'eeL AGE SIX IF \§ OLIPPED FROM THE WHIGS MANY BRIGHT EXCHANGES, In Bglet Form the Events In The Uonntry About Xingston Are Told ~--Full of Interest to Many, The Clyde Mill, was erected by family, Lioyd White, in Beachburg, principal of school. Mrs. John Culhane, Deseronto, died on July 16th after. a short ill- ness. A husband and six children survive, ? John Moran, Lanark, underwent an operation for appendicitis in Ho- tel Dieu, on Thursday last and is get- ting along nicely. Mrs. 8S. Wannamaker, wife of Pte, Stanley Wannamaker, Picton, re- cently killed in action, has been granted a pension of $528, Woolen in-1854 Lanark, the Mair B.A., for some time has been engaged as Eganville continuation Rev. Milton Willlams and family, | New Castle, Pensylvania, have tak- en Mrs. David Terrill's house for their holiday stay in Picton. Everton A. Miller classical master of Pembroke High School, was re-| 'cently married in Halifax to Miss Harriet M. -Boak, of that city. . C. Grierson, superintendent of Boyd Caldwell & Co., has purchased from Joseph Mendels bis brick res- dence on Nonth street, Perth. G. H. Moles has been elected a member of Arnprior Board of Edu- cation ' in succession to Hedley Bridge, whp removed from the town. David Harris, died on July 11th at Deseronto, after several months ill- ness. He was a jewiler. A wife and two children suryive. DIS The death - occurred at Stanley- ville, on July 18th, of Mrs. Peter Mc- Namee at the age of sixty-seven years. Deceased suffered a paralytic stroke. Robert Watchorn died in Ramsay, near Clayton, on July 11th. He had not been in the hest of health for Bome time amd took seriously ill a few days previous to his demise. ' Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Toop, of Almonte, celebrated thetr-- mond wedding on July 2 News From Eastern Ontario NEWS FROM THE DSTRKT _ | derly, "Mr Teas, Bh | =/ IT HAS DEVELOPED. Several Cases of Anthrax Have Been | Discovered at Cornwall, | July 24.--1 first rax to develop in this {iscovered Cornwa | case of section fo a few 'da pols con, onthe Jar ner farm, along the G Track, a short distance east of wall Dr. W, Cos McGuire, of Cornwall, Dominion Government inspector for this district, Saturday received word from Charles H. Hig- gins, pathologist, Ottawa, that there 'was positive evidence of anthrax Five head of Mr. lLauzon's cattle and one horse and a heifer owned by Frank Stone Cornwall hawe died from the disease Besides Mr. Lauzon's herd of 31 milch cows and .other stock, there were a number of other cattle pasturing on the farm. These have all been quarantined and inoculated. Dr. McGuire says the cattle were infected by the an thrax germ while pasturing 81X year y$ among the of Shot With a Diamond. 'Gananoque, July 24.--Mrs, Edwin Grice, of Pittsburg, had a peculiar | experience while in town recently. While walking along the street she experienced a stinging sensation im her right hand, and on examination discovered a small stone embedded in the flesh. In hurriedly casting about for the cause of the strange accident she spied two boys, ohe of | whom had an air gun, scurrying away, and the supposition is that he was responsible. If he were, he must have been unconscious of the nature of the ammunition, for strangest of {all is that the stone proved to be a | diamond of considerable value. Mrs. | Grice will probably have it mounted [asa souvenir, Cornwall Coffers Filling. { Cornwall, July 19.--Police Mag- | istrate Davis held @ paying session in | the police court when offenders | against the Ontario Temperance Act | contributed a total of $127.09 in {Anes and costs. There were four | cases) on the docket. Against three | of the parties there were two charges | of being intoxicated as well as disor- They were fined $20 and or $36.78 eas, a total of Toop Is in his eighty-first year, and | $110.34, The fourth party was fined Mrs. Toop in her seventy, Pqor-Crops on Vow Land. Colborne, July 20.-A good acre- age of beans and potatoes are re- ported planted in East Northumber- land. 'The apple crop is reported to be quite below the normal there as elsewhere, notwithstanding reports to the contrary. Hay is not equal to last year, but good. Grain on high land is reported excellent, but owing to the excessive rains low- land crops are not showing up. so ell. . & New Potatoes '60¢c Per Peck THOMPSON'S rocery, 294 Princess St. Phone 387 w. ee [$10 and costs, and he contributed | $16.75 for being caught on the street jive worse of liquor. Cavan Farmer Hurt, Peterboro, July 21.