ARE emis sSNA FH A RA SARA FELT LIKE A NEW)oy PERSON After Taking Only One Box Of "Fruif-a-tives" Easr Smir Harsoun, N. 8. | "It is with great pleasure that I write to tell you of the wonderful benefits 1 have, received from taking *Fruit-a- | tives'. For years, I was a dreadful sufferer from Comstipation.and. tH ead- aches, and 1 was miserable in every way. Nothing in the way of medicines seemed to help me, Then I finally tried "Fruit-a-tives" and the effect was splendid. After taking one box, I feel | like a new person, to have relief from those sickening Headaches", Mzs. MARTHA DEWOLFE. B0¢. a box, 6 for $2.50, frial size, 25¢. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit- a-tives Limited, Ottawa. vook's Cotton Koot Compound, mealet Rte ges a "A 4 a CANS) WILSON'S Farm of 150 Acres 1185 of Plough Land, balance * wooded, Township of Pitts. burgh, four miles from King- 1 ston, Cheap, . W. H. Godwin & Son: "89 Brock Street Phone 494 on Ap {and 1 | corrupted officer of the law | him no more. THE CONFESSIONS OF ROXANE (By Frances Walter) J WE HAVE A VISITOR, (Copyright, 1916, Newspaper Syndicate) THe "apprehension which Mariam felt when we discovered the follow- ing us soon. vanished for, after the man had walked a blpck or two be- hind dfs, he disappeared and we saw by the McClure ~~ "Thank goodness!" riam, when we set foot once in_ her home, "I shall never rany curiosity again!" "I feel the same way about it,"" I told her. "By all means let us be content with the life we are accus- tomed to lead and allow the slums and the white lights to take care of | themselves." "It is agreed," declared Mariam. "To be arrested once is enough." "If we were arrested," | comment- ed. "You know, I very much suspect that we were not arrested at all.' "What do you mean?" "Of course, it is. mostly theory, but itis theory founded on close ob- servation, and I believe I ani right in thinking that the man we found in our apartment was not an officer of the law, but a grafter whom Mr. Kenwood placed there to await our return." "But I don't understand what mo- tive he could have. "His motive was to get the $25 which he actually got. We must ad- mit that, if it was a scheme, it work- ed "beautifully. You are just that much poorer and he is $25 richer." "And Mr. Kenwood?" "His motive was altogether differ- ent, although he may insist upon hav- ing part of the ransom money, I exclaimed Ma- more have | think he is capable of demanding it. However, I have an idea that he will be satisfied with having posed as our liberator. It was he, of course, who negotiated for our release, and we are supposed to be under obligation therefore to him to that extent.' Mariam laughed heartily. "And to think that we did not even | thank him! How heartless he must think we are!" Then she became serious. "Roxan® It is difficult to believe that 'what you suspect is true, be- cause it isghard to think that men could sink so low. Do you really think it possible?" "1 am convinced of it. for men sinking that low, why, there are many who live constantly--at a much lower level. Perhaps I cught not to tell you these things, but 'at least it will serve the purpose of making you less easy to be imposed upon. There are many noble men in the world, Mariam, .but there are also' many base men, and recently we have come in contact with some of the latter class." Mariam did not reply, but the frown omyher face showed that she was thinking deeply and that her thoughts wore not along pleasant lines. The entrance of a maid broke the silence. And as 'There is a man downstairy who insists that you see him," she an- nounced. "He will not give his name, but he declares that if I men- tioned the name Kenwood to you that you will know who he is." "Mr. Kenwood!" exclaimed fam. 