Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Jul 1917, p. 18

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PAGE SIX ---- | News From E astern Ontario | NES FROM THE DISTRICT FROM THR WHIGS OLIPPED MANY BRIGHT EXCHANGES, In Briet Form the Events In The Country About Kingston Are Told | ~--Full of Interest to Many. In Arnprior's new band there are twelve brass instruments, eight re eds | and two drums. The band has made | good progress under'Capt Misg Minnie Lisk, younger sister of the Lisks of Eganville, John, A. E., James and Herman, has been in France for seme long time as a nurse At Public meeting of the __Eganville School Board George Reeves was appointed @geretary-treasurer to fill the position "made vacant the resignation 'of Gustave Tank Rev. Mr. Eades, Eganville, listed and necessitated a change the pastorate of Braeside mission. Rev, W. J. Braeside, has been sent to Eganville and J. R. Wheeler, student in charge of Philipsburg, Que., will take work at Braeside a by has en in NEWS OF VERONA Death at the Front of Walter Burt- | chell, High Falls. Verona, July 7.---The rains greatly beautified the appearance the gardens. Root crops promise be in abundance. A. J. Johnston and daughter, Nettie, Kingston, accompanied Miss Martha McKee and Dr. William H. Johnston, Boston, arrived have to Miss day at Fourteen Island Lake to spend | Miss | several weeks at their cottage Jean Johnston, Kingston, and Sergt Pringle of the Engineering Corps, Barriefield camp, arrived last night to spend the week end. 'The Free Methodists are their annual camp meeting this on the old camp grounds, South ona The sad news has arrived to friends of Walter Burtchell of High Falls that he is among those who have paid the supreme sacrifice somewhere in France, a Royal Arch member of the Orange order here and was possessed of many friends who all regret his death. All friends are pleased Mrs. R. E. General Hospital Congratulations to Miss Grace Storms on having completed a three- year course as nurse-in-training in the Hotel Dieu, Hospital, Kingston. She is spending a few weeks "with her parents and other relatives, arm---- Brockville Held Spring Fours. Brockville, July 9.--The Brock- ville Rowing Club pulled off a suc cessful spring regatta for fours.. In all nine crews competed, the finals narrowing down to crews stroked by J. Curran and Craig Garret. Afté: an exciting race, the former won the medals presented by Judge Mc Donald In the boat with Curran were 8S. Barton, C. W. Seace and W. G.. Osmond week Ver- to --------ne ~~ Albertson. | at *| when Methodist | Westaway, | up | of | by | Mon- | | holding | Walter was | hear | Curl is improving in the | luNKNOWN MAN UNDER ARREST DIES SUDDENLY John Thompson 'Claimed to | Have Been Recently Em- ployed in Toronto. Belleville, ifternoon a man Jo hn Thompson thplace, with 1 Canada, w July 10 On, Friday who gave his name and Scotland as no particular 8 pl aced under { In man convul- condition Jecoming ynveyed to the hos- pital in an ambulance, but was dead the institution was reached. An inquest was held last evening, | presided over hy Dr. Yeomans, corn- {ner. The jury returned a verdict of | death from epileptic convulsions, in- | duced by urinic poisoning The man gave his age a He was of medium , partially bald, blue eyes, and rather fair com- plexion. He had nothing upon him | tn give any clue as to his identity He told the police officer that the {day previous to his arrest he came rom Toronto, where he had been working It | was ta | ken seriously | sions His | worse, he was ¢« ls 3155 years hei Turkish Troops Starving. 