Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Jul 1917, p. 8

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OR i v oo "* PAGE EIGHT. _THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, JULY 24,1917. Cn iliiis OER SARI; EC ENEMY ATTACKS Keep Cool Breezy 'Suits a That Defy Hot . Weather. Don't. swelter and fret about hot weather, just put on one of these smart, cool skeleton" lined pinch-back, plain or form-fitting summer suits and defy the hot days of summer. Open air fabric that lets in the breeze but sturdy enough to resist hard wear, hold shape and look well on you, but cost . ag little as $13.00, $15.00, up to $25.00. Soft Loisette Shirts with soft cuffs. Negligee silk and Loisette material, $1.00 up to $4.50. Bathing Suits; both two-piece and union styles, $1.00 up to $3.50. Gauze Hose, extremely popular this sea- son, 50c up to $1.25. Nainsook Underwear, low priced and ex- tremely comfortable; gauze and light weight underwear; full length and short sleeves are worn most, and more * union suits in light weights and gauze are being adopted generally this season Livingston's, If Off Your Route, It Pays To Walk. iii 0 A oP aii ODD TABLE CLOTHS AND TABLE NAPKINS from broken sets at much less than Regular Prices. eb ig st dg reli T i] 'Wednesday evening. The commit- ye ADE 4 me Cataraqui Golf and Country Club ACAN SMASHED The French Repulse Thice Attempts Made ~~ by the Germans. FRENCH FIRE CRUMBLES A STORMING ATTACK NORTH OF SANCY. Violent Artillery Fire Around Cra- onne--German Aviators Bomb Nancy, But Cause No Casualties. {Special to the Whig.) Paris, July '24.--Two further German attempts to storm the French lines north-west of Braye- en-Laonnois, preceded by violent bombardments last night, were re- puised by the defenders of the Chemin des Dames line, to-day's of- ficial report stated. Between Carny and Ailles the enemy likewise at- tempted an attack and likewise fail- ed. « A storming attack directed by the Germans north of Sancy was crumbled In French fire that deei- mated the enemy's waves. The re- maining Germans fled to. ther trenches, abandoning a number of prisoners Around Craonne, the statement said, the enemy artillery fire was violent, especially around the Cali- fornia plateau, German 'aviators last night bomb- ed Nancy, without casualties to the city. THE ODD FELLOWS' RELIEF THE ANNUAL MEETING TO BE HELD ON WEDNESDAY. Association Orgagpized Here in 1874 ~--Has 26,500 Members--Proposed Increase in Rates, The annual meeting in connection with the Odd Fellows' Relief As- sociation will take place In this city on Wednesday, July 25th. This will be the 43rd annual meeting since the Association was organized in this eity. It bégan as a little society, having for its object the supplemen- ting of the benefjts given by the subordinate lodges/ of the 1.0.0.F., to the dependents/ of the deceased members. J It grew fronf town to town, from city to city, and province to province, until the membership is now scat- tered pretty well over the whole of the Dominion. It has a membership of about 26,500, and has distributed during the last forty-three years, over four millions of dollars among its beneficiaries. This year more than the usual in- terest is taken in the annual meeting, becausé of certain changes which have been proposed in connection with the constitution, and changes which affect the rates. Pressure to- wiérds actuarial solvency have been coming from different sources, and they have induced the directors, un-] der the instruction of the annual meeting in 1916, to call in an_actu- ary, who has made recommendations which will disposed of at this meet- ng. There will be representatives pre- sent from British Columbia; Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Maritime Provinces, and these will represent the spirit of Odd Fellowship In all its departments and branches. ' The meeting will probably close tees are In session to-day. STOCK MARKETS, Quotations Furnished by Bongard, . Ryerson & Co., 44 Clarence St,, Howard 8, Folger, Manager: 'New York Stocks, Atchison a » B. | WAS OVERCOME BY 'SHOCK MRS. F. TEMPLE FAINTED WHEN FIRE BROKE OUT. She is Now in the Hotel Dien Hos pital--Firemen Had Two Other Calls on Monday: : When the head of a match flew off this morning about 6.55 o'clock a lamp exploded and some damage was done in the bedroom of Mra. F. Temple, 148 Ordnance street. Mrs. Temple was in the aet of lighting the lamp when the accident occur- red, and in a few seconds the cloth on top of her bureau was blazing, A call was sent into the police sta- tion instead of to the fire station in the excitement, and it was only through the policemen that the fire- 'fighters dearned of the fire. They responded to the call, but the blaze was 'largely extinguished when they arrived on the scene. In the meantime Mrs. Temple had fainted through shock afid was re- moved 'to the . hame of a neighbor across the street. 