THE TONIC THAT BRINGS HEALTH "Fruit-a-tives" Builds Up The | Whole System Those who take "Pruit-a-tives" for | the first time, are often astonished at the way #/ builds them wp and makes hem feel better all over. They may be taking "Fruit-a-tives" for some specifie disease, as Constipation, Indigestion, Chronic Headaches or Neuralgia, Kidney or Bladder Trouble, Rheu- matism or Pain in the Back. And they find when 'Fruit-a-tives" has cured the disease, that they feel better and stronger in every way. This is due to the wonderful tonic properties of these 'I that this 7 THE CONFESSIONS OF ROXANE (By Frances Walter) " WE ARE "WRITTEN CP." (Copyright, 1918 by the McClure Newspaper ndicate) 1 "You silly thing!" 1 cited ad { Mariam and | left the taxicab severak| { blocks from. the Gordon residence, { "Da you want that chauffeur to j now where we were going? Sup-| | pose the injury to Mr. Kenwood is | more serious than you suspeét, will inot the police make an exhaustive {search for 'us, and is it not possible] chauffeur might tell them | {that he brought two very frightened and very disheveled young women | hofne at an unseemly hour the night | of the murder?' & |{ehots had been fired and several bul- | ' {lets had penetrated Mr. Kenwood's! | skin, but the .hospital authorities seemed to agree that there was no | danger of Mr. Kenwood departing this life in' the near future "The curious part of the whole thing is that we are given more at- | tention than Mr. Kenwood," Mariam commented. 'The fact that he was shot is dismissed with .a few words Then they devote a column and a half to describing us two 'phantom wo- men,' ' It was true. Paragraph after para- graph was written about us. We were called beautiful, stylishly dressed, ap- parently society girls, and what not (Continued from Page 3.) Mrs. R. Crawford, Barrie street, spending the last two weeks at | Pittsfield, Mass., returned to the | eity on Tuesday. x Mrs. W. H. Sparling went on ta { Brockville "on Tuesday after a | montit's stay in Kingston and viein~ jity. ? | Miss Ibrena C. Jenkins, the guest fof Mrs. Fred. Sproule, Laporte avenue, Montreal, during the past | week, has returned to Kingston. i - - . | Capt. H. Wotherspoon, adjutant of Royal Military College, while passing through * Hamilton on 3 {motor trip with his wife, called on | Mr. and Mrs. Collinson at High: field. Capt. Wotherspoon is an cld PR ANE Sp pe famous tablets, made from fruit juices. | [emeg1" cried Mariam "Roxane, 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. {you are a wonder! You should have At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit- | been a detective." a-lves Limited, Ottawa, | "No, I shouldn't," I replied, "I ---- Sp, have tried my hand at that science and I must confess that I have failed to yualify." ~ We confronted a very astonished maid when we rang the bell at Mar-| fam's home Oh, Miss Mariam!" exclaimed the girl. "What has happéned?"' i "Nothing more serious than an au-| tomobile wreck," 1 fibbed glibly. "Our -car was smashed to pieces a| short distance from here, and we did | not think it necessary to wait for another." "And we are very tired and soiled, | Mary," Mariam concluded. "Plenty of hot water in our bath tubs please: | We will go directly to our rooms and | to bed." Mary, whose attachment™to Mar- jam was the one love affair of her | life, flew to make us comfortable; bringing first lass of wine. _ "You are fuitd\sure you, are not as, Miss Mariapr?"" she asked over | pend over again, 1 ""Quite,'"" was Mariam's reply each time. "However, we were very roughly shaken and | fear we shall . be very tired) and stiff in the morn- powder form. ing. We shall want to sleep late." "I am sure you will," Mary agreed. And we did. Indeed it was after the noon hour when | awoke to find Premiums Mari sitting on th 4, f my Save the trademarks for J§ | 5" E. oh The, i829 beautiful premiums. "What is the matter?" For catalog, address-- rising with a start. "Roxane, look at this!" As she spoke Mariam held up the Wm. H. Dunn Limited : Agents front page of a newspaper. Montreal CUT ABOUND DATED Dnt ye | andl TF ovat bc € "lt PLOWPET LL POwTy SOAP POWDE AN EXCELLENT ARTICLE FORSARNG LABOR & LXPENSE BT Babbitt. Inc | Real Value Every flake of Babbitt's Soap Powder is actual soap--not largely air or water. - It is the best of soap in I asked, "Oh, it is horrible!" I stared at.