PAGETWO > FINE FURS JUNE, JULY and AUGUST Store Closes 5 O'Clock | . Daily. THE SOLDIERS TO MARCH IN THE | ORANGE PARADES ° No Order Issued Against Them Walk. ing Here Thursday--They March-| ed to Church in Orange "and Odd-| fellows' Parades, ! Some time ago, C. R ing for the commitee the arrangements for celebration in the city on Thursday, wrote to Brig-Gean. T. D. R. Hem- ming, G.0.C., asking for permission | to join the parade of suldiers of that | day He received the reply that. the military authorities are not having |a parade on that date ony pick ay, FT aaa or | amited. dier is forbidden to institute or take | 149-157 Brock St. part in any meetings, demonstrations Ned Webster, t-| in ch the arge of | Orange | | or processions for party or political | purposes in barracks, camps, quarters | yor their yicinity. "Under no circum- stances whatever will either attend | , such meetings wherever held, in uni- form." Headquarters not order agedust soldiers marching in| the Orange pardde on Thursday When Sir Sam Hughes was Minis- ter of Militia he sent a circular letter | to - districts headquarters which stat ed that military bands could take part in Orange processions providing | the Union Jack was flown at the head of the column Acting on this or der the 8th C.M.R. pipers went to Gananoque in 1915 and took part in| the Orange celebration there. As soldiers marched in the Orange- men's and Oddfellows church par ades recently it is taken for granted | J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. that they may march in Thursday's 41 Clarence Street | parade, : . Kingston, Ont. Pr ec re Pl ANNAN ANN issuing any | Type: writers New and Rebuilt All kinds, from $235.00 up. Check Protectors, $10.00 and $27.50, Envelope Sealers, $3.60. Beautiful New Stock to Choose From Prevost, Brock street, has an | extra fine assortment of tweed, | cheviots and serge, blue and black {for the order department, His ready-made clothing and gent's furnishing never better assorted y Extra low prices. A | Carpenter and Builder W. R. BILLENNESS Ppecinlining Store Fronts and Fit. tings. Rewmodelitag Bulldiags of all ESTIMATES " EXPERIENCE Address 273 University Ave. July Coal Customers Take Notice Am Weare Optical Specialists SN We will take your order for delivery this month. All sales for cash. Phone erders 0. D, | The James Sowards Coal Co. Phone 155, PARADIS TAXI STAND Always ready for your call -- day or night. GARAGE FOOT OF BROCK. ST. Phone 822; House 611 Care 1S BEST SOLVED BY C OMING TO US. You are assured a thorough scientific examination and ac- curate glasses at Asselstine's. _Gonsule 'J. S. ASSELSTINE D,O.8. King Street, EE] ~~ At the | Golden Lion Grocery | Fancy Clover Agent for Imp. Carbon Chaser KE. PARADIS, Prop. RIDEAU STREET | Solid brick residence, 7 to dry | closely { tiled. | ing | Tango Girl, | Roy | Patchen, | will be starter for {prior to | Alfred Schrubb and A. E. | Bay, THE DAILY BRIT ISH WHIG, WZDNESDAY, JULY 11, 1917. FOR A VINE, WARM ARM DAY ON THE Fair be jig Events Promised at the Grounds--Lester Boyce Starter of the Races. The horsemen are waitin v )r the weatherman clearance of the rain and pouring down enou ) the traek Grounds. The track, been in use by the Driving and Matinee C ra] months past, ls in splendid con- dition, provided the rain does not continue. A few hours of warm weather would make it one of the best in Eastern Ontario for to-mor row, and under those horsemen offer the f st contested races ever ANX. ous uake a Old rays Fair has S01 the which ub for seve- and most staged here The entries for been powring in and each of the the races to the retary. four classes is well their speeders for the last few weeks in anticipation, and. among the enthusiasts are arguments and | discussions already as to the merits | of the various entries Some of the horses which already been entered for the show' of the Orangemen are Co., Faust Patchen, Frank K., Weston Gentry, Judge Murp Queen Direct, roo ¥¢ Forbes, Bernard McKinney, Alcone, Armordale, Billy Dil Little Minnie, Bobby Holl, Joe Maringo, Senator Murphy, Nellie Murphy, Walnut Brino Baron, Genet, Maud R., Exaltim Lester exper.enced "big Silver lon, and | J. Boyce, a