACDONALD, LT.-¢ i Ww Goo JERHAM, " T, : " dolph Hotel Box 627 > Whig Office ---- FEN, J. I. ENGL tT. WM. 1. GEAR, PALL Her emptation. - Anyone' finding anything and GOOD HOUS w ru RNISHED, J MYLEHK, A MPBELL ! A Max Linder Comedy A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- STUDEBAKER TOURING CAR IN wisk, ng to reach the owner may swell loca Tee montha THOS. F. HOW, Generai Manager. . JOHN | unt « ! A Max 1. 3 work. Apply to 146 Barrie street first class conditfon. Cheap for do so by reportiug the facts te Apply Box § Whi : Ottice. " BIRD, Cntet "M In a Taxi 5 - quick buyer. Apply §¢ Bay street. The British Whig. The adver- -- ee - ax A MOTOR N AND CONDUCTORS. AP. -- re ------------ tisement will be printed in this STORAGE FOR FURNITURE Bankers: "100 Other Features | ply Sireet Rallway Office. GAS RANGE AT 67 GORE STREET. column free of charge. then has a& clean dry f LOND: IN, ENGLAND --LONDON CITY AND MIDLAND BANK, LTD Matinee Eveaing 10¢j Apply to J. 8. Re McCann, 8% Brock "Found articles," does not !a- bufiding, 442 Alberi street. Phone 'W YORK---NATIONAL; BANK OF CHICAGO-- FI} 51 NATIONAE BANK & A GOOD COMPETENT KIPCHEN WO. street. Phone 326 or 621. clude lost S, Santis, horses, 2152 Any Seat Reserved, Se Extra Se Extra COMMERCE y man. Apply at Frontenac Hotel otc. These, lost, may be ad- -- | RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY AND OF- vertised or a 'Lost column. SIGHT ROOMED HOUSE, WELL Georg e B. McKay, Mana ger. [Maps FOR GENERAL HOSPITAL. fice on Earl street, No. 54 can be ished, with every convendence i Matron, Kingston General solid with either' No. 52 or No. 56. rent reasonable Apply 'Box 6330 A ---- | nodal : a ithe } Whi Othe , nn, : . . . a ER teu | FIREMAN (SOBER) FOR SMALL GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND TEN 3 STORAGE FOR | URNITURE OR MER- | steamburge; highes: wages. James selections, your own choice, $27.60. chand 1 rv Can k Mon., Tues., Wed. | Swift & Co. Limited { Terms: §5 cash, $1 per week. C. W . IN-FACED SELVER Rent Baia wy "Agency. 3 points Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess St py A : Ty he ¥ CT or | =~ : T Ll. on it: va as *ho 2 326 or 621. Feature Photoplay A NIGHT i - sake. Reward if ret | r 1 Ze iv I ! . . . of Frontenac Hotel, "lco ACH HOUSE, Bessie Barriscale, mn a a able for mn Does the bright sunlight hurt ex! Do you work under bright | "Bowles o' Blue Ridge" | y| GOOD EXPE RIE NCED GIRL TO : Tea) ot { DENTAL x "EK eyes me Crookes | OT barat age Camils "Site + AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE } meer almost Invisible--soothes "Her Nature Ik 2-part Mam | C85 sire -- A. BE. KNAPP, B.A. L.D.SS D.D.S. ORPICE OR SHC ere und given comfort BM Comedy and We Purple Mak. One 4-cylinder 3-passenger, Office, 258 Princess street. Phone Smith. Printer Apply to 652. J rm 1 bri, Nght. { Matinee tine He | air iE the 13e y | YER 10% rik! lig ! { COMPETH MID FOR GEVYERAL ¥ Studebaker Touring Car, second + rushers, 151 Wellington street Ww Kk 3 I 1 Cramer nic ho her anmen mH STRIIC | hoses Nx tne who can du plain 4 hand, cheap for quick sale. Also +|pR. J. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, STOR AGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, x ok TI Iv In evening at 23. 