Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Jul 1917, p. 5

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FEAR te Se : ft E - | - Our Prices are Right | PAGE SIX Boyd's Garage rm man] FOR SALE--ONE USED McLAUGHLIN CAR = Garage equipment and tools together with expert mechanics . help auto owners to keep down repair bills, 3 We have the best' equipped rien Toronto and of cars, We have the largest stock of automobile tires in the city. A A call solicited, -------- | | YLe: ,. the latter' winning out by a Geo. Boyd, |=: Proprietor Free Air. 129 Brock Street. - Phone 201. Eyeglasses thorough examination tells us that yo pT | and Opair all makes lwas ser * { {Mrs® Claude Bevins. | On Wednesday afternoon a base- Manf'x. Opticians and Optometrists, 132 Princess St. J * | McLaughlin, who has been overseas since the beginning of the war. The latter was out at the time, and most jof her household effects were de: J Istroyed A large amount of Me- | Domaldfs goods was saved. The eM nd | house was also quite badly damaged, ==The home of Mr. a but -was insured. There is no in- Mrs. Frederick Richardson, Front of | noo on the contents; Leeds and Lansdowne TOWNShID, Was | Ay the town park last evening the $he, scene ol a resy Proty. Nedaing Citizens' band gave another open air on Wednesday, when .. 'lconcert and drew out a largeattend- Miss Coral Richardson, was united 00, A feature of\the evening's en- iin marriage to James Bevins, son of fF yoyment was the presentation made | Mr. and Mrs Rind, Rive weese, | 7 Mayor O'Connor of a handsome j Gananoque. ev, © a PERC igold-headed cane to Bandsman John pastor of Gananoque- East . Circuit, [gaimtn from the Convalescent home performed the ceremony before { lat Cobourg, a former member of the goodly. number of friends and rela- tives of the contracting parties. Af- | Citizens' band. A formal welcome | ! was also tendered to Lieut. Frank 'ter the ceremony a delightful repast | njoonay, who _arsived here on Tues. (d. Later Mr. and Mrs.|q,, 4st on a two months' leave of Bevins were taken by auto to Gan- janogue Junction, where they took | absence, to recuperate from the ef- | the west-bound train for St. Cathar- | fects of being badly gassed. h { Pte. Charles Grant, who has Ween ines, where they will spend part of | the groom's | spending. a few days here with Mr. and GANANOQUE (From Our Own Correspondent) July 27 their honeymoon with i I 1 Slater 1hlaw | friends, left for Toronto yesterday. yrother and sister-in-law, ! 'David Briggs, William street, left 'on Wednesday for a short visit with his daughter at Wolfe Island. Mr. and Mrs. George Shurtliff and Mr. and Mrs. J. Russell stafford, all of Hamilton, and former residents of this town, who have been making a two weeks' trip by auto from Hamil ton to Montreal, are spending a few days in town, the former with his brother, Edward Shurtliff, Charles street, and the latter couple with Mrs. Stafford"s brother, W. Steacy, Pine street. C. R. Cotton, W. J. Nuttall, James "avis and Daniel Bullis were in Kingston on Wednesday in attend- ance at the session of the 1.0.0.F. John Munden, George Thompson, Henry Parker and other members of Gananoque Lodge, No. 114, 1.0.0.F., made a trip to Kingston by auto on Wednesday afternoon. ball team from the Convalescent Home at Leek Island played a game with a team from the Gananoque score of 13 to 7. The annual picnic of the teachers, officers and pupils of Christ Churelr was held on Wednesday afternoon at McNich's Grove, "Wednesday morning fire: was lo- cated in the double tenement house, corner King and James streets, own: ed by Ronald McDonald, one. side be- ing occupied by him and the other by Mrs. McLaughlin, wife of Pte. Montmorency Red Cherries. The last and best variety for can- ning are now at their best, and are the cheapest fruit you will get this season, as plums and peaches will be scarce. We ask you to take a look at the cherry pile. Saturday morning at Carnovsky's. Are supplied you, only