--H. A. Parle, |a Cavan Township farmer, was ser- |dously injured by being rum over by la mower when the horses took fright | at the noise of a passing wagon that | rattled along the road. Earle at- | tempted to jump clear of the ma- { chine, but fell beneath, One of the { wheels passed over his body, break. {ing a number of ribs and causing a | congestion of blood in one lung. Go Pigeon Found Near Picton. Pictom, July 21.--Gébrge Thi. beault, of East Lake Outlet, picked up on the beach recently at Salmon { Point, Prince Edward County, the {body of a pigeon which had the fol- {lowing leg bands: Aluminum band, | marked NA 1916 852; brass leg { band, with 387 on inside. 1 | A quiet wedding was solemnized on July 11th at the residence of | George Munroe, Gilbert's Mills, | when his daughter Cassie Ordella | was united in marriage to 8. A. Tra- | vis, 'oronto, Eyeglasses Are supplied you, only after our thorough examination. tells us that you need them, Mant'. Op 132 Princes; St. THOROUGH EXAMINATIONS, COMPETENT ADVICE, CORRECT GLASSES, R. J. RODGER us and Optometrists. Phone 347 SILK POPLIN SKI In beautiful shades of and gold | lar $8.50 ' price. . "Fancy sport skirts in khaki' value for. . Faney sport skirts in cotton etc; fancy pockets: % flowered; tasseled values for © = = . TAFFETA SKIRTS. In navy, plaid and black. The ity, with elastic band and RTS gold, old rose, Bur- etc. Green flowered pockets. Regu- $7.50 qual pockets. Our ~ $8.95 kool; $6 . -98 gabardines, . Few $4.00 value for . $1.98 | circus, _THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, JULY 24, 1917. _ ENTRENCHED ITALIAN SAILORS READY TO FIRE ON GERMAN Alk. . ' ANES. "| It is interesting to note the change that is being effect One of the best authorized military experts of the United St will decide the war, and the fact that marines to-day are demonstrates the always increasing importance that th tribute to the damage caused by aeroplane bombardments. IR A A a. AAA a HARD TO GET' THERE, WELLINGTON NEWS BUDGET te Decorate Graves on August 5th. Wellington, July 21._The ice cream social in connection with St. | Andrew's Guild was a decided" sue- and sony . The #0 of $43 were Feudised. wonderful Turkish officialdom. Prac- | __* ext Sunday morning Messrs. tically all travelers in the Levant and | Ware, Morden and Shonrie will sing Palestine sightseers pass through | ® quartette in St. Andrew 8 «hurch, Jaffa, for it is the port of Jerusaloe: Mrs. J. D. Stinson of Wellington bas | where one lands if anything by. boat | been spending a couple of weeks | from Greece.or Egypt, and fow such | With Mr. and Mrs. Lymon Smith, | travelers carry away any netably | Pleasant Bay. Dr. and Mrs. Sanford pleasant impressions [rom the of Rochester, N.Y., are visiting Mr. by the sea. and Mrs. S. P. Morden. Very often Garnet Mordon and wife and chil- | in Jaffa at all. The port au {dren are the guests of his parents, | may have laid a quarantine Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Morden. Dr. and goods or passengers | Mrs. Gibson are guests at Hotel Alex- Alexandria--this happens andria. Miss Marjory Herrington, quently--and in such case B.A., is spending her holidays at her voyage up and down the 'home here. : Palestine until thé quaraz h lowered. Or else the seas ma) for your boat to mak and continue » until the patiopee the authority of the capts hausted, in which case yon get a longer sea voyagn t bargained for. If the elomcus the bealth authorities : favorable mood at tHe's can land in the old ¢jty ished jn the days of Solomon. The quarantine reguia'io give you the impression ti run on sanitary principles, city dtself qutekly dispels you ions. Apparently the loeal ment is stricter about imnartod gor of disease than the hom variety. Jaffa is no wowse other Levantino ~ port, noticeably better. Few travelers stay any great while in Jaffa, and as a result-aecommodas tions are of the skeichiest. You may find yourself in an Asiatic hotel, In a monastery, or in the "hous: et some hospitable Europeir if ther are an. unusual number of strangers in ¢he city. The shortne of Jour stay'is no matter for great regrot. Jafta to-day'is a city almost pure: ly commercial. You carry away an Impression of narrow and "twisting streets badly in need of a corps of white win_s, of mean houses, and an occasional imposing mosque; of a population at once madly cnergetic in trade and constitutionally fatalis tie, at the same time