RITISH WHI G, SATURDAY, JULY 7, 1917. _ PAGE SEVEN i re-- A ------ - Brockville, are visiting in Kingston. pbara Bowie, Earl street, are leaving |to spend some time with M Manly Benson, D.D., and Mrs, | next week to visit Mrs. James Redd, | lace Dunlop, Stuart street. g ) 3 Miss Marjarie Lake, Ottawa, is the guest of her parents, Dr. and Mis. E. Lake, Aifred street. . . - - oy 2 andl aaa gd sk a ad o rs. Wa) ov Probs: Local thunder storms; fair and warm. he former residents of Ganan- Essex. } oO n | oque aha Perth, will on Monday, Miss Alda Nicolle, Barrie street, | fittieth | }eft on Thursday for Worcester, ly 9th, -elebrate their bor Grimsby | Mass., where she will be the guest of T'wilight | wedding anniversary at Mrs. Seth Richards Laaaaa Xoo] . . list chur will be St rch, ; burg, Ont. They heartily RE | Mrs. R. W. Rawson, University C ) - | about kK Beach, Ont., where they have had Mrs. George Wood, who fs with their summer home for some forty Miss Bernice Robinson, who has her mother, Mrs. W. A. Claxton, years. Dr. Benson is now pastor of | been m Regina for some time iy re-| Union street, leaves on Tuesday for On Thursday evening, July G5tt Miss Dorothy Tulloch and Miss Made fine Redmond entertained Paul's Methoc Tillson- | turing to town shontly. , Montreal. thirty of their little friends in honor | of their eighth birthday. Many beau- | tiful and dainty presents were receiv | ed. The supper was served on the lawn, the tables being artistically | decorated with patriotic colors After supper the young folks had | their pictures taken by 'Miss Lore * McKenny, and then they enjoyed an | alito ride around the city with W.| Redmond, after which they retumed | to Mrs. Tulloch"s home where music, singing and games were indulged in | I C | Norwich | structor for | '| ronto, wh Mrs to v | have return visit to ongratulated. Major Edmond J. Melville ans, Vi., at present attached University as sanitary medical officers Al- to in- will St. | vistt friends in Kingston and vicinity. He and Mrs. Melville will arrive here July 15th, for a stay Mr. and Mrs. R o 'have been visiting Mr. and M. Ansley, Stuart ed home. - . H greet, Mrs daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) ilover, King street Mr. and Mrs. George Haycock, her of a week. | Mr. and: Mrs. Richard Davis, Sydenham street, are leaving on Monday to visit their daughter, Mrs Schofield, Chicago { Miss Ethel Kent, King street, is in Pembroke the guest of Miss Eleanor McKay, Mr Mrs. W. H. and Macnee, F. Gray of To-| Union street, are leaving on Monday | visit her parents, Mr. for Little Metis. Arthur Martin Toronto for the "Mr. and Mrs, is in town from week-end B. W. Robentson, Bullock, Trenton, is on a | Earl street, are spending a few weeks | St. Catharines, Mrs. R. H. Bobbie returned | at to Toronto to-day Partridge and Master | avenue, has been spending this week | with Miss Nan Skinner at *"Cafar- aqui Lodge." { Miss Dorothy Chown, "Sunnyside," is leaving on Tuesday to visit friénds {in Geneva, N.Y. | Miss Marjorie Campbell is ex- | pected from New York next week to and Mrs. J. | M. Campbell, Emily street. Mr. and Mrs. H. Taylor, Montreal, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. | Taylor, Johnson street. = (Continued on Page 14.) |" psig witrerms iisersn?" FROM 7TO 9.45 O'CLOCK Sensational My Garden Gate. until ten o'clock when the happy | | . rents, Fafter a two weeks visit with Mr. and | Mo vd are visiting $s parents, [2 5 MT. little gathering was brought to a| Montreal. are visiting his parents, oo { Mr. and Mrs Haycock, close by singing the National An inh . | Adolphustown them, 1 Lieut returned Joseph sr., Thoburn Kingston ' | Gus Ottawa, Ross entertained at the tea | hour at Rockwood House on Friday | : ay a y honor io Mrs Greene | Kingston, visited their parents, Mr. al 5 i : of s. Greene p o} TN , and Miss Elsie Greene, London, who | 401d Mrs fol " MacGregor, at C( Week. are her guests, . . Mr Pratt, Mrs. James Wilson, Mrs. Charles Boves, . ® to Mrs. . . - . Kingston, visiting Napanee 8 is Dr. and Mrs, Marshall, Toronto, are visiting in Kingston and Ottawa McGrail, William two Httle daughters, To . T . Mr. and Mrs. E Steacy and | their family are moving into their {new home on King street, next week | Mrs. E. J. Bidwell, Mrs. Jack | Meredith and the Misses Bidwell are camping at Cartwright's Point. Mr. and Mrs. R. WHldron, the Misses Carrie and Ethel Waldron and Miss McKay, expect to leave early in | the week for Algonquit, Maine. Mrs. Pringle returned to Toronto jon Thursday accompanied by her {| daughter, Mrs. J. Munro Sutherland, land Master Douglas, who will be her guests, Miss Jessie Dickson, nurse-in- | traning at the Toronto General Hos- | pital, is expected next week to spend her holidays with her mother, Mrs C. T. Dickson, Alice street. Mrs. J. N. 8. Leslie, Emily street, left yesterday for Petawawa: . . . way you to serve Miss Elizabeth Walsh, Hotel Dieu, | [EE RN daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Cartwright, | Shibley, "Napanee, on Monday Marshall, daughter, adorned the corner now occu- , . 3 have left for a month's visit in made such a succesd of our and it is most gratifying to you, Is spending her holidays with her |' SeiYiin a . mother in Peterboro " nw gay pent Mrs. B. 3 iss Madeline » be ' i wr B: Dillon and Mim Madel ne |a few days th's week with her | University avenue Mrs. M, F. Hughes and Miss 3 | Hughes, Division street, were guests es S jof Mrs. Hughes sister, Mrs. G. W. | Mrs Kingston, is visit- ranc | ing hes Mrs. W. Coates, j aparece Six months ago bill boards Mrs { z street, and her pied by Best's branch, To-day | ' it 1s one of the most popular [ff Fonte and Barrie corners up town. | To the people who have new venture we wish to con- vey our sincare thanks. We are striving each day to give the very best service ever, us to have our efforts so ap- preciated. Use us in every can. We are here ' BEST'S UP TOWN 2018. J. V. Bradshaw, Manager, Phon Mrs. Frank Phillips, Miss Span- lgenburg, Miss Bessie Spangenburg and Miss Jennie Phillips expect to leave next Wednesday for Pine Point, | Maine. Miss Stenson, the guest of Mrs. Waldron, Barrie street, is re- to her home in Rochester, i N.Y., on Monday. | Mrs. R. F. Segsworth left yvester- {day for Toronto after spending the | past week wih her parents, Mr. and | Mrs. W. B. Dalton, Johnson street Mr. and Mrs. William Coverdale, New York, are the guests of Mrs, F. Folger, Sydenham street. | A large number of guests enjoyed the weekly tea at the Yacht Club on Wednesday afternoon. | Mrs. David G. Laidlaw, Earl fl' street, who hms been visiting Mrs. James Leslie in Montreal returned home on Friday. . . RL ARETE CANNOT SEE § R. { turning Maintain the Highest Standard of Quality in Sight Testing, Lens Making, and Eye Glass Fitting Our Charges Are Moderate Our Work Is Guaranteed. Keeley Jr, M.0.D.0. 8 doors shove the Opera House. 238 Princesa Street. Miss Dorothy Burton, who has been Mrs. Charles Livingston's guest accompanied her sister to Toronto. i | Miss Betty Nickle, Earl street, is {the guest of Mrs. W. F. Nickle, at "The Sheiling." / Miss Lilian Foote, Joluue, guest of Miss Creighton at ji | den's House. is the War- . Mrs. Morton Hall and her two mall sons returned on Wednesday rom Minneapolis. Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Connell and Hendry Connell left this week for a motor trip through New York State Miss Mary Going, University av- enue, spent a few days on Wolfe Island this week, the guest of Mrs. Oliver Hawkins. Mrs. Thomas Bowie and Miss Bar- IT LOOKS AS THOUGH 8 f OPTOMETRIST AND OPESCIAN, Garage equipment and tools together with expert mechanics help auto owners to keep down repair bills, We have the best equipped garage between Toronto and Montreal and repair all makes of cars, : We have the largest stock of automobile tires in the city. Our Prices are Right "A call solicited. AR ER A SSA gat Geo. Boy, Proprietor Free Air. has Pres | Kingston, spent this week at the home of Mrs. | Mrs. R. Easton Burns, = Yrontenae street. Miss Sybil Kirkpatrick, who has | been at Petawawa the guest of her | town this week. | . 