prominent and Napanee horseman, the day. John Frederick Laidiey and W F. Kelly are the judges, and Dr Nicholson and W. Hartman are to] be timekeepers SERVED IN WAR ZONE Redden, Soldiers Are Now at the Mowat Sani- tarium. F. S. Gales of the 10th Bat- First Canadian division, now at the Mowat Hospital seeing twenty-two months' service in the trenches in France, was a well-known English runner has in his possession a photograph of himself in running togs and showing a lage number of valuable cups which he had won as an amateur in| England. He is well ac quainted with | Woods, two English middle distance champions. | Capt. Gales trained under Sc hrubb | and entered his first race under his | direction. He is also well acquaint ed with Billy Queal of Alexandria] now trainer at Yale. Capt. Gales was five times wound- ed in France. He has bullet wounds in both legs, a wound in the thigh and a bayonet wound in the right | arm. Sergt. L.. S. Hapwood, who spent] 23 months in France and was twice] buried under two tons of earth, as| the result of an exploding shell, and | was fortunate enough to be dug out each time, pital. Sergt. Hapwood figured in the second battle of Ypres, Capt talion, on officer He is a member of the First Can-| adian battalion. QUEEN'S SUMMER SCHOOL. | The Opening Meeting Was Held in Convocation Hall. A largely attended meeting of the Queen's University Summer School | | attendants was held in Convocation | | Hall on Tuesday afternoon and the and their friends will find the stu- students were addressed by Prof. Matheson who spoke of the condi- | tions under which the work of thethroughout the summer at 382 John- {university was being conducted Gentlemen's | ynditions the | have | The driveis liave been train- | have | Weng | Lamb, | He| is also at the Mowat Hos-| the battle of | the Somme and other engagements. | loca NOTES AND ITEMS oF | GENERAL INTEREST. Happenings In the City and Vicinity --- What the Merchants Offer to the | Readers of the Whig. Kingston's civic holiday celebrated on July 304h The Separate School Board h adjourned until September H. Cunningham, piano tuner, 21 King street. Leave orders at McAul | ey's Book Store. Chestnut coal is now { $10 a ton here, an adyance | taken place a few days ago f Miss Nellie and Rosalie York street, have left to visit {tives in Cleveland and Buffalo At Queen's bowling green on Tues day evening Skip H. D. Bibby won | from Skip F. Crozier by 16 to 8. Mr. and Mrs. W. Jarrett, Syra-| cuse, N.¥.° are here to attend the Orange demonstration on Thursday.' Jerome Madden, son of P. J. Mad- den, Earl street, has left England | for service in France with the Can-| | adian Engineers, Mr. Thomas was removed from the General Hospital to the 10.45 am. | C.P.R. train to be taken to his home at Lavant Station. Mr. and Mrs. T. W Samuel Hall have returned will be as selling at having men. Twelvetrees. Doyle, rela~ | song of recent years. i | | | | { 160-162 Princess St. Sands and | from a A AA A AA PAA August Magazines Received Today Cosmopolitan, Hearst's, Pictorial Review, Poultry Review, Cartoons. Cosmopolitan---Over one million circulation, five million readers: commencing the second instalment of Robt. W. Chambers. Pictorial Review---Read Lady Aberdeen on the War and the Wo- Containing five beautiful child pictures for framing by _Delineator, Designer, "The Restless Sex" Complete syhopsis of first instalment. by THE TRAIL THAT LEADS TO HOME. Companion song to "There's a Long, Long Trail." standard song that will outrival the Long Long Trail or any other This is a PRICE 40c. -- A A The : College Book Store, Phone 919 NN et At ert pleasant-week spent in and around yracuse ol a wetoring trip A number of students are still re- gistering at the Queen's University Summer school, and as large an at- tendance as last year is expected. | Robert J. Dalzell, Kingston Miss Carrie B. Serviss, Brocky were married on Tuesday | groom is operator at the { Theatre, Brockville. ! W. Gi. Ferguson, superintendent of | the local offce of the Metropolitan | Life Insurance Co., is in Cobourg at | tending a convention of all the com pany's Canadian agents A lady complained to the police last night about the loss of | her