Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Jul 1917, p. 7

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=' THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JULY 11, 1917. PAGE SEVEN 7 cE nm Gp AND 5 : -- ? = Thrift iar sDaily ime i The People's Forum | | Monday, Tues. yr Wed.' ORY \ = NER DED wme POLITE VAUDEVILLE i A Five Act Photopléd. Mme. Petrova, in CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES FOR SALE TO LET 6" - " e Bridges Burned. First tusertion, ic & word. Each eon. THESX EFFECTIVE ADVIN. COST FOUND Cries IN CLAMENCE ST. CHAN. The Pathe News, Comedy and Other | secutive insertion thereaft half little. One > three times SOc: bers. Apply to A. B. Cunningham, Photoplays Minimum charge for one week. 31. : 79 Clarence street. ' y nall or large . oloplays, 3e; three imgertions, -- er . " - A SUM_OF MONEY, ON PRIN. ASSETS: Il branch t Eank : ome month, $2. GA8 RANGE 3 = alone ney, ss street a may GOOD HOUSE, wELL FURNISHED, 73,000,000 . : Sa 2pnY to een, 3 e ame by calling at swell location, for three months. #7 3,000.4 Thur., Friday, turday street. Phone 3126 or 621 p Apply Box $616, Whig Office eo ------------ y 1 . ches fn Canada] \ v > : ANTE : - 11 Branches in Torouto. 118 Brauches ln (anal POLITE VAUDEVILLE HELP WANTED GENUINE, GRAPHONOEA AND TN _. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, EK. WA- A Five Act Photoplay age CuBERY AID. - selections, your own choice, $27.60. FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- a? clean dry furniture > - . H APPLY AT RAN- Terms: $5 cash, $1 per week.. C. W TISED FREE ing, 442 Albert street. Phone Nance O Neil, m Jolph H Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess St. Anyone @nding enything and * wist.ng to reach the owner may '" x 7? | MOTORMEN AND CONDUCTORS. AP- AT 169 RAGLAN ROAD, 4 BUGGIES, 2{ll do 20 b : - h h y reporting the faots ito STORAGE F 2 0 " The Final Payment. ply Street Rallweay Office wher tired and.2 steel tired, in The British Whig. The adver- RAG ron) tRMFUAE oR Mn The Pathe News, Comedy, and Other --mmm-------- ee _ dass condiion. cheap for a tisement will be printed in thls Real Estate Agency, $2 Brock St q k buyer. COadl after § o'clock. column free of charge. Phones 326 or 621 ' " : inne 100 Senne Yoes A WAREHOUSE MAN. APPLY A. "Found articles," does not in- atin | hewn & 252 Bagot street A NEW SOLID BRICK, ON RIDEAU clude los: dogs, cattle, horses COA » eo of cE OF 1 [Amy Seat Reserved, Se Bxtra street Everfthing new and emod- etc. These, If lost, may be ad- ae iy pi Fh JE AAA tA A Al ern, at a bargain, Apply to C vertised for in the "Lost" column poses: rear of 42 Prinoess St i ison, 1 ides pt. "E* Wii \ A HOLSEuAID FOR DINIS ROOM Harrison, 108 Rideau gtreet. Phone : Ap- 54% eB ger. x X Hm wages. Apply Y. W 1969, pire ply Hex "E" Whig Office hm : OFFICE OR SHOP, 133 WELLINGTON A i rr Ew Mg ' - Apply Matron, Ki ---- Smith. Printer ADPLY 4 Car- | I Hs ngston General | ruthers, 151 Wellington street Mon., Tues. Wed. | _ iia 77 TT UH spsesessseseses CRIvE PERL WING ox FRING . FOR GENERAL | 2. Ne a St. and STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN Feature Photoplay. OTE ey Se. * AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE ¢ ) 2 "afternoon. Re dry, airy roms; your own look and |e fo nt girl preferre > P ckert Ty Key Frost's City Storage, 2188 . . 