shrewd, avari- cious and good natured. in th Tourists Kind It Difficult to Enter Biblical City of Jaffa : Jaffa is a historical old Yiblical city immensed in a common-place present of uncleanliness, congc petty commerce, and fearful The 1.O.0.F. tion | city you are Jucky to land horidie 1gainat embarked 'rom inire Jou musi ceast of not | Ralph Pierce is here from Midland | the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert | Zufelt. Stanley Noxon, Toronto, was the guest of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Nixom. Pte. Lennox King of Ottawa is visiting his moth- er. Mrs. John Y. Garratt and Mrs. Nina Rorke attended the wedding of Mrs. Garra'tt's grahdson, Mr. Trump- our, Rev. John Webb and son are at Kingston visiting oMs father and brothers. The Chjroh of God holds services over the furniture store. Mr. Wilson of Calgary is the guest of iis nephew, William Coliver. Mr, 1%" | Cole of Peterboto is a visitor in town, Uyern The LO.O.F. will decorate the "1% | graves of deceased brethern an .the first Suiday in August at 2 o'clock. Grand Master €ooper will give an address at the centetery. IMIS. Harry Past left for Winmipes and other western points. Coper's orchestra furnishes excellent music gown Lerrons By Pictorial Review A Popular Model A Famous Russian Clown, There recently passed away a man named Anatole Durov, who was at one period in great favor as "af clowm Durov held (hat, whatever one's vocation, tte only thing that brings success is work. According- ly, he became the most industrious, successful, and beloved clown In Rusia, and probably the richest clown tn the world too, for when he died "he left a large fortune and a eollgetion of trained - animals that brought visitors to his home from all parts of the world. ...Berp. of. an ancient "and "hoble family, he was a pupil of the renown- ed Cadet Corps, but before his grad- uation he ran away and joined a But he had no ambition to be an ordinary clown. He kept in touch with politics, with everything that took place in Russia, and applied. it to his wit. Soon he became an un- licensed censor of Russian society in motley. Evil he rebuked by jest and gibe. No man was in too high a place for his tongue, and furious offi- cials once brought about his exile. Russia loved him foo well for that, however, and soom he was back in the ring. To show that he meant to be_more discreet, he appeared with a padlock attached to his mouth; He was a very famops animal trainer. The pig was his favorite pupil, and jt is said that his pigs could do almost everything that hu- man beings cap do except talk, A team of trained pigs drew him about the streets, and so did he love them that a pig's head with a "D" to the left was the device upon his seal, ; He used to enjoy telling how, any, A omepiece front of yellow lawn for the irl under twelve, it ia plast- ed at the front and back and gaih- ered ai the sides. A touch of white may de added, if desired. ep pr -- There is no reason why a mother should pay high prices for her children's clothes this year, when it when he was on tour in 2 owe of his pigs ran away and came finally to a farm mot far from Ber- Hu. The farmer gave the tired- looking beast food and drink. To his consternation, the visitor solemn- iy mounted an unturned barrel, looked gratefully at its host, and stood on its head as a token of ap- t Preciation, : ; i 4 ox Lieut. Evan Ryrle, eldest son of darry Ryrie, of Ryrie Bros. Teron! | to, was killed in action, I 4 says that the domination of the air used in the trenches against aerial raids e military anthorities of every nation at- bary & Practical * Fiore Dress Making Prepared Specially for This Newspaper 'J © The yellows used for children' f elothes th Pictorial Review Dress No. 7810. Bizes, 3 to § years, Price i e war in: reference fo aviation. v «0 - AL. er for the dance every Tuesday might In the Hotel Alexandria pavilion on the lake. Mr. Chase is reported dy Ing this morning, after a prolonged {liness, ars ------ Terse Terms For Tart Things. Is a Harse, Fly. Is an Ink, Well. Is a Bed, Spring. Is a Bird, Song. -, Is a Copper, Lining. Is a Paper, Weight. Is a Book, Worm. Is a Cuspi, Door. Is a Shirt, Waist, Is a Glass, Plate. Is a Sealing, Wax. Is a Boot," Leg. Is a Cow, Pony. Is a Bar, Tender. Is a Rose, Wood. Is a Shoe, String. Is a Bird, Dog. Is a Shoe, Horn. Is a Bay, Run. Is a Corset, Cover. Is a Rope, Ladder. Is a Window, Shade. Is a Sea, Sick. Is a Drug, Store. Is a Key, Stone. If there