-the double-column headlines and felt an insidious weak- ness creep over me. 'Our. names, too?" . 'No they haven't names--yet."" I seized the newspaper and read | the bold type: i "Mysterious Shooting in Cafe--Writ- er Wounded by Jealous Lover 'Phantom Women' Escape. "Who fre the 'phantom women?' " "We Awo." 1 _bpeathed a sigh of relief. "And we escaped? There is cer- tainly some consolation in that, des- pite the blackness of the Headlines." As I read on I learned that an ad- mirer of the young woman to whom Mr. Kenwood had spoken in the res- taurant was his assailant. Several learned = our Automobile Owners, Attention ! The place where all auto troubles are made right. Auto suppliés of «ull kinds; cars washed and stored. Repair work a specialty; prices rea sonable. Call and give us a trial. Always open. DALY'S GARAGE 885 King Street. . That is the one proof --the final test f the qualities of any musical instrument. And motaurcd by that teu, the Calumbia onola superbly proves its right to t title: of, "The One Incomparable Inst. ment of Music." =. is > "Hearing is believing." Put the Colum- in. Grafonola to the final test tony. We ill g demonstrate this fact to you on any model of Columbia Grafonola-- the prices of which range from $21 to $475. J. M. GREENE MUSIC CO. Sydenham and Princess Sts. Phone 1324. exclaimed Mariam | Finally the article. disclosed that Mr | PUR 00 ellipses." _ Resweod Suey was attempting to | 10 Bas been visiting het sister, 3 | Mrs, eorge errier, at her sum- keep our names' secret, for he had; q, camp, Dead Man's Bay, for refused to tell who we were. ,., isome time, has re'urned home How gallant of Mr." Kenwood! Mfsses Lily and Belle Dunne have y returned home after spending two | weeks with their sister, Mrs. Suw- { mers, Detroit, Mich, The badly decomposed body of a, * 0» gn, apparently an Italian, weighted. Mrs. Latimer and son, New York, down with an 18-pound weight fas-'are with Mrs. John Smith, Brock tened around it by. a chain, was street. washed up on the shore of Burling-| + Miss Simmons fs home from Bat- ton Beach, Hamilton. tle Creek, Mich., and is with her par- Harvey D. Gibson, president of theo Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Simmons, Liberty National Bankj New York, | Barrie street. has volunteered his time to the Red| Mrs. H. H. Bedfonrd-Jones and chil- Cross during the war without com- | dren, Brockville, are at Mudlunta pensation and has been designaied | Island, near Gananoque, where they general managed of the organization. | will spend the remainder of the sum- If you have plenty. of dust it is | mer. not difficult to blind the public oye. | Mrs. S. Grey and Misses Eva and Detroit, (To be continued.) ? | Vivian, Perth, are visiting friends at | a Misses Florence and Beatrice For- TAKUM = ' Wolfe Ishand. Jamesina in the world. ! Kingston and Westport. | Miss Margaret McKeégg and Mre. TNE IH. Whenchoit are the guests of Mr, . |and Mrs. Henry and Inwin Fawcett, BORRTED Mion | sythe spent the week-end with Miss |Greaza at her summer home, on The best known and { 3.%..3 most used baby talcum | The marriage of Miss | O'Brien, second daughter of Mr. and | Mrs. M. J. O'Brien; Renfrew, to Wil- 2k {Mam Carey Cram, jr., has beefl ar- ATP. Av [ranged to take place at the summer sy {home of the bride-elect's -brother, 2 Kennebunk Beach, on Wednesday, {aww 25th. FR . - - Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Morrow, Peterboro, announce the engagement of their daughter, Stella Irene, to William Stamton Groomes, B.A. 