Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Jul 1917, p. 7

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, "GRAND OPERA | HOUSE| At2.30 PM. Daily ; MONDAY, JULY 9, 1917. > PAGE SEVEN | \ | 3 4 ttt FOR BALE TO LET THESK EFUROTIVE ADVTS, COST WARY, SUITABLE FOR AUTO. little Once, 25c; three times 50c; FOUND py University Ave, one week, 31.00. A sum OF MONEY (BILL) ON ay FURN RRA ig ALL CON V4iNg- Sanu morning fn eit Ap- ply W hie. A rerdeen | s BLYR COAT AND CAMERA, ON F lay, on Clarence street cK wher may have same calling at Whig Office "and Proving propesty r © A 1 535, ---------------- ------ ET The People's Forum CONTINUOUS | L£130P NM Performance | Monday, Tues. and Wed. | | POLITE VAUDEVILLE } A Five Act Photoplay. } Mme. Petrova, in "Bridges Burned." . HEAD OFFICE, Capital : Reserved | unds oe THRIFT TORONTO, CANADA. .. 83,000,000 $0,439 182 | CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES . word. Each con- S rutive insert 7 - The Pathe News, Comedy and Other Neen Re nr a ane Dale. | Photoplays, | eme imsertiom, 23¢; three imsertions, ] 50c; wix $1; one month, $2. Thur., Friday, Saturday | = -- c | POLITE VAUDEVILLE A Five Act Phowplay First insertion, le AP- THE THRIFT HARIT ir money A Bs CAR IN STUDEBAKER TOURING Cheap for first clags condition quick byyer Ap 86 Bay street 2 AT 67 GORE STREET. J. 5. R. McCann, 82 Brock 126 or $21. APHONOLA AND TEN | your own choice, § $ fash, §1.ber week CW BUNCH OF KEYS ON RING, AT Lb . h of University Ave -- the corner (SOLID BRICK, ON RIDEAU and Union Sta. Apply te J G \ Everything hew and mod- Adams Chemistry Building at a bargain. Apply Queen's Umiversity 108 Rideau street Fics In CLARENCE oT. CHAM. bers. Apply to A. B. Cunningham, 7% Clarence street. HELP WANTED A PPL y Directors: i GOODE . . IENDEF ILLIAM BRIG.-GEN J. MYLE 8 F. HOW | GENER. AL SERVANT, e st . SIX-ROOMED conveniences, Apply MODERN posses - St DWELLING, immediate JO HN MACDONA LD LT y 179 Nelson EN ENGLE ee rte -- "The Final Settlement" | | MOTORMEN AND CONDUCTORS, AP- The Pathe News, Comedy, and Other | ply Sweet Radlway Office Oc i A Eveniag 10¢; | Apply Reserved, Se N Se Nitra HART. WM IRING AML, APPLY 33 Unive sity Ave sign JOHN R AMB Debbi =o tor Ma 7 ager A. BIRD, C GUOD HOUSE, WELL FURNISHED, swell location, for three mouths Apply Box €616 Whig Office ALSO ng WOMAN at the FOR COOK, { Albion scrubbd Hotel & Bankers: A LONDON CITY AND MIDLAND BANK. LTD BANK OF CHICA FIRST NATIONAL George B. McKay, Manager m Ty oo Uptical Points ! NO. S--~VYour eyes ache; your head you feel way whem you | yellds get red and burn, | You feel an though there was sand in A NEW sire ern, Harrison, L 1860 Matinee AD ee ei Seat STRAND' Mon., Tues., Wed. |_ CARTERS WITH THEIR OWN O0UT- fits to cart cual by the load. James Swify Lid STORAGE FOR FURNITURE. E. WA- then has a clean dry furniture bufiding, 442 Alber: street. Phone 2182. NGLAND NATIONAL to C. Phone W YORK BANK COMMERCE GENTLEMAN'S SILVER WATCH fob --afy Princess street, near University Apply 474 Al beg, gireet FOUND ro RTicLes ADVER. TISED FREE Anyone finding aaything and wisk.ng to reach the owner Y do 80 by reporting the faots® The British Whig. The adver- tisement will be printed in this umn free of charge. "Found artioles," does not in- clude lost dugs, cattle, horses, etc. These, If lost, may be ad- vertised for in thé "Lost" column. | A ink HANICAL ENGINEER AT one Apply Kingston Hosiery Co el Limite d WAN TO HELP IN WAREHOU SE AND shipping department. Edwin Chow, & Son STORAGE FOR I URNITI RE OR MER- chandise, clean and dry MeCann's Real Ew te Agency, 82 Brock St, Phones 3 or §21 FHI | AU TOMOBILES FOR SALE 3 ! + Ove a-cylinder D-passenger, ¥ PARLOR MAID wasten * Studebaker Touring Car, second & month Wages $25. Apply + hand, cheap for quick sale. Also + 35. Whig Office, + one d4-cylinder truck. J. H. + GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- + Davis, Saxon Distributor. + COACH HOUSE, able for motor poses: rear of 42 ply Box "E OFFICE OR SHOP, street, lately Smith, Printer ruthers, Feature Photoplay. Wm S. Hart, in | not SE "Wolf Lowry." | 2-Part Key- Co 133 WELL INGTON occupled by John Apply to J Car- 151 Wellington street Box A your even, Thene symptoms mean that your eyes are strained. We will examine them and tell you what is the trouble. Manfx. 