Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Jul 1917, p. 23

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GRAND TRUNK A HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS 1 To Points in ALBERTA, MANITOBA, SASKAT- CHEWAN & BRITISH COLUMBIA, | Via COCHRANE and "THE NATION- AL ROUTE" or CHICAGO, NORTH BAY, SARNIA OR TORONTO, LOW FARES of two months, excluding date of sale, An extension of time iimit, not exceed- kein mold In May, June, and July Sai, can be had on payment af $5.00 wr) each month or part thereof. Stap-over privileges may be had at Ww innipeg alse between Covhruse a For full PY . WP. to her home at Round trip tickets will be sold at | daughter visited at E. James'. Mrs. Going esrh TUESDAY from MAY STH | Damon Ball, Lindsay, is spending a Hz to OCTOBER 30th, 117. Return Wmdt (10008 with her parents, Mr. . and | July 6. | Mrs. M. Per Mrs. R. Moors, ink two months, on Hoemescekers' the= | Perth, called on friends here re- = =z EE | telephone line to Plevna. Service 4 I was conducted in St. John Church at F i {3 p.m. Sunday by Rev. Mr. Pringle, ron enac ; Sharbot Lake. Allan Watkins and Tommy Myers at M. Weber's. Roy oe Hamilton and Denald McGregor and BELL ROCK the Misses Hazel Hamilton and Tene {Miss B. M. Hull returned | McGregor were Sunday guests at Williamsville last | Mrs. Gray's. Andrew Myers ot J. P, her | Watkins.' re turday Mr=. R Clow and JBLGINBURG. A successful lawn social was held on Elgin Stover's lawn on Wednesday night. A good. pro- cently gramme was given by Rev. Mr. eta -- Kelly, Cataraqui; Rev. Mr. Oliver, BREWER'S MILLS Inverary: A. Rankin, M.P.P.; Miss July 6.--Wiillam Dundon, son of Hanger: Glenburnie, and local tal- "Dune Payior. sed away i ent ev. Mr. Charlesworth was John Dundon, Taylor, passed away chairman. About $132 was realiz- lisnley, Ament, Corner Johusva amd on Tuesday. The funeral was hel | 6" Mrs. 7. Laidlaw, Westport, is Ontario streets. ro EN RSS ICUNARD LINE Passenger Service Retween Montreal and London (Calling Falmouth te Inand passengers) PN Montreal and Bristol For particulars of sailings and rates y local agents or to The Robert « limited, General Agents 60 King Street East. Toronto rn nd | | the day -- TAKE NOTICE If you want the best that can he bought, go to the Unique Groeery and Meat Mar- ket for your supplies. C. H. Pickering, 490 and 492 Princess St. Phone 3530. |i-Thursday morning to St. Barmaby's | children are spending their holidays | berry picking, Peter Hogan has pur- lents. George McAllister is home visiting his sister, Mrs. Ewing. Ww. Cordukes and W. Smith have pur- chased autos. Mrs. J. Irwin has returned from visiting her daugh- ter, Mrs. \y. Barclay, Toronto. John Porter, Rochester, N.Y., and M, Robinson, Kingston, are spending their vacation at J. Porter's. Mrs her father's, W. Tolle's, Inverary. Mrs. C. Fraser and Lofena are visiting friends in Rochester.. Saxon Graham and wife, Kingston, were recent visitors at Norman Graham's. Mrs. Duff, Kingston, and Mrs. John Scott and baby, Toronto, are spend- ing a few days at Elgin Stover's. Mrs. John Silver and little daughter visited Mrs. Pixley, Kingston, this week. Miss Edith Pixley, Toronto, is spending her holidays here Mr. and Mrs. Cowdy, Mountain Grove, are spending a couple of weeks at C. Fraser's. Ross Davey and fam- ily spent a short time at T. Bear- ance's. The Young Ladies' Patrio- tictic Club met at Mrs. J. Reid's on Tuesday aftérnoon. They have made years spent in the west, unexpected- | siice July 1st, 1916, until July 1st, ly returned on Monday last to visit | 1917. the following: 36 abdominal his home and friends. Miss Myrtle | bnadages, 32 night shirts, 7 many Freeman is holidaying at Sydenham | tailed bandages, 31 pair socks, 50 and vicinity Miss Elizabeth Hugh- | bed pads. 1 pair wristlets, 12 pair gon has resigned her school at Strat-| Pyjamas; donated 187 towels, 162 pillow cases, 16 night shirts, 12 ford, and after spending her holi-| - days at their cottage on the shores | face cloths, 9 comfort bags (filled), church Dr. Nicholl and party are fishing on the Rideau. Misses L. and McKenna are visiting at their here Miss lL. Dier is at her 5, Mrs. P. Milne; Miss Donevan sister, Mrs. D. J. Murphy. REED'S BAY July 9 Schools are closed; the chased & Ford car. Miss Kate Con- ey spent the week-end with her par- om Yorktoh, Sask Miss Nellie Hogan is spending her holidays with her mother, Mrs. Henry Hogan. Mies Agnes Kane spent Sunday visiting friends here. Haying is the order of INVERARY. July 7.