8. 8S. Corbett's motor ambulance was summoned, and she was taken to the Hotel Dien Hospital, where she received medi- cal attention. Mrs. Temple's hus- 'band 1s an artillery instructor at Petawawa Camp. The firemen also had two other runs on Monday. A small barn in the rear of the home of George Lennox at 125 Nelson street was destroyed. The barn 'was used for storing an auto- mobile, but luckily at the time of the fire the auto was outside of the barn. The other call was to the Tread Tire Company's store, 177 Welling- ton street. A lady living over the shop heard an engine being shut off, and had an idea that there was a fire and sent in an alarm. | Military News | Signaller Ernie 'Moore, Belleville, son of 8. 8. Moore, is worthy of the Military Medal for saving the lives of an officer. and private by carry- ing them back through the hell of shell fire in "No Man's Land" to safety behind the lines, both desper- alely wounded, and himself - with one arm out of commission as the result of contact with a German shell. Ernie Moore was one of the first over at Vimy Ridge and took a gallant part in that glorious vie- tory. The survivors of the First Division egerve a rest from their labours and a holiday home, and a grateful coun- try should pdy this small tribute ito their courage endurance and "the manner in which they have shed lustre on the name of Canada. Pte. Hugh Carmichael has been op- erated om for appendicitis, He was a student at Queen's University, en- listed Withi tlie Divisional Ammuni- tion: Column iid went overseas with a draft from that uit, On arriving in England Jad transferred to the Infantry, 'Hé was taken ill while enjoying a ledve in Edinburgh and was operated on in the Scottish capi- tl ; Lieut. John R. Franels, of the Can- adian Militia has been appointed an equipment offiger in the Royal Fly- ing Corps, He was an officer in the Canadian Cavalry amd before going to Ottawa, whére he enlisted, he was secretary-tireasurer of the Brockviile Light & Power Department. THE GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB: The Opening Game Played on the New Grounds. The first and opening game of the was played on their new grounds op- posite Ontario Park on Saturday af- ternoon, There were six members present, C. Bermingham, A. B. Cun- ningham; T. J. Rigney, G. H. Smythe, J. B, Walkem and Senator H. W. Richardson. The grounds for the time the club has been-at work on them were in a very fair condition and gave the players a very sporty and inte ng game. i} od 2 sam also fn attend- ance as retrievers, and they seemed to take as much interest in the game | At the Theatres At The Grand. The right road and the wrong road are shown in "The Power of Decision," the Metro Wonderplay with Frances Nelson as the sta-, which was shown to an appreciative audience last night at the Grand. The central idea of the play is that "Every mortal has within himself the God-given power of decision." This problem confronts Margot, and she is forced to face the alternative of finding an answer for them in her own life, or of drifting aimlessly, Her choice is a wise one, and Mar- got's moral awakening, as told ian 'this convincing photoplay, is of tre- mendous value and compelling inter- est. Other films are: "Perils of the Secret Service', 2, entitled 'The Clash of Steel"; a rip-roaring com- edy, "A Bundle of Trouble"; and the latest Pathe News. The Two Toomeys presented a pleasing vaude- ville act and .were a big success with théir singing and eccentri¢ dancing. The Grand is "the coolest spot in town." At Griffin's. ' Margaret Illington, distinguishe star of the speaking stage, was seen for the first time at Griffin's = last evening in her first screen produec- tion, *'Sacrifice." - The scenes are unusual in their beauty, .and the production is made in the usual tho- rough Lasky manner. The third episode of '"The Mystery of the Double Cross' possesses more than usual interest, .and kept the audi- ence excited from beginning to end. To-night and to-morrow, matinee and night, same bill. shown. At the Strand. Despite the warm weather last evening a large and appreciative audience attended the Strand to see Charles Ray in his latest screen suc- cess, "The Clodhopper." Mr. Ray displays a new phase of his versa- tility in this picture, doing a dance, "The Clodhop," with a chorus of little clodhoppers known as "the billion dollar beauties." 