ILLUSTRATED SECTION. War Pictures A few of the things that don't often gel into the Newspapers-- Natural Wealth Down by the Sea, from Marsh Hay to Plas- ter of Paris and Lobsters. Canadian and Other Timely Pictures of Interest: Most of the oil for the big navies comes from the Mexican oil-fields, where Ger- man plotters have lately been trying to blow up the British and American con- trolled preperties jis is a picture of a blown-up oil well at Tampico New foundliandesque enough--you never could miss it; a ribbon of oul a. little church and a lob- ter factory at Amherst in the Magdalen Islands n the Gulf of St Lawrence. Below are a few acres of gypsum down in w Brunswiek, -the raw material of plast All Uncle Sam had ready some months before declaring war to make any imme diate move on Germany the navy And it was the naval issue that provoked the ate of war." he submarine, Ger- many's deadliest weapon, will* be her boomerang. To curb the submarine is President Wilson's chief business. There can be no-invasion of the United States &xcept by submarine d airship, so long the t navy of gland bottles up man fleet, The navy of Uncle Sam is not a great navy jut 'it is high among the second-ups. he U submarine C4 arriving along- de the Crujger Charleston, in Gateno Lake, Panama region. Uncle Sam is a hay has been stacked on platforms waiting 'holy terror building submarines. It was a Yankee who invented the sub- for the hay boat. marine. High tide near Kentville, N.S. The marsh Below --Recruits of the naval militia get- Just below a characteristic ~fish-scape at ting lustructions ia shooting on The . wasp, New York City. Digby, N.8., that interesting town across the --- Bay of Fundy from St. John. aE a a Further aids to reducing the H. C. of L. Stacks of dried fish, with the characteristic Digby ox-team to haul it away. x Alisolsiabs in Winmipeg to increase Canadids College recently arrived in Winnipeg to to Canada's call through thie Government