----The monthly meeting of the Inverary ladies' Aid was hel on Wednesday, July 4th, at the home _of Mrs. M. W. Lake. Melville Paterson, after an absence of six "FROM THE COUNTRYSIDE | J EE = ea Eo Pe Miss Amy Coon left on Saturday last for Guelph to attend summer school. "Mrs. Burns Simpson and little son, Jone's Falls, spent a few days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Stewart F. B. Brockville spent days Salmon fishing, Miss Mabel Henderson has returned from Yar- ker to spend the summer holidays at her home here. J. Taber, Kingston, is spending a few days at the cot- VADIER ISLAND. Mr. and Mrs. Antnony, Mrs. Edward and daughter, Doro- thy, attended the funeral of their brother, George Hoadley, Alexandria Bay, on Monday. Miss Mary Mur- phy, Wilmington, Del., is spending the summer months the guest of her cousin, Myrtle Senecal. Albert Cook's family arrived here Tuesday from Buffalo to spend the summer at their new cottage, which Mr Cook recently purchased from Mr. Brown L.eon Senecal attended the dance in Brockville Monday even- ing. Henry Senecal is busily en- gaged in 1iding P. Preston and Mr. and Mrs. L. Wilson, Pittsburg. Pa., who are spending a few weeks at Mr. and Mrs. William Buells'. A crowd of young people spent an enjoyable evening in dancing Wed- nesday at the house of Mrytie Sene- cal Mr. and Mrs. Edward Senecal have arrived at their summer home for the season. A party of young people called on Nellle Ashby one evening this week. Miss Mary Mur- phy and Myrtle Senecal spent the week-end at Sport Island. Prince Edward SALEM July 5.--On Monday Salem Sunday school held its annual the week-end with his family at the' cottage. A. R. Jacob and H, York | have gone to Dog Lake for a few ! VALVES IN THE HEAD Me AN extra power and extra power means extra tax on the motor lubricant, - --_--i lot 1oughvoro' Lake will take up| § crutch pads and several boxes to | icpjc at Allisonville, where MAKES A GOOD CAR BETTER ------~=-- | teaching at Pembroke. Miss Bessie | the boys overseas. there was also held a Domin- Freeman «jwisiting Miss Muriel | -- ion Day celebration. There was a Polarine has the correct body to resist high engine Homes of Parham J. Geraldi has] large crowd in attendance. Miss temperatures and the extra wear of high engine COAL CUSTOMERS given up his position as mail car-| Jo Jennie Carnike has returned after ' speeds. It is used to-day by the majority of Cana rier for rural route No. 1 and pur-| . spending a few weeks in Oshawa dian motorists, because they have found it umform Pl N . ' poses taking up residence in Kings- i X William Howe and W. Bedford are in lubricating quality. ease otice ! ton next w ook, C H. Seng; wif int olay 4 C..C Syanamak ero Rey Polarine is supplied in two grades, Polarine and the future deliver the mail. = Mp. use. Farmers are getting ground Polarine Heavy; also Polarine Greases and Trans On and after first of May A. Ritchie, Toronto, is renewing ac- ready to sow buskwheat. Vistors: 3 BATH mission Lubricants. Coal Sales will be for July 5.--Mrs. James Chapman and Cash Only. BOOTH & CO. Phone 133. FOR SALE Farm of 150 Acres 135 of Plough Land, balance wooded, Township of Pitts. burgh, four miles from King- ston. Cheap. I. W. H. Godwin & Son 89 Brock Street Phone 424 r---- ---- mm ------ We Have a Nice Assortment of Pure Corn Syrup In 2-1b, tins, O-lb. pails, and 10-Ib. pails, which we are for one week only at the price. E. H. BAKER Cor. Montreal and Charles St, Phone 1208. . Automobile Owners, Attention ! The place 'where all auto troubles are made right. Auto supplies of all kinds; cars washed and stored. Repair work a specialty; prices rea- sonable, Call and give us a trial. Always open. DALY'S CARAGE #33 King Street. =e nd (Garage Robinson & Wiltshire VULCANIZING All kinds of cars repaired promptly. Cars washed. Gasoline and oils for sale. Cars for hire. With J. M. Martin, Maxwell Service Station. 110 Clergy Street 'Phone 1192. .