4 one 4-cylinder truck. J. H. ¢ $irner Jitincess and Bagot streets dry, alry roms; your own lock and | + Davis, Saxon Distributor. * key. Frosts City Storage. 399 R. J. RODGER «| DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS. DEN. Queen street. Phone 526; res. 989 * Manrg. Optiel « . | GIRL ro HELP WITH GENERAL SEPP E ebb bbb bbb bid tists, 159 Wellington street, G. C. nlx. Opticians snd Optometrists Monday, Tuesday, Wed Wor salary $5 a week. FEE EEee Dewar, D.DS. LDS. assistant [FURNISHED RESIDENCE, 119 EARL abs miles fromm Kingston, Ap- Phone 346. street; brick, 9 rooms, pen fire ncorporated 1855. QE a f h Apply shade retrace -------------------- nesday, i ply Wt hig Office -- places, grounds and . | i" + | BY GEO. A. BATEMANS KSTATE FOR SALE trees R. McCann, 82 Brock | Violet Heming in "The|.. * EY A a aT sob Aeener NEW SOLID BRICK, ON RIDEAU BU Tlone 338 or oii. | R Fi ht." 0 washing nor iron. | asses, BRICK HOU SE. NEARLY NEW, : a 1p thing hew and mod- unning 1gnt, 1 1 s required; wages latest Improvements, 8 rooms, dou- ; DATED Apply to C SerrLt sisi eta IIE b Ap y Box 630 ern, at a bargain th. Apply Box 630 ble lat, Harrison, 108 Rideau street. Phone | Aberdeen Ave. Brick sie SiN es me ww Price $4400 "The Secret Kingdom" = 5 $3000, BRICK. 7 RooMS, ALL IM. 1960. We have several dollars w kiy in own street, an 8 roomed brick hi - Apply the J, K. ( Earl St., brick . .. .. Price $4000 Lonesome Luke ( e Comedy ANY LADY CAN PERM ANENTLY Protein, £23 ana slectrie Nght, ON ALFRED STREET, NEAR EARL Collingwood St., double frame Price $3600 Wop bh 4d, or J DC $3300 DOUBLE STONE ALL IMPROVE- hardwood floors, modern conven- roll Agency, 56 Brock St. 3 oot ao a in free BLE $ = ALL lences and veranda. Apply at 179 Johnson St., double frame . . . .. . Price $4000 | P Lake Ontario ov rode es ments; stable. Eoin Bi) FEELS HEISE plies. Fishing tackle, etc. Frank + THE J.K. CARROLL AGENCY $3000. BRICK, ALL INPROVEMENTS,| {e% SShing tackle fete "rrank | 56 Brock St. Phones: Office 68; Res, 874 874 | T. and Every Ni h electric Mght. ston. Phone se1. nce St. King eyery 'convenience, central loc S - oni ght Ig tion. Apply 243 Broce k street _ $4500, BRICK, 11 ROOMS, ALL IM-|pioNgs AWNINGS, VERANDAM CUR. provements; rear entrance. "talhs, canoes, and camping sup- BOARD AND ROOMS. 0 $1400, FRAME, IMPROVEMENTS, SIX | yopoRr SKIFF, KINGSTON FOUN-| eee at 8.3 rooms. dry engine," good conditim: boat | FURNISHED ROOMS wit HOR Wi ® > : 3.30. haus an be rented asonahl out board. All convenience . Maines BI a 2 3.50 VACANT LOTS, ALL PRICES. Will" sel coeap. | Apply Box 44 of phone Apply 32 Ontario o €cCla mong 1ie elton - Wile Bie home, Avo VAUDEVILLE TO JRA A LARGE NUNBBR OF BICYOL ES, IN- With or without experience, on $20: BRICK HOUSE, NORTH END; ALL cluding the famous Athlete, Over- FINANCIAL Pn, ? » : > i a- FEATURE sewing and knitting machines. jUiprovements; 19 Yooms and at land and Perfect Models; also tires | bleycle accessories =~ Georke| FNONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. Light work; hi -- Hay 7 5 > al ly: Ba Falcum | "Islands PHOTOPLAYS "Wile learning. Apply [|| MONEY 70 1oax er cuammon sr. Sher 3 aie 5 Fron TF | PONTIAC KOA, AN LA VERE while learning. Apply Kingston. - " " Resse president, Colonel H. R. Smith Program Changed: Monday and x : rT CHOICE STOUR oF SANP AND BOAT CMG vice-president, W. F. Nie. | Under the auspices of