Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Jul 1917, p. 11

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JULY 18, 1917. $7.00 to $7.75; do., med. 0 1bs., 37.00 to $7.25; do. 600 to '659. 1hs., $5.50 'to ; canuners, $5.00 to $6.25: cut- $5.50 "to 38.25: sheep, ligat, to $9.50; do. heavy: $6.75 to £8.00; calves, £3.00 to $15.00; spricg lambs, cwr, $15 to $16; yearlicgs, $11 to §12; hogs, fed and watered, . $16.25: do. weighed off $16.50; do. f.0.b., $15.50, ---- Montreal. Montreal, July 17.--Choice steers, $10.50 to $11.25; good, $10 to $10.50; medium, $8.75 to $9.50: choice bulls, $9.25 to 9.75; good, 8.50 to" $9; medium, $7.50 to $8; PAGE ELEVEN ™ $00 Ibs. 550 to 75 J Heli, $8.00 gers, $X.75 dozen, 38¢ to 4c: Cheese, 1b., 39; do., fancy, '1b. 346¢; Turkeys, Ib 30¢ to ¢; Fowl, Ib, 25¢ to 28¢: Spring chickens, 40¢ to 45¢; Rhu-| 'barb, 3 bunches, 10¢; Oranges, dozen, | 40¢ to 50c; Gooseberries; bkt., 35c to $1.25 Peaches, dozen, 20¢; Plums, bkt, 50c "to 65c; Cherries, bkt, 50c to "66¢c; 'Watermelons, each, Tic to 80c; Grape fruit, dozen, 50c to $1.00; Pineapples, each, 15¢ to 25¢; Lem- ons, dozen, 30¢ to 40¢; Strawberries, box, 13¢ to 15¢; Asparagus, Can. bunch, 7¢ to Sc¢; Beans, new, small measure, 20c; Beets, new, 3 bunch 10¢; Cucumbers, each 5¢ to 20c¢; Launliflower, Can., each, -15¢ to 20¢; Carrots, new, bundle; 6¢ to 10¢; Cel- choice cows, $8.75 to $9.25; good, ery, per bunch, 10¢ to 12¢; Cabbages, $8 to $8.50; medium, 8 to §; sheep, each 10c to 20¢; Lettuce, dozen $8 to 39; spring lambs, $7.50 to bu..cpes, 20¢ to 30v; do head, dozen, $9: calves, choice, $10 to 11; good, | 5oc; Onfone, bundle, 10¢; Do. small 38 to 39; hogs, very choice selects, | ht' 50c to 65¢; Do, Bermuda, box, 16.50; good selects, $16 to $16.25; Peas, «Can, Preserving Season Is Here | ~--1t us supply Your wants-- FRUIT. JARS . We have them at the old. price-- | pints 75¢ doz, quarts, 85¢ doz., half | gal, $1.00 doz, Frult jar rings, 5¢ and, 10c dozen. , Sealing Wax, four cakes for 10c. We sell pure cane sugar only. Fresh Berries arriving daily. All kinds of green vegetables. New and od potatoes, Ask Our Local Dealer When installed according to plans fur- nished by. us, the Sunshine Furnace will heat your home 'comfortably; healthfully and economically. Ask our local dealer to tell you how it's done, or write for free booklet. Street. J. Walsh and F. Edwards spent the week-end .at Kingston Mills and made a good catch of fish. The power plant is running | & 4 { hort hours owing to shortage of water. cars, SANGSTER July 17 Mrs. P. Bradley, at N. Marphy's. Mr and Mrs | 8. Hickey, Burridge,.at James O'Con-~ |nor's. Thomas and Miss Minnie | Young at T. J. Babcogck's, Miss Roéle Kelly at P. O'Connor's. "WILBUR STATION, July 16--J. A. Powell held prayer meeting here on Saturday evening. William Thomas, who -has been in the Kingston General Hospital for thé past three months retarned fiome Wednesday much improved in health. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Sproule Brock= | vilie J.R.B.Gage, Montreal St. Phone 549 Pr i l,i Li i Ng FOR SALE Farm of 150 Acres 185 of Plough Land, wooded, Township of ry ston. Cheap, W. H. Godwin & Son 89 Brock Street Phone 484 " meee) dook's Cotton Root Compoune, i veliabis reguinting 3 Bold in three de THE COOK MEDICINE Ch. Montreal and London (Calling Falmouth to land passengers) and Montreal and Bristol For particulars of sailings 'ind rates obert gents. apply to local agents or to The Reford Co, limited, General 60 King Street East. Toronto. LOW = a FARES TO WESTERN CANADA wen. ONCE A WEEK Convenient Service. Modem Electric Lighted Equipment Tourist Sleeping Cars and Colonist Coaches Por "Tickets, Reservations, Literature and Information, apply to J. E. IVEY, STATION AGT. or M. C. DUNN, CITY AGT. Or write R. L. Fairbairn, G.P.A,, 68 King St. £., Toronto, balanéé Pitts- burgh, four miles from King LOWER GLENDOWER July 17.