THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, JULY 17, 1917. PAGE FIVE THOF THE IH BY A Canadian Officer Writes a Letter to His "Enemy Fritz. WE LOT To PAY BACK AND HOPE TO TAKE THE FULL- EST MEASURE. ¢ Fritz Was a Good Trier and Nearly | Succeeded, But Now the Laugh fs With the British. The following letter idian officer who had sen sal ent was first the Continental Times A. from a Can- Ypres published in My Dear Fritz--The far of your Christian name '; undue famiMlarity on employ it because, where formerly {he name spoke to peaceable Bri- tons of a golden-beared Prince who woed and won an English Princess, to our Empire fn arms it now sign fies the enemy. I am writing to you. Frit the man on the other side Man's Land and quite distinct vour at home, beca cecasfon of my letter is an which you are by th waghly acqoainted, but which Government has glozed over for » mestic consufiption. 1 refer t th of the Ypres Salient es » salient was a good frien my AS to of Nol 1 z, brother ise the | event with s tho yo Silver Gloss Starch For nearly 60 years, Edwardsburg "Silver Gloss" has been the standby. Guaranteed not to injure the finest fabric. Masetictorsd by THE CANADA STARCH CO. LIMITED, MONTREAL. FOR HOME PRES SALIENT - | your fron ai ur{¥ou talk so much about was not in | { it with the peril that threatened the | | noon You | tien that | ifways., ---- when, amid sh at Roul- | and Moorslede Menin, dense columns of your er es pressing f ¢ 4 ers through through through hannel Fritz, tried at Langemarck, at Zandvoorde, to and along the Ypres reac doing ---------- hole in the first division thousands of you were surg forward to flow through the gap But we folled you again, | Fritz; the Worcesters went in with | | the bayonet and recaptured Ghelu- | velt, and the road to Calais was "na poo." punched a blast the passage to the sea. I sell In i emphasise is imperigl comma | to Cala ! costs ou had t} guns, you 1 the men,' Fritz, many | through Your Westfalians and came on in their thousands; your Council, July 17, soldier songs; 'but you never | along the Menin road, sent in jor , line and the rest of you against the , Supreme War Lord } to Roulers--or was that the road forced at more guns, and many more men | than we; but you didn't get] vuur Badeners and your Wurtem- gergers, and all the rest of them unfledged recruits advanced hand-| in-hand, piping in their boys' voices : , steps to the opening of the Firs hed the sea. Even your Guards, | . the parade step into battle | ada as the supr me effort when all else! had failed, achieved no m dirty shadows men had | fought out respite on | | who nigh wit for Frit be- suc- | want to buck, knows, you nearly Vou never realized until rwards, did you, how to victory on October The U-boat menace Still, despite vour awful losses, your didn't do so badly You aged to collar all the rising t is in these flat F plains), the Pilkem Ridge, the Mes- sines-Wytschaete Ridge; norin and Ypres you bent our line back so far that the end of this reat battle it was liketa tightly strung \bow spanned' about Ypies You had the high ground, the dry | ground; we had the plain. the water and the mud You, could gliz nice, ure trenches which you eleverly managed to drain into ours; we had to build up. painfully,! by /n ght earthworks which vou, having { observation, promptly spotted demolished with your guns in morning It must | you, Fritz near man- 31%t you were 1914? (Such as British Empire between the hours | of two and three o'clock in the after that day when you had | south of of 8s sec have been a bully time for You held all the trumps, superiority of position, of observa- tion, of shells. You were as safe as | a cruel little boy sitting on a high | wall and chucking stones at an in- {valid in a chair in the garden below LAUNDRY EYE GLASSES When you feel that your eyes tell you if it is glasses or "We do nething but examine J. JU STEWART, Opt.D. = Cor. Wellington and Clarence Sts. Opp. Post ------ (For Extreme Three Sizes. Relieves Excess Perspiration of Armpits, Hands and Feet. Prevents Odor, SARGENT"S DRUG STORE + Nyal Quality Store. Phone 41. Cor. ee ODO-RO-NO! No wonder you used your lines in | front of Ypres as a training school | { for young gunner officers! i | You used to shell left, front, {and centre From the ' Messines | Ridge you could, peer right in be- [ hinet us as we sat, as. cheerfully as } our crumbling | Herren Leu a special us. | we in'ght, behind sandbags How your tnants (who have such sense of humor, Fritz, must haved laughed to see us patching up on petty little parapets amid the great graveyard of - the British rae stretching in front of shattered Ypres! | But we held ony Fritz. Yon think | !we are a stupid race Perhaps we are, if that means we do not know | when we are beaten. (And you did | gpur ¥ in your ingenious, plod- | ing Way, to make life in the sali ent a hell on earth for our men You shelled us bv night; you shell- ed us by day. You pumped shrap-| nel into us filling up ter the trenches: you scattered high-explosive shells over the roads; you bombarded the villages behind the lines; vou lob- bed those infernal anggterrifying "Minnies' into our frdnt line or searched it up and down w'th noisy, black five-point-nines. And | when you had blown down the para- pet so toilfully built wp in the night | your snipers laid on the gaps and Fritz, they took their (oll. | are in need of help-- We will medieal treatment you need. eyes and make glasses." Optician and Optometrist, Phone 699 Perspiration) ee ---- Princess and Montreal Streets. acl) a ------------ Life was devilish unpleasant in| This We have received a second Preserve the Fruit Crop Fruit Jars, Rubber Rings,Parowax New Potatoes Large Siz Crawford's Grocery, "Good Things To Eat." the salient Still, the fellows who were there always kept ther tails up. I remember seeing a big not- fce-board planted a! the entrance to | |a village which you particularly de- | | lighted to strafe: 'Please keep un | der shelter of 'the houses and don't draw fire," it ran. "We Hve here; you don't." And it was signed with | the name of the vunit billetéd there Quite a tribute to the excellence of your observation, wasn't it, Fritz? Put scarcely a sign of low spirits? Well, the old salient is dead. so they tell me. The North and Suuth Irish, by whose squabbles you thought to profit, the English and, the New Zealanders buried it with | bell, book, and candle. And Fritz, old friend, it looks as though the tables were going to bé turned on (jyou. For, in spite . of what old H'ndenburg_ tells your public at| home, you know that your little Messines-Wytschacte Salient is Year shipment of New Potatoes ize Phone 26 HIGH GRADE orter nd. Ale I beg to advise my patrons that | am prepared to supply cidedly the best Brands 0a the the old fame, the new quality. erage of the day, highly recommended b strg u as an appetizing, healthful and JAMES McP7 the Trade ang Private families with the above goods, delivered at their dodrs, which are de- _OLDN flattened out; that the guns which | were wont to make life sn dis agreeable for us are either in our hands or are buried under tons of earth; that you can no longer pry into the réar of our lines in front of Ypres; that rather we shall ho! looking down into the indifferent | trenches in the plain, back to which | you have been driven. | Now the laugh is with us. And, Fritz. we' have a lot to pay back. There is scarcely a Briton but has a relative or friend who is ing somewh ne nihe | © You made | ark em that many | 'en glad to go to their! But I feel sure they suited | | | et you soon asza = LEANDER W at Portsmouth, Rev. Wilfred Counter of South Da>| kota is spending a few days in Ports mouth with friends. Mr. Counter came over from Rochester on Satur- day having been a delegate at the convention of Sunday school workers in Northern New York. ager throughout thecity and district market in these lines. AME Canada's greates List. f be in sight for in efreulation. "GOVERNMENT HOUSE," KINGSTON. Where Colonel John Graves 1792 and took A A A A A AA A At AAA Ae a a atta | permission { arbor | mission | wharf line | tended without causing any | tion inconvenience. | erowd at Lake Ontario Park last eve- | | ning | voice, sang sweetly a "Train Imitation", | tures were | "That Tired Business Man," a laugh- | "old \on Tuesday to make an extended visit nesday, 1 \ 3 It Simcoe met his Executive | the necessary preliminary t Parliament of Upper Can- PERMISSION 1S GRANTED N BY