CHT Increnne Y open a Sav Savings ac ASSETS: $73.000,000 11 Branches in Toronto, at all brand ESTABLISHED 1855 Thrift us NEEDED-- for home ~ for 'the of living a in #88 start- for a& holiday--for old age---for all puruoses. MONE Y our Saving, hold down your spending, ings Account at The Bank of Toronto counts for small or large sums fnvited shea of this FPank. 118 Branches in Canadas Tue BANK or TORONTO A - FOR Small frame house with OR SALE stable and. large yard, near Cotton Mill. Price, $950. Cash required, $300. THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY 56 Brock St. 2 ----r Closely Related Phones: Office 68; Res, 874 Theré's a closer relatipnship be- . tween fged, poultry and dollars than you may suspect. Right feed means better birds, quicker returns and more money For bigger dividends on your poultry, let us supply your feed. The kind you need is here, afld our advices free for the asking. W. F. McBROOM 'Soldiers Comfort . Boxes] Holding from tive to seven pounds, just the thing "to send your loved ones their much needed comforts. Strong as iron; put up in two sizes; 15¢ and 20c. Hoag's Drug Store Brahch Post Office, El Vy a Gg Japan (Green) Tea, in 5 Ib Boxes, $1.50 Lipton's "Plantation Brand Black Tea, ih 23% Ib. Tins, $1.40. When you require Tea GORDON'S. Cor. ora Besoin: ) Watts, es, Funeral Dost d Wedd an rs to y | "9 FRESH LAKE ON. TARIO WHITE. FISH AND TROUT All Kinds of Fresh Fish. Dominion Fish Co. Military Hosottele Com- mission Command, Canada "Notice To Re- turned Soldiers Returned soldiers, who have been discharged, whether pensioned or otherwise, niay learn something to heir advantage, in regard to training r future employment, by applying to t the Armouries.. It person, send ad- dress or telephone. ; F. A. Good, Major. Distriet Vocational Officer, mn re-- . Fresh Vegetables, 'Choice Groceries, and all senhonable fruits, TAXI SERVICE RING 960. All Large Cars Used. Kingston Tosi Ca | A an iy --At The-- NP To Morrow: te OPERA { HOUSE GRAN COOLEST Ht A230 PM CON hu t 730 rx Daily; ut POLITE VAUDEVILLE A Five Act Phetoplay Virginia Pearson in « Royal Remance The Pathe News, Comedy, and Other Photoplays. Mona: "Tues. and Wed. E: VAUDEVILLE S-act Photoplay : Mabel Taliaferro in "Magdaline of the Hills" Comedy, Lonesome ' Luke in . "Tin Can "5 »" Oc Ochied Features. Matinee Any Seat Reserved: i ms THURS., FRI. SAT. Feature Photoplay Louise Glaum in "Love or Justice." "Chicken Chased and Henpecked," 2-part LKO Comedy. Matinee, 10c. . MA OE et Ng 15e 15¢ P ¥ Lake Ontario ARK Tonight ™ fi Matinee Wednesday at 8.30. . CLAS VAUDEVILLE PHOTOPLAYS Program Changed Monday and Thursday. Chlldrei's One Cenf Day For Street Cars, Persons entering the Park other than by street car will be p ---- BUY THE FINEST KNOWN ROYAL BLEND COFFEE Wednesday For Hat Cleaning Panamas and Straws 5 "Go Te NEW YORK HAT CLEANING CO. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Phoue 396, Five Doors tan Opera House. NEWS FROM EARUTON, N.O. The Methodi and the Presbyter. fans Have Joined. Barlton, New Ont., July 24.