Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Jul 1917, p. 19

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Co ------ i pr gd BANK or TORONTO HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO, CANADA, Capital . . . dun £5,000,000 Reserved | ands ra $6,430,382 THRIFT THR IF T HABIT is the root of business suc A Bank of Toronte savings ace jersistence and your success ls asjure © sums invited a fm branches of this bank Directors: . Preside Vice-Preside GOODERH oo DONA LD GEAK, PAUL iL. EN LT i. JOHN MAC vB NGLEHART W I 8. MEIGHEN, J {. CAMPBELL Manager T. A. BIRD, C ~ Bankers: LONDON CITY AND MIDLAN BANK OF CHICAGO FIRS George B. McKay, Manager. A OUR HAY AND FEED JOHN HR. LAMB of Branches hief Inwpect eheral sup D BANK, L7 ENGLAND TI NATION AL ATIONAL BANK YORK J EN ROE will put flesh on your horse and put him in better shape every way. We supply the feed for many of the finest horses you'll find everyone of them fine and dandy Try it on horse It will pay and looking your W. F. McBROOM _ Phone 1688. FOR SALE Aberdeen Ave., Brick \ Earl St., brick . Collingwood St., double frame . Price $3600 _ Johnson St., double frame .. . .. Price $4000 THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY 56 Brock St. Phones: Office 6 68; 8; Res, 874 Hr Special Talcum 42-44 Princess a Price $4400 . Price $4000 r--t mn Military Hospitals Com-| mission Command, Canada With each tin of Talcum in our | " window we are giving, absolutely | free a Dainty Powder Puff. Popular odors, Popular makes, Popular tints, Your Choice, 25¢. . our Thole turned Soldiers Hoag's Drug Store .coc ez x. diaehurgey, may learn someth Branch Post Office, I F.J. JOHNSON The Leading Florist Floral Bouquets and Cut Pa. our bhi Ty Orders Sled promptly. Phone 239. 115 Broek treet, Armouries. If 1] e to come In person, send ad- dress or telephone, F. A. Good, Major. District Voeatiohal Officer, Extra Choicest Japan (Green) Tea, in 5 Ib Boxes, $1.50 Lipton's Plantation Brand Black Tea, in 23 Ib. Tins, $1.40. When you require Tea GORDON'S. ' is the place to get it. Cor. Bay asd Montreal Streets. Phone 88, | - Notice To Re- 12th of THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, JULY 10, 1917. OPERA | 'GRAND A 2.30 PM. CONTINUOUS, INE Daily Performance [Mopday, Tues. and Wed. POLITE VAUDEVILLE A Five Act Photoplay. HOUSE| The People's F | CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES | First insertion, Iv a "word. Eath con-| secutive lmsertion thereafter, haif- cent a word. Minimum charge for one imsertion, 235¢; three ingertions, | S0c; six $1; one month, $2. Mme. Petrova, in . " | "Bridges Burned. | The Pathe News, Comedy and Other | Photoplay S. | Thur., Friday, Saturday | | POLITE VAUDEVILLE A Five Act Photoplay Lv (« OOK, | "The Final Settlement" | GF ER SERVANT | The Pathe News, Comedy, and Other | 100 | Matinee Eveniag 10¢; | { Auy Seat Tlobe Seat Reserved, Se Extra | STR TR AND Mon., Tues., Wed. Feature Photoplay. Wm :S. Hart, in "Wolf Lowry." { | the Throttle" 2-Part Ketel | | Purple Mask." Hue We, . _- Evenings iSe, 13e. A ! | | vot el od HELP WANTED GOOD WAGES, APPLY Y. APPLY 146 | MOTORMEN AND CONDUCTORS. AP- ply Biceet Railway Office MAN. APPLY AL] A Ww. AREBOL SE 252 Bagup street wn & Co IMAIDS FOR GENERAL HOSPITAL, ! Apply Matron, Kingston General | Ar | ital ( SROCERY DELIV- yf letter to Box 182.1 NY COMPETENT s Boyd, §§ el- Hngtun wos mid \ |/A DRIVER