5 DAY, JULY 7, 1917. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATUR (THE CONFESSIONS OF ROXANE (By Frances Walter) MARIAM SHOCKS MR. KENWOOD. yur rooms 1 re proved Mariam verely for consent ing to take supper with Mr. Ken- wood, but my lecture affected her as water does a goose's back ! "How ¢an you be so inconsistent, Roxane?" "Did not you and I agree to sce something of th: city's night life. And now thar good fortune has sent us a man to a 'com- pany us would it net be the ight of folly to refuse his invitation?'] { "But is it fair to him?" I objected "He certainly does not look as if he could afford .to entertain us, and it would be criminal to put him to such an expenses merely to: gratify - our whim Besides, it is not at all prudent for us to be going about the streets at night with a young man of ~hom we know nothing." "Roxane. 1 do believe you are try- ing to be unreasonable. This young man is the most inoffensive fellow These days the face needs spec! | that vou ever met. Did you not no- re ne ay 10g Au #5a tice how good and simple he was? skip. Ther despuiling effects are best| He would not harm anything and as for his finances, why that is his own overcome y the application of pure mercodzed wax. This keeps the skin affair. If he chooses to invite us to go with him, I suppose he has count- and pores in A cleanly condition, the complexion beautifully white and spot- ed the cost and feels that he is able to pay it." jess. Discolored, freckled and rough- ened cuticle are actually absorbed by "Well we shall not stay out very long." | declared "l do not think it i. One ounce of mercolized wax, ob- iainable at any drug store, 'sa sufficient very nice for you to be out under such circumstances, but if vou insist ly renovate a soled com- plegion. Tt is used llke cold cream, allowed upon going 1 shall insist that we come home at a respectable hour." remain on over night, and was off ir the moming AS the sk'n tends 10 expand in warm wether, causing "Any old hour is respectable if you are in good company," replied Mariam impudently Then she ad- wrinkles to form, a Food astringent lotion should be used Dissolve 1 oz. powdered saxolite In Ppt. hazel Bathe the face in ded by way of concession. "And I shall be with you." So we went out into the hallway this during the heat of the day or be- fore §Oing out for theatre or social af- where Mr. Kenwood, hat in hand, stood waiting to receive us. He had fair. It is a remarkable skin tightener combed his long locks back over' his and wrinkle eraser. ou will sigh with relief at the first magic touch of D.D.D. the sooth-| high forehead, exchanged his white ing wash of oils. Many of our cus-fg4k bow tie for a flowing black one tomers thank us for this advice. Youl,ng apparently considered himself will" foo. * Try D.D.D. today. We g..csed for any occasion. guarafijee it. Mahood's Deug Store.| «where are we going?" asked Ma- Kfugsto ' ' riam with a nervous little laugh. 1 do hope it is to be a wicked place." "What?" Mr. Kenwood's question was also Theres economy in using When we H.P.--the odds and ends are made simply. delicious with just a few drops of H.P. Sauce. she adked (To Have Perfect Skin Throughout the Summer -- \ icquid Wash --J - p »xelamation He was visibly | * | | Activities of Women | Wash 1 Women operate taxicabs in ington, D.C. Women letter carriers in receive five fiamcs a day The mew Labor party in Rumania is in favor of women suffrage. Over 2,000 women ate employed France 4in the British Admiralty office jeclared Mariam *"T} want to go to the wickedest place in the city." "That {8 hardly a compliment te ne." ventured our companion le admit that I know where that place is weld sufficiént to blast" my reputation at the start 1 am safe. 1 do not know where it : 80 that I cannot comply with your remarkable request." "Well. let us go to some place that is just a little wicked," compromised Mariam. "Surely you know the way to that sort of &n institution, don't you?" But Mr. Kenwood had been more deeply affected by Mariam's request than had at first appeared to be the case. He had become very thought- ful and once or twice cast a side- long glance at my little friend as if attempting to satisfy himself that she was a proper person for him to associate with. The matter evident- ly was a difficult one for him to de- cide, for he uttered only a word here and there, and even when he did speak it was with a manner which showed plainly that his mind was only half on the subject. Fearful that the situation might become seri- cus, | endeavored to explain. "You must not take Miss Howard too seriously," I told him. "She has been tied to parental apron strings all her life and never has seen any- thing of what is commonly called the world. Since she has been he ers she has been eager to go every where that she previously bidden to go. As a matter of fact she does not want to go to a place that you would call wicked. She merely wants to do something tr which she is not