.--and Mrs, R. J. McKay, a son on -- EE ee ! John Sanders, FROM TF | | | | | ee JA : i i H - | LAKE OPINICON. Most of the farmers have started | haying and report a good crop. The recent showers were of great bene-| fit to pastures which wera beginning to dry up. We are sorry to hear | that James Smith, who is a pa- tient at Kingston General Hospital, | is net Improving very rapidly Mrs. | A: Cameron, Toronte, is visiting her, brother, A Teeple, for a few days. Mrs. Dobson and two sons, of Harris- ville, N.Y. are spending a few | weeks at T. Smith's. Messrs, F. | Smith, J. K. and A. Darling, E Hun-| ter made a trip to Desertonto on| Sunday last Mr. Smiler and little gon are at A. N. Sharp's WESTBROOK. July 21 Haying is the order of! the day with the farmers." A. Howie has purchased a new hay-loader. Miss Marion Staley, Wolfe Island; af-' ter spending the past week the guest | of Mrs. Kenney and, also attending the Meagher-McCortaack wedding at | Odessa, returned bome on Thurs-, day Frapk Meagher of Toefield, ( Alta, spent last week with his-un-| cle, D. Sheehan. Miss - Larraine Smith, after visiting friends at Har- rowsmith, has returned home. Miss Larraine Smith spent a week recent ly at Wanakena Camp, East View| Park Ernest Sproule is rejoicing over the arival of a son. P Wright | has the basement of hig barn nearly { completed, PERTH ROAD, | July 19.--The frequent showers | make it very inconvenjent for the! farmers in their haying. Rev. Mr. | Frank .took charge of the Sunday | morning Presbyterian services at Raymond's Corners. The Helping Hand Social held their fortnightly meeting at 'Mrs. Bert Simkins on Wednesday afternoon. The Ladies' Ald held their meeting at Mrs. M. Convray's, Leland, on Thursday. Mr. and Miss Dickson and Mrs. Sleeth were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ritchie. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Guthrie were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, H. Stoness, Wilmer, on Sunday last. William Guthrie and daugh- ter, Lillian, are spending a week or 80 at Bruce Guthrie's, Heller. On July 1st a son came to stay at Mr, and Mrs, George Lees. Born to Mr. July 16th. Mrs. B. Johnston, Lans- downe, is visiting relatives here. GLENVALRE July 18.--James Mercer has built & cement floor in his cow stable. | Jobin Hamilton motored to Deseronto | with a number of his friends, on Sunday. Mrs. William Atkinson, Gananoque, visited at- Edwin Clark's last week. Hattie Ellerbeck accom- | panied her aunt, Mrs. Brebner, home. ' Mrs. (Dr.) Gordon and, children, Cape Vincent, are visiting Mrs. Mar- garet Gordon, Aeroplanes are seen nearly every day. The song Yavin given by the Y:M.C.A. band in the Presbyterian church on Sunday | morning was much enjoyed by @ large congregation. Visitors: Roy Gordon, Trenton, at his father's, B, Gordow's; Miss Sadie Amey, Kinge- | tom, wt J. Ellerbeck's; Hatle McKee: | ver, Veron, at J. Butterill's; Mrs. | Leonard Gordon entertained her Sun- | day school class on Monday, ARDEN. | 18.--~Notwithstanding the | | July inclement weather, the celebration | of the twelfth was well attended, | and an excellent time enjoyed. The | friends of Thomas Woodcock, Bor- | denwood, are very sorry 'to learn of | the serious accident which befel | him. 'While driving from Arden his | horses ran away. He was thrown from the waggon and his leg was found broken. He was conveyed to Kingstoh Hospital. Mr. and Mrs, R. E. Lewis will spend the summer at the latter's home. T. Hoffman has joined his family at A. Miller's. | Atlantie , and Lorena | mother, { land, who has been visiting friends the nomination last week, Rey. A. L. erop and all other crops above the average. Mrs. A. Miller underwent a serious operation at Kingston General Hos- pital, but is doing well. J. Hayes : : motored a party to Deseronto Sun- JUNETOWN. day. - J. Pringle also took a party in| July 18.