Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Aug 1917, p. 7

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a RR G R A N OPERY Protection COOLEST ie Tnereased effor: and ofl. at 9 3g pg as an hang: sar u Da ily Heme ter savings POLITE VAUDEVILLE d sour A B-Act Metro Wonderplay and wo- proauce | Frances Neher 3 in more oo I's waste. ; "On Man " It i k than ¢ A | The Pathe ae of ed y- Othe: . insertion AA oir 1 rev sal 3 FOL arrichs CLARENCE is easier to make money n to save | News, om | r j- s, e Is ary ' Savings Ac g uske money thin to save it, A Features. % annum. a iy to Jon W. Mies fll A 0AMEO RING ON FRIDAY EV. na bo AB. RA. save what your inereased effort provides Le one imse three See.-T eas, RR 1, Wolfe "Is- ening, on Cor. of Brock and hore Clarence stree . ----a-- ft ols Thursday, Friday, Saturday CONDENSED ADVERTISING Rares) TEACHERS WANTED. ues ay ort Ml Ag id dev id re eo S50¢c; six $1; ome month, $2. land, if = may by ; NOBMAL TRAINED PROTESTANTIH 60 Wellington street. All stor FOR F v k POLITE VAUDEVILLE HELP WANTED teacher for 8.8. No. 6, Yonge d A KEY ON COR. WELLINGTON then a Arh oa B 3 ESTABLISHED 1855, rrp -- A Five Act Ph meeps Co. Siary alle per annum. and King. RO may have building, 442 an rt street. Phone ' : EXPERIENCED DINING ROOM GIRL. Schoo Sept. 4th. Apoly | same at Whig Ofce 2158. Tae George Walsh, in Apply Anglo-American. to Wher A Guild, RR. 2, 11 Branches in Toromto, 119 Branches in Canada, lorytown, Ont, FOUND ARTICLES ADVER. vorirs TE i? - -- ; 1 " --it "The Book Agent | MOTORMEN AND CONDUCTORS. AP - 'FISED PRER: NRW BRICK ROUSE: 7 Room AL: ply Street Railway Office i Anyone finding anything and improvements, Rent reasonable; The Pathe News, Comedy and Other Qu ALIFIED PROTESTANT | wishing to reach the owner may ssession Sept. 1st. Apply Box po. , e LADY CLERK APPLY IN PERSON teacher for Union 8.8. No, do so reporting the facts to 86. Whig Office Oc wit L W.. Leavcy, Mgr. 'Domimion land, or 25 Camden, two nilles east The British Whig, The sdver- . Matines Moles 5 ES i of Yarker, - Salary according to tisement will be printed in this a : Any Seat ------------------------------------------ qualifications. Duties to column free of charge. A TEN ROOMED BRICK HOUSE, ALL ' 1 WOMAN TO HELP IN THE KIT- mence Sept. 1st. Apply, statin . "Found articles" wot ine modern oonvenliences, 118 Earl °C. chen. Apply to Dietithan, Mow- qualifications, salary, expected horses, street. to rent fram September 1st. at Hospital, at onee. experience, to M. Lake, Sec.- 4 3 be Apply 192 Earl street. Treas, RR. No. 2, Harrowsmith, * sak i UL T GOD GENERAL SERVANT, AP-| Om Olu | TOR\GE FOR 1 URNFTURE Gh MER Ry, in the evenimg to Mes. T. McK. chandise, clean a {iH nd 4 obertson, 82 Lower Union St. Real Estate Agency, FOR SALE Phones 326 or § Mon.; Tues., Wednesday er RET Rr 3. work till the 15th of October. Ap-| GOOD WORK HORSE; SoUND. WiLL 3 ply Street Railway Office, Ww. ps ood : COACH HOUSE, OR PLA Ur. F ard, i ¥ictoria er hey " y ; able ov a or Pn r anme m a BILL. SATURDAY NIGHT, BE. Doses: rear of 42 Princess St. A Unconquered rtd dubia de - - tween Cullen's Grocery and Fron- tv Hox "BE Wig OM pr so PPP dt bbb dd [PIL A ANY, WON AT A ienac street on Princess street. m ig Otfce. a nder ndly return to 580 Prin. . ) » Lloyd, Mary's Cathedral A forge residence centrally located, all modern | "rhe Mystery of the Double Cross a at in oyd, SL. Mary's oy rr CUTIDE ON SHOP. WILLINGTON ' ¥ : he willing worker. {ONE FORD TOURING CAR IN FIRST : street, lately atubied by John conveniences, large grounds. Will accept small TDI Mn orn DRIED | ld 14 apportunition