¢ and ' . no cy vate, § a in H P Sauce h is no serious rival tile of to-day Tryal H.P. ck, Safe Way to Remove Hairs -- Qui \ er ohn ugly paste | f me | 1 the | then | > hair | COAL CUSTOMERS Please Notice ! On and after first of May Coal Sales will be for | Cash Only. BOOTH & CO. Phone 133. Preserving Season Is Here. Tet Us Sapply Your Wants, | i bruit Jars in Pints, Quarts, Gallons, | h Strawberries Arriving Daily. | Home Grown Tomatoes. | «cross Lhe ocean. They went to King ston to settle, going by the Ottawa Home Grown Cabbage. New Potatoes, We Grape Juice. United Grocery, Fhe Yhon of Choice 138 Princess Groceries. | St. Home 276 We Have a Nice Assortment of Pure Corn Syrup In 2-1b. tins, 3-1b. pails, and 10-1b. pails, which we are for ome week ounly at the ¢ price. E. H. BAKER "NCor. Montreal and Charles St, X_ © Phone 1268. Badly Injured. July 16 A bad at the Lakeside rt on Tuesday. Ht sdems engaged on a g cement in a large silo, | heing erected This hoist | I tes 1, for-! y4th Bat in the buec-| some round, of ding bucket and man | great force Mr. Ayton d rushed by Mr. | ager of the plant, ! n his auto; where it nd he had systained a broken, | serious indpraal injuries to ~ Wa ¥ acci-} Can that hoist were phe h g down cable broke ot from the { x? James WM sronk, Prescott, died of paralysis on™Waly 5th. He was hort tn 1839 va: gard foreman at the CPR for arly t ars and about ten years ago uperannuated He was a man respected ivate James T. Cobus, Rénfrew, has won the Mifitary Medal for brav- v. af Vimy Ridge. He was wound- ed in both legs, v restaurant to pause for breath. sented objection to going to your home has been completely and finally overcome. | We cannot get there too quickly." lassuming the gait and leisurely man- ner of a couple of evening strollers, | mem. | ward arrived here this week from To- { ronto to spend a month. | ward is one of Gananogque's old-time | residents, and probably feels more at | home and has more enjoyment here Half | One foot and touch his hat with the « ire Leaders in Glasseo's Famous THE CONFESSIONS DF ROXAN (By Frances Walter) | | escaped | still | ire place is A recollec Vague | of our flight | high spots I po Nand ft vague immediately after the flight now i that s was just that Maria and I clam- out of the window after Mad + Legue had so pointedly referred in ation with the man, and | know that we must climbed down the fire escape, e did not fall quite all the way an impr fon that we finally ed the ground, and then I know fled wildly with terror hing at throats and fear | pping our hearts | Throughout it all Mariam clung to | kirts with the panicky feeling of | | Yet | was barely conscious | impediment know her conver | our as 1 led the way, | where through} across streets and into until | felt that we wee | from the accursed | how or not r enough away When at last we stopped, limp | om exertion and fright, compelled 'he wall to stand at the same question pre- itself to Mariam should we go? And as each ittered it we knew the answer was Mariam who put it into en words let us hail ¢ to lean agdinst Where a taxicab and go 1e she said. 'l would not put foot in that 'horrible apartment t ours again for all the wealth and «/l the Qther considerations in the world combined You are right Mariam." 1 "We have no place there. my told My her We crept out of the last alley, and, we walked on until we sighted an ap- A Youthful Octogenarian. Gananoque, July 17.--James Hay- Mr. Hay- (ban anywhere else. He is in his eighty-ihird year, but would easily pass for sixty, and can still stand on ther. Hg was born én England ila 1834, and came to Canada with his pares in 1841, They were eight waely and three days on the voyage Lerrons Prepared Specially for This News By Pictorial Review Dainty for A A charming frock in gray veile trimmed with silk in the same shade for afternoon weer. The applied side paris aad taserted pockets give the siirt the Jashionadle silhouette. This model answers every demand of the woman with a social status to malniaim. Its effectively carried out In gray volle trimmed with a collar and sashbelt of silk iu the {same tone. The waist is fashioned Lskirt wifli on the new extémsion lines, having |attached to it a two-piece gathersd applied side panels and jInsertel pockets. It fastens at the {1ft ste. In mettam size the model Irowires 8% ya=li 4tdnch material "he home dressmakér has the don. #traction guide to sure her atai- lerror In making aps frock, a-! Should Rava no t=" = 1 cents. | who we conyince him of the shooting." are directly across the way from that this that he was a coward and would pro- tect no one except himself said take away evervthing we have there They are welcome to it to last me the rest of my life." cl fA _ Gary & Practical FH Some Dress Makin 9 Pietortal Review Costume No. 7301. Cizes, 34 to 44 Inches bust. Price, 35 | proaching vehi One ither Mar ad gone ; Then she gripped my'arm so sud and such strength that I started with fear What is the matter I cried "The shooting'"" she replied. "Will they not be to us to our little apartment But suppo they do?" will they gain' by which there" spoke tance id with enly able trace 1 I return There is can ed What nothing identified there we is returned may we have I don't know Mariam doubtfully. "Possibly rap of paper which averlooked "I think vour fears are magnifying the danger I told "We were very careful when we went there to take nothing which would betray our identity I am confident that they will not find my name written anvthing in the place, and | am sure you feel the same confidence." "But I don't," declared Mariam "It's your guilty conscience which causing you this alarm let a not worry Even if they do find out which they cannot the worst that can happen is a visit the chief of potice, and we can that we know nothing there be some 8 her on is were FOR MILADY to 2 de "They surely will search Mariam persisted. "You our rooms know they | Sa man Kenwood"s, and 1 suppose by time he has revealed all he of One could tell by the his groans and moans DARLINGSIDE. {From Our Own Correspondent) Knew us loudness of them search the rooms," 1 "And if they want to let them "Let Darlingside, July 16 .- Mrs Landen, sr, who was spymewh disposed, is much better Strawberries are "an )p., and are selling at twenty-five cents, with , spect: being lower The strawberry festival, held he Methodist church grounds day evening, was well attendea Everybody appeared well pleased Markus King is doing a =ood busi- ness 'nn his stor», whieh ! has re 'env opened at Swift Water Point He has just completed a dining hall over. liis boat hpuse for the accom- modation of picnic and motor par- Lies. Fishing splendid daily. A few people from this vieinity ceehrated the "Taelfth" at Kings- ton al I am like you. 1 have had enough of the place excellent two the hoxes pro f As | finished | bent forward and called to the chauffeur to stop "What are you doing?' asked Mar iam, "We dre not near home." {To be continued.) on Fri River (and Rideau Canal, trip which ocoupied six days. Mr. Hayward learned the machig- ists' trade and came to Gananoque in the late fifties to work for the late | D. S. Abbott. Mr. Hayward was a schoolmate of S. McCammon in Kingston; The lat- ter is Mr. Hayward's senior by three years. Mr. Hayward still carries with him a four-penny coin which was presented to him before leaving England, seventy-six years ago It was coined in 1837. and taken is reported catches are good, bein: Selective conscription Is the only fair way of raising an army But when the army has been partially raised by voluntary enlistment, to then apply conscription to the whole country to raise the remainder is to demand double sacrifice from the people of one section in order to ex- cuse the people of another section That is neither fair, nor patriotic, nor "good business.' The Government proposes to ex- empt slacker provinces by act of = self-elected Parliament. The Laur- ler amendment proposes that this be done only if the people are willing that it be done To-day they usually meets Greek kitchen. when Greek start a candy nA mn Violet dye bought fourteen months ago for $4.00 a barrel, has been sold in Boston for $12,000, an advance of 3,000 per cent Wear . the shoulder edge of the front be- The Aboriginal Bondholder. pio Not often does one hear a story tween "I perforations. Close the (more charged with an agreeable mix- underarm and shoulder seams as | ture of romance and everyday good Joshod i then lap fromts, matching luck than is the history of Jackson arge "0° perforations. Barnett, the Oklahoma Indian, who 'The sleeve comes next, the seam is said to be Uncle Sam's richest ab- being closed first. Then gather en- original ward. : ire own side a dye ap to | Bennett is the full-blooded Indian small "0" perforations, finish for Sou of 2 gg a land ea closing. Sew cuff to sleeve bringing Sued : =, Reps " PIOY small "c" perforation at top of euff bear oil and was leased for a large to scam of siceve and singe large |UD On May Ist Barnett had on "0" perforation near lower edge of deppsit more than $750,000 in cash. A guardian was appointed for him slecve to opening jn cuff. Face trim- ming plece, sew -to--caft-n--noteled since he was clearly incapable of managing his affairs, and this officer, matching small "0" perforations and edges. Sew sleeve In armhole as des- | Mr. Carl O. Hornett of Henryetia, Okla., has just subscribed in his --® i oo ward's name for $640,000 in Liberty oe \ bonds. * id | Thus Barnett becomes the first red & Indian bonholder; Secretary and thus the way is opened for other Indian subscriptions, though prob ably there will be no other single subscription of anything like this amount. Last year Barnett paid an income tax of $50,000, but he has never drawn, for use, more than some $1,500 a year out of his whole in- come. it is part of the whimsy of fate that Barnett at first protested against assigned cribed for flowing sleeve. Sew the collar to the neck edge as notched, center-backs even, them ar range the pocket under the panel, up- per edges and notches even; baste along side edges. Triple notches in @icate upper front edges of pocket and panel Adjust pocket om skirt stitching lower edge of pocket (un- even in greater perplexity, for he must wwe a guardian to tak? care of old days all their garments were eith- er on thely backs or in the wash. The rattiesnake burbles before he - strikes. > The copperhead torpedoes without Lane ruled that Indians might subscribe, | For 1 { What is the thought that Work? | How Do You Tackle Your How vou tackle v r wa cont Cassy ident, t up pause to view ijt? with