'Mr. Kenwood here!" "It is. not Mr. Kenwood," I ven- tured. :*It is the officer of the law. Let us see him, Mariam, if for no other reason than to verify our sus- picion regarding his affiliations." Mariam shrank back in her chair. "I just can't do it, Roxane, After what you have said he seems so lothsome to me that I do not believe I could look at him without faint- ing." "Very well then; 1 will see him alone. Anyhow, he does not care which of us he sees, since he can identify neither of us." But Mariam was too generous to permit me to go alone, and when I started downstairs she was at my heels, despite my protest. (To be continued.) Mar- (Continued trom Page 3.) Mr. and Mrs. James McParland, Kingstoii, Ont., were guests of the former's cousins, Mrs. T. M. Smyth, 3601 W. Adams street, and Mrs. James Boyle, 1119 N. Bhore avenue, Chicago. They also visited their old friend, George E, Chappell, of the McKee & Chappell Dairy Co., and his daughter Mrs. Westley J. Wool: ston, 1514 Pratt boulevard, Mr. and Mrs, McParland have been visiting their son; Arthur McParland, of Cal- gary, Alberta, » * - Mrs. Michael Tobin and daughter, Miss Tobin of Syracuse, N.Y. are visiting at the home of Mrs. Frank Myrphy,. Victoria street, sister of Mrs. Tobin, Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Leach, To- ronto, are holidaying in the city, Mrs. (Dr.) Williams, Brockville, is visiting her parents, Col. and Mrs. C. N. Spooner, Frontenac street, and will remain' a"week.- Mr. and Mrs. John Manion, Win« nipegy came to the city to meet Mrs. Manion's mother and sister, Mrs. and proval-- alan rrroval This $33 or $50 Model Miss Tobin, who are here from Sy- racuse, N.Y. and are visiting Mrs. Frank Murphy, Victoria street. While east Mr. and Mrs. Mahion will aso visit Mr. Manion's brothers at Yarker. * * LJ Rev. WT. G. Frown aad Mrs, Brown, Kingston, wi'h Mrs. A. Dun- lop and Mies Deacon, are now oce capying ther island cottag: near Petawawa, wir John and Lady Gibson have opened their houss at Hamilton Beach for the remainder of the sum- wer. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Livingston, Jr., Toronto, are coming down shortly to summer near the St. Law- rence. . . * Mrs. Valentine Schuyler is up from New York to visit her father, Justice Britton, and her sisters, Mrs. Philip Gilbert and Mrs. Charles Moss in Toronto. Mrs. D. J. Donahue and family Pembroke, are here to spend a few weeks as guests of Mrs. Donahue's sister, Mrs. (€ol.) Roy. Misses Alice, Nellie and Tessie Murphy left Renfrew on Monday to spend the holidays with friends at Jing ston and__the surrounding dis- tic LJ . Miss on O'Brien, whose marriage to William a Cram} Was to have taken place on t and has been postponed pi 26th g to fliness of the gromielect, has ars' rived. in Ottawa from Kennebunk Beaeh. Governor Frank O, Lowden and family of Chicago, left on July 17th on the International of the Grand Trunk Railway, to pass a few weeks at their beautiful summer home on the St. Lawrence River. Lieuts. Louis Carling. and J. C. Murray spent the week-end with friends. in Oftawa. ; : Lady Pepe and Mrs. Charles Read Ottawa, have bebn: spending a week up the Ridean Takes with Mr. 'and Mrs. R. A. Pringle. yew v Min Viste Daslels, of Toronto, is visiting' rer sister, Mrs. R. Irwin, 517 Albert street. Capt. and Mrs. Henderson mo ed from Kingston and are the gu of Mr. and Mrs. Morphet, Chemong Park, Petarboro. Mra, Don, Asseltine Belleville, are visiting "in Kingston. Clara Connolly, Smith's Falls, | wp her vacation with friends | Crawtord,| Mr. pg Mrs. Robert Barrie street, returned on Tuesday. from mn Pluatois, Mam. Toronto, visite ing friends in Kingston has gone "#pgnd the month of Aug- ust with Canon and Mrs. W. A, Read, vs announce the Falls, Om. weddin taka' place on August: Ast, at) ot he bride's parents,' 33 M io rr Armstrong's Point, . VW innipeg. TM calm OF Woman--Some I Sary & Practical Fomé Dress Making Lessons Prepared Specially for This Newspaper By Pictorial Review Separate Skirts Charming in Variety. This is unmistabably a season of scparate