Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Jul 1917, p. 12

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I LL -- ------ <2 PAGE TWELVE THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JULY 11, 1917. We Live But Once Let Us Partake of Earth's Good Things by Smoking. » Milo Cigar Made in Kingston by GEO. A. McGOWAN CO. Verses to John McGraw. They never let poor Jawn alone-- they always pick on him-- They're always sneaking up behind to bust him in the glim: i They're always doing things to Jawn { Frank Baker's home run, as in| in ways that are unkind-- The United States Government is | plden days, won a baseball game, It| They never give him half a chance-- | buying homing pigeons. They are R | broke the Yankees' losing streak. they hit him from behind. useful in carrying lespatches. | -- | | Jim Scott is going to learn how to; Gentle Muggsy! Peaceful Muggsy! Japanese swimmers won first place , { be an officer. Dressed to fit the pfrt-- ~|in ail nine races which were a part {an aid to the White Sox. Doesn't know a single word of bil-|of the recent Far Eastern Olympic | Vs @® ---- lingsgate and tart-- games at Tokio, Japan, { Detroit has a new first baseman by | Never passed the lie at all--quite the --t | | thename of Lew Blue, but Georgie cherubim-- Eddie Mahan former Harvard foot- | | Burns still has a shade on him. Why should rude, unmannered thugs| ball and baseball star, has enlisted in| Perhaps that will be 'MONTHLY INCOME Sarest way of providiax for your old age or your beneficiary is the Monthly Income Policy of THE MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA. -- always pick on him? a a ac, S. Roughton, 60 Brock St., Phone 610. | A fiy ball bounded off Jim Thorpe's { shoes the other day and went for a home run. That's lacing 'em out! Pacifist from the starters gun, all he asks is peace-- He never picks a fight at all, but others never cease; They're always making poor Jawn fight (oh, always in defense!) And so his onward path is thick with fistic incidents. The National Women's Life Saving | League of New York plans to hold weekly swimming races duripg the summer, including an outdoor' metro- politan championship. Marathon races alsd will be staged. 1 , > Fa > H. Jennings, of Detroit, says he likes to see a strong hitting team. Hughie's pitchers are certainly giv- ing him a good time this year. We are selling hammocks that cost | more now than the prices we are letting them go at. In the Scandinavian countries steady progress in the development | - Fred Clarke, ex-Pirate boss, iS n0OW| Gentle Muggsy. Peaceful Muggsy. of athletis standards is reported. A | an oil king, but he hasn't a single Never likes a fuss-- oil well yet as deep as the one into| At peace with all mankind, in sooth, recent copgress was formed at Stock- | which the Pirates have slid.--Spring- a friendly sort of cuss; holm to have control of all arrange- field Republican. r He never used the ugly words they ments regarding sponts among Nor- | they said he sald--that's right-- | way, Denmark and Sweden. | But the other guy cut loose at him { and so he had to fight! Cheney, Brooklyn's big pitcher, uses the spitball too much. When the leather becomes wet and soggy of Maine is the latest college athlete | he cannot corftrol it. { Oh, back through twenty reeking|to be secured by Manager Connie] -- ) years, his way is strewn with Mack, who is rebuilding his ex-cham- | | McGraw's pitchers are fit, with] n gore-- pion nine. It is estimated Mack has| ) the exception of Tesreau, Schupp, Pat Newman soaked him "at West experimented with 250 promising] n Benton, Anderson and Salee End--Sentell at Baltimore; | candidates since he broke up | All the latest designs and finishes, Frank A. French of the University | in Dining, Living and Bedroom Fur- mniture. REID, his! ought to keep the Giants on top for! And here and there and there and worlds champion aggregation in the rest of the campaign. ~ here, the brutes would not de- 1914, R