--The late rains have im- | proved the crops greatly. James Coulter is . having. improvements] made on his cheese lactory. J. Bab- cock s somewhat better, Mr. and Mrs. A. Legary spent Sunday at F. Howes, Godfrey. Miss Anna Hickey visited friends in Burridge recently. Miss Marian Legany 18 the guest of Miss Pearl Hickey, Burridge, KINGSTON MILA. July 16.--Miss. Ethel Clark Kas ed the Kingston Gereral Hospital much improved. Miss Ella Clark has returned home after spending the past week the guest of Mrs Phyllis "Walsh, Stuart RAILWAY « ERE HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS To Points in ALBERTA, MANITOBA, SASKAT. CHEWAN & BRITISH COLUMBIA, Via COCHRANE and "THE NATION. AL ROU TE" or CHICAGO, NORTH BAY, SARNIA OR TORONTO. Round trip tickets will be sold at LOW FARES Going each TUESDAY from MAY STH to OCTOBER 30th, 1917. Return Hmit of two months, excluding date of sale. An extension of time limit, not exceed- Ing two mouths, on Homenecekerw tie- kets sold in May, June, and July only, ean he had on payment of each month or part thereof. Stopover privileges may be had at Winnipeg and West, alse between 'Cochrane and Hearst. For full particulars, apply te J. P. lisyley, Agent, Corner Johuson and Ontario streets. returr frou 5.00 for Ema and ver 4 contain no harmful or habit-forming ae Ad CORR or they cause no unpleasant after-effects, be right conditions which cause head- FE nausea and = nd soe At is $0 ry $0 sure speedy as illinot fail you OH S Gulnee 4 Hox arise PES -------- and experi- y that can be de- and children spent Sunday at J. Me- Kenzie's. © Miss Mildred Moreau, who has been visiting her . sister, Mrs. A. Burton, Braeside, returned home Monday. J. Burke spent Sun- day at William Thomas', Hill View Farm. Mrs. G."Sayers spent a few days with her father, A. McDougall, Mississippl, last week. MYE ER'S CAVE, 14--A number from here attended the celebration in Arden on July 12th. Frank Neal is build- ing a mew school house at Marble Lake. Duncan MacGregor hag ve: turned to Ottawa after spending the last two weeks with his parents here. Osear and Sandy Perry have returned home from Cobalt, where they have spent the last few months, Mrs. T. Whiteman and family spent a couple of days with her mother, Mrs. J. Curtis. The Misses Mallle and Maude MacGregor are visiting their brothers in: Peterboro. R. Hamilton and sistér, Hazel, S. 'Grey and sistér, Lucy, A. Watkins and sister, Ardoch, were recent visitors at- Hill Crest., Alex. Delyea is re- newing old friendships around here after an, absence of twelve years. H. and Miss Florence Bening were Sunday visitors at Lake View. Mr. and Mrs, David Rintoul and family spent Sunday at C. MaoGregor's. KREUERVILALE July 16.---Farmers have com- menced haying and a splendid crop they hawe. Many from here took in the 12th of July celebration at King- ston. Dr, David Robb is here visit- ing his brother, Johp Robb. His many friends are glad to see him. Miss Mildred Yateman left for the west to-day in compamy with her uncles, Thomas and Daniel = Moore, who reside near Saskatoon, Mrs. Dobb's of Lyndhurst spent last week at Rady Andrew's. Miss Mamie Sleeth spent a few days at Kingston last week. John Stafford and his sister, Miss Bernice of Seeley's Bay, spent Sumday at J. E. Anglin's. Charles Caind of Seeley's Bay spent Sunday at Erwin Cairds. Frank MclLeroy motored to Kingston on Saturday. Hearty congratolations to Clifford Robb on passing his entrance examinations, and to the teacher Miss Winnifred Thompson for the splendid results the pupils made in their promotion examinations also. Misses Vera and Crona Wakeford of Hamilton wete the guests of Misses Mildred and Pauline Anglin on Mon day, | Leeds PHILIPSVILAIE July 16, --Mrs. Michael Judge, Tol- ado, is visiting his sister, Mrs. John Doway, for a few days the past week. Mars, John Flynn, formerly of Toledo, Ont,, but now of Buffalo, N.Y, Is July to maturity, A tremendous growth in almost everything. A heavy yield of hay ie promised. It is reported that eariy potatoes tiful in the hill, «| No. 3 white, 72% fo 73%e¢. July 13.