PAGE SIX News From Eastern Ontario Points| NEWS FROM THE DISTRICT Foi rb iaiedad A REJECTED LOVER "%iLLED BRIDEGROOM CLIPPED FROM THE WHIG'S| MANY BRIGHT EXCHANGES. GANANOQUE The Young Bride is Dying and . In Briet Form the Events In The + i Murderer Will Not Recover. Country About Kingston Are Told | July 17 "Full of Interest to Many. | G.P., fnstaMed these office PC.P, 4 On Saturday a heavy storm passed | A. H. Allen; C.P., John Townsend; over Greenbush and vicin A cow| HP, W. G. Bates; P.( Ww. Gil owned by James Hewitt was killed bert Orser; J. W. Frank Wilkin, P by lightning. C.P.; Scribe, George Mastin, P.C » A contract for the erection of a} P.; Treas, A. H. Allen; 1st Watch, large addition to the public school Joy Pickett; 2nd Watch! William at Chatham has been secured by Li. | Young; 3rd Watch, William La P. Kerr, Brockville, France; 4th Watch, LH. McEntire; Mrs. Royal Mason Cannif 1st G. of T., Joseph Dillon; 2nd G charged Mrs. Thomas Bellis of of T., Marray Day, P.C.P.; LS, Ar indecent and insulting language thur Smith, 0.8., Edgar Seal. case was tried and dismissed No. 1 Troop, Anglican and No. 3 Miss Edna White, Brockville, met Troop, Presbyterian have made ar- with a painful wecident. Her right rangements to hold a united Boy arm was caught in the shafting of a' Scout camp on the north channel motor boat engine and she sustained | shore a few miles up the river this a compound fracture. week. The death occurred suddenly on| The remains of Miss Mary Prior, Saturday of James Close, Calabogie,| one of the aged and highly respected at the age of seventy-three years' He residents of Howe Island who passed is survived by a widow (whom he away om Saturday last, were interred married exactly forty years from |on Monday morning at Howe Island the day he died), and a large family | burying ground, Requiem mass was of sons and daughters. | sung at St. Philomen's church. De- Mrs. W. C. Caldwell! and her son, | ceased" was a sister of Mrs. Hugh J. Boyd Caldwell, are cocupying their ' Thompson, Stone street, Ganan- summer cottage at Dalhousie Lake. oque. Mrs. Goldwyer-Lewis and children,| Miss Alice O'Brien, of the office Ottaws, and Masters Me and Sandy staff of the W. J. Gibson Harness Caldwell, son® of nel Clyde Cald- | Company was taken to Hotel Dieu in well, Ottawa, are spending some time | charge of Dr. J. P. Sinclair on Sun- at Dalhousie Club. day evening and at once operated on On July 13th, the dry-goods store for appendicitis. At latest reports of W. W. Taber and the confection- she was doing favorably. ery store of BR. E. Keyes, Carleton Pte. John Brennan, who enlisted Place were entered by some person some time ago for overseas service, (From Our Own O tent) July 17 At the las it meeting of Gananoque Encampment No. 89% 1.0 M 0.F., Bro. Malcolm S. Harding D.D a Arnprior, Bruce Leitch soldier of Montreal bride of a week i rs His hotel tead dying at a ity »P., 8. of 375 Notre Dame! Montreal, is dying in a Ren hospital Leitch, who was on from a Toronte ot lescent aged tweniy-five, sireet frew leave heres Bemmett, by the girl, who was a Miss ae Lillian Standring, Montreal, of their whereabouts, and arriving in Arnprior vesterday, The cold blood, then shot Mrs. Leitch aimself through the head were found lying in the roadway by a Voted oper of Stand Point, place Mr. and Mrs. Leitch had been 'staying WELLINGTON -- BUDGET. at This Pleasant Place--A Children's Party. Wellington, July 14.