'of Estevan, Sask:, the marriag: to take Place the latter part of. July. " - . . +} i ' Mes. W. H. Pinkle, Belleville, On- tarfo, announces the. engagement of her daughter, Grace Isabelle, to Wil- liam r Baird, son of Mr. and Mrs," Williams Baird of Ottawa, On- tario. The marriage will take place at Moose Jaw, Sask., the latter part .of July. fer "ry & Practical -wné Dress Making] Lerrons Proparea' Bpecially tor This Newspaper By Pictorial Review > Mid-Season Modés Tice to the Siraight Line. tion, or if desired, stitch 1 inch irom | folded edge. Gather shoulder edges | of frapts betweon "T" parforations. Close underarm and shoulder seam : as notched. Gather along crosstne of small "0" perforations. Large "0" 'perforations in' right front in. dfeate csater-front. Adfust stay un- der gatiors with ceaterfronts, cen ter-backs and froat edges even (large "0" perforation indfcates cénter front); bring small "¢" perfératioa in stay to underarm seam; if de sired tape may be used. Lap right frout om left to line. : Take the collar next and sew to neck of back as hotelied, and to right ero ogne & NLS A longcaisted dress of -green ; signed Youth fad figures. The tunic a ower edge, but may be of lace or cmrgidery if preferred. The styles for mid-summer tered their F to ~ ASK YOUR GROCER FOR CHARM TEA . INPACKAGES. : Black, Green and Mixed# Packed in King- ston, by : GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, Limited. PA oO APA lO St Th NENA of Corns No need now to waste time soaking your feet so often. Nor run the risk of paring. Blue-jay plasters have ended millions of corns. This very night thousands of people _ | will say goodbye to painful corns forever, \\ [i Touchy corns are needless, even foolish, Blue-jay brings instant relief. And in 48 hours the average corn is gone. Only a few stubborn ones require a second or third treatment. A Blue-jay plaster, with its healing wax, is applied in a jiffy: - No soreness, no inconve- _nience. The pain is not temporarily eased, as ~_ with paring. There is no danger; as with harsh liquids. Decide to join the happy crowd tonight which - has won freedom the Blue-jay way. For Sale by. all Druggists. An Sieh} States and British armies next week will be on Thursday, July 26th in Chicago. The grand military parade and mass meeting in connection with the big recruiting drive of the United COAL CUSTOMERS Please Notice ! On and after first of May Coal Sales will be for Cash Only. BOOTH & CO. Phone 133. Preserving Season Is 3 Here. i Let Us Supply Your Wants, {Fruit Jars in Pints, Quarts, Half { . Gallons, . | Fresh Strawberries Arriving Daily. Home Grown Tomatoes, | { { Home Grown Cabbage. { New Potatoes. ~ | We are Leaders in Glassco's Famous b Grape Juice. ed Grocery, { The Home of Choice Groceries. | Phone 276. 188 Princess St. | ~~ = omy * We Have a Nice Assortment of Pure Corn Syrup {In 2-Ib, tins, 5:15 pails, and 10-Ib. | patls, which we are for one hy week only at the oll price. E. H. BAKER | Cor. Montreal and Charles Phone 1208. Popular Cakes and Pastry Almond Maccaroons, Cream Rolls, Almond Wafers, Sweet Sandwich, Fancy Cakes, Post. les. 8¢, Always Pure; Always Fresh. Crother' | ing St. Bakery eee) Canada's abundant fruit crap. now. Serve them while they last, Crystal Powdered Sugar, there is no richness of flavor. And preserve this first of Canada . which may rig Dominion pure, itaport the finest of raw cane er the product we make from weighing out carefully egual wi After wei t jon Crystal Sugar, fill tle with slternan a ns wd rn By or en Sl . on or 5 : in jars Fill Every Jar Save every berry. 3 Hunt out the empty jars and help preserve Strawberries--luscious, dark red, Canadian---are on Pi Ri ion Heaped high with ret oe the same fresh tly be called "Canadian from the he ily 's fruits with the y sugar finely granulated, e do refine it, but our pride is in Ly good judgment as wejl as patriotum. a ie The Sunshine Way for quantities of strawberries and 'and seal.