o | ' ty. Davidson, Chatham, Ont.; E. F. ton of representatives of the Broth- Worth: Inquir- THE 0DD FELLOWS' RELIEF) serie misomvare"on""a" se ariooa 'rom ait ne "grand Suriaic terbrooke, Toronto, Ont.;- Fred S. tions. It paid a passing tribute to * fpr Evanson, Prescott, Ont;; John E. the sacrifices which were being made mg bout THE 43RE ANNUAL MEETING| Farewell, Whitby, Ont.; D, Ferguson, by Dr. Rous, MPL: due of ihe direct r HELD IN KINGSTON, St. Thomas, Ont.; George A. Fergus- tors, at the front and ia hospital su- Catelli's Milk Ready Cut on, St. Thomas, Ont.; George Gale, pervision from the beginning of the . Large Number of Members in War| Quebec, Que.; J. Garrow, Peterboro, war. The action of the directors in Macaroni, 10c Pkg. --Soldier Losses Amount to $109,-) Ont; R. L. Gibson, Walegierd, Ont: tilizing he frstersal a. mas 3 , ' vi KF " b 3 . L. heartily ap . Luxury Macaroni, 10c. | 000--Proposed Changes in Rates Ga i rune: aL) R IL Bal eu ma oy Pkg. | --=Maiatter Sent to. Special Commit. fiton, Pembroke, Ont.; F. Hawke, plimented upon the manner in which : tee. Toronto, Ont.; R. Hawkins, Smith's they had performed their luties dur- {jij} / Try our Steel Cut Coffee The forty-third annual meeting of| Falls, Ont.; A. G. Horton, Almonte, ting the last year, Adopted. Hi the Odd Fellows' Relief Association {Ont.; W, 8. Johnston, Toronto, Ont.; H. G. Robertson, of Barrie, report- 1} {took place in Kingston on July 25th.| Richard H. Ketcheson,- Belleville, fed on behalf of the Committee on . . aKer {It was attended by many representa-|Ont.; R, E. LeSueur, Sarnia, Ont.; 'Extension of the Work. Natice was 9 [tive members of the Association and|0. L. Lewis, Chatham, Ont.; John H. taken of the fact that the lapses were Phone 108 Princess & Fromtense of the order, including Magill, Port Hope, Ont.; A T. es. | considerably lower than in the pre-|iy , -- --n-| Directors:--J.- A. Minnes, Presi-|gservey, Halfax, N.S.; W. Mitoheit, | vious year. Of coarse, the net mem- | ji} ~~ Bg ident; W. F. Nickle, M.P., Dr. J. C.| Millbank, Ont.; V. 'B, Morrill, Sher. Dérsdin showed a loss, and among |i ; The last Saturday of {Connell, W. Mundell, Kingston; ©.{brooke, Que; Dr. J. McClurg, Sault, ¢ther reasons, because many certifi- |i oe 9 3 {Donogh, Toronto; J. A. Robb, M.P..| ste Marie, Ont.; Donald M; Mcintyre, Gates Bad to be cancelled th=ough the Hi - Clearance Sale and a | Valleyfield, Que.; and H. White, Port { poronto, Ont.; J. H. McKay, Aflsa enlistment of members. The recog- { p84 pre { Hope, Ont Craig, Ont.; James Neil, Leamington hitien of the Various Grand Lota 1H Sy value giving. As well a Officers --R. Meek, ¢Secretary- "RF ON ro > Waa favorably commented. po. Hi : - bargain i : cers. ¢ ecretary-| opt; R. F. O'Nell, Dorchester Sta-' arand Lodge of Saskatchewan had | {Jl £ centre in town to-morrow you will Treas A. H. Blackeby, s "1 4 . fies Branch iniendent of Agencies: J: M. Farrel Oot. TE Duscoe Beloville Ot; Mractically, in its recognition, given, |j = also find it by far the coolest place. Soli ; A goiheii hanges in {Solicitor; D. E. Mundell, Medical Ex-| Andrew Philps, M.P.P., Huntingdon, approval to the yrogosed o anges a NN {aminer, and John Nicolle and J, G. Que.; Jose Oliver. Toronto, Ont.: the constitution, ole {ag yn : 2 oT i sy ph » » 3 A e i A---- "Six months ago bill boards [| Ettinge b ahditors, F ; Herbert Robertson, Barrie, Ont; J. "ore yas Mt Thread Mebl : SUMMER DRESSES , adorned the" corner w occu- Gran Micers: . J. Walsh, |p Scott, Clifford; Ont.; A. Searls Work of the lei 8 BY pled by. Best's branch. To-day ||| Moose Jaw, and Rev. P. Pergau, Wa-| of " 'tecommended. Adopted ~~ 14 daint novelty voile and muslin l4erloo; Grand Masters of Saskatche-| Norwich, Ont. W. J. Shaw, St. "'7"p "meiorbrooke, of Toronto, re- 3 ? it is one of the most popular || ' 4 0 iy Thomas, Ont.; J. N. Smith, Parham, toa) t y corners up town 'wan and Quebec; W. Brooks, To- ) Ow \ported on behalf of the Committee dresses in a variety of charming models To 8p people who have ronto, T. J. Potter, Monsgeal, and 0.