valise, which contained all | valuables. She said that she | it in a Chinese restaurant 1 ! Mr. and Mrs. D. Carpenter, Mr. | |and Mrs. J. Gillespie and Miss Viola Gillespie, Joyceville, motored last Sunday to Kingston Junction and | {spent the day with Mr. and Mrs Her- | Fhert Hogan Adjutant Smith and Mrs of the Salvation Army, with Mayor and Mrs. C. J. Graham tend leaving this week-end, if weather is favorable, on an mobite trip through Indiana. ! The death occurred at lof Rev. Js M. Goodwillie, seventy-three years, and ather of Lance-Corporal C. A. Goodwillie, an | | undergr aduate of Queen's Un.ver | sity, how on active ser in | | France St. Luke's Sunday school was forced to cancel its annual picnic on | Wednesday because of rainy weath- er. 'This is the successivve fourth | picnic that has been postponed this | year on account of the weather, an | unusual occurrence. A twelve-year-old girl got strand- ed in the city on Tuesday At 3.15 o'clock on Wednesday morning Con- stable Lesslie Clark found her wandering along Union street. She was taken to the police station, | where she was cared for. The year 1917 has provided un- | usual weather; nothing seems to | be going the same. The we ather | man seems to be more interested in greater production than in Sunday | school picnies; for the weather has | been most suitable for the efforts | of the gardeners. Is and ille I'he New her left Suiith ex- | in- the | auto- Metcalfe aged vice Hosiery the Family Mrs. Browett's Studio. | Mrs. Browdit's former students |dio and Aiken Institute vacation Wash oods We have the range that will please you - Colors, designs, wgaves and prices that make shopping a pleasure. 15c to 75¢ Nobby Marquis- ette Waists In any size from 34 to 44. Safety Razors Camping time is here, and camping means compactness and availability in evegything, particularly in a razor, The "Auto Strop" is the best there is. Let us show you how it works. We have it in small leather, nickel or gun metal cases, com- plete with strop and extra blades. PA i A li tt Smith Bros. Jewelers and Opticians. Jssuers of Marriage Licenses. $1.00 for All hitable fob Sumiiet W. F.Gourdier 80 Brock Street Phone 700. | class open from nine to three dally Volunteers wanted for son street. Newman & Shaw, THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE --_---- rooms, all modern improve- ments; hot water heating; nice deep lot. $3300. Furs! All kind of Fox Stoles When you have anything | This year Carruther's Hall and ne | training in Aiken Institute work. {ola Arts building are being utilized | -- | as the new Arts building and Grant | Salvation Army Concert. | Hall 'are now in the possession of the | | In one pound sections, 25 cents each. | 2. Pp The Salvation Army band will give | Fresh California Prunes, nice and military hospital. Prof. Mathesoh | a song service and concert at corner | in the Real Estate Line BUILDERS' SUPPLIES weey Juley ... . 123%c, 15c. Ib. spoke about the classes and gave 7.30 | Evaporated Peaches, 2 lbs for 25c. Evaporated Apricots ... ... 15¢ Ib. | Sweet Cider ... ... ve. 40c gal! W. RMcRea & Co. Golden Lion Grocery A In Our Bedding Department McCann' 8, INSURANCE Fire; 1 82 Brock Street. You will find a wide and varied assort- ment of brass and enamel beds, mattresses, springs, pillows, blankets, comforters, eiderdown quilts, sheets, pillow cases, in fact, everything to furnish a bed complete. Ename nicely trimmed with brass ends, from $3.50 up. ; Woven Wire Springs, strong and sabe stantial, from $2.50 up. Pillows, $1.00 to $7.00 a pair. Mattresses in all sizes and prices. We know we can satisfy you perfectly and save you money besi R. McK aul, to the new stu- [of Bagot and Princess streets, ly hint some timely hints p.m., Thursday. dents. V. C. Goldring of Toronto, | president. of the association, and J.