2 r - + 'Queen streel. Phone 536; (pes. 98% i . - re------------------------ One 4-cylinder 3- senger, = Aberdeen Ave., Brick ETE IEEE Price $4400 Wm S. Hart, in : 3 " GROCERY DELIV- |e ie le Cagis . f "« " ly er TY; Earl St., brick . .. .. Price $4000 | Wolf Lowry. hig oO "© Box 15214 hand, cheap for quick sale. Also dds setle™ 2- ve . BLY. tr cowe-------- | 4 one 4-cylinder truck. J. HH. Collingwood St., double frame soe ee Price $3600 "Tedd My" dhe Turek oes oe { Ap» , v Mrs Bo CRTLYY + Davis, Saxon Distributor, Johnson St., double frame . . . . Price $4000 | =tiner ioe. ? Tar I wie Cggou semen CRIFFIN'S 172 rea 56 Brock St. Phones: Office 68; Res, 874 GIR ) : RAT RACER. BY BY GEO. A. BATEMANS ESTATE bd * 879, a gr PE A oh « . A. BATEMANS ESTATE « lephor 19, and receive Pply at 127 Un Apply the J. K. Car- Am nr | MONDAY. TUESDAY, WEDYESDAY west for full informaiton Agoney. TT Poll "Agency, 36 Brock S¢ -- Eo x SS . . OUR HAY AND FEED d Pauline Frederick i In [SINGLE MAN To WORK ov Famw, %908 BRICK HOUSE, NEARLY NEW, CLAIR GYANT. $eesestes latest Improvements, § rooms, dou- "S) » | ' NAKeS Apply Johnston Arm- eeping Fires." Ed Ert. ARRR: Jubiion Arm ble lat. . P ng "ee Sertih) =e From Bong, Partsmwath. - MADAME LILY, FAMOUS i First Episode of "Pathe's" New Serial. "oor © MAID FOR GENER $3000, BRICK, 7 ROOMS, ALL IM- Iinist and clairvoyaat, BOARD AND ROOMS. will put flesh on your horse and "The Mystery of the | on 2 nh FoR © AL provements, gas and electric light, Prepg Magli hago) oan: put him in better shape every way | " coo z DIY: He a he . an lot 33 x 132; side lane i 1.00. FIRST CLASS BOARD AND ROOMS, , 1 he any +B 1 " 5 ) ree or ¥ . every convenience, central loca- W e ply ie feed or. Sony Th Double Cross I ---- : #3300 DOUBLE STONE ALL INPROVE- tion Apply 243 Brock street. the iorses and y« ob ? i Feat ring Mias Molly King IYOUNG MAN T Tr . ments; stable. meee - everyone of them looking fime and r 4 . 10; Ev'g. loc. | ir v la iV Gh -- Fre ¢ me gli $4300, BRICK, 11 ROOMS, ALL IM- FURNISHED ROOMS WITH OR WITH- mmr dandy Try it on your horse. It ! won atin rt- provements; rear entrance. A. E. KNAPP, BA, LDS, DDS, 1. Al conveniences. Use will pay. =f aS k On . y : oe ) Office, 268 Princess street. Phone ) \pply 32 Ontario St 38 Ih \ La e tario NTS. GOOD PROurs | 90S BUCK. ALL INFROVEMENTS:| Si: est ur phone Ties" an ree a ee { 4 portral Frames lowest lg ' s a write United Art Py " q ; y ANY . i. | \rt | g1400, FRAME, IMPROVEMENTS, SIX |DR. J. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST FINANCIAL W. F. McBROOM ; ¥ A R RK oh SWirk Ave. To. rooms. curner Princess and Bagot streets i ------ ce I hi - hehe 626. . VACANT LOTS, ALL PRICES, FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. 42-44 Princess St. "Phone 1688. . and Eve Night ! Stacy : comm | Le AN PE 2 -- ment Society; Incorporated 1863; I onl ht 1 RWANSOTLY , DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN- president. Colonel H. R Smith ~~ mA par ; A : 4 at 8.30 \ No OIthrs Waskly in own TO RENT. tists, 159 Volington street, G. C CMG; vige-president, W. F. Nle- | BLACK AND W MT ax HOUND, rt RNISHE n RESIDE NCE, 119 small, about J answers street; brick, $ rooms' open fire- to name of ck." Finder please places. nice rounds "and shade notify C. Potter, Ouilins Bay, Omt trees. J. 8. R ann, $3 Brock Reward St. Phone 328 or $21 334299439 i] proportionately , $20: BRICK HOUSE, NORTH END; ALL Dewar, DDS, LDS, assistant xle. K.C Money issued on ety Matin ednesday at 3.30. 0 ' "Particulars fr mprove ts; 10 roo d sta- atinee eu « way J Pr. ts Distributors, ner vements TOOMs ang Sia Phone 348. and farm properties, municipal and é . tford r ro, _ country debentures; mort es yy: " R VAUDE)\ /ILLE ---------- . MO LOAN, 67 CLARENCE ST. FOR BALR Chase Ste a vad for EEE terest allowed. R. C. Cartwright, manager, §7 Llarence St. Kingston. ! 