|Ont.: W. Warnock, Aylmer, Ont.; J. '0n Statistics. Gratifying notice was |} t - h § F e 1 i at made such a success "of our E. Tisdale, Calgary, Grind Secre-|F- Whear, Charlottetown, P.E.L; F. (opon of the record membership for |} 0 choose from. ormerly pr ced . |||taries of Ontario, Quebec and Alber-|H: 'Wigle, Ruthven, Ont; J. A. first half of the' present year, ' sew Jepture we Rio) Lo con i 0 Hane Nghe: an Young, Hamilton, Ont, J at oot woile the nd was $7.00, $7.75, $8.00, $8.50, $9.50, We are striving each day to ||| Advisory Committée of Quebee:-- ar Re {not up to normal times' the decrease $1 0.50 and $1 1.00. Ei iii . « «.. Half-price give the very best service ever, }||R. W. Dickson, Montreal; W. 8. Mec- Directors' Report. was certainly less. A notable fea- 95 and it is most gratifying to ||| Corkill, Farnham; F. R. Houlahan,| The Directors reported that mnot- ture of the mortality losses was the " Saturday aa nie. a8 .$4. us to have our efforts so ap- Sherbrooke, withstanding the war, and the effects Jarge number of deaths im occupa- preciated. | Advistery Committee of Ontario:--- {of it upon both new and old mem- tions which were ordinarily regarded Use us in every way you |E. C. Garbutt, Picton; W. A. Dennis, bership, there remained in connee- a5 very safe--tfarmers, - gentlemen N 15 New York novelty summer dresses : | Preston. tion with the Association at the énd and merchants. Adopted. y x . aa , We are here to serve |||" |, ai Boards of Winpfpeg--Jdohn-|of December, 1916, which closed the| Andrew Philips reported on behalf ma good assortment of colors; also . ison Douglass. 4 financial year, 26,603 members. The of the Committee on Military Risks. J} 1 igns - | Among the others present were: | revenue for the year was $496,873.- Ag many a8 80 have made the su- some few black and white desi : For BEST'S UP TOWN [| Abraham, strattord, ont.; c. B.|71. The expenditure on Mortuary preme sacrifice in the war thus far, merly priced from $11.95 to $16.50. 2, Adams, Harriettsville, Ont; R. W,| Account. was $358,033.97, and of hut this was a small percentage con- 3 BRANCH . | Adams, Belleville, Ont.; W. H. Allen, [this amount over $45,000 represent- gidering the large number who had Satweday ................96958 Phon 2018. J. V. Bradshaw, ||| Carleton Place, Ont.; Rev. F. W,|ed soldier risks... Up to the end of enlisted. Regarding American mem- 4 % 1 a Manager. ralehay Armstrong, Trenton, Ont.; J. Arm- the year 1,161 members had enlisted pers who voluntarily enlisted, the SUMMER SUIT HALF PRICE ! : strong, North Bay, Ont.; W. H.| for military service, and their pro-|committee felt that they should be 60 of the most swagger jersey silk taffeta ros de Londres r------------| Barry, Peterboroy Ont.; W. H. Biden, | tection by the Association amounted ghown the same consideration as the . . 0 . ' ei erce | WHIAGEDUTE, Ont; A. A. Buchner, to $1,274,000. During the two years military members from Canada. khaki-kool, Shantung and novelty silk sfits, also our entire stock Premier Arsenauit, Conservative, | Guelph, Ont.; W. D, Card, Carberry, | Years and a half of the war their Adopted. : 3 ee ' 1 1 and 3D Stawart also Consorvattve, | Man. Edward M. Olapp, Tosonto,|¢iaims had accumulated to the ex-| J E. Farewell trom the Committe of white and color cumfy-cool" wash suits. The prices range were elected by reduced majorities {Ont.; L. B. Cooper, Belleville, Ont.; tent of $109,062.12, 'and there had on Laws and Amendments reported from $4.50 on up to $42 50--your choice ° = in by-elections in Prince and King's, |C. R. Cotton, Gananoque, Ont; Dr. [been