FO ery Apply Wiig Omce WANTED FARLOR MAID $25. Apply nyonth Wages Whig Office HOUSE this Box 7% "Teddy at stone Comedy. Manluve 10e. GRIFFIN'S | | MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDYRSDAY | | Pauline Frederick i in "Sleeping Fires." | First Episode P! ee) New Serial. | "The Mystery of the Double Cross" Tesang N Minn oy King __Frices: at | p Lake Ontario ARR Tonight ™"14™ Matinee gn at 3.80, HIGH CLASS | VAUDEVILLE FEATURE, PHOTOPLAYS HOUSE- Ap- GENERAL girl preferred. St GIRL FOR work; country phy 252 King WORK ON FARM; Johnston Arm- Portsmouth ! TO Apply toad, MAN wages Bong From SERVANT TO GO TO Good wages to a Apply im the ev- Kilborn, 244 King gt GENE RAL the untry voman Mrs GOOD PROOFS | Frames lowest write United Art Brunswick Ave, To- poRTRAN AGE NTS. 1 LADY CAN PERMANENTLY earn twenty doMars weekly in own neighborhood, or proportionately for spare (ime Particulars free Food Products Distributors, Brantford, Ontario. WANTED GENERAL WOMAN WANTS WORK BY day Apply Box' 710, Whig YOUNG the Ofc HAND WHEEL cash SECOND. coaster brake, State Box 717, Whig Office, LADIES with price SKCOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS, for cash or In part payment of new pianos and Victrolas. W. Lind- ha, | ICENCREAM SODA oUTFEr COM- { plete, consisting of two cylinders, |b |% one 4-cylinder truck. | 4 Davis, Saxon Distributor. FOR SALE THESK EFFECTIVE ADVTS. COST little. © Once, 25¢; three times 4c; one week, $1.00. STUDEBAKER TOURING first class condition quick buyer. Apply CAR IN Cheap for $6 Bay street. GAS RANGE AT 67 GORE STREET. Apply to J. 8. R. McCann, 82 Breck street Phone 326 or 621. GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND TEN selections, your ewn choice, 27 ge. Terms: $5 cash, $1 per week. Lindsay, Limited, 121 Prinrees a A NEW SOLID BRICK, ON RIDEAU street Everything mew and mod- ern, at a bargain. Apply to C vi 108 Rideau gtreet. Phone 1960, Cheap colly and goose neck 170 for cash. Apply E Rideau street tap Harte, PF rtd} 4+ AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE +¢ > One 4-cylinder 35-passenger, + Studebaker Touring Car, second + hand, cheap for quick sale. Also J. H. BY GEO. A. BATEMANS ESTATE Agency. $5500, BRICK HOUSE, NEARLY NEW, latest Improvemneuts, 8 rooms, dou- ble lot. $3000, BRICK, 7 ROOMS, ALL IM. provements, gas and electric light, lot 33 x 132; side lane. $3300 DOUBLE STONE ALL IMPROVE- ments; stable. $4500, BRICK, 11 ROOMS, ALL IM- provements; rear entrance. $3000, BRICK, ALL IMPROVEMENTS; electric light, $1400, FRAME, IMPROVEMENTS, SIX rooms, VACANT LOTS, ALL PRICES, TO RENT. $20; RRICK HOUSE, NORTH END; ALL iT provements; 10 rooms and 8 le. MONEY TO LOAN, 7 CLARENCE ST. Kingston. TO LET SUITABLE FOR AUTO. 330 University Ave, n BARN, AP. ply oN Ap- A SUM OF MONEY (BILL) Saturday morning in city. ply Whig. BLUE COAT AND CAMERA, ON Friday, Gan Clarence street dock. Owner may have same by calling at Whig Office and proving property. A SOLDERING AWIL, APPLY 3 Undversity Ave, FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- TISED FREE Anyone finding snything and Sista to reach he Wher may 80 by reporting the ar to oe British Pig. adver. tisement will be ig in this column free of char FURNISHED ROOMS, ALL CONVKNI- ences, Apply § Aberdeen street OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM. bers. Apply to AB. Cusnlagham, 79 Clarence street. GOO HOUSE, WELL