0 H. . E returned after Mr. and Mrs Kingston, have sperding a few days with the for- mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 3. W, Pettingill, Picton. Mrs. H. A" LeHeup, the guest of her parents, Mrs. Angus Brisbin, Picton. Dr. and Mrs. W. B. Cavanagh and daughter, Camilla, Cornwall, have been spending the week witn friends in Kingston. Mrs. L. R. McDonald, Kingston, spent the week-end with her moth- er, Mrs. A. D. McoPhail, St An- drews,, Mrs. McDonald's two sons, Alex. "and George, will spend the vacation with their grandmother and other friends. - Alma the Kingston, 1s Mr and Picton, fo friends in Miss spending Kingston. Mrs. R. J. Milne and Miss May Roblin, Kingston, are guests for a few days of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roblin, Bloomfield. Mr. and Mrs. James Gibson and two children, Kingston, spent the week-end in Deseronto with Mr. and Mrs. James Barnes. Mrs. G#* son will remain for a few weeks. *. . . Gibson, week with Mrs. W. A. Beecroft is spending a vacation in New York City. Mrs. J the guest of Mrs. Norris Oliphant at Alexandria Bay, N.Y. Miss Helen Darragh, King street, has returned from New York, after spending the past three months wita Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Hill Miss Pthel Donaldson, Edrhonton, arrived in the city on Friday to spend the vacation with her par ents on University avenue. Frederick Warren, Calgary, visiting his parents on Brock streex. He is on sick leave from his bank. * - - Dr. and Mrs. Julien D. Bisson- nette, Stirling, Ont., announce the marriage of their daughter, Flor- ence, to Norman Roy Martin, B.SB.A., on Wednesday, June 27th. Both Dr. Bissonette and his daughter are graduates of Queen's and have many friends in Kingston. FE Mr. and Mrs. John Gardiner. Watertown, N.Y., motored over and spent a few days with relatives In day to their home. SN Miss Edith Davidson, University avenue, left on Thursday for Mount Clemens, Mich., to visit Mrs. Carl Epley. Miss M. Boyd, Sydenham street, has returned from Desboro after visiting Dr. and Mrs. Oldham. Mrs. John Robertson, Gilmom street, Ottawa, is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Henderson, Clergy strees. Misses Ionson and Hunter, Toron- to, leave to-day for their home afie: a two weeks sight-seeing among the islands and other interesting St. Lawrence spots. Mrs. Sperry Shibley, Harrow- smith, fs visiting friends in the city for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Napanee, are visiting 261 University avenue. - - - Laughlin, relatives ac Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert McClymont and daughter, Miss Mina McCly- mont, arrived in the city from Ot- tawa Saturday afternoon, and will spend a couple of weeks with re- latives in Pittsburgh township. Mrs. Benjamin Lamson and small daughter, St. Catharines, are here THEY HAD HIM AT LAST ~ Pettingill, | M. Eastwood, Hamilton, is ts University, | and around the city and returned to- | #| Glacier National Park. rue 3 orence Hess Seldlitz, in Pictorial { Rewiew for July, H | | By Fi Mrs. Filson and Roy MacGregor, | Sister, Mrs. Cecil Adams, returned to] Clematis white and roses circling the | garden gate, | Tiny nests in their branches, where the robins mate, Screened by leaves and petals from the sun's hot ray, | Guarded at night by the starlight, under the milky way. | one I dream when I planted the flow- | ers and arched them overhead? Just for artistic beauty, I had build- ed an altar