---Mrs. Grier, of Boston, who is here for the sum- mer at the Shurie Cottage, gave a children's party at Hotel Alexandra last week. Luncheon was served in the pavilion, after which dancing and games took place. Mrs. Royal Zufelt and Margery left for Toronto on Monday last, ac- compan'ed by Mrs. William Wilkins, to visit the former's daughter Mr. Chord, of Kingston, and fam- ily are at Hotel Alexandra for a few weeks. Mrs. G. Beotson and chila- ren, of Markham, are the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Wilder. Rev Visitors Frank Cernill, Friends" min ster, and a former teacher in the loeal public school. and Mrs. Co:- nell and daughter are guests of M1 and Mrs. Sangar Harriss. Mr. Cor- nell is located in the State of In- diana Mrs. (Rev.) Potter and her grand- daughter, Dungas, and Mrs. Potter, Toronto, are {isiting relatives here. They are daughters of the late Ger- man Gorrell, of Lake Shore road. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Doyle are en- tertaining Mrs. Doyle's sister family, who motored from Syracuse, N.Y., last week. Arthur King, ac companied his brother, Leopold. Windsor last week. Theodore Brown, Pickering, visiting friends here Mr. and Mrs. W. Russell and Mrs Bertha Brown, o sampbellfora. motored to Wellington and spent of is or persons unknown. Nothing was | is spending a short time in town with taken from either store, excepting a his paremts, Mr. and Mrs. W. Bren- abot $75, which . Mr, Taber had Maxim Bishop, a highly respected been years collecting. resident of this town passed away about 8.30 o'clock yesterday morning EE only a few days. Deceased was a son of Paul Bishop, River street. He is TARIO WHITE- survived by his widow, and a family FISH AND TROUT | Sergt. Thomas E. Bovey, who left {here with No. 3 Battery of the 1st Brigade, under Major Britton, is ex- . All Kinds of Fresh ff Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O'Brien, | Sunday for a visit to the aviation . | camp. Dominion Fish Co. | Frank Gey of Niagara Falls is with relatives | Miss Jessie M. Gould, King street, I 1 I gl Lh [1eft this morning for a short visit G | Renfrew, July 17.--In one of the | recent packages Mrs. D. Muirhead over S a J r Saturday . with Mr. and Mrs r age | sent to her son Mackie, at the front, | , \ "gins "of Hillier | conn faa specially propired tia. But Mr. and Mrs. Charles Greer maotor- First class work guaranteed. Done ! ed to Kingston and Gananoque to by first class a a of transit the heavy tin 'was punc-| visit friends. Mrs. Anthony Good- Dts aud A | the syrup was well and truly mixed | pg 'Beakley visited at E. MeDon- | with some of the other contents, and | 14's, Chisholme, on Friday last all of the Canadian sweet that Was | A jarge crowd crossed West Lake W. G. Robinson, Prop. | bottom of the tim. service at the Oddfellows' hall here. The apartments have been rented for holding services. Elder Phillips, Roy Dingman, of Calgary. is visit- ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ally Dingman, here. Charles Fritz stil roll of "shinplabters" amounting to nan H N after being confined to his bed for FRESH LAKE ON- of several children. pected home to-day. Fish. eb street, went to Deseronto on spending a few holidays in town (* ith friends in Kingston. A Disappointment at the Front, 34-38 Princess Street. | was five pounds of maple syrup, en- | "O\0 and Mrs. Joe Stevenson and Gasoline, | red, and when it reached Mackie murphy, Mrs. Chamberlain and Mry Phone 1609. palatable was three spoonsful in the | on Sunday to attend the penticostal officiated. remains very poorly. '"Jock™ Ay- Service ! First: Our service means careful and complete examination of your eyes. Our service, your satisfaction. R. J. RODGER Mantz. Opticians and Optometrists, 132 Princess St. Phone 347 enty-five feet. He alighted on his feet and was badly shakem up. HARROWSMITH TIDINGS. A Song Service Held in the Preshy- tran Church. Harrowsmith, July 16. --John Cogk and daughter, of Williams- port, Pa, were the guests of Mr. a TT and Mrs. Frank Walker a few 'days last week. HOME PORTRAITS A SPECIALTY Kingston, is the guest of Mrs. F. D. SUS pei doumn: 1448. 