FURNISHED, swell location, for three months. Apply Box 6616, Whig Office STORAGE FOR FURNITURE. E. WA- then has & clean dry furniture Puliding,' 442 Albert street. Phone 2152, STORAGE FOR I URNITURE OR MER- chandise, clean and dry. McCann's Real Estate Agency, 82 Brock St, Phones 326 or 621. COACH HOUSE, OR able for motor poses: rear of 42 Princess St ply Box "E" Whig Office. OFFICE OR SHOP, 13% WELLINGTON Street, lately oeccupled John Smith, Printer "Apply to J. B. Car- ruthers, 151 Wellington street, PLACE or 'storage SUIT. pur- Ap- FOX HOUND, June 26th, answ "Jack." Finder ple Collins Bay, Ont BLACK AND WHITE small, about to name of notify CC. Potter, Reward SUNDAY MORNING, Division and Sydenham, street, white ship off child's whit dress. Finder Kindly return to Queen. wirvet STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN dry, alry roms; your own look and key. Frost's City Storag Queen street, Phone 636; "ey BETWEEN FURNISHED RESIDENCE, 119 EARL street; brick, % cooms, open fire- places, nice grounds an sliade trees. J. B. R. McCann, 82 Brock St. Phone 326 or 621. JUNE 13TH, LOST OR DELIVER. ed to the wrong address, arcel containing 6 gentleman's irts Finder please notify D, J. Zurbrigg or delephone X79 and receive re- ward a "bbb db be bbb beter bbb b hb * We have several deairable furnished houses with rests ranging from $30.00 to per month. Apply the J, K. Oar- roll Ageucy, 56 Breck FOX TERRIER brown and head and taf] PUP, WHITE BODY, black markings on Answers to name of Teddy' has cadllar on. Finder kindly *turn to 8. KE, Trotter, 20 University Ave Reward FOR SALE OR TO LET » COMPLETE- View Park apply to 1267 CLAIRVOYANT. MADAME LILY, FAMOUS p#mist and clairvoyant Son street; hours 10 to 10 ings §1.00. A SUMMER BUNGALOW, lv furnished, at Kast For further particulars, Mrs. (thas McKay, or Phone SCOTCH 37 John- all read- BOARD AND ROOMS. DENTAL FIRST CLASS BOARD AND ROOMS, every convenience, cefitral loca- tion. Apply 243 Brock street. A. E. KNAPP, B.A, LDS, DDS, Office, 368 Princess street. Phone DR. J. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, corner Princess and Bagot streets. Phone 626. DRS, SPARKS AND SPARKS, DBN- fyota. 169 ppaington street, G. C. FURNISHED'ROOMS WITH OR WITH. out board. All con fences. Use of phone Apply Ontario St. west, or phone 1903. FINANCIAL Program Changed Monday and say, Limited, 121 Princess street. Thursday. a -- lon te Park Free If By Street | Adm Wednesday, / ARCHITECT POWER & S, MER. ARCH chants ' ak fid'ng, corner Brock and Wellington streets. Notice to Creditors Tw Cangren's 1-C "ht Day om Cars. Every Pound of "ROYAL BLEND" COFFEE In the matter of the & Wilmot Guess, late of the Village of Harrowsmith, In the County of ntenne, Mall Carrier, deceased. No » is hereby glven pursuant to R 8. O. Chap. 121, Sec. 58, that all per- sons having clams against the estate of the above named Thomas ot Guess, who d off or abot the 23rd day of June, A.D, 1917, at the said city »f Kingston, are required to send by post prepaid or deliver to the under- signed solicitor for the Executors, on or about the fifteenth day of August, 1917, their names and addresses fill particulars of their claims verified by affidavit and the na- ture of the security, if any, held by them. And further take nctice that after esa id fifteenth day of August, AD 'the Executors will proceed to dis- tribute the estate among the persons