instead? (For under the sheltering roses, and | under the star's pure light, | The girl with the cheeks of peach | blow, pledged her troth to-night | 'Twas just the same old story, al- ways and ever new, the gate with the love- gleaming from eyes of | The girl at light blue, white flowers turning to Heaven, recording the same old vow, the same stars streaming a blessing, on the girl of then and now | | The | And This morning the rose and clematis | are filling with fragrance the air, The old gate down in the garden, I | open with reverent care, | Every bud and blossom seems bend- | ing as if in prayer, | Since the girl with the love-light in her eyes, planted an altar there. TWELFTH OF JULY. Big Celebration Will Be Held in Kingston. | The-#2th of July celebration will take the form of a grand patriotic procession. Every member is re- | quested to carry a Union Jack. The following is a list of speak- er: R. W. Bro. O. W. Landon, Grand Master; W. E. Tummon, D. {G.M.; J. W. Edwards, M.D., M.P., |D.G.M.; Jas. Berney, PG.M.; W. F. | Fitzgerald, P.G.G.; W. G. Swayne, | D.G.; C. F. D. Woodcock, D.G.C.; | His Worship Bro. J. Hughes, Mayor: | Bro A. M. Rankin, M.P, Bro. A. | Richardson, M.D., WW. F. Nickle, | K.C., M.P., Capt. Dansey and others. The chair will be occupied by R. W. | Bro. Chas. R. Webster, County Mas- | ter. The parade will form at the Mar- | Ket square at one o'clock sharp and | proceed to Victoria park, where ad- {dresses will be made from the grand |stand by the above speakers. | The merchants and business men |are respectively requested to decor- [ate their places of business and resi- jdences for the occasion. DR. 1. G. BOGART INJURED. Ran Into a Telegraph Pole on Fri. day Afternoon. While attempting to prevent his Ford rumabout hitting a young boy, Dr. I. G. Bogart, Wellington street, ran into a telegraph polé af the cor- ner of Victoria and Princess streets and received minor injuries. The accident occurred about 3.30 { o'clock on Friday afternoon when the doctor was making a call. He was Corset Sale ! The biggest corset bargain ever offered to the women of Kingston -- in face of heavy advances in price, we offer tonight a corset that is well made, of heavy fancy coutil, has re-enforced front, four garters, with aluminum steels throughout, in sizes 19 to 27; a regular $1.00 and $1.25 value. Lace and Insertion, Tonight 2c a COAL SHIPMENTS -ARE VERY LIGHT Anthracite Sent Out of Lake Ontario Ports 40,000 Tons Less Than Last Year. Oswego, N.Y. July 7.--Shipments of anthracite coal from Lake Omn- tario ports were lower by 40,000 tons in June this 'year than they were in June, 1916, according to fig- ures compiled to-day, As the spring months are usually the liveliest ones in shipping circles and there is no promise that coal will move faster in the future than in the past, it will be seen that the Canadian coal situation for next winter already looms up as a serious one, with possiblity of much suffering unless the war comes to a speedy end and releases rail tonnage so that the coal can be moved from the mines. The total shipment of anthracite coal from Lake Ontario ports fast month was 860,002 tons, of which 66,- 396 tons went from Oswego and 13,- 606 tons from Fair Haven. Anthra- oite "s not ordinarily shipped from either Big Sodus or Sodus. Of the total shipments 50,344 tons went to Montreal and the balance, with the exception of only about 6,000 tons, to Quebec, Kingston and Torcmto. The 6,000 tons, divided between ail the small St. Lawrence river, Rideau Lakes and Lake Ontario ports, is but a droy in the bucket for eich, and these small places may wiffef even more than the larger places. Te June, 1916, the total shipments were 123,835 tons, of which 95,850 tons went from Oswego. hurrying along the street when a youngster started to run across the street. In order that the Jad might {not be struck and