--Migs Evelyn Knight, his car to Kingston. Mrs. Madison, | Brockville, is the guest of Miss City, is visiting her par-| Beatrice Avery. Mr. apd Mrs. Fred ents here. Mrs. W. W. Pringle, Miss rata spent Sunday at ", Sailrs, H. Pringle and Mrs. © Loyst re-{ Andressburg. Mrs. Robert and ss turned from Toronto. H. Worm- | Orma Mulvaugh spent the week-end | with spent. the week-end 'at hist with natives I Lanmiowne. > home. Mr. and Mrs. T Gendron, | and Mrs. Francis Fortune, aro Toronto, are visiting friends here, | Fortume and Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Babcock, from Laura, Sask., is|Green motored to Newboro on Sun- renewiig acquaintances here. day and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton. Miss Gladys Brown, Caintown, was a recent guest of July 21.--The Ladies' Ald met in' M18 Fern Warren. Miss Gertrude the hall on Wednesday afternoon, (Scott Is spending a few days with Miss Mabel Jackson took charge of | friends In Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. the Post Office on the 16th. Miss | William Whaley and daughter, of Mildred Stores .ig Visiting her cousin, | Athens, were visitors at Robert For- Miss Hazel Jacobs, Brockville. We | tunes on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. congratulate Miss Nelly Jackson and | Willlam Flood and children spent a Clarence Orser on passing thir en-| day last-week with friends in Ath- | trance examination Miss Nelly | ens. Mr. and Mrs, Charles 'Trues- | passed with. honors Miss Fraser | dale, Mallorytown, visited Saturday have returned after | 8t J. B. Ferguson's. "Mrs. William weeks in Rochester | Flood spent Saturday last in Brock- Miss P. Darling, La-| ville. Mrs. Zack 'Purvis and daugh- timer, is visiting her aunt, "Mra | ter, Helen, Lyn, are guests at Eli Clogg Miss Mildred Orser, Glen- | Tennant's. Mr. and Mrs. Edward vale, is spending a few days with | Green, Kilkenny street, spent the her sister, Mrs. W. Irwin Misses | week-end at Frank Fortune's. Mrs. Marjorie and Geraldine Johnston, | Edwin Summers, Mallorytown, spent Kepler, are spending a week with | Friday at Thomas Franklin's. Miss their cousin, Miss Jean Cordukes. | Janet and W. H. Ferguson spent Jacob Gawley is able to be out driv-| Wednesday at John Ferguson's, Dul- Ing after a long illness. Miss Janet | cemaine. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bearance, Watertown, is visiting re-| Wooding, Toronto, arrived on Satur- latives here. Miss Nelly Jackson I8| day to visit at Mr. H. Scott's. Miu spending a couple of weeks: at W._! Evelyn Bradford, Mallorytown, | Smith's, Westbrooke. J. Johnson IS! spent the week-end with Mrs. W. H. remodelling his dwelling. Mrs. V.| Franklin's. Mrs. M. G. Herbison J. Rutledge and Jean, Racine, Wis., | has returned after a week's visit are visiting at Major Knight's. | with Broekville friends. J. J. War- | ren, "Rockport, spent Sunday at his | home here, a | Prince Eivard | PICTON ELGINBURG. spending two and Syracuse HARLOWE, .~ July 19.--There seems to be good crop of strawberries. A num- ber from here atténded the celebra- tion in Arden on the 12th. Mrs, Gibbs has returned to 'Napanee, hav- ing spent a few weeks with her sist- ar Mrs. MdaChusland. Mrs. N. Stoness and little Rachel, Westport, are at her father's, W. Thompson's. July 18.--Mrs. Horace Barker E. and T. Thompson, Oshawa, and has returned home alter spending D. Thompson, Tweed, are spending several days in Picton. Mr, and a few days under the parental roofs. | Mrs Pp, McCrimmon, also Mr. and Mrs. C. Hillier and son, Hughie, left Mrs. Edward McCaw motored to yesterday for a week's visit with Belleville on Saturday and spent a friends at Enterprise and Bath, day. Stanley Wey met with a pain- Born to Mr. and Mrs. 'W. Cuddy apy) accident on Monday. His horses sen. Mrs. F. Cole, Wilton, has re- got frightened at the stone crusher, turned -home after visiting her throwing him out of the wagon aad Mrs. E. Scott, for a few breaking his leg near the ankle. days. Mr. and Mrs. G. Bradshaw Harry Clark is cutting hay on shares spent the 12th at T, 'M, Thompson's. at Maple Dell Farm. Crops are Miss Mallie McGregor Is visiting looking fine in this locality. Straw- friends at Peterboro. The many | berries are gelling at ten cents a box. friends of George Peterson were -- 80rry to bear that he was. killed somewhere in France. A. Clancy is J visiting friends in the States. - D. and McGregor, Ottawa, was the guest of { his sister, Mrs. Rentoul, a day this a I I Br I rE Ptr itr eeetrutrotnrd ---- week. Cortland and George Con- ners, Toronto, are home for a few BATH days. Rev. M. Seedy, of this place, July: 19.