--Mies Frances Mallory, | Escott, has been visiting Miss Iris Weeks. Rev. Hillard Jones, Lake Buperior, was guest Mrs, Willlam Poole, last week Misses Steele and Blaine, Toronto, were week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Steele. on July 3nd to Mr. BL Mrs. Buell | Wel Manufacture i SHEET LEAD SOLDER, LEAD PIPE SPOT STOCKS -- of -- PIG TIN | INGOT COPPER ZINC SPELTER The Canada da Metal Co. a "TORONTO | Po 81 A key, a diughter. Miss Edna Poole is home after a visit cry her broth- er, Burtis at Montreal, Miss Edna Wilcox arrived home on Monday last from Brockville General where she has been a patient for six weeks. Miss Louie Acton, Brock- ville, spent. the week-end, guest of Mr. and Mra. Walter Williams. William Ford Davis, visited at 'B. BE. Poole's, last Sunday. Crops are looking splendid. Every- thing . points to a bountiful harvest, visitors: C. O. Guild and Mary, MaMorytown, at Dickey's; Mr. and Mrs. avid Toronto, - Toronto July 17.--Heavy- steers, | > eT choice steers, fogs. te 3. Somiton, 333 sug | R ars, good to choice, Larne medium, $8.75 to $9; |C cows, choice, $8.00 56; 11a 39.0 to $8 ulcer Coe, ln 0 butch- er bulls, Sholea. $9.25 to $9.75: do. rood, $7.00 to $00 E10 Xoedor- o 1bs., $7:75 to $8.60; Stockers, 100 ¢ to .| middlings, $40°to $42; mouillie, $44 55 do, good, $10.35 1 oa sows, $14 to $14.50. Chicago. Chicago, July 17.--Cattle receipts; 21,000; market weak; beeves, $8.25 to $13. 90; stockers and feeders, $6.- 20 to $9.10; cows and heifers, $.850 to $11.80; calves, $7.50 to $14.50. Hogs, receipts, 39,000; market slow; dight, $14.45 to $15.65; mixed, $14.45 to $15.80; heavy, $14.25 to $15.85; rough, $14.25 to $14.45; pigs, $11.25 t0-$14.40; bulk of sales, $14.80 to $15.75. _ Sheep, receipts, 20,000; market weak; native wethers, $7.60 to $10.- 80; lambs, native, $9.50 to $15.40, Buffalo. East Buffalo, July 17.--Cattie-- Receipts, 4,200; active and steady; prime steers, $13. 25 to $13.75; ship- to $12.25; yearlings, $11 to $13.25; heifers, $8 to. $11.25; cows, $5 to $9.75; bulls, $6. to $9.50; stockers and feeders, $6.50 to $8.25; fresh cows and springers, $60 to $125. Veals--Receipts, 1,400; active and steady; $6 to $17.75. Hogs--Recelpts, 8,800; heavy, $15.90 to $16; mixed, $15, 85 to $15.- 90; Yorkers, $15.75 to $15.90; light Yorkers, $15 to $15.25; pigs, $15; roughs, $13.85 to $14; stags, ns to $12.75. Sheep and lambs--NReceipts, N.- 000; slow; tambs, $10 to $16; year-|. lings, $9 to $13.50; weathers, $10 to $10.25; ewes, $5 to $9.50; mixed sheep, $9.60 to $10. GRAIN QUOTATIONS. Toronto. Jupy 17.--~Maniti 1 Northern, lake po¥ts, nominal; No. "2 northern, Torontp, wheat---No. $2.66%; $2.51%. Manitoba oats--No. © 2, track, bay ports. American. Corn--$1.99; track; Toronto. Ontario wheat--No, 2 winter, per caso lots, $2.35 to $2.40; No. 2 win- ter, $2.33 to $2.38, according to freight outside, Rye--No. 2, $2.05. Manitoba flour---First patents, in jute bags, $12.40; second patents, $11.90; strong bakers, $11.50. Ontario flour--Winter, according to sample, $10.45 to $10.68, track, Toronto, prompt shipments. Mil feed--Car lots, delivered Montreul, shorts, $38 to $39; bran, $34; feed flour, per bag, $28.0 to $2.90; middlings, $42. Hay--Bal track, Toronto, car fots, 'No. 2, $12 to $12.50; mixed, $9 to $11; straw, $9. _ ti init 81%e, nominal Chicago Chicago, July 17 ~--~Wheat---No. 2 red, No. 3 red and No. 2 hard, nom- inal; No, 3 hard, $2.36. Corn--No. 3 yellow, $1.94% to $1.95; No. 3 yellow, $1.94 to $1.95; Nes 4 A Yalow: mominal. Oats--No. 3 whi , T4% to 75%e¢; standard, voraat' nominal." Timothy, $4.00 to $12.00 to $17.00. Minneapolis. Minasagolis; July 17. - July, $2.46%; September, $1.97. Cash-No."1 hard, $2.76; No. 1 Northern, $2.60° to 72.70; No. 2 Norther, $2.50 to $2.60. Corn-- No. 3 yellow, $1.88 to $1.89. Oats r unchanged: Bran, $31 to $32. Duluth, July 17--Wheat--No, 1 hand, $2.67; Ne. 1 Northern, $2.56; 2 Northern, $2. Linseed, Nos: rn inher $3.11; ork York. worms. S150 Wn ee i to wintér patents, $11. 