is anything in the world nuttier than I am, then it must grow in ithe orchard. Aviator in Difficulty. Brockville, July 28." One of the cadets from the training camp of the Royal Flying Corps at Deseronto flew eastward, and crossing- the river, proceeded to Norwood, N.Y., where he was forced to alight through en- gine trouble. Mechanics from Des- eronto and their equipment passed through Brockville en route to Nor- wood to repair the machine. Sir' Clifford Sifton makes an ur- gent call for a union government. Ni Ji in Yellow Lawn. is possible to copy the best models with so little trouble and expense. With the proper guide this little frock of yellow lawn may be made within a few hours. It requires ne lining and me¥ium size calls for only 3% yards 27-inch' material. The dress closes in the front, the front and back being laid in plaits and joined to a sidefront snd side-back which is shirred and attached to deep yokes. A square cojlar of self-mate- rial finjshes the peck. though hits may be used instead of yellow, i preferred. Straight bands trim the sleeves and the pockets are gathered. @ some of the most impor. tant sections of this model are small, particular attention is ealled to the tutting guide, which should be stud- fed thoroughly before any attempt is made to cut the dress. It is si Bo. simple, however, that 'mistakes arp impossivle if directions are fol lowed. In order to cmt each section in duplicate, first take 'enough of the material to accommodate sections 5, D, F. G; A and J, and double It so that the right sides will face each other. Now place eah of the sec- tions named so that the large "0" perforations will rest en a lengthwise thread just in the position shown in the guide. $4 The remaining lawn is now folded in half and on the lengthwise fold. Is 1214 the collar, yoke and back of the dress. - These sections will have} Ng seams, so that thelr construction will be very pasy. "gf Jeriorations ia the slesve indicate Ww it 'may be shortened, if elbow length be preferred. Soc 4 ia season are beautify being light and Jurs: tones are sometimes white or 'delf~ate Hine. > em New POTATOES Phone "Ranks with the Strongest" HUDSON BAY Insurance Company FIRE INSURANCE Head Office, insurance Bldg. MONTREAL PERCY J. QUINN. - Manager, Branch. Toronto W. H. GODWIN & SONS AGENTS, KINGSTON. ONT. ¢ THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987 wanting anything ne in the ocarpen- tery line. Estimates ven. on all kinds of repairs and new work; also hard Wood floors of all kinds. All orders will receive prompt attention. Shop $0 Queen street: Boyd's Garage FOR SALE----ONE USED MoLAUGHLIN CAR Garage efjuipment and tools together with expert mechanics help auto owners to keep down repair bills. We have the best equipped gar between Teronto and Monireal and repair all makes of cars. We have the largest stock of automobile tires-in the city, Our Prices are Right A call solicited, Easy Terms and on Approval You cannot <hpy more in the way of a musical instrument for price. It is, better value than any | "talking machine" at anywhere | near its price, Easy Terms $112 Bi COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA J tl C. W. LINDSAY, itd, Kingston. mt Uited Grocery, 129 Brock Street. Phone 201, og me wrest vine. | SUNY "Com Home Grown Cucumbers, Customers Take Notice Home Grown Cabbage,' Black Currants, , tbe Red Currants, | We will take your order for delivery BI Cherrie: | this. month, ack Cherries, | AN sales for cash. Phone orders Red Cherries, C. 0. D. Gooseberries, Water Melons. } The James Sowards "Coal Co. Phone 153, The - Home of Choice Groceries, 267 138 Princess St HOME PORTRAITS A SPECIALTY $35 per dozen. 11 in. x 14 in. line prints, For engagement apply by letter to G. BLAKEMORE, KINGSTON. Copies of all my photos in Whig's jlustrated supplement may be secur ed from me, > EXCELSIOR ; INSURANCE [| FE COMPANY Excelsior Policies are up-to-date, If you are going to insure, write for Specimen policy 'and - rates, Toronto, Can. The player-piano made by Ve Olde Firme gives the absolutely true reproduction of world's master pianists. The Heintznum & Co. ALUMINUM ACTION . Plager-Pinw can be played with wonderfyl effect by a person not knowing a note of music. 'A musical education is not needed to enable you to enjoy the master- pieces of the great'composers right in your own home. Its patented features make it simplicity ! itself to play, and it is built to last a lifetime. oh h SN p PR J hy eo Rs