DT THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, Canada, England, United States, Belgium and Spain Feel th War * ILLUSTRATED SECTION. La ad re received in accordance with per- These are doubly anxious days for Spain. King Alfonso in conference with the Prime Minister, Senor Eduardo Dato. The British Recruiting Mission in New York City, where recruits for the British Army a mission granted by the U.S. Congress. eee eee JR ---- | English girls, engaged in the forest of the Marquis of Hertford's Warwickshire estate, cutting and steck- parade, when all branches of the service marched so that ing trench prop poles for the Fremch front. The girls are called by the men working with them United, States marines passing the reviewing stind in Union Square, New York, in the recruiting ; prospective volunteers might see and select the branch they preferred. i y "Woodpeckers." » me TYE os siprimrereas] | --SRWELL