after our u need them, THOROUGH EXAMINATIONS, COMPETENT ADVICE, CORRECT GLASSES. R. J. RODGER It's ten to one that the Me will catch you before the transaction is closed, Phone 347 ~ Tremendous Clean-up Sale Of all Summer Merchandise at prices regardless of cost or marked .. price. Sale Commences Satur- day, July 28th DON'T MISS IT. Our past sale récord of honest advertising assures a crowded store. A few of the hundreds of Bargains ar " LADIES' SUMMER Muslins, voiles, year's style, $5.50 values, to clear Our $7.00 and $8.00 value to clear .: 4... .. Pretty white embroid in fine material, regular $9.00 and $10.00; to clear Higher priced dresses like proportion. CHILDREN'S DRESSES Exactly } price marked. This is regular selling price, not mark- ed for the occasion. BEAUTIFUL MIDDIES In heavy materials trimmed with red and blue ; value for... .. .. .. Other values for $1.75. Pongee Middies for CORSETS D. & A. lines and E.T. at special _ sale prices. All flowers to clear at Children's Raincoa ts ats i ze - All hat shapes to clear at . etc., all $1.25, $1.50, SUMMER " SPORT SKIRTS In white with fancy colored trim- ming, tie belts, etc., to clear at... conker wow STB In colored stripes for $4.75 and ~$5.75 Only a few silk sweater coats left to clear'at . a . $5.75 CHILDREN'S PARASOLS Flowered, large size; 75¢ line for... 30 LADIES' PARASOLS Every kind--silk, etc. SPORT SKIRTS In heavy white repp' - . © .98¢ In white Bedford cord with poc- kets, gathered in back, and Cy «iv aioe vite ive + 281.98 In colored gabardine, new disc pattern, dots and stripe only." .... Xi... «i. . $HO8 Other lites at$3:50 and $3.98 ; . $7.00, to Taffeta Skirts, 3 oe DRESSES this and $6.50 . .$2.98 co. $3.98 ery dresses $4.98 reduced in up to $2.00 . . .$1.98 eh See our silk poplins at... + with hat and school bag to match; only a few "ia I Lg wee i veld, TE cde ein ..98¢. (News From Eastern Ontario | | M. C. A. in Kingston, C. R. Powers | Charlotte police the slip, j troops have resumed VIOLATED THE "DRY" LAW, And Called Upon to Cover Fine of $200 and Costs. The ° Ontario Temperance Act pinches hard. Evidence of this is seen' in the police court from day, to day. - Charles Purdy found this out on Friday morning, when he was fined $200 and costs with the option of three months iw jal, for having liquor In a place other than his own private "dwelling, although Purdy swore that the room in which a gase of whiskey was found formed part of his own private dwelling. However, the evidence went to show that there had been a viola- tion of the Aet, as the roof of the 'building covered a shop. James Donnelly, who travels on crutches, blew into town on Thurs- day from. Alexandria Bay with a big thirst and a flask of whiskey. The charge against him was that of be- ing drunk in a public place, ; The magistrate imposed the usual fine of $10 and costs. Donnelly had close on to $200 in his jeans. MAJOR PENSE PROMOTED Has Attained Position of Senior Major of 21st Battalion, Word has been received from the front- that Major Harry Pense, M.C., som. of James Pense, Princess street, and a" former member of the British Whig staff Has féceived another pro- motion. Major Pense was wounded last fall and on his return to the front was promoted to the rank of junior major of the 21st bettalion. His promotion to the position of senior major and second in command of the battalion is now announced. 