entitled thereto by law, having regard only to the clalms of which they shall have notice and the executors will not be lable flor the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose clalm he shall not then have had rotice CHAS. R. WEBSTER, 304 King St, Kingston, Ont Solicitor for Arthur Guess and Hiram Albert Cook, of the ¢ity of King- ston, Executors i" ters of the Empire Demonstration at Excursion Bulletin! SS. 1000 Islander Wednesday, July 1l--Excursion to Ple- ton, stoppin, tain both 10.30 a.m., returning 5.30 p.m. Fare Thursday. July 12--~Exéursion a 1 Islands. Boat leaves 2 p.m. Fare 30¢ return. Thursday Evening---Meoonlight Exeunr- Boat to Brock. THZACHER WANTED: A PROTESTANT NORMAL TRAINED teacher for S. 8 No. 5 Rear of leeds and Lansdawne No other need apply Jacob Byron, Sec, Lyndhurst, Ont 8S. 8. NO. 8, TOWNSHIP OF Kingston, with first or second class professional training. Sa)- ary, $700 per annum. Apply John Riley, Sec.-Treas., Cataraqui, A QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR 8, S. No. 7, Loughbdéro, Protestant pre- férred Duties to commence Sept. lst. 500 per year Ap- ennedy, Sec.-Treas, FOR PERSONAL YOUNG GENTLEMAN WISHES COR- respondence of young lady. Object, matrimony. Address Box 29, Whig Office. HAIR, MOLDS, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS and all growths and skin blem- ishes removed permanently, with- out scar; ne Jone, SXpetlence, Dr Elmer J. Noss, orate, V3 268 Throat Ag ke PATENTS Bagot street, BABOCOCK & SONS, Patents, trade marks, designs. Estab. 1877. Ferm- erly Patent Office Examiner. Master of Patent Laws. Book "Patent Preo- tection" free. 99 St. James St, Mont: real. Branches: Ottawa, W leaving Fare 75e. 40¢. ren Swift's Wharf, of annaea street. Auction Sale Household Furniture, 108 Clergy Went, | 1 Wormwith cabinet grand piano, wal- foot Dewar, assistant. FOR BALE Phone 346. TENTS, AWNINGS, VERANDAH CUR- tains, canees, and camping sup- lies. Mishing tackle, etc. Frank . Cooke, 3% Clarence St, King- Phone 891. countr chase A LARGE NUMBER OF BICYCLES, IN- sale; deposits received and cloding the famous Adhlere, Over: terest allowed. R. C. captwrigh land and Perfect Models; also tires manager, §7 sGlarence ! Bt, King: and bicycle accessories. George Muller, 373 King Bt. Phone 1032 FRONTENAC LOAN AND NVEST. ment Bocléty; incorporated 1863; president, Colonel HH. R. Smith, C.M.G.: vice- if realaent, W. F. Nie- kle. K.C. Money Issued on on and farm properties, municipal a debentures; mortgages flit investment bonds for LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND SLobn Fire Insurance Company. Avallable assets $61,187,216. In addition to which the policyholders have for Sour the unlimited MHabllity of city how ory, i. taguted i Sorat possi rites. efore old or giving new asinoss is & Blrange, ON COLLINGWOOD ST. NEAR UNION street car line, a new pressed brick residence; all new and modern, just floished and ready for {immediate possession. Apply C. Harrison, 108 Rideau street. rates from Strange Agents. Phone 326. EXTENSION TA- bles and dining chairs, buffets, china cabinets, also good beds, | springs and mattresses We buy all kinds of second hand fur niture J. Thompson, 333 Princess stree Phone 1600. LARGE STOCK OF LEGAL | A+ B. CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER | and solicitor. Law. office, 79 Clar- ence street, Kingston. | SEER ME FOR NEW AND SECOND] hand