THE CITY COUNCIL TO KINGS- TON SHIPBUILDING CO. To Extend the Wharf on the South. | of Its Property Into the Corner Feet Out western Sevently-five Harbor. At a special meeting of the City athing hoes Enjoy your swim by wearing a pair of our bathing shoes. High top bathing boots (like illustration) trimmed with blue, $1.25. Other styles of low shoes, 65¢ to 95¢. - * Abernethy's Shoe Store ais Get After a New Straw Hat! Council on, Monday evening, permis- | sion was granted the Kingston Ship-| building Confpany to extend the] wharf on the southwesterly corner of | its property seventy-five feet further | out into the harbor along a frontage | of 137 feet The Company on Sat-| urday petitioned Council for the! right to extend and stated that the need was urgent owing to increased operations in- thé Empire's cause. Council was at once ca'led and the company can proceed immediately to extend its wharf and add over 10,- 000 square fret of space to its pres-, ent property } Francis King, K.C., addressed Gouncil on the company's behalf and explained that the request was only, to extend the southwestérn wharf. Later on council might be asked for to extend out into the on the southeastern side Last year when the Canadian Loco-} motive Company had asked for per-| to extend its wharves 300 feet farther into the harbor, the De- partment of Marine had made a sur-| vey and fixed a new wharf line sev] enty-five feet further out, which woul allow the Locomotive Com- pany to extend 150 feet out. The old was fixed when Catara- qui sw ng bridge was close in shore. Now the bridge is out in mid chan- nel and the wharves ean well be ex- naviga- | Ald. Wright remarked that the city had everything to gain and noth- ing to lose hy granting the Ship- building Company's request. { A resolution moved by Ald. Couper; and seconded by Ald. Newman to} grant the petition was thew passed unanimously | Council was in session only twelve) minutes. These present were Mayor | Hughes and Alds. Armstrong, Boyce, ! Black, Couper, Clugston, Corbett, | Hooper, Kent, Millan, Newman, O'-| Connor, Simmons, Smith and Wright. | At Lake Ontario Park. One of the best entertainments so far this season was given to a large. a handsome sopran-n in Lilian Ashton, a fine "Moonlight Looking "I'll Follow English girl, with Mayo," "Anybody Widow," "Mother," You," a military song. Happy Mec- Nally, a black-faced comedian" with | genuine coon action. Sang 'Nobody Can Make a Fool Out of Me,", "Fifty Million Nephews Has Johnny Bull and engaged in a specialty dance. The moving pic-1 "Out of the Flotsom," able comedy, "Florence Rose Fash- fons." , | To-morrow will be children's one cent day pu the cars, with matinee at' 3.30 pol Howard-Benway Wedding. Afquiet wedding took place at St. | Luke's rectory, 311 Alfred street, on! the 13th inst, when Florence, daugh- iter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Benway tnd became the bride of Gordon 1. How- ard. Rev. J. de Pencier Wright, D.' | D., officiated. The couple, unattend-' ed left by train for the west where they will Teside, - | Real Estate Transfer. E. W. Mullin & Son have sold the! store and dwelling on the south-| west corner Princess and Alfred street, owned by the Bowen estate, to' Joseph Cullen. | The death oecurred at the home of his brother-in<law, Robert Lewis, Smith's Falls, of James McCreary, an dept, at the age of seventy- three The best ham and bacon at Pick- ering's.. Mrs. C. H. Daly and three sons of Fort George, B.C. arrived at Picton ith relatives in this distriet. ne great trouble with so many "buds" is that they never into good home flowers. *t forget the horsk races, Wi 8th, at the Fair Grounds. For a- young people. | doutted in a Ave you wearing a neW"' Straw Hat or a dilapidated old Felt? Your personal pride, the weather and the season, should compel you to don a new sum- mer hat. It is a duty vou owe to yourself and your personal comfort. Panamas Ex- Genuine Peruvian in fashion's latest shapes, * tra special values, $1, $3, $6. And when it comes to the pop ular sailor shapes split braids and sennit straws, we have an endless collection of styles and 1 proportions at { $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3. | Hat Bands in the Cor- rect Shades. Campbell Bros The Big Hat Dealers. New ~ | DISCHARGES, Nu.3. con 8 Send stamp address enreovecige & gruptoms for FRE THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY, « THERAPION ".lLo™ No. 2. cones :000 POISON. | 1 HERAF ION VITAL WEAKNTSS | SOLD BY LEADING CHEMISTS \PRIBE IN ENGLAND. 