--The grops in this locality are looking fine. Farmers have begun their hay- ing of which there seems to be an abundant crop. The new Methodist minister ar- rived last week to, take the place of Rey. Mr. , who left for the Soo. e Rev, Mr. Godin will have both Methodist and Presbyter- jan congregations, as they were join- ed in the spring and are all Meth- odists now. Sunday school officers were elected Sunday ast + as follows: Superintendent, Rev. Mr. Godin, Mrs. Davie and Miss aib- bens, A fishing party left to-day Lake for a few days. . or for Brown. W. Yasation sag oe wa, W, en énce Gilibens. y visitors were: Mr. = 3 Brown returned Saturday after spending the week Miss M. Leroux. FOUR GO TO SENATE. 'Osbinet Council. Ottawa, July 37---Four Senatorial Council yesterday after new Senators aré: Richard for Poel, ] John Fisher, Brant: 0. Taner MoMeans, K.C., of Winnipeg. 'There are still five vacancies. It is understood that Claude MacDon- ell, M. oT South Toronto, will get the Montreal STRAND! First insertion, le a te word. Each eon secutive insertion Ihercatten dal cent a wo A 25¢y hres Thscrcio tnpertio tion, aig Ly ; one Senth. 2. * HELP WANTED A PORTER. FRONTENAC Chub, APPLY CONDENSED ADVERTISING HATES) f PAGE SEVEN _ TT ETT |. FOR'SALE. 1. THESK EFFROTIVE ADVTS. 00ST little. Once, 25c; three times Raa one week, $1.00. A SMALL OVERLAND, MOD 78. Apply A. Hayes, Uverland Garage, Wellington street. PIAS, UPRIGHT GRAND; r cash. o eg 91, FIRST Apply A HOUVSEMAD, APPLY TO Carson, 72 Barrie street. MRS, wh MORORMEN AND CONDUCTORS, TAP- ply Street Railway Office. A MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSE Avork. Apply 213 Brack si GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE WORK; wne who can cook. viv BTOEK, Street, A HOUSEKEEPER. cet, AP. or 6 to WANE ED between 12 and' 1 p.m. A p.m, 405 Earl street. A MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work; good wages, Apply to Mrs. WwW. G. Craig, 78 Barrie street. Apply 33 BIRCH BARK CANOE IN FIRST CLASS condition, for sale cheap. Can be sSsemy at 294 Ontario street, near Queen. A 1918, S-PASSENGER. 4 CYLINDER Overiand touring car, nearly new; .ehetp to quick buyer.. Apply 86 Bay street. GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND Saeceions, your ohh eh hacer hy ering Lindsay: Limited (3 1 Princesse Bt NEW LAUNCH HULL, 28 FT. LONG, 6 foot beam; fine model; for cash or exchange for other property. Enquire. Dr. Lake, 357 Johnson Street. SERVANT; "No! Apply be- GOOD GENERAL cooking or laundry. tween 8 and $ p.m., at 178 PLAIN COOK; FAMILY OF THREE; no washing nor housework; wages | $5 a week Apply Box 27, Whig Office. YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST WITH light house work during the day. Apply Mns McRae, 241 Brock street A FEW WOMEN AND GIRLS, WILL « pay good wages and arrange work- ing hours to suit them. All clean work. C4ll at office mation Dominion Ltd, Cataraquj Street. for infor- Textile Cd. ANY LADY CAN PERMANENTLY earn twenty dollars weekly in own neighborhood, - or_ proportionately for spare time. Particulars free. Food Products Distributors. Brantford, Ontario. SALES MANAGER WANTED 1'WR exclusive sale rrd distribution in restricted teeritory, Hign cai bre wen, with some to stat Ge od propos tion to right man. Write for particulars. Gasiine Ca, Br.dgeton, N. I. # GIRLS! arrie > street. } i {# on stock for Saxen cars; also + AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE The best of 4 service. Also large quantity of repair parts + second-hand cars for sale. Saxon Distributor, Ring 420 or 118. Fhe bbe Ped BY GRO, A. BATEMANS HSTATE Agency. 