10 SERVE OR GO TO JAIL JUDGMENT WANTED TO py Made Agreement to Work on a Farm and Then Became Dissatisfled-- Case Was Heard by Justice of the Peace Allison, A case rather out of the ordinary camfe before Justice of the Peace Al lison, on Thursday, when A. E, Haw- ley was before him for refusing to carry out a contract he made to work on the farm for 8. W. Greer and the latter's gon, in Kingston township. Justice of 'the Peace George Hun- ter was the main witness in the case telling of a contract Hawley entered into to work for ten months on Greer's farm. The reement was made. and signed in | resence, According to the agreement, Haw- ley, who has a wife and one son, was to receive $5600 a year, a free house, and a quart of milk every day. His son was to act as chore boy, and his wife to have charge of the separator and the milk cans. Mr. Greér operates a large dairy farm. Shortly after taking up the work, it is stated that Hawley became dis- satisfied over his dot, and wanted to ! get away. It was shown in evidence, that a debt of $48 had been incurred by Hawley for furniture secured at a Kingston store. The decision of the court was that | Hawley must go back to his work and remain there until he had cover- ed all his debts. Afterwands, he could leave the job if Mr, Greer wae willing that he should go. If he per- sisted in leaving, in spite of Mr. Greer, then he must serve sixty days in jail. Hawley and his family came. to Canada from England a short {ime ago, being brought out by the im- migration department; AGAINST MAN WHO VIOLATE OONTRACT INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. PEEL fe pe-- Toeal 'Notes ang iteies Of General . Interest. The officers who have been attend- ing the refresher course at Barrie field camp finished the course on Thursday and are returning to civil life, because of the delay in putting congcription into effect. After three years of fruitful ser- vice as physical director of the Y. has handed in his resignation to the Board of Diregtors and will leave shortly to take"a similar position in the Y.M.C.A. in Auburn, N.Y. 5 After giving the Tozonto and James Sullivan, a young man, was finalty rounded up in Kingston Sa Friday' morning on a charge of theft. oe} was caught on the 'steamer Kings- ton. It is alleged that Sullivan stole a suil case containing clothes, Atti -------- - CANADIANS IN DANGER n Chen Tu, China, Where Figh is ' Shanghai, China, July 27.--8eri- ous fighting fs again reported at Chen Tu, capital of Sze Chuen pro- vince, where Kweli Chow and Yunan I d the Qquarre! for the mastery of the province, The eity is in flames, and the people are fleeing. y Chen Tu is the centre for the Ca- nadian Methodist Church missionary Petrograd. duly Fr. Nile Le- nin , anti-war agitator, and sus- | pected German sox. was again at large to-day, = Nn battle at a 4 Pntand) | Government n A 3 { { _THE 'DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, JULY 27, 1917. HARDLY REALIZEZS HE IS SAME MAN. ¥{ Can't Describe How Miser- " able I Felt," Says Gonnell-- Like New Man. . "1 have improved so much since taking Tanlac I can hardly realize I am the same man, and my wife says she hasn't seen me looking so well in 2 long "time," said Frank Connell, 196 Mavety Street, Toronto, employ- ed by the Gun Packing Co. Mr. Con- nell has lived in Toronto thirty years and his many friends. will be glad to learn of his recovery. "About six months ago I lost my appetite," Mr. Connell continued, "and soon fell off from a big healty looking man to almost a skeleton. My stomach was tdo weak and upset that I could hardly eat a thing and nothing tasted right. The gas that formed on my stomach caused sharp pains around my fered with my breathing. 1 would wake up at all hours of the night, had terrible nightmares, and would get up in the mornings as tired as when I went to bed. All my strength and energy seemed to leave me and I was just losing weight and going ¢own hill every day. 1 wowld get so weak and dizzy I would hava to cateh hold of a 'table to steady myself. Every hour was just an hour of tor- ture. I can't describe how miserable I did feel. I didn't have the color of life in me_and my friends were talking about how bad I looked. | would come home from my work in the evenings all played out, fall across the bed and my <daughter would have to take off my boots for me. F had no faith in "Tanlae, "but I bought a bottle any way, more to please my wife than anything else, and it has done me a world of good. My appetite returned, I began to eal and enjoy it and feel stronger and better. 