accustomed, to go to a Bohemian restaurant, for instance or slip into some cabaret resort tc which her cautious guardian would never have taken her. That is the ex tent of her daring, I am quite sure.' Mr. Kenwood, whose face had clear ed somewhat as 1 proceeded, breath ed -a sigh of relief when the matter Lad been made plain to him. "I thought she was all right,' declared fervently. he (To b2 continued.) With the Fingers ! Says Coms Lift Out Without Any Pain bore corns, hard corns, soft corns or any kind of a corn can shortly be lifted right out with the fingers if! you will apply directly upon the corn a few drops of freezone, says a Cin- cinnat!l authority It is cvialmed that at small cost one can get a quarter of an ounce of freezone at any drug store, which is sufficient to rid one's feet of every corn or callus without pain or sore- ness or the danger of infection. This new drug Is an ether com- pound, and while sticky, dries th: moment it is applied and does not inflame or even irritate the surround- ing tissue. This announcement will interest many women here, for it is said that the present high-heel footwear fix putting corns on practically every wo- man's feet, (Continued from Page 7.) Among those present at the Yacht Club dance on Wednesday evening were: Mrs. R. S. Waldron, Mrs. J. M. Campbell, Capt. and Mrs. Fras- er, Misses Hazel and Doris Browne, Dixon, Gwendolyn and Doris Folg- er, Sybil Kirkpatrick, Helen Camp- bell, Isabelle Waldron, Mary Strange, Katharine Hart, Helen, Edith and Flora Rees (Gananoque), Marion and Edith Macdonald, Kath- aryn Kipp (Gananoque), Elizabeth Cunningham, Margaret Hemming, Mamie Garrett, Ruth Martin, Ethel Kent, Dorothy Chown, Anne Min- nes; Major Goodwin, Major Bird- sall, Captains Grant; Kidd and Bill- ings, and Messrs. George Kirkpat- rick, Courtland Elliott, Douglas Chown, Ayerst McGowan, William Nickle, Harold Hooper, Sherman ill, Leslie Smith, Herbert Steacy, veral American women have decorated by the King of Great n. \ EN you'té not yourself and fesling out of sorts, slightly feverish, sallow complexion, nervous ache or di s ~take a ul ABBEY'S SALT in a glass of " morning Aad Vang : an water, @ The vegular vse of ABBEY'S SALT wilt the intestines clear, sweeten the stomach and promote a vigorous, arth? digestive tn €@ Your Doctor will proudly prescribe ABBEY'S--Wg GuaRANTEE It. In Sealed Bottles : Sold Everywhere . 'as Kenneth Taylor and W. Kent Mac- nee. . - - Mrs. C. W. Livingston returned to Toronto on Friday. Dr. and Mrs. Third, Wellington street, are home from Atlant.c City Mrs. D. J. Macphail. Kingston, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Reginald Brock, in Vancouver. Mrs. Brock's fourteen year old son, Master Will- ett Brock, who entered the naval College at Halifax, headed the boy: in his class in.recent examinations. He is a grandson of Justice Britton. Prof. and Mrs. A. W. Parks and their son, Arthur, Toronto, are guests of Dean and Mrs. Coleman at "Roselawn." . . - Miss Marjorie Reid, Smith's Falls is visiting friends in Kingston for a few days. Rev. Father Kelly is at donia Springs, where he will spend a couple of weeks. Rev. Father Finn, Kingston, is in charge during his absence. Mrs. W. H. Sparling, Winchester, is the guest of Mrs. J. G. Eljiott, Barrie street Cale LE Mr. and Mrs: C. D. MacIntosh re- turned from their wedding trip on Saturday and spent the week-end in Smith's Falls before leaving for their home in Kingston. Mrs. W. Cox, Kingston, is spend- Ign a few days at her home In Smith's Falls. Mrs. J. Stuart McCann, Kingston, and Master David Gillies, son of Major A. B. Gillies, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. David Gillies, Carle- ton Place. Mrs. Robert Irwin and children, Albert street, have returnel home after visiting friends at Selby and vicinity. . . - Mrs. W. A. Bellhouse and Miss Agnes Bellhouse, Earl street, are leaving on Monday for Prince Ed- ward Island to spend the remainder of the summer. Mrs. W. F. C. Whalley, Bagot street, has been spending this week with Mrs. Harry Tandy at her sum- mer home on Wolfe Islahd. Miss Martha Neilson was in town from Conway on Wednesday. . a * Misses Helen, Edith and Flora Rees, Kathryn Kipp, Edith and Marion Macdonald, Gananoque, who were in town for the Yacht Club dance on Wednesday, were the guests of Miss Helen Campbell, Em- ily street. ' Mrs. Clarence Chown, Montreal, is the guest of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lambert, Clergy street. Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Mylks, Willlam street, left yesterday for a ten days' motor trip Twenty Japanese women living mn merican Denver have joined the A Red Cross. & \ Fortunately | unre- | strained by the authority of her eld was for | Women are permitted to serve on the Missouri school boards | The Krupp munition plant in Ger | many now employs over 25,000 women, Miss Molla Bjurstedt is known as the iron woman of tennis. Italy is depending.upon her wom {en to till ¢he soil of that country. ! The repairing of water meters in { Philadelphia is to be done by women ! It is predicted that women work- | ers on thé railways have come to | stay. | Eleven women are now working in | the Erie railroad shops at Cleveland, | There are over 700,000 female | workers in 'Russia subject to factory laws. | Of the 31,819 schoo! teachers in | Ohio there are three women (0 every { man. { When the men barbers in Milwau | kee are called to war women will | take their places. | 'British women are now taking the | places of lumbermen being calied to { the front for war service. Nearly 1,300 women are now working as street-car condud'ors on the Glasgow (Scotland) trolleys. Everyone of the 80,000 National Girl Scouts in this country will be- come an individual gardener. Mrs. Leon 8S. Douglas, of San Rafael, Cal., has subscribed to Lib- erty bonds to the amount of $100, | 000. The United Cigar company has { agreed to pay its women employees on the same basis with the men Women to-day are more skilled in | many respects and more successful {as drivers of motor cars than the male sex. Miss Alice Van Hise, daughter of President Van Hise, of the Univer- sity of Wsconsin, is workng n a pen cannery. AMhough she is now past 82 years of age, Mrs. R. C. Taylor, of Logans- port, Ind., writes a long letter every day to a friend. Shelbyville (Ind.) women are ask- { the new congressman that is to be alegted from that district. Medals are to be .issued by the Australis government to the neare:: women relatives of soldiers of the Australian expeditionary forces. A new woman's town in the valley of the Romanche, a few miles from Gremoble, is one of the évolutions of the munitions campaign in France. The National Union of Teachers, after 40 years of existence, is to have @ woman president, Miss Fisie R Conway having been appointed to the position. A school to teach women to bo street car conductors #5 to be estab- lished under the auspices of the woman's section of the Navy league in New York eity. Miss Clare Lamplugh, who came fom London to California some time ago, has opened an ¥mimal hospital in San Francisco to care for the dumb companions of the society- alect. Miss Annette Moore, who was re cently graduated in law with 64 men in Kansas City, is an accountant in the building and repair department of the board of education in that aity. Miss Kathrine M. Haun of Phil- adelphia, is said to be the highet salaried woman in financial circles. She is treasurer of the E. F. Haugh- ing that théy be allowed to vote for {ion company and receives a salary of | $12,000 a year. { Att a recent meeting in Chicago of { the National Council of Women, re resent'ng some throughout the Un tions were [pas-ed vote energy toward {Ne serving oounity during the war Miss Birdine Bright, factory spector for the board of public we!l-| fare in Kansis City, is making a sur- | vey of employees of stores, factories, restaurants, offices and other places | of business where girls and women | are employed in order to get accurate lists of those who ara getting a wage of less than $8 a week. { - 7,000 008 me sed States, res to d every of tha} in A At Beautiful Bust and Shoulders are possible if you will wear a scientifically constructed Bien Jolie Brassiere. The dragging weight of an unconfined bust so stretches the supporting muscles that the contour of the figure is spoiled, it the bust back where it be- longs, prevent the full bust frome 0 having the dppearance of flab- (BE-AN JO LEK biness, Slain the danger of dragging muscles and confine the BRASSIE § flesh of the shoulder giving a graceful line to the entire upper body. - Thex are the daintiest and most serviceable garments imagi- nable--come in all materials and styles: Cross Back, Hook Front, Surplice, Bandeau, etc. Boned with * Walohn," the rustiess boning --permitting washing without removal. Have your dealer show you Bien Jolie Brassieres, if not stock- ed, we will gladly send him, prepaid, ssmples to show you. BENJAMIN & JOHNES, 51 Warren Street, Newark, N. J. Kodaio Of Your Stair *Of all furniture or woodwork I find the staircase' requires the most attention. It seems every hand in. the house passes up or down the bannisters scveral times a day. Is it any wonder the railing so quickly becomes dulled with finger marks ? dar Polish so dry that a few minutes after I use it, a gloved hand may safely rest upon it." directed on the bottle or can. 25¢. to $3.00 Sizes at your Hardware, Grocery or Lighten the Care gives the staircase a quick, hard, lasting polish-- white In order to get "The O-Cedar Result," and for true economy, use it "The O-Cedar Way"--as And insist on the CORN FLAKES and note how fresh and bright you feel. Also note the economy compared with the cost of other foods. The same ratio of economy will apply'in your home. and green package. Made in Canada for over eleven years. The Battle Creek Toasted Corn Flake Co., Limited. 'Head Office and Factory: London, Out. original in the red, white A i dn