THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, JULY 7, 1917. N PAGE ELEVEN _ ---- C--------------] R A N D Oh ERA | ncorporated 1855. 172374 Daily tins The Peo le's F r a] " BANK or TORONTO td Ra i aa glu i HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO, CANADA, Gladys Brockwell in! Tad dans Be | ¢ Her Temptation." -- EReTrY ands ... 2 } . i - | A Max Linder Comedy CONDENSED ADV DVERTISING RATES FOR SALE T0 LET "M Taxi" re, Each con Tn TIRE FoR TRF ax In a Taxi First tasertion, ic a wo ~ THES} EFFECTIVE AD -- . ~ And Other Features » tive insertion the: fier, half- litle Once, 26¢; three times bbc; FOUND BARN, Pray Pen ay TO. AF Set Sn) Mdina Berge Jor one week, $1.00. [JI »sv™ or 3 (BILL) ON . Soc win $11 mon : A th oRY. Ap- FURNISHED ROOMS, ALL CONVENI- L nt i" vu Ag « ay avines Actounts ) SOc; wiz $1; one mouth, $2. | DOMINION EXPRESS MONEY OR- Z Ne : . . bank Monday, Toes. and Wed. -- ders are on sale in five Sopa BLA & Cost AND CAMERA, ON ? Apply 5 Aberdeen stree Directors: POLITE VAUDEVILLE HE FANTED offices throughout Canada. Friday cn Clarence street OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM. W. G. GOODBRHAM -... ... ... ... ., . President | A Five Act Photoplay. LP WAN v > Ch TO dock. Owner may have same bers. Apply to A. B. Cunningham, J HENDERSON Vice-President ' 3 : ' - -- STUDEBAKER TOURING CAR IN by calling at Whig Office and 79 Clarence street. WILLIAM STONE, JOHN MACDONALD. LT -CO vVE GOODERHAM, . KITCHEN WOMAN, APPLY RAN. first class condition. Cheap for proving property . Pu 5 NE. oun, Mac } ol ENGLEHART WM. 1 GEAR. PAUI \ Mme. Petrova, in dolph Hotel \ | __Quiek buyer Apply 88 Hay street street. A So.pinivg Awl, APPLY 330 GOOD HOUSE, WELL FURNISHED, J: MYLER, A. H CAMPBELL i pT " on . 7 3, n swell location, for three months. , . . top. @ "" " GENERAL SERVANT. APPL) Ade) GAS RANGE AT 67 GORE STREET. BUNCH OF KEYS ON RING, AT Ane THOS. F. HOW, General Munager. CArA2HN R LAMB, Sup. of Branches | Bridges Burned. JENNER: SER ABE GE AT 07 GONE STULRETL. the Gormer of Unaversity Ave, Apply Box 6618. Whig Office : sbiiink ) | The Pathe News, Comedy and Other | i streel. Phone 326 or 621. A nen Sa at te 5 STORAGE FOR FURNITURE. EK. WA- : 2 J. a ding, then has a clean dry furniture Bankers 100 | MOTORMEN AND COND fUTORS, AP- GENUINE GRARPHONOLA AND T Queen's University. butiding, 442 "Albert street. Phone 5 raivy LONDON, ENGLAND LONDON CITY AND MIDLAND BANK. LTD .. | Matimee Evening 10¢; | ply Siceet Railway Of selections, your owu choice, $27 GENTLEMAN'S SILVER WATCH 2152 NEW YORK NATIONAL BANK OF CHICAGO FIRST NATIONAL BANK. [yar Seme Reserved, S¢ Extra Terms: $5 cash, $1 per week. C. W. \ on Princess street, near 2 TA COMMERCE sn | | Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess St. University. Apply 474 Al STORAGE FOR | URNITURE OR MER- bent street. se, clean and dry. McCann's | i | Goon bogs AL SERVANT. APPLY Georg e B. McKay, Mana ger. Mr Janws Third] Wellington! DOMINION PIANO CASED ORGAN, | SMALL SUM OF MONEY, OWN- lsiate Agency, $2 Brogk St. | almos: new; walnut case Price cr may have same by proving Phones 326 or §21. v mH A HITTIN | 365.35 cash amd Bia Weck, The ll] Frobeny a Sroni tar : utr at. | J. M. Greene Music Co. Ltd. COACH HOUSE, OR PLACE SUIT- MEX HAN AL ENGINEER AT| FOUND AR aoLus ADVER- able for mwtor or