3 14/10 HNO EIS. For engagement apply by || Knapp over the week-end. Mrs. J. Day and sister, Miss Isabella Stew- G. BLAKEMORE, KINGSTON. art, returned home on Tuesday last, after spending a month im Toronto! Coples of all my photos in Whigs Miustrated supplement may be secur ed from me. with friends. Mr. Lockhart and children came down from Teroauto # | last week to spend a few weeks with | ~~ | her mother, Mrs. John McLean Miss Rosle Gordon, of Ki mgston,! -------------------- ~~. Everybody Is Talking About Our | Skirt Bargains ! L: 2 is spending a week with Miss Ada Botting. Mrs. Ferguson is visiting friends at Adeolphustown for a few days. Harvey Shaw and Miss Eu- nise Shaw, Odessa, spent Sunday, [| July Sth, with Mr. and Mrs. John Clow. Quite a large congregation enjoy- od the song service in the Preshy- teran church on Sunday noon. Mr. and Mrs. E. George Ew- ing motored up from Westpost on Sunday and spent the day with dhe guests of Miss E. M. Clow. Miss Patterson. 8S. Lee ard family from the Aion Hotel » Skirts in sport style, a valge for $2.25 ; About Snaps New middies of all kinds, plain and stri with belt, $2.00 value for vc . $ 00 New York Wash Suits, $5. 00 and $6.00 lines, to clear . . .. 33.75 hats, just the thing for camping. R oF «+ aa ite' and black¢silk hose, good quality, : ouwrprice .. ..... or aged tweniy-fise, a returned | in Sand Point and William Bennett ! home, was spending his hohe ymjoon | with his bride at Sand Poin nt who has been re learned | wayiaid them! on a lonely road and killed Leitch in| through the right lung and face, and; The three] at whose iv ana | to | ton had the misfortune to fall tw-| Miss Elsie Knapp. | = 'canaDIAN SOLDIERS CHEERED IN GOTHAM | 48th Highlanders' Battalion i Given Tumultuous Welcome in New York. New York. July 17.--Never before { has New| York paid such homage to J) 2oidiers 4f any nation as was accord- ed the 48th Highlanders of Canada | yesterday. From the stalwart band of Canadian fighting { men swung into Broadway from the Battery en route to the City Hal, until they entered the 71st Armory {at the end of their march, they were] given a continuous ovation. stirring music clothed in the picturesque costume {of the Highlands the 48th marched so! { impressivly that event staid and {busy Wall street ceased business to | cheer lustily for the men whose col- ors were among the first from over- i! S°as to reach the battlefields of \France At the City Hall Mayor John Pur- roy Mitchel was waiting to accord a hearty welcome to the visitors, whose appearance he de- scribed as inspiring, and whose mis- sion, i§ hoped, would be a great suc- Coss. STOCK MARKETS. Quotations Furnished by Bongard, Ryerson & Co., 44 Clarence St., Howard 8. Folger, Manager. New York Stocks. Open 100% 73% 164 25% 29% 851 90% 987 IN 136 1% 156 kh! A' 1231 79 39 12% 5% 861% 120% 102% Midvale 'ih 59% Atlantic Gulf wy 107% Canadian Stocks. 