8 to 1. 20; Kania. strosehts shipping, 750 te SOc. | Hops Yyutet; state, medium to choice, 1916, 30¢ to 35¢; 1915, 6¢ to Se. Pacific Coast, % to 13¢; 1915, Te to se. Montreal. - Montreal, July 17.--Corn, Am- erican No. 2 yellow, $1.75 to $1.80. Oats, Canadian western No, 2, 8lc; do. No. 3, 80c; extra No. 1 feed, 80c. Flour, Manitoba spring 'wheat patents, firsts, $12.50; do. seconds, $12; strong bakers', $11.80; wint- er patents, choice, $12.75; straight rollers, $12 to $12.30; de. b bags, ¥ Rolled oats, bar- ba of 96 1bs., ." iliteda ara: $38 10 $39: to $49. Hay--No. 2 t + per ton, car lots, $11 to $11.50. ? Ether chototA deiry, 33¢ to 40c; Eggs, newdaid, small 'bunch, Sec; Do., bkt, 29c; $1.75; tins, 12-1b. sugar, firm. beans; and strong way,21 choly. 40c; Montreal, est creamery, creamery, 35e to 35%¢c; 30%ec to 31%ec; lower grades, 27¢ to 28c. product shows no change choice syrup, 13-1b. choice syrup, $1.50 to $1.60; $1.35 to $1.45; $1.2 tins, per hig Can. $2.00 to $2.25; bkt., tatoes, per bag, old, bag, $4.50; do., measure, 10¢; 60c, Do. 6-qt. Po- new, 11-qt., bkt, 2.00; 65¢; do., new, Q 20¢; 8 Tomatoes, 1b, Montreal. Ib., In her. July 17. 36¢c 6-1b. pickers, $9.50; Rangoon beans, Ping steers, $11:t0$13; 'butchers, $9 | yellow-eye beans, $8 to $8.25; $7.50 to $7.75. Jutter--Fin- 361%e¢c; fine finest dairy, 29¢ to Maple Extra tins, $1.65. to 13-1b. tims, good syrup, 13-1b lower grades, 5 to $1.30; maple 13¢ to 15¢ Beans $9.25 to $8.75 to $9; Japan Lard active a wholesale jobbing to fine dairy, 4c to 21¢ for shortening, and 2 ¢ to 25%ec for pure lard, both in wood pails of 20 1b., for shortening, lard in tierce. prices eggs, 42¢; and 21%e and 25c¢ for pure Eggs firmer and Strictly new-laid selected stock, 40c¢; Na: 1 ,candled stock, 37c¢; sfock, 32¢ to 34c. ceipts to date are 55,123 cases he low those period a year ago. for At Watertown, N.Y, William Nevills drinking poison. fife wife he had been given to melan- He is the third person to oé- complish self-destruction here within a week. A No: 2 candled This year's re- the corresponding on July 15th, ended his life by Singe the death of MClary's SUNSHINE FURNACE LONDOR _ TORONTO MONTREAL WINNIPEG VANCOUVER ST. JOHN, N.B. HA TON CALGARY 3 SASKATOON DMONTON For Sale by J. B. Bunt & Co. Bongard, Ryerson & Co, MEMBERS OF TORONTO STOCK - EXCHANGE STOCKS, BONDS, GRAINS & COTTON Private wires to Toronto, Montreal and New York. Howard S. Folger, Manager. Kingston. Address, 44 Clarence St. Phone 995. Toronto Address, 85 Bay street. When you pay the price of first quality sugar PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM, Visit This Dairy and Decide for Yourself, -- isfaction Guaranteed, Official Tent by A. B. Smith. ME test ed 3.2 Butter Fat. ' 24 JOHNSON STREET Phone 2083 gypsy Ti se not be sure that you get it? There is one brind in Canada which has no second quality -- that's i wise bees. Made in one "Let Redpath Sweeten i®*" grade only--the highest RR RR i TR A When You Market Consider Your Less needs is SS ET Fortunate Neighbor. citizen who uses more in his household than his bis howe. those 3 jncrensing the cost of living for prosecution of 5 ie Wie, tr of Fee hopin he ik, Miche uWant buying by thous whic can afford i, wilh wate in sutha BT. us those who. cannot aford the price and bungee thous whe / FI ER dye inf pupil ad values as Cm ig "The National Service Board 6f Canada, + OTTAWA.

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