storage pur- EE | ©. Apply Kingston Hoslery Co. | 4 NEW SOLID BRICK, ON RIDEAU | TISED Ose r Prive S Mon., Tues.; Wed. » | "street Everything new and mod- Anyone finding anything ana ply Box E- Wiig Ofes: TU AP I ern, at a bargain. Apply. to -C to reach the owner may Feature Phatoplay. MAIDS FOR GENERAL HOSPITAL. Harrison, 108 Rideau gtreet. Phone |] do so by reporting the faots te OFFICE OR SHOP, 133 WELLINGTON "i "Apply Matron, Kingston Geueral| 60. The British Whig. The adver-; S street, lately occupied by John Wm S Hart mn riven unin or | = will be printed tn this Smith, Printer Apply to J Car- onde ' 5 | uapila _ ' | "HEAVEN AND HELL" SWEDEN- | column trie of Charge. --_ ruthers) 151 Wellington street. 6 - Ta 'G = borg"s great work, o he li f- . x » > 4 : ES grea or n the life a Wolf Lowry. : PIG SIR FR NV AIING ON YALE ter death and the world beyond Slade los offs' cattie, horses, STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN You feel na ough there was sand in | | Piincess stieet » 295% Over 400 pages, only 25¢ postpaid. | ete. 1 ese, | Jout, may ad- dry, airy roms; your own lock and your eyes, : (ey : | W. J. Law, 48¢ Euclid Ave. To-| vertised for in the "Lost" column. key Frost's City Storage, 2199 Thene nymptomy m. that your eyes A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- ronto, Ont. Queen street. Phone 526; res. 989 are strained. We w examine them | Matinee 10e, Eveningna 13e. { work, country girl preferred. Ap- CR " by -n und tell you what is the trouble, c | ply Whig Office © FERVISMn hRstprach 1 EARL R J RODGER | Lake Ontario J | OR POLISHER: ALYNO d Places, Jie rounds and" Shade « Je Y ' garderfug A - - rees, cL.ann rd : Ty 4 » oN 3 > COLOREN ENAMEL AMERI( St. Phone 326 or 651. ufg. Opticians and Optometrists, eral Ho tal Kingston AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE + LR mounted on brass, from a - py 132 Princess St. 347 --r-- + of auto Finder kindly return to + | One 4-cylinder S-passenger, ¢ Ov hand, Garage, Wellington St, w » - ------ : | LP IN WAREHOUSE AND| and receive reward * ve > C=" Ser and Every Night st lvpartment. Edwin + Studebaker Touring Car, second & furnished houses onig t, at 8.30 now fan 4+ hand, cheap for quick sale. Also + LADY-S GOLD FLGIN WATCH, HUNT- ranging from $30.00 Jos po ruc Ag case, carved, with gold fob, at per menth. Apply the J. K. M 1 ? + one 4-cylinder t k. J. H.& picnic at SmWh's grove, Wolfe Is- roll Agency, 58 Brock St. mg Wednesd: y 2 3.30. CARTERS WITH THEIR ows out. |¥ Davis, Saxon Distributor, + land, June 27th. Finder kindly om HIGH CLASS | fils to cart coal by the load. James | Tatura, to Whig Office and receive Tedbb dob bd db bbb bbdd 1 |Site Con Lag FEI P ELIE PEPE PIE RI EE ea SE = Bherdeen Ave, B Brick + [Dries $4400 ~ VAUDEVILLE j------------ FOR SALE OR TO LET " Ris | " SEN DENTAL ric FEATURE |GIRL TO HELP WITH GENERAL | --------------------eeeeeooooeoe ro Earl St., ric S bl iio Pri € $4000 | housework: salary $5 a week. |BY AOEO. A. BATEMANS ESTATE rnin a ast View Fark. ood do $3600 abut 4 miles from Kingston. Ap- gency. A. E. KNAPP, BA, LDS, D.D 3 urna ned, as y Collingw t., double frame . . .. rice PHOTOPLAYS [Ply Box i062 Whig Offce ¥ - ARI NEW: Office, 358° Princess strest. Pons For Tuither particulars, apply to E V, r as. McKa) or © Johnson St., double frame .. .... .. Price $4000 Program Changed Monday and | 8 BRICK HOUSE. NuARLY Ew. 462 ursday. | AT ONCE--A GOOD SMART BOY, 14 ble lot. DR. J. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, \dmisston to Park Free if By Street | or 15 years of age, for Petawawa = corner Princess and Bagot streets. BOARD AND ROOMS. THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY Camp. Boy with bicydle preferred. | $3000, BRICK, 7 Roows, ALL nit Phone 626. Wednesday, Chlld 1-Cent Day on | Apply Coliege Book Store. provements, gas and electric light, 56 Brock St. Phones: Office 68; Res, 874 C lot 33 x 132; side lame. DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN-| FIRST CLASS ROARD AND ROOMS, i hy ONCE, AN EXPERIENCED -- tists, 159 Wellington street, G. C. every convenience, central loca- cheese maker for the Collins Bay [$3300 DOUBLE STONE ALL IMPROVE- Dewar, DDS, LDS, assistant tion. Apply 243 Brock street. » Cheese Factory. D, Bauder, presi- ments; stable. Phone 3485. | dent Phone 1107, ning 16 -- eCla { . A GENERAL SERVA ANT To ao $4300, BRICK, 11 ROOMS, ALL IM- Fl RNISHED ROOMS WITH OR WITH. : GENERA SERVAN » TO ments; rea, Atrance. out LT A conveniences | What 18 Going to the country Good wages to a Provemen r - ee FOR SALE of Pr Apply 32 Ontario Bu | capable woman. Apply in the en - | $3000, BRICK, ALL IMPROVEMENTS: | --oormm-- 0 AWNING FOR SALE west, or phone 1903. T 1 | LOCOMOTIVE | Happen During ening, Mrs. Kilborn, 344 King St electric ight "a HO a ING VR sil EA | | - ow or private house. Size about NA) a cum | ! the Week Commenc A YOUNG GIRL ABOUT 16 YEARS si. rman, 1 IMPROVEMENTS, SIX 12 feet. Apply 78 Division St FINANCIAL : to assist in general house- a ----. ng July 9th? , One who can wleep at home. | VACANT LOTS, ALL PRICES. UN ALFRED STREET, NEAR EARL. ,. . 'ic S\FE TO SEND A | . ces required. Apply Mrs -- street, an § roomed brick hiwuse i An Exp "M y Order r { Better ask the Prevost, 113 Earl street ' " hardwood floors, modern conven- ominton Express Money - e rr ---- ig ess TO RENT. fences and veranda. Apply at 179 Five dollars cists three cen ' | } J Johnson street. Daughters of the $20: BRICK HOUSE, NORTH END; ALL ANY LADY CAN tmprovements; 10 rooms and sta- - . With each tin of Talcum in our Li ited Empire earn twenty TERRA ENTLY ble. ICE CREAM SODA OUTKFIT CoM- FRONTENAC, LOAN AND Aves Vinay we are giving Susolisty mi : Sle huarivod, "Particulars free. | MONEY TO LOAN, 87 CLARENCE ST. Rs a ne Rag Bade president, € Colonel H. R._ Smith, free a Dainty Powder Puff. Popular ------ | or Spare ime, culars free . cash p Ewart 7 CM.G.: vice-president, W. F. Nio- y pu Food Products Distributors, Kingston. hast, Aly 1. Ewarte, Ito kle. K.C. Money issued on olty and farm properties, municipal and odors, Popular makes, Popular tints. | Purchase of Bonds for Brantford. Ontanio, . { y L l w DHE) ANTED. TINTS, AWNINGS, VERANDAH n- {eountry debentures, mortgages pur. Your Choice, 25¢c. | Sinking Fund. SAT Win' unioes. end, camping, sup | ~chajed investment binds, for o = ishing tack ete, Fran eposits re > Qual Jarre HR "HER FOR S. S. NO. W. Cooke. 3 vento St. King. terest allowed. R. C. Cartwright, } | The undersigned has in its hands for i Be TE ALP, sting salary ston. Phone 891. manager, §7 Clarence St. Kingston. 