'The final episode of '"The Purple Mask" and "A Maiden's Trust," also held --the boards, and were well received. This programme will be shown again to- night and Wednesday. BOARD OF ENQUIRY INTO COLD STORAGE Experts Selected by Govern- ment to Investigate Prices Charged by Companies. Ottawa, July 24.~George F. Hen- derson, K.C., Ottawa; - Geoffrey Clarkson, 'Toronto, and A. B. Bro- die, Montreal, have been appointed by -the Government to make the fur- ther investigation of operations of the William Davies- Company and Matthews-Blackwell, Limited, prom- ised after the publication of the re- port of W. F. O'Connor, the Cost of Living Commissioner, upon the busi- ness of cold storage companies in Canada. The thre¢ members of the board, of whom Mr. Henderson is to be chairman, are to have all the pow- ers of examiners under the cost of living regulations, and commission- ers under the Enquiries' Act. FAINTED WITH THE HEAT. « Many Workmen Have Beem Over- come During the Hot Spell, Monday and Tuesday were most trving with men working in the lo- cal industries, especiallly those work- ing in the civic light plant and the lo- comotive works. The heat was so intense at the locomotive works that several of the men faifted. The men were engaged on pretty hot work and as they could not get a breath of Iresh air were knocked out, A fireman at the civic light plant alse fainted. The bathing place on King street west is very, popular these days. All day Monday and Tuesday the place was crowded with men, women and Children who were eager ip take a "dip." | The thermometer in front 'of the police station door showed 86 de- grees at 2.30 o'clock Tuesday.after- noon, ~ In the shade the thermome- ter registered 83 degrees, Are Your Corsets the Right Size? q If you want your corsets ,to wear be sure they fit and for correct fitting don't make the mis- take of selecting a size too small: A smart figure is never the re- sult of crowding, but skillful de- signing such as you find in the Royal Worcester or Bon Ton cor- sets. e new a makes show the many important improve- ments of the New Modi. $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, $5.00 Spine WHAT TYPE OF BRASSIERE BEST FITS YOU? /. ~ No type of Brassiere fits all fig- ures--you must - find your own best kind. We have: MODEL BRASSIERES _ These are made in many fash- rable {Jbe. Each is the most ighly develo, type, supporting bust and back without binding, o. completely eliminating that ugly | corset ridge. 75c, $1.00, $1.25, ; ; A WHITE SILK GLOVES 5 different makes to select from. ial values in white silk. ..50 Special values in white silk .75 Special values in white silk $1.00 Special values in black silk .50 Special values in black silk .75 Special values in black silk $1.00 »> 0D Real Estate Transfer. : | Tle EW. Mullin & Son have #bld the!@} : as the players themselves. detached dwelling, No. 64 Livingston No mo ful site could have| , qo, ue to 8. Anderson, the exe-| ALL PURE LINEN, best Irish manufac- ture in the very newest designs. Cloths 2 x 2 yards, 2 x 2} yards, 2 x.3 yards, and 24 x 3 yards. as fag been chosen.than the one secured by Marine ; the Club, and fn about a couple of cutors of the estate of Nial Wood. Shr SEAS ths, if not less, the place will no Reading xd. 1 p.c.. nontas, Southern Pac. ..., 93% Union Pac. ...... Alco . this manly and interesting game, The | : to he grounds is by the Street A a , and these take you almost tc orni 2 § entrance morning will be John Laidlaw & Son | doubt be the mecca of those who love Tuesday's gr | Price control of American meats is part of the scheme of food con- |} trol planned by the British foqd | dictator, Lord ! | NAPKINS IN § AND § SIZES A great variety of patterns in spots, strips and floral designs. © ; ett | » ey erp A: Fed 57% le Laat lene Be Stes). $68 aaa Loan, 192i-1926-1937..96% Bi sel ¥ Lamon for Bowling, Tennis

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