paid in connection with thése and, amoiig other things, recommen- . i, P * Prince Biiwsrd Island, Percy T. Coupland, St. Marys, Ont.; cialis $10.5e2 12 Al the "aie ded that the American meuhers who {§ Sa v2) ANI a EEA WE Wee. wou ave been settle ad the were conscripted should not be treat- »" " " a proofs been submitted. The deaths ed the same as those who volunteer- L & JACK TAR MIDDIES, 98¢ ER Le IP aaa avonthy od the same A of these were due to the contingen- | ne 180 women's and missess' fine quality middies in plain white # " =~ 2 . les of war. The p ed changes in Constitutional Doings. . ite wi } ho al oyiaed ShateTetS] ,, Soatiitional Don and white with colored collars, in pull over and coat styles. Reg ' with the instructions given to the! ;.ia) committee on Constitytional ularly priced from $1.25 to $1.75. directors last year, when they were 8 i f the re- authorized to call in an actuary and a A pa F. ri, Saturday C4 adr ee ad iv de. eee sete .98¢ take his advice with regard to a re-' ificati in favour , ter rrmeet. adjustment of rates. The work of 0"U0e cider memberss (iil SPORT WASH SKIRTS MILLINERY the directors and of the actuary has! o. otion of F. 8. Evanson, Pres- ci t boon Completed. and the pian of fe cott, seconded by ¥. J. Houlahan, fi] 480 smart New York wash 40 swagger little 'Tops for adjustment een before the : djus e Sherbrooke, a committee of five was skirts to 'clear as follows. gg ps members for two months. Fitting appointed to act with the directors in Tots" priced from 35¢ to réference was made to the absence gun considering the whole question Th 3 see of Dr. Ross, on military déty at the'qy rates. and to submit a motion con- ese skirts must be n to be $2.25. front; to the Winnipeg Local Board {cerning the future payments of mem- appreciated. Reg. $ | 00 val- to the friendly recognition of the As-!; st annual meeting. us lor. leah soelation by several of the Grand Incidentally two propositions, in- Lodges; and to the Fraternal Press !yolving a modification of the rates, ||IR . Reg. $1 50 to $2.50 values 24 only, vice. special committee for its consider- a A a from $1.25 to $2.00. : * : ation. The special committee is com- - ps { Officers' Reports. (posed of the directors of the associa- | II} See our special white Poriet Saturday Ce ee i 4 G0 --" t - . = that the effects of the war weré not 'jonnson Douglass, Winnipeg, Man, Twill "Patria" wash skirt. &=%| only seen in the mortality which had (3,4 R. W. Dickson, Montreal, Que. Reg $2.00 value =| in the cancellation of the certificates Election of Directors. Saturda $1 19 reg. $2.50 to $3.00. of 110. members who had enlisted] Ct CO Tol CT a ne 4 Y «0 co ono Wh Saturday a 98¢ &=|and 25 this year. The canvass for ,insdon, seconded by O. L. Lewis, \ 0 lisle hoge; double toes and heel The famous Crex Carpet made in shades of blue, green, E==|suspended during th r, and later, | were re-elected, namely, John O. h 1 a ' rose and brown; all sizes: 3 x 6, 6 X 9, 8 x 10, 8 x 12, © = SuaTun the pr in which the pro-|Donosh, Toromto; H. White, Port 300 cotton vests with long an and broad garter welt. Reg. Camp Stools With and Without Backs ==| were under consideration. Of the tops shotion; of. Joseph. Giliver, 208 | Saturday 35¢ # -- - ' - : deaths reported 17 were from ctl g., hy William Brooks, Toronto, [| or 2 for 25¢ ord pairs for $1.00 96 pair only light weight " Hi! x 300 ! y um steels and four strong gar- =| included $43,896.34 of returned prin- The ecting closed with "God {Hj} value. . 