8 0 on suitability in your ¢ se. Nefoliow up' circulars, ®. LE CLERC Med.Co. HAVERSTOGKR DN. W.. LON DOM, | SRE THAT TRADE MARKED WORD "THERAPION' IS ON nT. GOVT. STAMP AFFIXED TO ALL GENUINE PACKETR LIEUT. H. M. SNIDER WRITES ' Now in No. 4 General Hospital, Lon- | don, and Progressing Nicely. Lieut. Harold M. Snider, Kingston, | who left here as machine gun officer | of the 146th Battalion, writes from No 4 London General Hospital, Den- mark Hill, 8S. E., London, says: | 'They know nothing about the ma- | chine gun work in Canada. One has to take a proper course So as to get a thorough knowledge of firing from map and compass bearings, clearance of our.own troops ete, This must | be taken. together with a thorough knowledge of tactics. It 4s not only | theory one wants but perience as well, Only Lewis and Colt are taught in Canada whereas | | we only use the Vickers. "I expect to go in for a little walk! in about two weeks: if all goes well." | -------- an -- At Thousand Island Park. Dancing parties are held every ght except Thursday. Following | the disastrous fire in 1912, when the | Columbian Hotel burned, camps have | not been held The Rochester danc-| ing pavilion was built this spring and | is proving a popular resort for the| Summer residents take great inter- | est in counting the number of lake freighters which pass down the St. | Lawppnes since the war started. Na- | vigation has been heavy, but this sea- | fon tonnage rried "nearly | t. Large ship-| ments of grain, 1 and lumber are being moved, { The automobile ferry from Fish-! er's landing, the terminal of the state road, to the park is proving popular | this season. The ferry carries from | twenty to forty cars daily. Formerly | tourists coming to this resort were compelled to Jeave their cars in Clay- ton or Bay. This year a! &arage with accommodations for large number of cars is in opersion in the park. ~ -------- +5 Walter Hill has moved his family | from Campbelliford 'to Carleton! Place, : | RHEUMATISM GOES "IF HOOD'S IS USED LT -- | practical ex- | p | Ensign Drug Store | | Opposite . LINOLEUMS, RU 1nolexim W a. Another repeat in our big spring order of Carpet Squares, Oilcloths and Linoleums, are evidence of the service we are giving. "Cloth Carpet Squares, Axminsters, Velvets, Brussels and Tapestries, at the old prices. AT James Reid The Leading Undertaker with the Motor Hearse and Motor Ambulance. Phone 147 for Personal Services. A a A pnt MONUMENTS We have opened a branch of our monument business with a large stoch of marble and granite. Special attention given to cemetery lettering. FALLON BROS., 139 Clergy St. Phone 637. A Pp A fA AA A aA ' BE SURE YOUR MILK IS DELIVERED IN SEALED BOTTLES. All our milk is thoroughly pasteurized and bottled at once. It is safe. It is pure. It is good. Phone 845 -~ Price's Nc i ss ~, of WA WY Vv x California Fruit Store FRESH BERRIESDAILY Full quart boxes y ae . Oranges . . 20c, 25¢, 30¢, 40c, apd BOc, Grape Fruit ET : 1 Yor 25¢ 20¢ per Ih. Tomatoes . . | Fy . 20¢ and 30c dozen. Bananas ... ve vee ver Cee va 286 Princess St. Charles Dafnas, Prop. Phone 2168 Fruit Delivered to All Parts of City. Pt LJ VA WY Vv IMPERIAL LIFE The Imperial Life was the first Canadian company entire policy resery per cent. Interest b sent Goversment was Also the first, © the only company, to total assurances on the stringent 3 per cent. i J. B. Cooke, Dis.Mgr. { Phone yt ve 812. reserve Cameras: id From $1.50 to $25 | a 3s ] | " For BEST {il Auto Taxi ; dl {i Touring Car Service ane ond 1 Phone 566 : : 3 il Office: Clarence 3 near King. Pr ou 8 e s 1 Camp snd All City 4 4 y Barrieficld Calls Promptly Attended To, ' «THOMAS COPLEY 82. i Telephone 987 | wanting anything done in the caren: tery line. Estimaies given on all nds Phone Andrew's Charch. ~ adh {of repairs and néw work; also rd- wood fours of 1 kinds. AY orders will receive prowspt attention, hop "0 ite a wit A woman's favorite wish is that he were a man, |...