possibly injured, the doctor ran his car into the pole. The éar was smashed, and he him- self received a severe shock as well as injuries to his left arm. The fire {alarm box, No. 24, was also put out of commission but was soon repaired by Chief Armstrong. Summer Excursions to Pacific Coast. And other western points via Grand Trunk Railway. Summer ex- i cursion tickets are now on sale via {Grand Trunk Railway System to | point in Alaska, British Columbia, | Washington, Oregon, California, Co- lorado, also the Calgary, Edmonton, Alta., Yellowstone National Park and Return limit of tickets October 31st, 1917. Stop- over at intermediate points allowed in either direction. For reservations and all information apply to J. B. Hanley, C.P. & T.A., G.T. Ry., Kings ton, Ont. A Well Kept Lawn, One of the best kept lawns is that at the Canadian Pacific Railway Sta- tion, and its cart has brought forth much favorable comment. he lawn care given it and the flower beds, it Is one of the city's beauty spots. This good work on the part of the rail- | way is somewhat marred by the ap- | pearance on Clarence st and it { would Indeed be well if the city | would put their boulevard in shape. { If this portion was some at- tention, it would add much to the ap- pearance of the property. / | It is reported at Copenhagen that | the German chancellor in his speech | Saturday will make new and more | definite declarations concerning | peace. i | When a man gays you are aiways wrong he may be mistaken, but the man who says you are always right is a Har. The dent of the German Farmers' Union says the grain and potato cro outlook is very poor, 'THREE BUILDINGS DESTROYED Loss of $2,500 Suffered at Thousand ' Island Park. Thousand Island Park, N.Y., July | 7.--Fire broke out in the rear of | Nubn's store at Fine View, adjoining Thousand Istand Park, on Thursday afternoon, The volunteer fire department of Thousand Island Park and the sum- mer residents of Fine View respond- ed promptly and at 7 p.m. had the flames under comtrol. Three buildings were burned with a loss estimated at $2,500. There was no insurance. * Prompt action and calm weather probably saved the resort. JAIL BREAKER CAPTURED Mrs, Nettie Schwirtzfinger Located and Semt to Auburn. Waktertown, N.Y., July 7.--Mrs. Nettie Schwartzfinger, who escaped from the county Jil Sunday by cut- ting her way through a tin roof with a can opefier, was captured in this city and was taken back to Auburn | Prison to serve the sentené®-of not | less than on¢ Year and three months el The woman was arrested by Police Lieutenant Gilligan and Deputy Sher- iff Gates 'n an apartment in the Hudson block in lower Court street. to $5.00 for the best. Tonight, 69¢ Yard Or 20c a doz. 3000 yds. French and Nottingham val laces and insertions, from } to 1} inches in width, regularly priced at 4c to 12}c a yard. Tonight 2c or 20c a doz. SR | SUMMER _ Furnishings Just received a large shipment of summer rugs. The famous De Luxe Rug, made by the Crex Carpet Company. Nothing better for bed- rooms and verandahs. Rockers, chairs and- settees--a complete line. Edison Phonographs White Sewing Machines T. F. HARRISON COMPANY Phone 90. Limited. SO il a a HOME PORTRAITS A SPECIALTY $85 per dozen. 11 in. x 14 in: line prints. For engagement apply by to G. BLAKEMORE, KINGSTON. Copies of all my photos in Whig's illustrated supplement may be secar- ed from me. sc i 2 = = BH = = = Es ES Eg = . = & = E = = = \ OUR HAY AND FEED will put flesh on your horse and put him in better shape every way. We supply the feed for many of the. finest horses and you'll find everyone of them looking fine and * dandy. Try it on your horse. It will pay. ---- W. F. McBROOM 48-44 Princess St. \ "Phone 1686. ---- Will find this the best place to buy your Ox- fords for summer wear. Prices range from $4.00 rubber-soled shoes in stock. Full line of canvas,