10 According to from Asia Minor, | the Turkish army is in the most serious plight of any period of the war on account of the depletion of man-power from the ravages of epli- demics and from actual starvation |as a result of the failure of the com- missariat. The spread of mutinies among Arab and Kurd troops has become so alarming that Enver | Pasha, the Turkish War Minister, is [rushing to Mesopotamia in an effort to cope with them. Salonika, July reliable advices Drowned at Bobea aygeon. Ont., July 9 Judge, son of Mr. Judge, Toronto, was drowned Friday in Sturgeon [Lake oft Birch Point. He had been | holidaying at Bobcaygeon, and {along with another young man was | spe nding the afternoon at the point. He went out in the canoe to get a | pail of water, and when dipping it [up fell overboard, and being unable Ito swim he sank simost immediate- ily The young fellow was employ- ed in the Bank of Toronto. Brockville Man Auto Victim. - Brockville, July 10--Henry Moul- ton, of Prescott, while making a turn on the King street thoroughfare, col- lided with a car, owned by Mark Workman, Montreal. Both autos were considerably damaged. At pol- | ice headquarters statements of the | accident were heard, and it is was agreed that as the drivers were equ- ally to blame each should pay their own costs, lindsay, Frank NN. The location of an 'outlaw wire less plant" in Noank woods, nine | miles east of New London, Conn. re- sulted in the arrest of Otto Schrimm and his twin =ons, Otto and William, native Germans employed in fac- tories, mm. mt HOME PORTRAITS A SPECIALTY $35 per dozen. 11 in. x 14 in. line prints. For engagement apply by letter to G. BLAKEMORE, KINGSTON. Coples of all my photos in Whig's lllustrated supplement may be secur. ed from me. 1 q Manf'g. 132 Princess St. J Are your best friends. Take care of them. You can have your eyes examined by our optometrist and know that your glasses will be right. R. J. RODGER Opticians and Optometriats. Phone 347 Summer Dresses and Skirts a For Ladies It is their actual p and Misses. rice which goupts. See our window, It will pay you. White Voile Dresses in amdftest styles. Colored Muslin Dresses in dainty de- signs. lin Dresses Flowered, High Waisted, Misses' Mus- «Our price $5.50. Tan Linen Dresses, with new pocket, pleated style, wide belt. Our price $3.75. Fancy Skirts, to clear, $2:49 and $4. =. AT MENDELS Oepsaite Randolph Hotel » "438 Princess, Street A A rs one te pp SA THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, JULY 10, 1917. CAPT. KIDD IS APPOINTED OF 3. OFFICER No. CASU AUTIES MILITARY DISTRICT Has Been ADA. to Gen. Hemming ~--Was at the Front With the 2nd Canadian Battalion. | Captain Thomas Ashmore Kidd. aide-de-camp to Brig.-Gen. T. D. R Hemming, G.O.C., has been appoint- ed casualties officer of military dis- trict No. 3, and will assume the rank of major. The recipient went overseas the first Canad an contingent Valcartier as a subaltern of the 2nd Eastern Ontario Bat- He was a brother officer to the late Capt. George T. Richardson and the late Lieut. H. Stewart, who left Kingston at the same time and went into that unit. After being at the front for a number of months he was wounded in the head and side, and was in- valided to England, coming later to Canada. While at-his home at Bur- ritt's Rapids, near Renfrew, he started recruiting for the 156th Bat- talion His work was very satis- factory, and many of the men of Lieut.-Col! T. C. D. Bedell's late command were signed up as a result of -his efforts. When the 156th Bat- talion cam= to Barrifield camp, Col. Bedell, at the request of Gen. Hem- ming, mentioned him as a suitable orderly officer, and the appointment, was confirmed. : Since that time Capt. Kidd has been orderly officer or A.D.C. to the G.0.C., and in that position has tak- en a great amount of work off the shoulders of Gen.» Hemming by at- tending to requests made by the mothers, sisters and other relaiives and friends 'of soldiers in units of this district. Major Kidd will now take up this work as part of his department, and will attend to such matters as en- suring the correctness of records, transfers, etc., in the cases of units proceeding overseas, of casualties, absentees or others left behind when units leave for England. Beside this there.will also bg cases of men who are waiting for 'transfer, dis charge or disposal in various ways This office will also probably look after the paying of officers in Can- ada on leave who are detained for medical treatment, etc. Major Kidd is a brother of Major W. E. Kidd, M.C., who left Kingston as chaplain of the 21st Battalion Major T. A. Kidd has reached a very high position in fraternal work, being now Grand Master of the Young Britona of Canada. AS with from now STOCK MARKETS, Quotations Furnished by Bongard, Ryerson & Co., 44 Clarence St., Howard 8. Folger, Manager. New York Stocks. Open 2.45 ps 10014 707% 101% 24% 28 3 85 88 7% 94% 92% 135% 154% 70 79% 130 835% 40 44% 97% 90% 124% 108 61 Rtchison B.