a sense of as can il never afraid man, There's little for failure first, It's there if we And you win, But you ccompl:'s you're of yourself, voung in store y | the inside] comes only th knew it, uu can ough face | ' | you're going to | { It's found in the soul of} you, And not The world do, But you 1st provide uu cand whatever vou th edn, 'all Way you vie in the reaim of luck will furnish ti the wot; X nake, | 1're going { work each | With confidence clear. or dread" | What to yourself do you stop and | say When a new task ahead? is in you. | lies mind? Is fear ever running through it" | If sO, just tackle the next vou find | By thinking you're going to do It. | A REMARKABLE AGE Robert Dickie Has Started His dredth Year. Renfrew, July 17 On Tuesday of last week Robert Dickie completed his ninety-ninth and. started on his one hundredth year. He opened his eyes first in Aberdeenshire, Scotland; and left Glasgow when about 40 I years of age for the land of promise. | (\¥ He came across the ocean in one of [a the earliest steam ocean-going ves- |! sels-- 'the Clyde", and getting across! come out by sailing vessels thought he was telling fairy tales when he said that the voyage had taken only jeu ten days. Six. months he spent fn ua what is now the town of Renfrew, though it was then not even the vil- lage of R nfrew--just simply the township od, Horton. Then Mr. Dick- fe became a pioneer farmer in Ad- maston locating Bonnechere range to which he gave eve the name of "Beaudesert" Here he spent sixty years. Since the death of | his wife, some twenty vears ago, he has lived with his son and in Novem- ber last removed with him to town | For the last few weeks he has been pretty well confined to bed, though| u not suffering from any particular ailment. His memory, while lapsing occasionally, is still generally very .' clear as to events in the past. Jas. E. Dickie and Mrs. C. J. Scott of ! town are son and daughter of Mr. | Dickie. Other members of his fam- ily are Alex. M., North Bay; Mrs. Fraser, La Riviere; Robt. W_, in the west; Geo. S Morristown, N.J; Mrs. Mitchel, Summerland, B.C.; Lizzie M., Winnipeg; Mrs. Thompson, Soo. | 0 the n Woolen Mill Extension. Perth, July 16 Boyd Caldwell & Co. have been prompt in dealing with the extension of their buildings and | plants in Perth. Ground was hrok- en on Monday for the erection pf a continuation to the dye house and picker room, forty-five feet longer, | and arrangements made for an ad- ditional ten looms and finishing ma- chinery, to be delivered on rush| contracts. | A PROMINENT NURSE nl pla spurmax | on lot 231 South. {Si brigh dd, te A a IY AS RECIPE: Keep on hand a syrup made up of one half cupof FRY'S Cocoa, one cup of suger, one cup of warm water. Stir uatil emooth. Then boil for 5 minutes and chi and edd one half teaspoonful of Vanilla Ex- truct. To serve, allow two tablespooafuls of this syrup to a glass with a little chopped ice and ill with cold milk. Stir well. Try this cooling, delightful FRY drink. LE A Si a a You'll want it often. ARI a LHR RR DR Health and Beauty Answers MRS. MAR this from tonic 1 get one druggist, and tor pint alcohol Y whiskey), then add on tar and hot water to make a Th ablespoonful ne tonic in ex¢ ounce kar tit to rea nize Ay quart bef a saves doctor's "have found the for the seal; at honre by dissoly onful canthrox in a cup of at This is urusually soothing and cleansing to the itchy, dandruff-laden scalp, and quickly currects over-oili ness and other SCislp-up-nets My }oing with canthrox has restoged cdlor, rieh gloss and soft fluff hair, whch was becoming ittle It seems Lo have er aged a vigorous and luxuriant growth PS. The styies point to a continua ton of the slim figure eff and as y show signs of an Jd waist y should take ste to reduce y "Make this preparatior before each meal take a oon ful Get faur a of tis from your druggis and one and one-half pints of hot Strain and the mixture using. This is dnexpensive wel comm the wan? strenuous diet n water ted when iishes ck heads hot en dull y day t r ts ng dabs of ie, and abs laying - and 1 coal before i o wor n jelly wi slowly Your ec vy dying, t} home-made hair whioh I know scaly and hair faded hair ss not ne- ough it is in danger put one ounpcs from the cleans: ele . re dd one-half pint and strength fu pint and when these soothing. and condit unheaithy « ivigorating the hair rowth Is certain wates I have it banishes mdition of s wih liver and kidn ans are in healthy 1 be free from the "obstinate headaches small of back and bilious to re ASK YOUR GROCER FOR CHARM TEA IN PACKAGES. Black, Green and Mixed. Packed in King- ston, by GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, Limited. "om We Make Your Piano Pur- chase a Complete Success To atiain that complete success that the purchase of a plano investment must give you must consider durability, richness in appearance, artisticness in constructoon;" superior. ity in tone and reasonableness in The New Scale Williams Plano will satisfy you in each and every one of these essentials if you will call at our store and look over what we have to offer. We will assist you in selecting just the proper instrument to fulfill your requirements fy price and efficiency and in keep ing with the entire furnishings of your music room, \ __., 241 Princess Street. \