sldeboards, dressers, couches, arior chairs, tables, Singer sew- | ng machines, crockery, plotures,! stoves and ranges. Also buy new | and second-hand furniture. Al Shapiro, 35 Princess street. | BUSINESS CHANCES INVESTORS WARNING DON'T INVEST one cent until you read coessful Finance, and learn how fortunes are made and lost by Investors. Free trial subseription. Success ful Pinancs, 608 Dearborn Bt. Chicago. FARM, NORTH HALF LOT 19, orn | concession, township of Pittsburgh, | 100 acres, more or less, well water- ed, well fenced, good buildings convendent to school, church ant cheese factory; best farm in roar ship. Possession in Septembe lv, Thomas Todd, Lockmaster, | rewer's Mills, Ont | iT Attention! Two Rundred houses required in Trenton. Substantial assist ,Auce gives. bullders. Write or © on Robt. D. Preston, M et Squave, Trenton, for further particulars. A veal bargain in lots at the head of Princess street, just *utaide elty Hmits.. The best of garde j city water. quire of Mes. C B. Fralick, Princeas St, near Bath Rd. FURNITURE FINISHING P. PRISOOLL, FURNITURE FINISH. . 'Call or drop a oard. 33 John Laborers Wanted gut silk parlor suite, Wilton and Brus- atreok Watts, Hes. Fresh Cut Flowers pally Funeral Designs and Wedding | Bouquets to Order. TAXI SERVICE RING 960. All Large Cars Used Kingston Taxi Cab | - POTATOES! a We have received a shi mont of choice hand ) tatoes m ee Edward Island. These are firm and good. Sold by the bag or i erey Whales Anderson Bros. Phones 458-1846. - Fair Grounds 4 Horse Races--4 PURSES VALUED AT $300 r-all Race, best 3 In 3 heats, nn, best 3 in 5 heats, 2.50 class, best 3 in 5 heats, Noted race, raen from' Ww © _v Vinecént nnd other points, Motor Cycle Races Int event--Ten miles, bent 2 | starts. Ist prize, $13: 2nd prize, Srd pride, 85 motoreyele horn. 2nd event--Five miles, for machines with side ear, best 2 in 3 ris, Ist prize, $15; 2nd prize, $10. Bicycle Races 2 miles, bent 2 In 3 AA ist, lamp, --y $2.30; SN aan, mak +4 Pm value val tn, rtowm, valivondn and steamship Special SFaRgcments with hotels and accommodate muests at abe rates, 3 Admission te grounds, STRAW BERRIES ° 210 Division St. Phone 345 Ne The C.P.R. steamer Malitoha | rammed and sunk the steamer -W C. Mack'n at White Fish Bay. The crew is safe. ae, Shands, sale ae "| linea. : sels rugs and stair carpet, curtains, mahogany beic a brac cabinet, walnut extension table; oak leather diners, =a F fancy tables, easy chairs, abtique china and crockery, a large variety; iron béds, aprings, bedding, pictures. dressers, tollette ware, oileloth, Pan- dora range, gas plates, enamelled ware, gem jars, lawn mower and tools. ALLEN, The Auctioneer, Hat Cleaning Time Now Is the time te get your straw or mama ha cleaned and bleached. Specialiats in Paname blench- For Inside and Outside Work. Steady Em- Ing. Satisfaction guaranteed. New York Hat Clean- Successors to I te rou. Hat 30% Princess street Phone 303 ¥ive ddars below, Opera Hause. " and a the Dar babies are child died, Apaly oy PATTERN MAKERS, HANDY MEN, AND LABORERS. Apply: J. Farrar, Supt. CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE COM- PANY, LTD. Kingston 3 Ontario ¥ ma Starting May 1st all coal sales will be for cash. We propose fo share with our customers the bene- fits to be derived from a cash system. ' is Swift & Co, TO OBTAIN Price

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