--Miss Clara Forward of Pastor of H..M. Church, and Miss E. Chicago, who has been visiting her Hayes, Elm Tree, were quietly mar-| sisters here for the past month, has ried at Belleville on Wednesday | returned home, Henry Forward of last. Some from here attend the | Belleville spent a few days with his tent meetings at Dead Creek. sisters here, The Sunday school of ie St. John's Church held its annual picnic 'on Wednesday at McManris ~ Bay. A large number attended. Frontenac A mumber of young people from pg hall in the evening. Mr. Crawford SEELEY'S BAY. of Montclair, N.J., arrived on Sat- July 18.--Mrs. J. Pek, of Port- urday to spend the summer here. At Napanee motored here on 'Wednesday and after spending the afternoon fishing, ete., they held a dane jn the here for a few days, returned to her | MoTear and Thomas Bain were el- home last Sunday. Mrs. A. J. Bly | ected noillors and two ohildren, visiting friends at of a Ref tio Balanee Syracuse, N.Y, the past week, has returned home. George C. Chap- man has returned home after a two weeks' visit with 'friends at Hamil- ton. (Dr.) Elliott SELBY . July 19.~Rev. Mr. Cook and Wes. Sok and Aficio are camping at and son, Lawrence, of The Pas, | J arty Lake. rs a Martin 1s hav. Manitoba, are visiting friends. Mrs. ing b haw Kitchen Sule lute Bdward Chapman, of Toronto, {ig Napanee. SHanded the wel! Ry: visiting friends here for a few days. daughter visibed Mr 3 Bagi an A large" number froma here and viein. weok Nr Tennon s in pron is ity attended the 12th July celébra. residences with 4 cont of rk his tion at Kingston, Farmers are A oes a oat gait. Mie: very busy haying, and report a heavy | oad ay a Mr. and NEN Hole 'HE PUTATI ot Dr. Chase's Ointment as a cure . or ie OF Baan: bas been built up by one about the results obtained. Tn the clubireom, En ! field the good word is passed slong, watil nearly everybody 'dhout Dr. Chase's Ointment as the 'standard treat- , bleeding and i E Dr. Chase's: knows dhe ment' fof 'itehing, every case of plies that ple hox;: tree of: . x, all dealers, or Edman i ot 's Ointment contains some hg Aste ae are offered because Be" oi a ae -- Beware of them. t this paper. dt will afford Ret effect complete : gins. - Visitors: Mr, and Mrs, Bar. DUM at A. Tunmon's; Miss Weese at Ci Arnold's; Mrs. J. Deni d IE. COUNTRYSIDE | i here attended the 12th of July cele- ration held in Kingston, NEWBURGH, July 18.~M¥s. Orr, of Torontd, is visiting her sister, Mrs. WwW. WwW. Adams. Captain Frank Ryan is home from the front for a rest. He intends to rejoin his battalion ig the near future. 8. M. Bavens, of the Standard Bank, has been transferred to Bowmanville. Miss Davy, of Syden- ham, 1s visiting at Roy Wartman's. John Shane and daughter, of Egan- ville, also Miss Jean Bowman, of Brockville, is visiting at John Sam- son's. The lawn social held heré on July 4th was 3 decided success. The net results from the sale of the calf and the social wers $300. Mrs. J. passed away on Saturday at the age of eighty-four. Mrs. (Dr.) Ernest Paul and two children are visiting at Mrs, Henry Pauls. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wogent are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby boy. Miss Myrtle Husband was taken to the General Hospital, Kingston, to un- dergo an operation for appendicitis, ---- TAMWORTH July 18.--A. B. Oarscallen has the dam completed and expects to have the old Jone's woolen and knitting mill running by the middle of Aug- ust. Mr. and Mrs. Chisholm and son of Thomasburg visited -J. A. Hunter and family last week: Mrs. Harvey Wheeler and son of Buffalo, N.Y., are at Miles Wagar's. Stewart Woods of Saskatoon is visiting his brother, George Woods. John Coul- ter and wife of Watertown, N.Y., at Jay Taylor's. of Toronto are at C. R. Jone's. Coulter has moved to Eldorado. The Union picnic held at Beaver Lake last week was well attended. Stew- art Woods, wife and child, Hamil- ton, visited his parents- last week. Michael Neolls of Deseronto visited John O'Brien last 'week. John Ber- ault fell from a ladder and broke his leg last week. Mr. and Mrs. Amey, Mr. and Mrs, Huff and Mrs. Crimmon of Wilton were at D. B. Floyd's on Sumdey last. ENTERPRISE EAST July 16.