132 Princess St. R. J. RODGER Opticians and Optometrists. Phone 347 ~ FOR SALE Aberdeen Ave., Brick Earl St., brick . Collingwood St., double frame . . Johnson St., double frame . .- . . .. Price $4400 - Price $4000 . Price $3600 4s Jan THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY 56 Brock St. Special Talcum | With each tin of Talcum in our | window we are giving, absolutely free a Dainty Powder Puff. Popular odors, Popular makes, Popular tints. Your Choice, 25c. Hoag's Drug Store Branch Post Office, F.J. JOHNSON The Leading Florist Floral Design Wess Bouquets ty. Orders 239. 118 Hpeck Japan (Green) Tea, in 5 Ib Boxes, $1.50 Lipton's Plantation Brand Black Tea, in 23% Ib. Tins, $1.40. When you require Tea GORDON"S. is the place to get it. . Bay and Montreal Streets. Phone 88, Watts, Hori: Fresh Cut Flowers Dall Funeral Designs and nd Wedding Bouquets to Order ~ TAXI SERVICE RING 960. All Large Cars Used. Phones: Office 68; Res, 874 Military Hospitals Com- | mission Command, Canada Ngtice To Re- turned Soldiers Returned soldiers, who have heen discharged, whether peasioned or otherwise, may learn something * to their advantage, In regard te training for future employment, by applying te the undersigned at the Armouries. If not able to come In person, send ad- dress or telephone. F. A. Good, Major. District Vocational Officer. SPECIAL! Eastern Dairy School Butter for 43c per THOMPSON'S » 204 Princess Phone 387 "Ranks with the Streagest" HUDSON BAY Insurance Company FIRE INSURANCE ead Office, Insurance Bidg. MONTR BAL PERCY J. QUINN, . Ontario Branch, AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. ¢ Kingston Taxi Cab Co. shipment of choice hand icked tatoes from Prince rd Island. These are firm and good. ¥Sold by the bag or peck. At mel vm =iagye Anderson Bros. Phones 438-1999, FISH AND TROUT All Kinds of Fresh for preserving. Now is the time to get them done wp. Friendship's ! 210 Division St. Ips | Admission to Park Free if By Street | weaneaany, « larens i-Cent Day on "Teddy wtone Comedy. at the Throttle" "Purple Mask." Matinee 10. GRIFFIN'S I" MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY | Pauline Frederick in "Sleeping Fires." ""The Mystery of the and Every Night PHOTOPLAYS Double Cross" % Lake Ontario Tonig ht at 8.30 VAUDEVILLE Program Changed Monday and Pesturiagy Mins Molly cing Ma Matinee gat at 3.30. FEATURE Thursday. Evenings 13e. Cars. "CARD OF THANKS The wife and family of the late Wil. Ham McAdoo wish to thank thedr many friends for their kind sympathies and oral offerings during their recent sad bereavement. work. country girl preferred Ap- ply Box 1 Whig Office : MAN TO WORK ON FARM; i] wages. Apply Johnston Arm- Front Road, Sinai 8, Portsmouth EXPERIENCED the Coilins Bay D. Bauder, presi- ning 16, ONCE, AN cheese maker for Cheese Fa tory dent 1107, SERVANT TO ry Good wages to a man Apply in dhe ev- Kilborn, 244 King St ) TO LADY rm twenty eighborhood. for spare (ime Food Products Brantford, Ontario. GIRLS! With or without experience, on sewing and knitting machines. Light work; highest wages paid while learning. Apply Kingston Hosiery, rr re WANTED GENERAL SECOND HAND WHEEL coaster brake. State cash Box Whig Office CAN PERM ANENTLY dollars weekly in own or proportionately Particulars free Distributors, LADIES with price EA A SMALE SECOND HAND SAFE. \P- ply by letter, giving size and price to Capt WwW. Peters, Armories, Qity > + SEPP FE PLP PEEP P EIR SELES Li i a LOST. i BY GEO, BATEMAN'S ESTATE Agency $5500, RRICK: HOUSE, NEARLY NEW, latest improvements, § rooms, dou- ble A. hat, BRICK, 7 "hoowms, ALL IM- provements, gas and electric light, lot 33 x 132; side lane. $3300 DOUBLE STONE ALL IMPROVE- ments; stable. 