208 tr Black aid white mar v = Phone 90. : Limited. ==|cipal. The sinking fund at the end Save the King. iH} Saturday 18¢ he values, h( ters, with re-enforced fronts. HHH IH EL HH HH HI i © | for its friendly and effective work; {bers in time to be acted upon at the 49¢ Saturday eR Halp-price 'for its sustained and appreciated ser-'wore submitted and réterred to the for outing hats priced The secretary-Treasurer reported gion PF. J, Walsh, Moose Jaw, Sask.; : a * " 36 "Fiske" novelty sport hats; been reported by the Directors, but! E E | after they became members, in 1916, : For the summer cottage or verandah. new members had been practically \Chatham, thé three retiring directors |HHf - Summer Underwear 480 pair black and white silk Summer Corsets : , 1 y Verandah Chairs and Rockers. posed changes in the Constitution |Hope, and Dr. J. C. Cofinell, Kings- {ji} Sat ay 13¢ Ye'yes. Joo $1.00 values for 69¢ 4 : dent and 52 from casualties of war, \ the auditors of the association, John [il . ' . ) , : Te rom, gare | slounipd Nicolle and J. G. Hifinger, were un-|[f}f 180 fine lisle vests, long and Summer Hosiey French Coutil corsets; alumin- . L : Sin securities $208,918.73, and this animously re-elected. Hl short sleeves, A special 23c of the year amounting to $68,992.14 A oe at hs amd] + wamrom amar. ff rot fone | Sabuday : . 25 | Sale Price .. . 69 ie: he endo 416 mound to Fed Cross War Kund Slogan Raises | NOVELTY CURTAINING LUVISEA SILKS [lion and 4 half was represented by| Stories trom the States of the Red || 450 yards white and beige A guaranteed fast color wash ne EO A ated that they a eae px ing ro |! : novelt bordered curtain scrim silk, full 38 inches wide, na Et hae Stet See mya al CY = | mood | edsortinent of pratt 5 ili counts, and various anil state- | week's time, o ? , | with heémstitched edge. A striped combinations; excel- SPECIAL OFFERINGS FOR THE [l mevsties of to astscmtion Ai in sou torons swat soporss-swove lll broad variety of colors to | lent for misses' dresses. sport Yi WEEK-END i the accounts and routine of the As-, ed the sum of $118,000,000 rolled up |i waists and also suitable for sociation were found to be corrent. |in a day and night Bustle io which SPRING LAMB Legs Lola. Chops, "The Superintendent ot agencies ro-| practicatly ali the big business men {if choose fromn--full 38 inches § men's shirts, pyjamas, ete. A CO Dias ractienity. ail thio tig bu ll wide. Reg. 20c yard. special value at $1.35. . . Pickled Picnic Hams ( 4 to dgents in Alberta and Saskatchewan, 7 CW IL 0 Trl The Wm. Davies' Co., Limited : Yo. Trane wos a a a volar ane aut Sr rigiel. Ji. the chewing sum = m------ -------- Ye B TRY OUR ' SPECIAL Weiners, Lave [flies + siondia servic' ~*~ "% | ove » Towels loys, Ham Bologna, Beef Bologna, drive "XK ad : ment, or conscription, it would bel, jargest, if not the advers Veal Loaf, Compressed Ham, Frank- very difticult fo do business with the fsio0. in the world. On sale to-morrow at actually less than to-day's fares cost. : Open Monday, Holiday, 7.30 to 9.30 a.m. wholesale SEY} 25 dozen heavy cotton Turkish towels, half bleach- SET od, size 20 x 40; a splendid value at 35c. ; 15 dozen three-quarter bleach bath towels, size 20 x 43. Our regular 48¢c value. i : 10 dozen only, full bleached bath towels; an extra special make - with hemstitched ends; size 26 x 50. Regular $1.00 value. members. The special A at Fronts, Stewing Cuts: (Mint with or- tion over the change of rates had in-| For instance, the Chairman of pub- 69¢ and the general agents in ipeg terfered very much with the In jicity in the city of Chicago was Wil- Hf turday .: .. ... Eile £ 1bs. Ly and Toronto were men of exceptional hes Phone 597 Ri A i: ili $4.50, $5.00 and $5.50 Values in Goodyear Welts. 57 baie Sys ey fo atm mers So | "DOUBLE DISCOUNT STAMPS RE er Ee OA | amma Tet, An ve poi lf ~~ FROM 830 TO 100°CLOCK Sale Price $3.25 [Figs siiirmme===iff = - JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE, * |i cmarutusicd the Asai ~~ 70 Brock Street. fraternal dével- Socialists andi 0 A ; oped hough the mesine 1 Ringe |vu defend by d