958500, BRICK HOUSE, NEARLY NEW, latest improvements, 8 rooms, dou- ble fat, $3000, BRIUK, provements, Jot 33 x 13%: $3300 DOUBLE STONE ALL INPROVE- ments; stab $4500, BRICK, 11 "ROOMS, ALL IM- prov rear entrance. L "ROO LL IM. as Dols, ALL light, ® lane. $3000, BRICK, ALL IMPROVEMENTS; ectric Nght $1400, FRAME, IMPROVEMENTS, SIX rooms, VACANT LOTS, ALL PRICES, TO RENT, OK HOUSE, NORTH END; ALL ovemeénts; 10° rooms and sta- $203 MONEY TO LOAN, 67 CLARENOE ST. Kingston. With or without experi WANTED GENERAL sewing and knitting machines, Light work; highest wages paid while lgarning. Apply Kingston Hosiery, CLAIRVOYANT, MADAME LILY, FAMOUS scorch paimist and clairvoyant; one week only, from 60c to: $1.00, from. 10 am to 10. p.m, 87 Johnson. Phone 1164 TRIPS THIS V WEEK BY Steamer THOUSAND ISLANDER nai, Thursday aftermoon through the TIs- lands, leaving 2 p.m. Fare §0c, Thursday evening, Moonlight, leave ing 8 pom. Fare 85c, Friday morning, Ogdensburg, leav- ing 8.30 am. Fare 75c¢. Boat leaves Swift's Doek. Laborges oil Td ES ANY KIND OF JOBBING BY A HANDY man, Apply to D. Dougherty, 281 Wellington street, SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS, for cash or in part payment, of new pianos aud Victrolas. C. ldna- Say. Tambted, 111 Princess wires TRAVELLERS CALLING UPON MER- + -chants and business men in East- SFR Ontarly can Sonhect with 3 side line App, ying to x § WwW. Whig O Swictly con- fidential WE WANT TO BUY ALL KINDS OF second-hand . funiture, stoves, \ heaters, clothes, etc, We also have everything In the second-hdnd Hne for stile, 8B Shapiro, " Prin cens street. Pho mm Ap s=-------- A new bread and cake store will open on SATURDAY, JULY 28th, under the name of NEW ENGLAND BREAD AND CAKE STORE, with a Tull line of bread and pastry, Quality The Motto. A trial Order Solicited, 354 PRINCESS ST., Near Barrie, St. Pore ad Outi Work. Steady Em- _ Rate Ge i 4 'ployment. A. Davis vis & Son, Lu eppolutments. were made by the} heap his Oftice. | Announcement ! A PURSE CONTAINING A SMALL sym of money, on - Friday evening on street car oom- ing from Lake Ontario Park. Owner may have. same by Suliing at 350 Brock street, city. 1 A ROSARY IN ONTARIO PARK on Baturday pan. Owner may have same by applying to 11 Cherry street, FOUND ARTIOLES ADVER. TISED FREBR i . "Found -anrtioles" does not in- clude lost cattle, horees, ete, These, may be ad- vertised for " the column, -- LOST, A FAWN COAT ON THURSDAY EVEN. ing, on Montreal Road, near sub- WAY. Finder please return to Kingston Station Post Office. FOR SALE NTS. AWNINGS, VERANDAH CUR- al , and camping sup- Fishing tackle, ete. Frank ooke, 39 Slarence 8t. King- Phone $91. A LARGE NUMBER OF BICYCLES, IN. cluding the famous hlete, Over- r land and Perfect Models; also tires '8nd bleycle accessories. orge Muller, 378 King St. Phone 1032. ONE GALVANIZED IRON CHIMNEY stack, 25 feet long, 12 inches in diameter, with hood, suftabie for cheége factory or Sold abr pipe. Ap¢ ply D. Marshall, 320 Princess Bt. TO LET OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST, CHAM. bers. Apply to A. B. Cunndn ey 79 Clarence street. HOUSE, 1902 FRONTENAC STRERT) rent, $30 per month. Apply H.W. Watts, 98 Frontenac street. A SMALL HOUSE NEAR THE CORNER of Ear] and Barnie