11 ROOMS, ALL rear entrance. IMPROVEMENTS; $4500, BRICK, ™- provements; , BRICK, ALL electric light. $1400, FRAME, IMPROVEMENTS, rooms, SIX VACANT LOTS, ALL PRICES, TO RENT. BRICK HOUSE, NORTH END; ALL :mprovggnents; 10 rooms and sta- ble. $20: MONEY TO LOAN, 67 CLARENCE ST. Kingston. TEACHER WANTED. ~, TOWNSHIP OF » first or second professional training Sal- vy. $700 per annum. Apply John Riley, Sec.-Treas, Cataraqui NO. with A al ALIFIED TEACHER FOR 8, §, 7. Loughboro, Prot estant pre- Duties to conmmence Sept. Ist. Salary $300 per year Ap- ply W. H. Kennedy, Sec.-Treas, Leland, On No. 7, ferred SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS, for cash or {in part payment of new planos and Victrolas. C. . Ling< say, Lémited. 121 Princess streed./ Every Pound of "ROYAL BLEND" COFFEE You purchase THIS week at STEACY'S, gives the wholesale and retall profit to the Daugh- ters of the Empire Demonstration at Steacy's Preserving Season is Here --Let us supply your wants-- FRUIT JARS We have them at the old price-- pints 73¢ doz., quarts, 85¢ deoz., half gal, $1.00 doz. Fruit jar rings, Se and 10c dozen. Sealing Wax, four ¢akes for 10c. We sell pure cane sugar onaly. Fresh Berries arriving daily. All kinds of green vegetables. New and old potatoes. J.R.B.Gage, Montreal St. Phone 549 New Potatoes, New, Cabbage, New Car- rots, New Beets, But- New York, July 9 Cash be- quests of more than $7, 000,000 to charitable and educational institu- tions are provided in the will of the late Col. Oliver E. Payne, who died in this city last week, it was anl- nounced to-night. The largest gifts are to Lakeside I'spital, Cleveland; Yale University ~:4 the New York Public Library, w4 of which will receive $1,000,000. Germans Must Ge¢f Out, ington, July 9.---Al Ger- formerly connected either with the German embassy or any one of the many German consulates in America, have been requested to leave the United States. Notifica- tion that their presence in America is undesirable has been sent to --- by the State Department. ARCHITECT POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, ap chants Bank Builld'ng, corn Brock and Wellington streets. Hat Cleaning Time Now is the time to get your straw or Panama hat cleaned aad bleached. Specialists in Panama bleach- ing. Satisfaction guaranteed. New York Hat Clean- ing Co. Successors to "appas Bros. Hat Cleaning Business. 208 Princess street. Phone 303 Five doors below Opera House. Laborers YOUNG GENTLEMAN WISHES COR- respondence of young lady. Object matrimony. Address Box 29, Whig Office HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BINTHMARKS and all growths and skin blem- ishes removed permanently, with- out car; 30 9 Joni ox experience. Dr | Elmer J. Ear, Nose, oy; Throat and Skin Specialist, 368 Bagot street. Princess St. Methodists and Friends. TAKE NOTICE ! 's. S. Picnic, Tues. July 10 BROPHY'S POINT Boat Leaves Foot of Clarence St. 1 pam. ALL TICKETS SOLD AT Boar, Primary Dept. Free. Scholars und | Se; ever 12, 10e; Adult membe pr church and friends, 25¢; "AMidren not Warled For Inside and Outside Work. Steady Em- ployment. A.Davis & Son, Lid. ~ Kingston Tannery. Men Wanted Apply Kingston 'Shipbuilding Company BLACK AND WHITE small, about June to name of "Jack.' notify C. Potter, ( Reward CLAIRVOYANT. AMOUS "co TC H John reaan MADAME LILY, FAawMoOls palmist mad clairvoyaat son street; hours 10 to 10 ings $1.00 all SC -------- DENTAL E. KNAPP, BA, LDS, DOS, Office, 358 Princess street. Phone DR. J. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, corner Princess and Bagot streets Phone 626. DRS, SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN- tists, 159 Wellington street, G. C. Dewar, DDS, LDS, assistant Phone 345. FOR SALE CREAM SODA OUTFIT plete, consisting of two cvilg and goose y for cash Apply Rideau street A. ICE CoM- TENTS, AWNINGS, VERANDAH CUR. tains, canees, and camping sup- Ries. Fishing tackls, ete. Frank Cooke, 3% Clarence St. ston. Phone 881. A LARGE NUMBER OF BICYCLES, IN- cluding the famous Athleie, Over- and and Perfect Models; also tires and bicycle accessories. George Muller, 373 King St Phone 1032 CHOICE STOCK OF CAMP AND BOAT stoves, china cabinets. We also buy and sell everything In new and second band furniture. J Thompson, 337 Princess street . Phone 1600. ON COLLINGWOOD ST, NEAR UNION street car line, a new pressed brick , residence; all'new and modern, just finished and ready for immediate possession. Apply C. Harrison, J08 Rideau street King- SEE ME FOR NEW AND SECOND STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, dry, airy roms; your own look and key. Frost's Clty Storage, 9 Queen street. Phone 536; res. 989 FURNISHED RESIDENCE, 119 EARL street; brick, § cooms, pen fire- places, nige grounds an shade trees. J. 8 R. McCann, 52 Brock St. Phone 326 or 621. We have several dealrable furnished houses te rents $30.00 42.00 . Apply he a K, Car- ,» 38 Breck Se. FOR SALE OR TO LET CoM¥ View L3 apply to 1287 A St Jen BUNGALOW, 1 nished, an Bast particulara, Mre McKay, or Phone BOARD AND ROOMS. FIRST CLASS BOARD AND ROOMS, every convenience, central loos. tion. Apply 243 Brock street. Fi RNISUE D RoONe WITH OR WITH. out a op onveniences. Use ore Ontario St 1903 32 Ap FINANCIAL FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment Society: Incorporated 1863; president, Colonel H. R. B=mith, CMG: vice-president, W. F. Nleo- kle, KC. Money lssued on oit and farm properties, municipal country debentures; mortgages pur- chased; Investment bonds for sale; deposits received and lp- terest allowed R. C. Cart t manager, §7 Clarence St. Ki n. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND SLOBR Fire Insurance ny. Avallable assets $61,187,215. In Sadit ion 2 which the policyholders Rave security the unlimited Hablilty Tot city property, insured "N. Jest pussible rates. Before old or giving rates from Strange Agents. Phone 325. new Vigtnozm sot & hand gpldeboards dressers, couches, parior chairs, tables, Singer sew-| Ing machines, crockery, plctures, stoves and ranges. Also buy new and second-hand furniture. A Shapiro, 38 Princess street l | FARM, NORTH HALF LOT 18, 4TH concession, township of Pittsburgh, 100 acres, more or less, well water. fenced, good convenient to school, cheese factory; best farm in town. ship. Possession in September. Ap- ly, Thomas Todd, Lockmaster, rewer"s Mills, Ont bulldings, | church and ed, well * 3 3 3 A veal bargain in lots at the ad of Princess atreet, just taide efty limita.. The best of rden land; city water. Inguire Mrs, C, Si 1s Fralick, Princess near Bath PATENTS LEGAL CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER w office, 79 Clar- A. B and solichktor. ence street, Kin = BUSINESS CHANCES INVESTORS WARNING DON'T INVEST one cent until you read Successful Finance, and learn how fortunes are made and lomt by Investors. Free tris] subscription. BSuccess- ful Finance, 608 8 Dearbora #t., Chicago. | Contractors, Attention! Twe hundred houses required in Treaten. Substantial assis:- ders. particalars, " marks. designs. Estab. erly Pateat Office Examiner. Mater "Patent of Patent Laws tection" free. 99 St. James St. Moat. real. Brasches: Ottawa, Washingt: ABCOUK & SONS, Patents, nal 1377. Ferm | PANY, FURNITURE FINISHING |e DRISCOLL, FURNITURE FINISH. er. Call or drop a card. 33 Joha street {EE Es WANTED MACHINE OPERATORS FOR SHELL DEPARTMENT Apply: J. Farrar, Supt. CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE COM- LTD: | Starting May 1st all coal sales will be for cash. 'We to share with our customers the bene- propose {fits to be derived from a cash system. Jas. Swift & Co., { | Household Furniture Will buy and pay fair prices, but must be clean and sanitary goods, To oRTAIN THE

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