39 60% 42 61% 2 9 yy 4 9% 2.45 Pp. 100 In 163% 5% 29 88 00% 96 YN 93 136% 187 Atchison B. & O CPR Erie Marine Marine pid. IN. Y. C. . Reading 3 | Southern Pae Union Pac. Alcohol. . Am. Loco Anaconda Beth Steel Crucible x Inter. Nicke? Kennicott ' Mexican Pet Rep. Steel 8. Steel .. Utah +f "pr "De wes 3 - ONO N~ FEF REFESEL o 1. Brazilian Can. Cement Can. Steamship Can. Loco .. . Cons. Smelters Dom. Steel .. . Nova Scotia Steel. Steel of Canada War Loan, 1937 IN MARINE CIRCLES Movements of Vessels in and About Kingston Harber. The steamer Doric passed down at 2.30 p.m. on Monday from Fort Wi- liam to Montreal. The steamer Thousand Islander arrived at 2.45 pm. on Monday with a large excursion from Ogdensburg 39% 60% 43 62 60 9 94 LER and river points and cleared at 4.45 p.m. The steamer Toronto passed up from Prescott to Toronto at 5.10 p. m. on Monday. The steamer Kingston passed down from Toronto to Prescott at 5.30 a. m. on Tuesday. The barge Dobbin from Oswego, is discharging coal at this point. The stewmer Rolph arrived from Oswego, with coal for Anglin's. M. T. Co's Bulletin: The steamer Simla arrived from Montreal, light and cleared with the barges Davie, for Port Colbome; the tug Magmolia arrived with the barges Gaskin and 'Lapwing with voal, from Charlotte; the tug Magnolia cleared for Momt- real, with three coal barges; the tug Bronson arrived from Montreal, with three light barges: the tug Thomson arrived from Montreal, with the bar- ges Selkirk and Reed, gruin-laden from the Welland Canal; the Thom- son cleared with one grain and one con] barge for Montreal; the tug | Emerson cleared with tha barges | Brouson and Winnipeg to toad grin at Port Colborne; the steamer Jex arrived from Oswego coal laden, with i the barge Nadine coal-daden, in tow | the tug Bronson cleared for Monmt- real, with one coal, and two grain The large Bacon, which has been with the M.T. C fleet, bas been sold te H. Hi. Deabam of Dy- uth. Her crew was paid off to-day and left for Cleveland. | Andy Orr. moment thei To the| of a bagpipe band and | Wilfrid Austin Canadian] 25% also Wackened both her eyes. The THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, JULY 17, 1917. QUEEN STREET 8.5. PICNIC 'An Enjoyable Event Was Held on Monday Afternoon. i There was a large attendance at the annual Sunday School picnic of | Queen Street Methodist church on! Monday afternoon and a very pleas- ant time was spent . The results of | © races were: | Cradle Roll Boys--Jack Maye}, Cradie Roll Girls--May Lister, Lillie Yeoman. Beginners, Boys--Alfred Pearson. | Jack Lowry. Beginners, Girls--Gladys Ruth Hunt, Primary Boys--Howard Austin, | Fleet, | Primary Girls--Aftnie McArthar, Marie ERiott. Boys, 7 to 8--Sidney Fleet, Ken- | neth Marsh. Girls, 7 Beth to 8--Beatrice Sturges, | - { 9 to 10--Richard Hunt, | Oaten Saunders { Girls, 9 to 10- --Bthel Clark, Katte] Allen. Boys, 11 to 12--Earl Pearson, Os | borne Bearance. Girls, 11 to 12--Ena Cross, Mabel Clarke. Boys, 13 ito 14--Morris Harry Edgar. Ginls, 13 to 14 Evelyn Gilmour, Olive Pearson. Needle Race--Ethel Allen, Clarice | Truesdale. g Three Legged Rave--Osbhorne | Bearance, Arthur Christmas, leon- ard Wilson, Morris Tuttle, ' Biscuit Race--OQOsborne Bearance, | Mary White, ~ | . Wheelbarrow Race-- Wilfred Ar die, Morris Tuttle, Osborne Bearance, | Arthur Christmas. - { Teachers' Race--Sterling Pollitt, | Mr. Fleet, Miss Truesdale, Miss Ham- Nton. Mothers' Race--Mrs. Valleau, Moyse. YOUNG Had Spectacles Smashed When Hit in Face With a Cabbage. It would appear as if there is just as much danger of being as hurt at home, as on the firing line. At any rate, this is the opinion of a young Kingston lady engaged as a nurse. She was walking along Princess street on Tuesday morning, when she was hit in the face with a cab- bage the said cabbage being thrown by a farmer, Of course the affair was purely ac- cidental, but in addition to suffer- ing from fright, the young lady had her spectacies smashed, as the cab bage hit her square on her nose, and Tuttle, | Mrs, LADY'S MISHAP farmer was unloading vegetables at a grocery store, but unfortunately his arm was out of practice, as it is some years since he pitched