9 investment under the Suron of wh Mortguge, dated the 1st day of Nov- = A LARGE NUMBER OF BIC YCLES, IN- 0ag S rg ore ember, 1811, and made by the Canadian | » @ALINED TEACHLR FOR 5 3 : cluding the famous Athlete, Over- | LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND Lon Locomotive Company, Limited, to the | Yer annum avibe to Dots ai land and Perfect Models; also tires Fire Fe aA aitro to Branch Post Office. undersigned, to secure an issue of its "ed ApTIY to Wim Ritchie. Boo and bicycle accessories. Geurpe whien oy gh ders have for 3 t [11 which the pyolicyho Muller, 373 King St. Phone 1032. security the unlimited Hability of OE Sinisa Mreter four Wah on us reas. Perit Bond, Out: ow sum of approximately Fifteen Thous- . th or without experience, on s ' N » | CHOICE STOCK OF CAMP AND BOAT city property, Insur and, Five Hundred Dollars ($15.500.00). | sewing and knitting machines. [|| © Kren Sut 4TOWNIHIE Ov Stoves, china cabinets We also| ~~ pussible rates Before renewing Offerings of bonds for sale will be| The Orangemen of the city lodges rw] ak: a las professional rainng a buy and sell everything In new old or giving new bunueN A received by the undersigned uit its of- | will meet at the Orange Hall, Princess wy; ighest wages paid ||| rv, $700 a Apply ) And second hand furniture J Ttwles from Strange & range . $7 per annum. Apply 237 Agents. Phone 325. fice, Toronto, Canada, up to and in-| street, me 10 Sunday morn- while learnin . Appl Ri Thompson, Princess street. | Fisive of the hh Jay of July. 1917 ) | =, July 8 ™, ic Y ser oi io 8 Pry | Riley, Sec.-Treas, Cutgraqul. " Phone 1800, | Et Jach-offer 1 be deemed to include | in St. Luke's church, or. Princess and | % _ The Leading Florist _ accrued Interest and. fo be for. the | Neletnb oom o cess an Kingston Hosiery, [|* jsurmn aercamm vans. 5. | oo os 7 NEA ToS LEGAL whole, or any pant, of the amount of-! "Prue Blues, Prentice Boys and Ports. Li it 1 | . Duties to commence Sept. Sireet car line, a new pressed brick semen WwW, Bouque eddt 8 | fered at the rate specified fn the offer. | mouth Brethren cordially invited to at- Salary $500 per vear Ap- recidence: all new and modern, just A B. C UNNINGHAMN, » finished and ready for immediate . > Law office, 79 Clar- and solicitor . Designa, ay Flowers our Orders , DebMvery of bonds and payment there- | tend. ry WL H. Ke Pp, oN -Tre Siled promptly. Phone 230. 115 Broek | , Delivery of bonds and | office of the| W J. HARRIS, R. McCORK ELL, ----------------------) an, ong, Fompedy, * Sec Tray. possesalon. Apply C. Harrison, 108 ence street. Kingston. Street, Trustee, Toronto, Canada | District Master District Secretary. | em Rideau street. ' The undersigned) does not bind itself a at tat at tata FOR 8S, S. NO. Ss, TOWNSHIP OF to accept the lawest or any tender Kingston, a second class teacher |SEE ME FOR NEW AND SECOND 'SINESS CHANC Dated at Toronto, July 3rd, 1917. ARCHITECT { with Normal training School is hand gideboards, dressers, couches, BUSINESS CHANCES one mile from city. Apply A. E parior chairs, tables, Singer sew- -- TOUR ot T or TOWN SUPPLIES . ' ) POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER- : icest 3 Weller, Kingston , Statfon, Secre- ang machlones, crockery, ictures, National Trust Com- ra ance Baik Bulld'ne, corser| lie. . 