&O. .. Atlantic Gulf Erie Marine . Hayine pie. Y, C = Nine .. Southern Pac Union Pac. Alcohol Am. Loco. Anaconda .. . Beth. Steel ** b" Crucible .. Inter. Nickel Kennicott Mexican Pet Rep. Steel UJ. 8. Steel Utah Midvale 124% Canadian Stocks. 401% 61 42% Brazilian Can. Cement Steamship Loco .. . Smelters Steel Maple Leaf .. Nova Scotia Steel. 'Steel of Canada 26% 60 106a 96% 57% 59% 96 5T% Late: Mrs. Richmond, Marlbank. Margaret Ann Abbott, who passed away April 12th at Marlbank, was born in Richmond in 1858. As a girl she gave her heart to God, and until her death was a faithful fol- lower of her Saviour. In May 1880 she was married to George E. Rich- mond, and for thirty-seven years proved herself a helpmate. For twenty-eight years they lived one and a half miles east of Grieves' Corners, Roblin Road. Mrs. Rich- mond was a blessing 'to the com- munity. When her husband was sent by the Methodist church to . Mountain Grove mission she accom- {panied him, and while there, and i later at Arden and Cordova Mines, i won the same esteem that had been hers in the 'home community. | A long illness from heart trouble did not shake her trust in God or her gentleness, and she gied as she had lived. Her husba and one sister, Mrs. Hiram Stafford, Mount Pleasant, are her only near rela- ; tives living. The remains were laid jto rest in Riverview cemetery, Nap- janee. i Lieut. Edward Mackay in Hospital. Renfrew, July 9.----Mrs. Edward | Mackay has received word from her ison, Lieut. Edward Mackay, that he lis in an hospital in France, suffer- ing from trench fever.. He speaks ;of having sent a cablegram to that jotfeet, but that message did not reach his mother, and the first in- timation of his condition--though { not of his exact 'whereabouts--came in the letter she received last week, 'and which had been written on June 8th. Don't wait for great opportuni- ties. A long continuous walk. wi! get you over more ground than a short run. { The rich man who has nothing to do and the poor man who can get nothing to do are to be pitied: | A gentleman is a human being "combining a woman's gentlepess 'dnd' a man's courage. You may have noticed tha® the "road to success is shy of rapid tram- sit facilities. 2 FINE AUTOMOBILES HERE MILITARY HOSPIT A ALS COMMIS | SION RECEIVE MOTORS Artillery Park Gun he ! Has Deen Loaned to the Commission for the Work. As part which will be the Military command here Cadillacs, one two Ford cars for instruction that they may be life fitted would not be course was not disability of m fits them for t} previous to their Through } Hunter Ogilvie, shed of the R.C.H has been loaned temporarily This ably adapted to ti be equipped with cessary, and as the cars will be assembled. Major Good, vocational time ago, of the work. man to ascertain h ous lines of work. ference to any desire on t the men for any parti of work instruction in that will be given. The the cars mentioned chanical course training scheme, be such subjects graphy, telephony, taught. of to Ope pa dism shir is of the but as wir stenog BASEBALL RECORD. International League. Toronto 10 Buffa Rochester 2 Montrea Providence Baltimore National League. New York . 3 Cincinnati ... 4 Eost St. LL American League. Philadelphia 5 Chica Cleveland 1 Bo Washington 8-2 Det New York 2 St Sent Money to Postmaster, ames ed a letter from Mrs of East Cambridge, M a cheque for $5, whi to be used on behalf of wounded soldiers Stewart handed Lieut.