--The recent rain storms were gladly welcomed by the far- mers o fthis vicinity. Most farmers have begun haying. 'The funeral of the late Michael Moran was largely ettendéd on Monday to the Roman Catholic church where a solemn re- quiem mass was sung by Rev, Fr. McDonald. Deceased had been in ailing health for some time.. Filor- ence Dunn ig att summer school at Sharbot Take. James Mur- phy has taken up residence at Fd- ward Finn's. Teo Carrick and P. Dowling spent the week-end at Wil- Ham Breen's. Edward Finn and sis- ter Nellie attended the Kelly-Baild- win wedding in Odessa on Monday, Miss Mary Kelly, Toronto, is at home, Joseph Kenny spent Saturday in Nap- ance. Miss Annie G. Finn bas re- turnéd from visiting friends in Tweed and Tamworth, STORMS' CORNERS. July 20.---~Farmers commenced haying last week but 'the recent heavy rains stopped their progress for eight days. 8. Simmons had a bee dast week raising his fine stock barn. There were ome hundred men ready to do their bit." Mrs. O. Bab- cock entertained the members of the W. M. 8. on Thursday. Mrs. J. Bol- ton met with a serious accident last week, while out driving with: her son near her home. The horse be- Came unmanageable and ran away, striking the gatepost, throwing Mrs. Bolton out and breaking hér arm and cutting her hand badly, so that it required nine stitches. She is doing nicely considering the close call, Mr. Wilson passed away on Wednes- day morning. The funeral service was held on Friday at his home by Rev. Mr. Stalker, Wilton. The body was placed in the vault. Mrs. R. Metzler, spending a few weeks at Napanee and 'Belleville, is expected home soon. The song service on Sun- day evening "in the Presbyterian church by the Y.M.C.A. band was largely attended and enjoyed. Mrs. F. Cole, after spending a couple of weeks at Harlowe, has returned home. ' Messrs. Giles, Harlem, and Miss R. Miller, Sandhurst, at R. Mil- ler's; 8S. Brown and wife at A. Brown's; Mrs. L. Storms, Wilton, at J. BE. Storms'; 'Mr. and Mrs, M. Irish, Murvale. at B. Babeock's. , De an Stella at H. Martin's; Miss Reig at Mrs. L. at Is visiting for ple of weeks with friends. Nearly every home Was represented on the 12th July at Napanee. Miss Gordon's pupils were successful in passing the different exam! .._ John Jayne is visit- Bay and Gosport. @ recent "Saturday. Hay Bay, is at John ICook, of' Smith's Hazel and Nellie visiting their cousin, Nifa a her parents, Mr. aed office, in factory, store or mpt- 'eure if used persistently, Bates & (0. Lid. Quite @ number trom | Remo, an aged resident of this place, | Dr. Wilson and wife | Mrs, | i) f ' AS RSA AiR = '] iv AN aN "THE RIGHT DIET FOR YOUR MAXWELL TIROLARINE and PREMIER GASO- cant because it has the correct body to résist wear, . Polarine is an economical lubri- arin AKES A GOOD CAR BETTER It is made from one crude oil and is "uniform wherever you buy it. Polarine is supplied in two grades, Polarine and ' Polarine Heavy. Transmission Pubricants. Also Polarine Greases and Look for the Premier "Red Bai* sign when buying oils and dasoline, THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY Limited 'BRANCHES IN ALL CITIES -------------- 25 MILES TO, - KINGSTON 20 to 25 miles to a gallon of gasoline is a frequent occurrence with the Ford car. One man (name on request) reports an av- erage of 33 miles per gallon for 20,000 miles. Surely this is a ree- ord that few, if any other makes of cars ever equalled. It demonstrates the economy' of owning and driving a Ford. You can average 1000 miles more tra- vel on Ford-size tires. € saving on oil and repairs is pro ately large. The name "FORD" stands for lowest cost and greatest service. The Ford is truly the Universal Pa Over 700 Ford Service Stations in os Kingston, Ont.