1 J {i 2 ~ FEATURE 4 ACHE TENTS, AWNINGS, VERANDAH CUR- a Cum " ) . PHOTOPLAYS G IR LS | 2ACHER WANTED. jens, Rhee ana SAmRlug sup. BVRIPOOL. LOKOON. AND GLOBE Military Hospitals Com- Pro, Changed Monday and Qu oe) IFIED TEAC hun FOR S, 8. NO. W. Cooké,.. 39 Clirence St, King- Fire Insurance Company. Avallable ted ford Apply stating salary ston. Phon# $9). assots $61,187 215. In addition te Thursday. | 3 B. C. Atwood, Tichborne which the policyholders have for mission Command Admission to P ree Stree parity the unlimited Habliity of er 1881 ' uy e Park Free 12 BY Stent A LARGE NUMBER OF BICYCLES, IN- ste «Mygesiriiior J ogg bs Mh . city. property, . | Wea ay, Chil 1-C Da | NORMAL In AINED TEAC HER FOR cloding the famous Athlete, Over- possible rates Before renewlin With each tin of Talcum in our Canada . adwy 4 vu ent Day on With or without experience, on Ses aia 18, fend whi, Salary nd and Perfect Models: also tires old or giving new business MEL ) : I AAA Re AAA oi pe r year pply Jas ebb and cy el accesso - George WIN oD arn ving absolutely sewing and knitting machines. Seeley's Bay P.O Muller, 373 King St. Phone 1082 Mies Jeon Sthouge « free a Dainty Powder Puff. Popular Light work; highest ges paid n . a a odors, Popular makes, Popular tints. Notice | oO Re- Every Pound of while learning. Apply A+ PROTESTANT NORMAL RAED ON COLLINGWOOD ST. NEAR UNION AL -. - teacher for 8 8S No . \ , : Tn od Brick Your Choice, 25¢. turned Soldiers "ROYAL BLEND" Kingston Hosiery, Leeds and Lansduwne 5 : rio line, 3 now pressed belek CE TTI PARTE i 3 COFFEE Rideau street i ve > se I Returuell acliicrn, --_-- FOR 8. S,NO. 6. TOWNSHIP OF " Hoag' S Drug Store discharged, Yeheiher of : ; Tanah NS de second | LARGE STOCK OF EXTENSION TA- BUSINESS. CHANCES Limited. Lynanore. ont Byron. Aolshed dnd ready for fmmediste and solicitor. Law office, 19 Clar- otherwise, may You purchase THIS week at bles and dining chalrs. buffets yndhurst. Oni. possession. Apply C. Harrison. 1084, ~ gnce "trees" ingaton. >, th STEACY wholesale. i ary. $700 per annum. Apply John shi . » 0 ds | INVESTORS WARNING DON'T INVEST ode franc) Post Office. > ¥ y { the Daugh- NOTICE Riley, Sec.-Treas, Outaraqui. Shits Sau lsc > "Ww v one cent until you read Successful = ters of the Empire all kinds of sec " Finance, and learn how fortunes mot able te come In person, send ad- J. Thompson, are made and lost by Investors dress or telephone, | . 1 hereby give notice that I will} WANTED GENERAL 3 \ 333 Princess s . inde Tigi Toso hy - F.J. JOHNSON | Demonstration at Fluo seein or y's: co LE Erie HL Bair i ? tracted by y wife, M p LADIES SECOND HAND WHEEL Chicago. oJ e F.A. Good, Major. a F my Wm lary Robbs | with coaster brake. State cash |SEE ME FOR NEW AND SECOND ------ ss District Voeational Officer. | --EPHRIAM ROBES. price. Box 77, Whig Office, hand sideboards, dressers, couches | The Leadin Fl i t 160 Raglan Road. arlor chairs, tables, Singer sew- g Oris Aa tA A "at --- } . . i ng machines, crockery, pletures, ma. Cut Flowers bur speciaier, "Grice Excursion Bulletin ! | WATERY. oN, SEYEY, OOMED | giores and rigucs Also,buy ae%|| Contractors, Attention! » po iy. Phone 23 ii -- * | enaing "A uy 'or Septe ers y > P, : red houses regul fSlled promptly. Phone 239. 