<Col. W. T. Gonnell mand of the Queen's Univ pital. the com sity" Hos te a tPA ta PROF. STAFFORD F. who has been awarded gold medal and £800 by the University of Of Queen's University, | popularity THE LATE LIEUT. 4 A. REED. Floral Funeral on Saturday. of ¢ on Reed List of Kingston; Heundarson, ¢ Reed, ony ouise was a conducted an Starr, by ass'sted Cecil Whal- ge's Cathedral of 1e deceased was a The pall-bearers cers of the deceased, Capt, Campion, | ieat. Emery, Lijeut. and Lieut. Mul- pany. The band nent turned out in ympanied the to Cataradgai hurial nt, volleys ks and Rev the n of the imanded attendance thre mgs of cit 8 1 8 € from h cathedral to at and ung the the witness the fi ral tested procession ghest steem the deceased yo to the of { office 8 ny, design I'he who sent (daddy) father ; Cross Mill family; ing W in of Ke I'he floral eff and beautiful names ot sole hos flowers are: Br n heart wile ¢ i and n M John gates and wreat hor, haomag H ind Cok. W. J 14th Mrs Mrs. Jack Mrs. Wari O's. and men of John Ler Mi tnd tell; NC iment Guards; R. Reed, Henderson, Wis Reed, Mrs. M. A Paynter, Mrs S and Mrs. A. Rout cMroand Mrs, 8 Randall, Mr. and Mrs. M and Mrs. Staff M: [.ione] Ss John Gordon, iniily, Misses B. and Mrs. B. Mc- Mrs. James H. Lem Mr. and Mrs. Grimshaw, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. spie, Mr. and George Clena- nt I's Kune, Mr. and mon, C | Connell Mrs. W. Rollow Mrs. F. T. river, rtie Paynter Bért G Paynter and KIRKPATRICK Toronto for inventing a new and improved process for the precipitation of silver from its salution in th the ores of Cobalt. Tributes--Military | han \ an, | Mr | Me the | by | pedoed, and Russell WW! Mrs 211 Grimshaw, Mrs Whitney r. and Nic M Mrs ite ana and H Mr Mrs Mrs. H and Mrs. | Charle WILL TRAIN IN CANADA Aviation Officers From U.S, "Snelling, Minn., July student officers from d at the Student Coming Ninety 10 Fort Cama it Was Pally and To Fort Ninety Snelling will dian aviation camp at Toronto, learned here The men origi destined for Columbus, Ohio, Princeton, N.J., will be sent be t to { ronto, Sir Montagu Allan Loses Son. Montreal, July 10.--Flight Lieut. Hugh Allan, only son of Sir Montagu Allan, was killed in France on Fri day last according to word received in Montreal yesterday. This is the third bereavement that the war has | brought to Sir Montagu aud | Allan, two young daughters having been lost when the Lusitania was tor Lady Allan being badly in | jured at the time. took | "heads the up the When pride pover brin rear. procession, | FRESH LAKE ON- TARIO WHITE- FISH AND TROUT © All Kinds of Fresh Fish. Dominion Fish Co. "Ranks with the Strongest' HUDSON BAY Insurance Company u Fi E INSURANCE Lady . H. GODWIN & SONS AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. ¢ | | ~~ een EE firing | streets Mills | Battalion; | sheaf, | Mc- | rd | McFadden and | Mec- | | 7 ASK YOUR GROCER FOR CHARM TEA IN PACKAGES. Black, Green and Mixed Packed in King- ston, GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, Limited. in 0" can and PlayerPiano Supremacy Supremacy in construction, in beayty and breadth of tone, action, in expression capabili- ites, 'in "durability, and in beauty, is conceded to the Feintzman Hlayer-Fiann The tone, action, and beauty of design, is that of the famous Heintzman piano The Player-action is the re- nowned Heintzman patented aluminum action that can never be troubled with air leakage and conse- quent loss of action that is "trouble-proof." 121 Princess Street, delicacy and strength of " & @n. The Different Player-FPiano" no more be said on that score. the action volume --the "wear-prool," and " weather-proof C. W. LINDSAY Limited. PRETTY TOWN OF F EUCHY LAID BARD DURING DESPERATE FIGHT pt A ts ING OF DAY? The ruins of Feehy show .cleirly that the fi War has played havoe distance west of Fampoux, - ghting in that vicinity mast have been of a desperate nature, Feuchy lies a short withthe once ' beautifol town, as is: indicated in 'the picture.

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