streets. Apply to R. Nesbitt, 337 Johnson street STORAGE Fon rt RNITURE. BE. WA- then has dry furniture buflding, a Sart pr 80.4 Phone ORIG: FOR I URNITURE OR HER- ndise, clean and dry. MeCann' Real Bstate Agen, $2 Brock St Phones 326 or §21. COACH HovsE, OR PLACE SUIT. able Cota oF hiorage pur- gi "rear © neess St. Ap- Hox "E* Wiig Office. p OFFIOR. OR SHOP, 153 WELLINGTON street, lately occupled by John Smith, Pointer Apply wo J; B. Car- ruthers, 151 Wellington street, STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, OLEAN dry, airy roms; your own look and key. t's diy Storage, 399 Queen street ne 526; rea. 959 BALANCE OF SEASON, LARGE FUR. nished cottage, B and Hot® and cold water, Tremont Park Gan- anoque; nice grove, ice, fuel, boat hguses, wharf, eto. Apply J. 'Me- Parland. . TO RENT FURNISHED COTTAGE ON ST. LAW- rence River. "Near city. For par- ticulars,. phone 1770. BOARD AND ROOMS, FIRST CLASS BOARD AND ROOMS, every convenience, central Jooa- tion. Apply 243 Brock street. FURNISHED ROOMS WITH OR WITH. out board. All conveniences. Use of phone. Apply 82 Ontario Bt , or phone 1908, FINANCIAL A LATE 1918 RRO; FIRST CLASS condition; guaranteed: five tires like new, $1,325.00; now W. G. Frost, 299 Phone 526. dénce phone, 989, LARGE STOCK OF EXTENSION TA- bles and dining chairs, china cabinets, also good Springs and mattresses. buy 1 kinds of second hand folio Thompaon, me 1600. 333 Princess street. ty, Mer Bath Rd. TEACHERS WANTED, QUALIFIED TEACHER (PROTES. tant), for 8.8. No. 14 Wolfe Island. Apply, stating experience and sal- ary required to John irvine, Sec- reta Wolfe Island, R. No. 1. QUALIFIRD, PROTESTANT TEACHER 88. No. 5 Hinochinbrooke, on of TP to commence Sept. 4th, Ap- y stating salary and 23porience fo George A. Smith, Sec. arham, FEMALE PROTESTANT TEACHER for Public 8chool Section No. 1 (U) Olden, holding third class certin- ehte; duties to commence Sept. 4th, 1917. Appvy, stating experience and salary required, and giving re- ferences to Jas. BE, Price, Sec. eas, Mountain Grove, Ont, ARCHITECT rowER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. Bank Bul Bricy end Wetinslon sivas INVESTORS W. e com wil you | Fond Bolsaenta fortunes BARLEY FRONTENAC LOAN AND ent BSoclety; inoor BGS" ros olonel Ge. x farm rpory en, municipal country de niures; Juott@age par. pur- te Fetelvid and R. C. Catarigh manager, 87 Aarence St, King! LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND Fire Ina aance 2 ompany ny, Avalia which he hold ders have security the unkimited Mabliit city p erty, insured at poset Ble rate es. Before 4 a, Phone 326, PERSONAL LADIES' HAIR GOODS, Pevehe Knots, made to order; teed. Mrs, Love, 350 Brock street, Kingston HAIR, MOLW®S, BIRPHMARKY he all growths Sod skin Pad SO 2 ishes removed B. CUNNINGHAM, ARBITER and solicitor, law omtce, ki) ence strevs Kingston. FURNITURE FINISBRING URNITURE FINISH. rop & oard. 23 Joha or. Call or rest DENTAL KNAPP, B.A, LDS; A. moa! Re Priacess vorest. Thos DR. J. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, corner Princess and Bagot ot streets. Phone $28. ARANETA, TE Rs. 2p D.D.8, 5. ry Phone ki "WANTED PATTERN MAKERS, HANDY MEN, LABORERS, HY AND Apply: J. Farrar, Supt. CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE COM- PANY, LTD. 3% LH ED SN Ra i UE CE I LL Ea a i a a.