J -- sist, -- | Hi Myers is making Brooklyn tans' But forced upon his shrinking soul! Newport, R.I, is a centre of motor | LA e forget Jake Daubert. Myers should the using of his fist. | boating activity and also the place) d 5. be kept on first base as long as he | where many yachtmen and motor| Leading Undertaker boat owners, now enrolled in the | ~~ can outhit the $9,000 star. United States naval coast defence re- | serve force, are stationed. | hone 577 Gentle Maggsy! Peaceful -- When he passes out, Jack Lelivelt, once with the Yan-| At peace at last with all mankind, kees, is leading the American Asso- beyond the din and shout, ciation in batting. | Along with all the rest of it, ' a his tohbstone write Don t for- Stallings' old battle cry, "Robbed 'He never 'won a battle: but he never by the umpire!" is played out Ha | dodged a fight!" has parleyed a good ball club into a --By William B. Ruggles. bunch of has beens and minor] = = Muggsy! A HOT WEATHER is coming sure and when it does come it will be hot. So get ready today. First come get best choice. get us when you want | RTT CHEMICALLY SELF-EXTINGUISHING 0 | What do these words mean to you? They mean greater safety in the Home -- Surely something that interests you keenly! Perhaps you have noticed these words and the notation "No fire left when blown out' on our new "Silent Parlor" match boxes. The Splits or sticks of all matches contained in these boxes have been impregnated or soaked in a chemical solution To Fight It Out. ? ® ® leaguers. | \ | Catcher Lew "McCarty. of the The Phillies and Giants are now Giants, who is in a hospital in Cin- preparing to fight it out all along cinnati, is in a bad way. His broken ' the same lines in the National | leg is not mending properly. It had IL.eague. Each club will be enscon- We have the baits that catch the TREADGOLD Sporting Goods Co., ~ The Big Red Front. 88 Princess St. Kingston to be reset the other day and the out-| ced in its orchard. The final strug- look is that he will be out of the gle between these clubs doubtless game all seasons. In fact, it is doubt-| will be waged on foreign fields, ful if he ever will be able to make, however. The club that proves it- good use of his 1eg {self the best on the road probably -- | will carry away the flag-- provided Peter Compton, left fielder, has Miller Huggins qr some such up- been sold by the Louisville American ' start doesn't kick the dope buckeot Association club to New Orleans, of farther than it yet has travelled. the Southern Association, a _ | i Reports from Pittsburg now indi- | Falkenberg Turned Back. cate that the fans and some of the | Manager Jack Hendricks stockholders of the National League Indianapolis club of the club in that city not only want a | Association, announced wv y pew manager but a mew president. | er Cy. Falkenberg, who had been so}d to the Ph elphia - Amer cans American that Pitch- baseball park is being make room for small cottages. The grandstand, bleachers, and fence of the park cost $75,000. Organized baseball spent nearly $4,000,000 in five years from 1911 to 1916, in the draft and purchase alone of players, according to Presiden$ August Herrmann, of the National Commission. . wrecked to mie Kansas City Federal League | 0 trial, 'had Been turned back be- cause of failure to make good. He, | from Cincinnati, will report to the Indianapolis club at Toledo Sunday. Boston Released Henricksen. Olaf Henriksen, pinch hitter and utility outfielder for the Boston Am- | ericans, was given his unconditional Henriksen objected to go- ing to Toledo, of the American As- release. | sociation, where it 'had been planned A NEW FULL WEIGHT T O OK COLLA 20e each, 3 for Soc. TOOKE BROS. LIMITED | Makers Mon | SRR | of the | ) | ! Bo d with Catcher Emil Huhn, purchased | | Garage which renders them dead wood once they have been lighted and blown out, and the danger of FIRE from glowing matches is hereby reduced wo the greatest minimum. SAFETY FIRST AND