skirts. All"of the new mod- els are adaptable to development in the reigning materials, fashion fav- oring sports silks and satins in charming variety just now. The skirt illustrated is a two-piece model with high waistline. It closes at the left side and the top may be gathered to "form a heading or finish with a 731 A two-piece skirt designed for de- velopment in silk, satin or the smart tub materials of the geason. Onc has two choices in the finish of thé waistline, a straight belt with a sash or a shirred effect with beading. straight belt, with sash ends, With the straight belt square pockets are used, but with the gathered top, fan- cy pockets are employed. In medium size the skirt requires 37 yards 36- inch material. Even though the skirt be made of silk or satin, the home dress- maker need have no hesitancy about attempting it. Today's lesson deals especially with the cutting and the directions are supplemented by a clear guide. Fold the material and place into position first, the front gore, resting it on the lengthwise fold. Along the selvage opposite may be laid the peeing for the front gore and the girdles The sath comes next to tho front gore, the large "O" perforations resting on a lansgthwise thread. Arrange the pocket above the sash, to the upper left of the back gore, which rests on a lengthwise fold of material. If the skirt be de sired without heading, cut off the upper edges of the gores % inches above single «mall "0" perforations. The lower edge may b2 cut off or turned under in a deeper hem, if the skirt is longer than desired. GIRDLE (BACH GORE ~ Pletorial Review Skirt No. 7312, Sizes, 22 to 34 inches walst cents and litte] to] and Mrs. loaner Calder.| Winnipeg, i mént of their youngest wa t Ross Elma, to el Gardiner; s "Pure and Uncolored" make delicious and economical preserves In 10, 20 and 100-1b. sacks, Atlantic Sugar Refineries Limited 2 and 5-pound cartons ° Powee Bldg., Mootveal "a PRESERVING LABELS FREE Send red ball trade-mark for book of 54 printed gummed labels to PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM, Visit This Dairy and Decide for Yourself, -- Satisfaction Guaranteed, Official Tent by n Nort Smith. Milk test- ed 3.2 ter Kat, 24 SOLINSON STRERT Phone Ar ASK YOUR GROCER FOR * CHARM TEA Black, Gree na Hit: Packed in King. GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, Limited. BE SURE YOUR MILK IS DELIVERED IN SEALED BOTTLES. All our milk is thoroughly pasteurized and bottled at once. It is safe. Itis pure. It is good. Phone 845 Price's The failure of 'jelly to satisfac- torily "jell" may be attributed to any one, or possibly two, of. these resuons: iss fruit. Insufficient peetin-- the gum- Hae; vicuous, jelly-muking prop- Gverriperiess of the fruit. much or too little sugar. of sufficient acid in the ' As' manufacturers' of Déminion 'Crystal Sugar, we wish, first cf all, to removal] possibility of failure from the use of incorrect quantities of ERLE EE sugar. be added three-quarters of a cupful of This will result at the the fruit } nice containg jelly y (Fis. 2); pity ly L lens, Sime cup be oo protected from of. litle too much are shown in 4 a using lear too sugar ey lly ae. en concoction. edly Gd ile bron t, sour, too-sweet, spineless Chong to rd ra grape fruit " fruits because, To fruits not sour iin yeRying: Tr they contain PT ine ing in pectin. The TH To al xeon C8 Be hd suse of beet experience has shown thst 'there is ¢ Station in. aie St 2 slightest difficulty was experienced in the making DOMINION RTL is the only sugar that may rightly be called from the ground u 4 Wado impor: & ee. raw cane sugar and refine it. But our pride is in the product we make from Canadian sugar beets--its use is dictated by good judgment as well as by patriotism. Note its fine granulation--note its clear, Use hie mame fo 1 presrving. cin aod DOMINION SUGAR COMPANY, Limited , perfectly formed eryvtals. rd i fit