- -- ---- Auto Taxi Touring Car Service Phone 566 Office: Clarence St.,* © near . EARL ST gor and sister Tena, Myer's Cave, Wren, Lavant, visited at J. G. Fras- deave of absence with his parents quaintances here, ARDOOH. July 3 Despite the inclemency of the weather on Friday evening well attended and was a decided sue- cess, the goodly sum realized, the proceeds to be | for the comfort of the Canadian wounded in France. Donald McGre- spent the week-end at G. Hamilton's, Michael Myers who spent the past few months in Kingston, returned to his home here. Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Fraser returned home on Monday af- ter visiting the former's sister, Mrs. C. W. Seelye, Smithville, N.Y. Miss Florence Weber is holidaying here with her parents. A baby boy has ar- rived to brighten the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tapping. Miss An- i children of Brockville are visiting at , Norman Ripley's. Mrs. G. Haselton |is on a visit to friends in Browns- | last , the ball held in the village was| ville, N.Y. John Simpson of Cat- araqui has returned home after a of $40 being Short visit with Dr. H. S. Northmore. donated | Miss Gladys Topliff has returned to her home for the holidays. All the teachers of the school have left for their homes for the vacation. The revival services in the Methodist church are being well attended and the addresses are being listened to with great interest. The stores close at 8 o'clock each evening but Satur- day to allow every one to attend the meetings. SELBY. July 4.--Mr. Aylsworth, of New- burgh, gave a fine address on "Can- nie Fraser left on Wednesday to at-|ada'" in the Methodist church on tend Summer Model at Sharbot Lake, | Sunlay night. A number from hers Misses Lizzie Ervine and Violet Bartraw, Snow Road, were guests of J. P. Watkins. Mrs. Thomas Tap- ping has returned to Kingston Gen- eral Hospital to undergo treatment, Mr. and Mrs. M. Manion and chil- er's. Sergt. Gordon McDonald, Special Service Battalion, left for Kingston after enjoying a six-days' here A number of people from Fernleigh are attending the Free Methodist Camp mewtng at Ver ona. Mrs. Margaret Munro is on an extended visit with relatives at Lan- ark. Miss Tena Derue has returned from visiting relatives at Elphin. Isi- dore Schonauer and sister, Julia, en- joved a week's visit with friends at Carelton Place. J. Murphy, Tam- motored through here last J. B. Myers has completed his Most 'Eminent Medical Authorities Endorse It. Dr. Dr. Braithwaite as distinguished . Eberle and wu be wl the disease, the urine seldom fails in attended the lawn social at Mr. Jackson's on Tuesday night The funeral of. the late Mr. McQuage was held in the Methodist church on Monday morning. Mrs. T. Mar- tin returned home on Monday from Empy Hill. C. Goner is engaged to make hceese at Holléford. Con- gratulations to Gordon Anderson for passing his examinations at Noi- mal. The Sunday school classes of Mrs. Cook and Mrs. Sixsmith enjoy- ed themselves to a day's outing up at Deseronto last Tuesday. Mrs. RH. Abbott spent last week with friends at Ompy Hill. Mrs. Lucas ana daughter moved to Napanee last week. Visitors: Mrs. Lake at RH.' Martin's; Mr. and Mrs. Connell at R. Paul's; Miss Hudgin at A. Wood's; Mrs. Booth and children at D. MoCauley's; Mr. English at 1. Anderson's. DENBIGH. July 7.--Rev. F. C. and Mrs. Christiansen, who have been enjoy- ing a. few weeks vacation, visiting friends in western Ontario and at- tending the annual sessions of the Lutheran Synod of Canada held at Hanover this year, have arrived home again. William John, who spent a couple of months in New On- tario improving his homestead there, has also arrived home. School sec- tions No. 6 and 7 held joint picnic in the woods on Monday last. They were favored with beautiful weath- er and the attendance of a large crowd, who all enjoyed themselves very will for the entertainment and the programme rendered proved to pe a success, John S. Lane started st Monday with a gang of men to work on this end of the proposed Kaladar station--Denbigh auto- mobile road. Misses Louise Berndt and Mary Falk, who have bedn em- ployed in Napanee since last fall, ar- rived home last Thursday to assist their parents on their farms during {the busy season. Misses Eda War- | lich and Cora Stein, who were em- | ployed in Kitchener since last fall, | also arrived home yesterday. Albert | John, who has been working in the | Renfrew munition works and his brother Lorne also arrived home yes