quoits| or baseball, and the young lady suf- fered as a result. It is understood that the farmer will be sued for damages so his cab- bage patch will be a very expensive one for him. OFFICERS OF SUMMER SCHOOL. The Executive For Ensuing Year Was Appointd on Monday. A business meeting of the Queen's University Summer Association was held on Monday afternoon in Con- vocation Hall. The auditor's report was presented and the secretary- treasurer was complimented on his able work The folowing officers were elected for the ensuing year: Honorary President--C, G. Gold ring. First Vice-President--J. T. Curtis. First Flow Prafiun G R. Jarvis. Second Vice-President --W. A. MacWilliams Secretary-Treasurer-- Miss man. C ommittee-- For Ontario, Miss Edna Johnson, Miss L. Granger, E. P Hendry, A. G. Leitch, Mr. Birchard; For Quebec, Messrs. Foy and Walsh: For British Columbia, Miss Craig: For Alberta, ' C. 'E. Leppard; For Saskatchewan--Miss Fanden; Com- 4uittee for Manitoba, L. Elmer. GYPSY HAD CLOSE CALL When Showing Off Horse to a Prin- 0'Gor- ""There was a lively time on Prin- cess street at noon on Tuésday, ahen a member of a Eypsy. band tried to pull off a horse deal with a well-known Princess street mer- chant. The gypsy was "showing off" the animal to the merchant, but the trial was anything dut a success, asthe animal, which i$ more accus- tomed to country roads, pricked up its ears at the sight of street cars and autos, and gave the gypsy about the liveliest time he had in his life. He held on for grim death, however, bat in the mixup he was dragged out of the rig and people who were on the street thought sure that he would be Killed, but when the ani mal was finally brought to time the around with- the Whig.) uly 1s --Manifesting Special GREAT REDUCTION All Our Men's Oxfords. eat Leather, apd Will he wold at a great reduction during' JULY and AL GUST. dies' White canvas pumps, high cut bouts and shoes. and sce for yourself these great re- | duction bargains. The Model Shoe Phone 1225 | BAT and fullness of the lids, feelings as though there H were sand-in the eves--these are the symptoms of inflammation and granulation of the eyelids. Besides the discomfort and suffering there is danger of the sight being permanently injured by the scraping of the granules across the surface of the eye. By its soothing influence Dr. Chase's Ointment allays the inflammation, and by its lubricating effects keeps the lids soft, and thereby removes the friction which causes irritation Reef is obtained at once, and with a little patient use of this ointment complete cure is effected. Dr. Chase's Ointment lates & Co., Ltd., Toronto bstitute. If your drug- &0 to the other drug or Edmanson, 210 acceptin voi 60c a box. all dealers Do net be fooled gist does not hand out what store. NR & ¥ ask for, July Coal Customers Take Notice We will take your order for delivery this month. All sales for cash. Phone orders C. 0. D, The James Sowards Coal Co. Phone 153, Attention SALE Mahogany Calf, Gan Metal, and Pag. with Neolin Seles, Com. tion Soles and Solid Leather Soles, above limes are all the Intest styles HUDSON BAY lasurance Company FIRE INSURANCE Head Office, Royal Insurance MONTREAL tot PERCY J. QUINN, 'Manager, Ontario Branch. Teronte W. H. GODWIN & SONS AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. ¢ Special low prices in all lines of in CITY TAXISTAND Now If you want te save money call 285 King Street. Opposite Custom House Phone 749 Boat, Train and All City Calls Promptly Attended to. All modern five and seven Pasgen- ger cars used. Store 154 Princess St. H. ROTG\AU EE, Toes. ) ON EASY TERMS ON APPROVAL or, Jour Years 16 more peaple