1 have just started on my third bottle and there's no comparis- on in my looks and feelings. 1 am now eating three big, hearty meals a day ahd rometimes I can hardly wait for meal time to come. 1 sleep like, 4 log every night and get up in the mornings mui life and energy. 1 am now psttfng in full time at my work every day, and when I get home in the evenings instead of drupping Aown on the bed like a dead man, | eat a hearty supper and go out and work around the house. Tanlac is sold in Kingston by A. P, Chown. --Advt. A BASEBALL RECORD. International League. Newark .. . 9-8 Toronto .. . 7-3 'Baltimore -.. 12. Buffalo vu 3 Providence . 2-0 Rochester . 6-11 Montreal .. . 5 Richmond .. , 1 National League. Chicago ... . T New York .. Cincinnati .. ..5 Philadelphia . Pittsburg .. 4-1 Brooklyn .. St. Louis ., . 2 Boston .. , American League. New York .: 6 Chicago .. Washington 2-2 Cleveland .. Boston .. , 11-8 St. Louis .. . Detroit-.. . 6-2 Philadelphia TO CONTINUE THE WAR Until the Objects of the Allies Are z Attained. (Bpecial to the Whig.) Paris, July 27.--Concluding their conference yesterday, the Allied Poweéils announced their decision to cofitinue the war until the object for which, they are fighting is attained. Theté was unanimous agreement on \all decisions reached during the meeting. The withdrawal of Allied forces 'as soon as possible" from Greece, ending the military occupation of the réek provinces of Thessaly and Epi- rus, was resolved upon by the war conference, On. Thursday evening an inter- esting bowling game was played, when 8 H. W. Newman won from Skip William Jdckson by 16 to 13. heart and inter-} ll HARERRCARERCRRORRRATOY 1 I -------- a -------- 3 Hot Weather Specials ! Electric Irons and Fans.. Get a Polar Cub Fan and keep cool. Halliday Electric Co. 'Cor. Princess arid King Sts. Watch This Space For Interesting Announcements. McLau ghlin Garage 34-38 Prificess Street. First class work guaranteed. Done Cant '"'Ranks with the Strengest" HUDSON BAY Insurance Company FIRB INSURANCE Head Office, R: Insurance Bldg. i MONTREAL PERCY J. QUINN, + AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. ¢ Phone 1609. W. G. Robinson, Prop. yy VAR Mh a California Fruit Store Fresh Strawberries Daily, and 850c per dozen. 80c to 50c a dozen. 20¢ to 80c a dozen. ...20¢ and 80c a dozen, Oranges . . Peaches ... Fes Thee Plums: .. ... v4. 50 4's + PRBMIRS oi iby VEE Teta Choice Cherries by the basket. Grape Fruit 4 for 25c. Goods. delivered to all parts of the city. 286 Princess St. Charles Dafnos, Prop. ; Arar Ahaha dh Aria Aarti » AA July Reduction Sale Of Men's and young Men's and Boys' clothing. MEN"S SUITS In plain grey mixtures and blues. Saturday special $8.05, $9.05, $11.95 and $14.95. BOYS' SUITS In grey farcy mixtures. Saturday special, $3.05, $4.95, $5.95 and $6.95 , ... MEN'S FURNISHINGS A large assortment of seasohablé furnishings at reduced prices. BOOTS AND SHOES Men's boots in black and tan, with and without rubber heel and sole. Saturday 'special, $3.05, $4.05 and $3.05. "LADIES' WHITE SHOES p $1.79 and $2.45, Ladies' White Pumps, $1.45 and $1.95, AN OPPORTUNITY FOR MEN Two-piece kool Palm Beach suits.. Saturday special $9.95. Louis - Abramson, The Uptown Clothier 336 Princess St. - ; 0 3 a WRECKS mm That. a National Non- ; Please send us your name and address, and those If you would like + 1 WIN-THE-WAR CONVENTION . 76 Adelaide St. West, SB ani nin You say That party politics shoiild be dropped until after "the war. > partisan Government is essential for doing our full duty in the war. That all patriotic citizens MUST unite to get such a- government. You will find That the Win-the-War Convention at Toronto, Thursday and Friday, August 2nd and 3rd will help mightily, . ewant The help and support of everyone who wants what we want. of others who ares with you. to help with money, do so. ~ Aemilius Jarvis is T r. ; rom Adelaide 32 . RE

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