the Kingston Co- ¥ : stoves, | kle C, Money issued on olty Of f operative Sumner School Thursday. Kingston Hosiery, SITUATION WANTED. buy and sell everything In new and farm properties municipal and STR. THOUSAND ISLANDER, Admission to Park Free if By Street I * it ] and second hand - country debentures; mortgages pur- | . oC etm " 'Thompson, 337 Princess street chased; Investment bonds for | Thursday, July 5th, 1917, will leave Wednesday, COMPETENT BUSINESS MAN, xNOT Phone 1600 sale; deposits received and In Ca [ Swite: s Wharf at 1.45 pu return- | C J) eligible for enMstment: salesman, : : e ' { manager y capacity, open| gy COLLINGWOOD ST. NEAR UNION terest allowed R. C. Cartwright, With each tin of Talcum in our pt , Oc ~~ " ing at p.m. Tickets 30c, for enga nt. Have car to use SLICOL Car The a new pressed brivk manager. $7 Clarence 8t.. Kingston. window we are giving, absolutely | __ _ | = HE TTI 3 ------ ---- l if required Address "ReMable," ACR © de a py ) : Pow Puff. r 4 A Te residence; all new and modern. just | | JyERPOOL, LONDON AND GLO free a Dainty Powder Puff. Popular | care British Whig finished and ready for immediate Fire Insurance Company ASlote > > y Ara odors, Popular makes, Popular tnts. | N WANTED GENERAL pos: fo on Apply C. Harriton, 108 assets $61,187,216. In addition to Your Choice 25¢ New Potatoes, ew Wh t . Goin to TWO BEDROOMS, WITH BOARD, my TEACHER WANTED _ Rideau street. which the policyholders have for y . | at 1s g Lwo young men, mm quiet private - TYPEWRITER S-- NDERWOODS {ND city property, insured at lowest N B | family. Apply Box 64. Whig Office. | FOR 8, 8. NO. 8, TOWNSHIP oF all makes, factory rebuilt. 'Ggar- pussible rates. Before renewing ew Beets ut- | with Normal training School is t £5.00 Will ship on approval 9' rots, ' the Week Commenc- J secoxn-nann vemienr pranos. one mile from city. Apply A. E. arhdian Writing Mackine? Cum: Ae Jom Tenis & Birange, ! ; Eg Agents. Phone 3285. | ter Beans . for cash or in part Jayment vl hew Weller, Kingston Statign. Secre- pany, 25 Adelaide St. west, To- mee mm 5 TEACHER FOR SCHOOL, SECTION SKE ME FOR NEW AND SECOND ------ : Better ask the No. 1, Portland and Kingston, hand sideboards, dressers, couches, 1OUNG GENTLEMAN WISHES COR- security the unlimited Hablliity of Cabbage, New Car- H Duri appen uring Kingston, a second class teacher anteed the eqial of new. $25.00 up old or giving new business get 2? planos and Victrolas. C nd- tary. { mio Cucumbers, Lettuce, Radishes, ng July 9th? say, Limited. 121 Princess street. & PERSONAL Branch Post Office. Asparagus, Tomatoes, Pine- apples, Strawberries, Oranges, D . WANTED TO PURCHASE BY THE with first or second class certi- arior chairs, tables, Singer sew- aughters of the respon wi young lady. Object --~---- Bananas, at THE } Daughters of the Empire, a moor ficate. State qualifications and machin erocker letures, - 7 OHNSON " . . . launch, to 'accommodate thirty | salary expected. Duties to com- oa Rd TAnESS, es ons new Dinter tinny, Address Box 29, Whig Em ire. persons Apply Mrs. Dulr, 180 | mence Sept Ist. Apply O. B. Hen- and second-hand furniture. A YY Bon Marche Grocery | P Princess street derson, Sec, Harrowsmith, Ont Shapiro, 35 Princess street. | HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS ------------------. Phone 1844. Cor. King & Earl || : . and all growths and skin blem- 2 FABM, NORTH HALF LOT 18, orm | ishes removed permanently, with- » - The Leading Florist { . . | Soe asian, tow nanip of P itiaburgh, | out sear; 30 ears' experience. Dr. Wiora! Destgna, Wedding ~ || Hat Cleaning Time FOR SALE od Well fenced, good © builigs | Eimer'). Lake "eoectaitar, NIN -- and Cut Flowers our specialty. Orders $13 000 | conventent to school, church and Siled promptly. Phone 239. {is Broek ' Now is the time to get your straw | cheese factory; best farm in town- ah ARot Street. I", --. reet. . | . or Panama hat cleaned and | ship. Possession in September. Ap- ply, Thomas Todd, Lockmaster, LEG. 10 Y 51 a ts in Panama bleach- A 1916 Studebaker Dievers Milla, Ont Extra Choicest i Sewing machines, Umbrellas, Suit | ear 2 0 fag. Satisfaction guaranteed. ur Sy Wier, first class | 3, x YN NINGHAN, . SARI ER | Cases, T ks repaired and refitted, | rain t. Ki t Japan (Green) Tea, | Baws filed, Knives and scissors New York Hat Clean- head of tiny tn at rns mor mE in 5 Ib Boxes, $1 50 sharpened; Razors honed; All makes | | City of Kingston Deben- ing Co. Sutnide A Nant, The eat of BUSINESS CHANGES of firearms repaired promptly. Locks | of Mra. C. E. Fraltek, Prin repaired; Keys fitted. All makes of | Successors to Faspas Bros. Hat St, near Bath Rd. y /ARNING DON'T INVENT Lipton's Plantation Brand | lawn mowers sharpened and repair tures For Sale. 208 Price ok Business. Boyd' 8 Garage INVESTORS WAR ING DONT INVEST . ~ Finance, and |} n ho fortunes Black Tea, in 23% Ib. Tins, || In Amounts To Suit Purchaser. Five doors 'below Opera House. 129 Brock Street. ASA deh bb Iinante. Ny eusy Sow, fortunm $1.40. When you require Tea { Apply to Free trial subscription. Succesa- | 149 Sydenham Street ACRE I GORDON'S. 0. V. BARTELS, ful Finance, 608 8. Dearborn Bt. | Chicago. 3 - = ity WER mm = is the place to get it. City Treasurer. Po han i$ "Bk Ae J | Te . AA AR AAS rer omr . y cor. iy sgt Sone rots. | FRESH LAKE ON- . zo and Woneton Sons | u~Te _ BABCOCK & SONS, Patents, trade TARIO WHITE- FURNITURE FINISHING marke designs. Estab. 1877. riy Patent Office Examiner. FISH AND TROUT, Rs, ATEN RE (IN ay, og ee 's . ! ry. str |real. Branches: Ottawa, Washington. Watts, te, I All Kinds of Fresh en: Demy = | turn Friday, July 6th, leaving Swift's Funeral Designs and Wedding | Fare, Adul For Inside and Outside Work. Steady Em- WANTED | . - lll Fare, Adults, 75¢, Child- , Bouquet a" Order: | Dominion Fish Co. ff Fare Hults, 456, Child ployment MACHINE OPERATORS FOR SHELL oie. or RC, aur. avout TAXI SERVICE Maple Le a pre ee A Davis & Son, Ld, | Asp: . Fara, Supt. RING 960. AKirgeioh Tannery. CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE COM.- ll Lares Corn Baking Powd er 2 ; oh Rar PANY, LTD. Guiana * No advance in price me = 13c large Caninenn | Men Wanted Announcement POTATOES! 1RBRage, Neves 15.8! ------ am pi nie tn to be derived a cash system. rcs of a AM ATA SESE Kingston is Swift & Co .t Limited 9 at the Armourfes. If tked potatoes from & le eT te Sern nd na Thee ar rn and goo | F. A. Good, Major. Ship] uilding TO ONTAIN THE Sold by the bag or peck. et a rz a FRA | Household Furniture hest Price ; dshin's 1 | WR Bien Company Si I 0s. sviaves | per : J. Turk, Phone 705 r---------- ;

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