terday On a visit to their pareats, Mr. and Mrs. William John, MORTON Jaly 2 --Mr. Strong. Kingston, is spending a few days the guest of Mr. McInnes. E. R. Taber made a busi- ness trip to Westport on Friday last. Mrs. B. N. Henderson and two daughters and Mrs. Dr. Graham and little son and Rev. Mr. Mclnnes, mo- tored to Kingston on Saturday last Mr. and Mrs. John ~L. Parliament, Oshawa, at Charles Carniks's; Orvil Orser, Ponoka, Albeta, at A. J. Par- liament"s; Mrs. R. Morrison, Mrs. G. Alyea and Mrs. A. McConnell, Wel- lington, at Andrew Spencer's. Much Food in Smal] Bulk. The British "Tommy," when fresh bread is not available, is supplied with what he calls "dog biscuit," It looks like just that, being a thick cracker four. inches square and weighing three ounces, Of whole wheat flour pressed solid, it might be described as a condensed loaf of bread. The French have a '"'war bread" somewhat similar, which, when put into hot water or soup, swells up like a sponge. The famous German "pea sausage" is composed of pea meal, bacon, and fat, It was the invention of a Ber- lin cook, who discovered a process whereby pea meal could be made proof against deterioration. One sausage, eight inches long, yields twelve plates of nutritious soup. Trench Signs. Wit is often shown in the notice boards which our soldiers set up in the trenches. Thus a frequently shelled trench junction bears the legend, "Don't stand about here-- there's a war on." A Canadian war correspondent has collected a num- ber of these, one of the best being a spot which. had once been used by the Germans as a dump for stores, now labeled, "Fritz's Dump--Under Entirely New Management." A siege battery had the whole side of their mess knocked out--you could drive a gun team into the-hole where the door had been. On a bit of re- maining wall are the words, "Don't Stand Out There Knocking--Come Right In!" Running Comments, A young officer, somew! affected in style, was explaining his men what happened to a shell after leav- ing the gun. The comedian of the company could not refrain from making remarks sotto voce, much to the amusement of his mate. This was part of the lesson. Officer: "The shell, on leaving the gun, owing to the bore, goes round and' round." Voice: "The mulberry bush." OM- cer: "After its momentum js expend- ed gravity draws it to earth, other- wise it would keep on for evah and svab.," Voice: "Amenl™ World's Biggest Beetle, insect in the world is the "elephant beetle," of Venezuela, a full-grown one weighing nearly Catarrhal Deafness Chaos be Cured by local applieat , as they cannot reach the portion of 'the ear. There is only one Way to eure catarr- hal deafness, and that is by a con- stitutfonal remedy. Catarrhal' Deaf- ness is caused by an inflamed con: dithon of the mucous lining of the Bustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you bave a rum und hearing. ard rt is Deafness is the re. the Inflammation can be reduced and this tube restored to its narmal condition, hearing will he de- stroved forever. Many cases of deaf- ness are caused hy catarrh, which is 23 jiflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure acts through the blood on the mucous sur- faces of the system. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot he cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Circulars free. All Druggists, °F. J-CHENEY & CO. Toledo, O. Buy Polarine- and. PREMIER GASOLINE wherever you see the Premier Red Ball" sign THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY Limited BRANCHES IN ALL CITIES One Gallon of Gasoline has done it. Ford Dealers 25 MILES TO KINGSTON Fe m-- 20 to 25 miles to a gallon of gasoline is a frequent occurrence with the Ford car. One man (name on request) reports an av- erage of 33 miles per gallon for 20,000 miles. Surely this is a rec- ord that few, if any other makes of cars ever equalled. It demonstrates the economy of owning and driving a Ford. You can average |000, miles more tra- vel on Ford-size tires. The saving on oil and repairs is proportion- ately large. The name "FORD stands for lowest cost and greatest service. The Ford is truly the Universal Car. T. Coupelet - - Town Car - F.O.B. Ford, Ont. Over 700 Ford Service Stations in Canada. ANGROVE BROS. 3: Kingston, Ont.

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