| T. Curtis also made a few remarks, and an opportunity of making the | English Gooseberries, Strawber acquaintance of new students was | ries, Early given. | canning at Carnovsky's. Ww hite Ox-Heart Cherries. i CASE WAS SETTLED. Young Couple Who Had Baggage Seized Left the City Happy. Monday was a blue day for Mr. and Mrs. Mulock, the couple from New York, who had their baggage seized by the bailiff, but the clouds lifted for them after the police court hearing on Tuesday morning. A satisfactory settlement was made, and all smiles, and in a very happy frame of mind, the couple boarded a boat bound for Rochester. Howexer, they will not soon forget the ice court tangle they had in Kingston. "Headquarters tor Headwear." COOL - COMFORTABLE HATS. ry t Lake Ontario Park. Those in attendance at Lake On- tario Park last evening enjoyed a rich musical treat. Vera Belmont charmed those in attendance by the richness bf her soprano voice. The musical Seeley with his fine select. ions on the various instruments won approbation. The plcetures were: The Hun Frightfulness on Their Home Return, Skeing on the Alps, United States Heroes in England, France's Care For Her Heroes, Irish Solution |} and National Service in London. There will be an entire change of programme to-morrow evening, both in singing and musical selections. If you want real comfort for the hot days come here and'let us show you a light summer hat. We have silk outing hats that are extra light in weight, and our $2 and $2.50 straws with a patent ventilating leather sweat band bring comfort to every man who wears one. Panama Hats $4 to $10. Straw Sailer Hats $150 to $3 Light Caps Sle to §2. Wages Case Heard. The wages case of Ackerman vs Carey, of Loborough township, for $80, was heard by Justice of the Peace George Hunter, on Tuesday afternoon, when judgment was given for the full amount claimed. It was stated that the decision would be appealed, Two Kingstonians Join Navy. 'Two more young men have left for overseas to do their bit in the great war. On evening oh trong McCormack and Berri- ip left for England to jain the - Jeitish savy. = Richmond Cherries for | §! warrant against her husband, charg- CLOSING OF MAILS British mail Closes irregularly. Information posted at P.O. Lobby from time to time. United Buea, daily 130 am. and 11.30 p.m. Grand Trunk, going east, am. Ed 11.30 pm. Grana Truak, Toronto and » west, lncluaing Weslorn States .... . 1.00 p.m. Grand Trunk and ali west 2 ony. 13 u. . and 11.30 p.m. CP.R. .. 10.16 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. 2.00 p.m. f\eesrorcerrwd WOMAN DROPPED CHARGE ACCUSED HUSBAND OF NONSUP- PORT BUT SOFTENED | Mrs. Charles Dumas Came Here From Ottawa to Prosecute Her Hubby But Changed Her Mind-- Man in Khaki Paid Fine For Tip- pling. { They say it is a woman's privilege to change her mind. A woman exer- | cised this privilege in' a court case {on Wednesday morning. Mrs. Charles Dumas came to King- i ston, from Ottawa, and took out a ing him with non-support, but on the accused pleading "not guilty" to the charge, when arraigned before Mag- istrate Farrell, on Wednesday morn- | heart had evidently been softened Uy | the meeting she had with her hus- band before court opened. Magis- trate Farrell said he would allow her to do so. The couple are elderly people. Mrs. Dumas walks with the assistance of a cane. It is stated that Dumas has been living in King- ston for the past three years. Wearing the King's uniform, a young men pleaded guilty to being intoxicated in a public place. When put in the box to tell where he got his liquor, he said ft came by express from Montreal. The "joy water" ar- day. The ual $10 and costs, was dmposed, to sell PORTLAND ' CEMENT See Us Canada Portland This week we offer a neat bungalow, modern, on Montreal street, for Cement for concrete $1300, on easy terms, On Alfred Street, a six room frame dwelling, with barn, if sold this week for $1100. work. Money to Loan. Fire Insurance E.W.Mullin&Son Cor. Johnson and Division Sts. Sellers of Real Estate. S ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory, Lumber Yards. Bay and Wellington Streets, Kingston, Ont. Phones: Office 66, Factory 1415 bose Lumber, Coal and Wood wosd Phones 539 and 1456, ing the complainant stated that she} | { desired to withdraw the charge. Her People who work hard have time for in no Sy Vy T= n x Stores NADAS FAVORITE DRUG STORE © SEE OUR Bathing Caps Up to date colors and styles. 25c¢ each to $1.00 each. Cor. Princess and Bagot Streets. Mahood's Drug Store Princess and Bagot Streets. ARE HERE