0." Beers | Er CkeT, Dictures in Domnkon Fxpess Money Or £lon streets. and second-hand furniture. A Sin 1 dollars costs three Japan (Green) Tea, | pany, . Limited, - REO : TEACHER FOR SCHOOL SECTION Shapiro, 35 Princess street. ents oo oo . A ' Re No. 1, Portland and 12, Kingston, nS Ib Boxes, $1.50 18 King street, Than Toronto, Cahada, ~~" 4 FURNITURE FINISHING | with first or secoud class certi- | FARM, NORTH HALF LOT 19, 4TH no BY ficate. State qualifications and concession, township of Pittsburgh, INVESTORS A Be a a un O Lipton's Plantation Brand P. DRISCOLL, FURNITURE BINGE. | salary expected. Duties to com- 100 acres, more or } well war one cent or. San or @rop a card. 33 John mence Sept. Ist. Apply O. B. HHen- ed, well fenced. good butldings, Finance, and learn pow, fortunes LO Black Tea, in 234 Ib. Tins, Military Hospitals Com- Stree derson, See, Harrowsmith, Ont convendent to school, church and sre made and lost by cheese factory: best farm in town- Free trial subscription. Buccess- ful Finance, 608 8 Dearborn St, $1.40. When you require Tea d : mn ship. Possession in Beptemboer. Ap- mission Comman ly. Thomas Todd, Lockmaster, Chicago errs GORDON'S. Decoration of Graves by Canada ' rewers Mills, Om. pret orsm--- Cor. 5 phyA ta. . Bay ntreal Phone 88. . the Oddfellows Gantraciors Alientiond Twe hundred houses required » I A veml lots will take place Notice 0 Re- head of Princess ret he in Tremnton. Substantial assiet- ing ly Sth. Vans will leave ontelde elty limits... The best of ance given bullders. Write or Ly A » elock. An Sadteliows and » garden land; city water. Inquire * el a" rg [marin men wie EE turned Soldiers BL SE fad he Pr W atts rp ST Brie | mare ste - . retary of Committee, Retu whe ha 9 nst » discharged, whether peasioncd or call on Robt. DD. Preston, Market Square, Trenton, for further particulars, Fresh Cut Flowers Dail Tari meant: SNe tomething to Fhe . v Funeral Designs and Wedding sr ction Sal Went he faery eye ments by Sewling ts Inside and Outside Work. Steady Em- Bouquets to Order. July 11th, 10 ry ' come In person, send ad- : ployment. ~ WANTED iw orurwith, catdnet grand. plano, wal: dress or telephone. HEI i nut si parior suite, ton and us ( P ---------- fo wal carpel. curcaina F. A. Good, Major. MACHINE OPERATURS FOR 'S TAXI SERVICE | /;xiensr, ravie; oak Soquer Siners Swat Yorloy alter avis & Son Ltd DEPARTMENT. RING 960. EA Aer (Radi SA WANTED GENERAL § TatlLny Apply: J. Farrar, Supt. dreamers yore, ollciot - Kingston IE hee, an piste enameed Ware. | GRANDE THEN TIS Te moos Tannery. CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE COM- Lom jars, lawn mower and tools. order. Box ABC. Whig "Office. PANY, LTD. ae . ALLEN, The Auctioneer, All Large Cars Telephone 232, Anime SECOND HAND WHEEL 1 Used. . "Box 17, Whig ante a Kingston .. ' Ontario Huo Cleaning Time ! SECOND HAND SAFE. Ap. | if Kingston Taxi Cab Now ig the time to get your straw 8 EN ren Amores : en C or med and . Shh ieee i Panama hat cles >- UPRIG New York Hat Clean- POTATOES! Cleaning Bostncas, pad lt hes blem- [ ; | Starting May 3 heat oales will 56 For cash. Rand : 'We propose to share with our customers the bene- : Ba fits to be derived from a cash system. We have received a FER : : shipment of choice hand a h s eked" pmo" tom | STRAW BERRIES | Emincenssd 7 oF 2TH Jas. Swift & Co, Tw 5 ----| Shipbuilding 7 | Said by the bag or peck. Anderson Bros. Phones 458-1846,