ALWAYS -- USE EDDY"S SILENT 500s = A A a eA AAA NAAN a -------- ~~ ' Mid-summer Sale of Pumps and Oxfords AAA A A AAA SAA SAAN a ---------------- . Supply your needs in summer footwear at less than wholesale prices. Women's Pumps and Oxfords in gun metal and patent, at .. .. .. .. .. .. $2.49 Women's Pumps and Oxfords in gun metal and patent at . . ..... $298 Shortstop Adam Debus of the Far- | to send him, and in view of his past og-Moorhead team of the Northern services, it was decided to make him League has been sold to the St.la free agent. Louis Cards, to report immediately. Garage equipment and tools together with expert mechanics help auto owners to keep down repair bills. We have the best equipped garage between Toronto and Montreal and repair all makes of cars. We have the largest stock of automobile tires in the city. The Hagerstown Baseball Aseocia-| Should the University of Pennsyl- tion has closed a deal with Scout Ted vania decide to cancel athletics for a Sullivan for the sale to the Chicago Year or two, Coach Lawson Robert- | White Sox of Pitcher Earl Howard pon Hay be out of a job for that PI and Right Fielder Charles Dysert, of | length o time, It is said that Rob- ' |the Hagerstown Blue Ridge Club. |ertson has been offered a fine-paying Women's patent and gun metal pumps The players are to become th | post as assistant to Ernie Hjertberg, erty yy 5 ns ps ® -- Rome | the Swedish athletic ey Rob- . . . 4 ' PE Ey te $3.59 tthe Blue Ridge season ertson and Hjertberg are old pals. | Our Prices are Right - © ) e . \ 2" San Francisco is talking of form- A call salicliel These shoes are all new styles. This is your Peter Allison, outfielder, has been ing a Pacific coast league of trap . released to Memphis club, of the | shooters amon the followers bf the! chance to save money. Southern League, by the Cleveland | Sport ou there. | Americans. The leading pitcher in the Ameri-| a can Association is Fillingim of In-| Splendid pitching enabled the Hanopol, who was tried .by Connie Robins to win the Notional leaguo | Mac 1915. championship last year, and there is] Clark Griffith of the Washingtons | every reason to believe that Robbie's. Is experimenting with Infielder Billy boxmen are nearly ready to repeat.| Murray, late of Brown University. Pfeffer, after a poor start, is in tip | That gifted athlete, the cucumber, | top form, and Marguard is rapidly knocks a man out after he gets it| gotting into excellent condition, | down. : erro mith, the big southpaw, al- Many a man has worked himself | s0 is rounding into fine shape, while | to death through having nothing to Cadore still is showing remarkable do. effectiveness. Cheney and Coombs | One way to get ahead is to raise should win frequently, too. cabbage. TRY 5c. Poet Cigar 5c. Look for Silk Thread on Tip of Each Cigar, S. OBERNDORFFER, Maker, Kingston. -- co MONUMENTS Importers of Scotch and American Granites, Vermont Marble, - The McCallum Granite Company, Ld. § a ---- Geo. Boyd, Proprietor Free Air. 129 Brock Street. "Phone 201. TT) wey. | SPeECiaL LE | CONVICTS AND IN ACTORS \ | ACreRy { AND convicTS? crit -------------------- J H Sutherland & Bro. The Home of Good Shoes. ------ | CERTAINLY! KEEP THE STARS AND STRIPES TOGETHER. ------ -------------------- 2 --------------r---- CO ot cnt :: By BUD FISHER. "x -- SAY, MUTT! | ZN, T WAY TUT THINK ings J rr " \ AZ 1 xNow BOT ? | ROOSEveLT NAD THE - WHE, 1 wouLp \ ony TARE on THE LEVEL ™\ F i [ Twas twas |] GFT Away) | mcr ---- | JUST THINKING J RoosevecT | || WRong DEA, WS IMPOSSIBLE! | We foun ORGANIZE [| TRIED THAT | || Dison way MADE UP OF | NiSioN OF IND CONGRESS | || men FROM ALL WALKS OF QLUINTE : ul \ 2 TEERS AND NED Nim ee 5 THEREBY TAKMNG 3 FER 'T TO THE | Rimi WHERE i Men Away FROM \ OVERNMENT Eo YoU GET OFF PRODUCT WE OCCUPATIONS Go TO TNR ERonT To Succeed where AT oNCE Aa EXPReSIDENT ---- | | i $0 AS To Keep ve "STARS AND STRIPES" ToGe THER Lis i Eis <

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