116 Hrock AUCTION SALE | mesg / agus! or Wie mber; n Shapiro, 35 Princess streel. "a ey J eed) bulidera. Writ Li SS. 1000 Island rar - S. siander SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS, | FARM. NORTH HALF LOT 19, 4TH || coll on Robt. D. Preston, Ma Wednenday. July 11--E Of Household Furniture at the Resi-| for cash or in part payment of new ccncession, township of Pittsburgh, Square, Trepton, for a dence of Dr. Etherington (who Is planos and Victrolas. C. W. Lind- 100 acres, more or less, well water. particulars, ) - < now overseas) 28 Albert sireet, on say, Lamited, 121 incess etree. ed, well fenced, good buildings | Extra Choicest July 13th, at 10 o'clock. v: Fy os eonventent to school, church and " | cheese factory; best farm in town. | Tawra Jul 12k ral ons w . sui 3 ee ye v > v - Japan (Green) Tea, satan. Troat reaves 3oes |, Consisting of square piano. mano PATENTS ship." Possession tn Septembor. Ap. FURNITURE FINISHING . v ¢ rat ES, ON » -1 Wop | . : in51b Boxes, $1.50 of re k hoard, ning room sett, springs. | BABCOCK & SONS, Patents, trade Brewer's Mills, Sn RTC TORR TIRE na. mattresses, carpets, pltures, cre , marks, designs. Estab. 1377. Ferm 1 sion Among o kitchen utensils and other articles | erly Patent Office Examiner. Mas er. Call or drop a card. 13 John Lipton's Plantation Brand Sow 30% Fare W tari. " ' of patent Laws. Book "Patent Abter { . | Friday, July 13~--FExecursiop te Brock. oy Black Tea, in 23 Ib. Tins, | "i a 0 b ? leavi WM. MURRAY, Awetioacer, tection™ free. 99 St. James St, Mont- $1.40. When you require Tea { Kingston nm are | Tae. Telephone 13N2. real. Branches: Ottawa, Washington. y | children 40. street PERSONAL 1 a [YOUNG GENTLEMAN WISHES COR- re pondence of young lady. Object near Ca Fiuirex, ™ i r imony. Address Box 29, Whig i Johnson street, GORDON'S. Hone leaves Swift's Wharf, foot of -- Sood bod is the place to get it. Cor. Bay and Montreal Streets. trees Phous | Hat Cleaning Time ii Teton SSS MAIR. MOLmS, WARTS. BIRTHMARKS ) | and all growths and skin bilem- Now ia the time to get your straw { ishes removed permanently, with- or Panama hat cleaned and 3 ee ------------------------------ out scar; 30 years' experience. Dr. ' | bleached. POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, ER. | Elmer J. Lake, Eye Ear, Nose, s chants Bank Bulld"ng, corner Throat and Skin Bosatallst, 258 . Sweeialute in Panama bleach. Brock and Wellington streets. | Bagot street a 9 » t alr ro ing. Satisfaction guaranteed. '| New York Hat Clean- Fresh Cut Flowers Dall gi : For Inside and Outside Work. Steady Em- Roses a-orer | 4 Hore Races 4 || sore wloymnt. | WANTED ' | rn RE SAE AI | et ee me PATTERN MAKERS, HANDY MEN, | Es SE -- is & AND LABORERS. TA SERVICE « rn ly ony nertoun, Wor th - In ° A. D avis So n, Lid, Apply: J. Farrar, Supt. poet, Eagle Roos ox am Kingston Tannery. CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE COM- All Large Cars | 5000 Bibl Se! ing: About PANY, LTD. Used. with sede a peat hea: Br mg Milk Ready Cut Kingston 2 | prize, $13: 2nd prize, $10, Ont - Macaroni, 10c Pkg. Kingston Taxi Cab PO ny Rages o -- Macaroni, 10c. : Ld pi eines) ae Try our Steel Cut fe Men Wanted Announcement guests t be rates. Admission te grounds, For Saturday ---- | | cas Apply Fa Starting May 16 all coal sales will be for cash. | | fits to be derived fron a cath system. y am ep ens wf I Ki ngst . 1000 Ibs. Best B. Rice. | 1 rics tere mami | 1 8s on Jas. Swift & Co, : Limited. 5 lbs. . So vn. 35¢|f] to get them dome wp owe ship's ! | aan. | Shipbuilding sa AT Household Furniture | Penitentiary for what appears un-|that subscribers vious war ge ( i Phone 05 and Division Streets. doubtediy an attempt at white stave, loans could on new issues convert | : J. Turk, 705 a oR ol i 1846. ry at Welland. "their prior holdings at par 4 210 Division St. Phone 345 Anderson Bros. mms eee re

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