Claas Condition: ApPIY Frente hy | A Fee A av ite: | Smith. Printer 1h Ge ve plead mri : in he orinting Industry now; Storage, 299 Queen St... Phone 526 ruthers, 151 Netaon® ak property in exchange. RL hr nme: after the war there will he bet- or 98%. Lawrance Chadwick, Napanee, R. Lake Ontario Aer.' Apply dub Breit Wig. o M.D. No. 1, Morven, Ont. pan &F I THREE FORD CARS AND one STORAGE Son FURNITURE, OLEAN, al a i aii bdb ttt Studebaker; must be gold; cheap 10] A GREY SACK cok, SATURDAY AF. dry, at 's oats ity Shon a, and th 2 tht i htiuditiaidiietid ulek buyer. sPhone 768, ADPPlY 168 ternoon. either in city or on the key. Frost's 399 WITH OFFICE EXPERIENCE. Raglan Road. road to Hamilton's Bay. Will Queen ne $34: ¥ rea. 919 GIRL a . finder please leave it or his address State references an asiary expect: | A SUMMER COTTAGE, SITUATED AT with urrey, Auctioneer, M and Every Night ed, to Post Office Box 85. Dead Man's Bay. Cheap to Ev ket Ey THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY 56 Brock St. P Office 68; Res, 874 buy O Jeaving ¢l Ap- x nished room, down stairs, to let for 7 | 99 . winter, Suitable J oni at 8.30 GIRLS FOR WORK ROOM; NICE, ply 220 Brock street, FOR SALB ladies or married couple: light ose y fp at ree " = ee Matinee ht * at 8.80. pleasant work. Apply Mls Mac: A LARGE NUMBER OF BICYCLE ine jadies or married couple: light Br. ONCE, ONE BEAUNFULLY FUR. HIGH CLASS Callum, N. A. Polson, Co, Ontario clvding the famous Athlete, Over-| morro EFFROTIVE ADVTS. ops 282 Johnson street. street, and and Perfeot Models; siso res VAUDEVILLE i Gus 10 ches ies he accessories. E { one week, $i. TO RENT , There's a closer relationship be- : CG j A GENERAL SERVANT TO GO TO Muler, 373 King St. Phone 10si ' 7 : country for two or Lhrge months. EE OH PLACING RENVING GRAPHONOLA AND TEN on ans _ PHOTOPLAYS Pa al MIE ERAS SOLS, SANQEEY FR RL Slat oe tT | anor, mayan, comnts f . 244 ing street, - - rooms; Aa mprovements; res better birds, quicker returns and ; ram Changed Monday and : and na TR Cooke, 3 hoaLn Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess 8° places: centrally focated; Wnmedi- more money For bigger dividends ug vy. en: Stre Ph Kin t ate possession, Rent $50 per month. . , FOUNG N 0 Y. OF GOOD AP- et. Phone pL E8L00. I NEW LAUNCH HULL, 28 FT LONG y on your poultry, let us supply your - 3 Wednesday so Mdrewy_O Ons Cent Day | YOUNG MAN OR BO P ond A N Ly 1 Apply J. K. Carroll, 66 Brock feed. The Rind ed is h P Street On pearance and Zaueation w Jearn ; oot beam; fine model; Jor cash street. Phone 68. eed. e Rind you ne s here, ersons entering the | Park other usiness, mechanically ine THREE THOROUGHBRED MALYRSE| ¥. ¢ 3 \ . Lake, 387 re son nod our advice is free for the asking. than by street car will be prosecuted. Apply by letter: Stewart Uptical Toy Terriers, ten weeks old, ured r " 5 Shan by saves car Will be proscribed. Co., Opposite Post Office. by Champion Imported Major Min. FINANCIAL i erius of Brixton, CK.C. 18430. New | J ARGE STOCK OF EXTENSION TA York and Philadelphia Shows. - W. F. McBROOM = frames cox mans me ve pas| 30 RRCHPHS RS | Bion und flnive heirs bugtiE | pmowrango Loan awe 42-44 Princess Street. , ase a - jes. Pedigree unoxcalle]. Mis. ings and mattresses. We buy Ene of Private Christmas Greeting Sax. Ring 420 or 118. sie se ses SPP P4045 spr Cards among friends, Magnificent . Chapman. 263 8 St. all kindg of second hand furniture. Brosident. J. Thom P factory, school, church, and within chase: investment House fe eight miles of Ganapoque, two sale; de received W 1 manager. 87 Clarence 8t., ood, br ok dwelling, also frame p 4 r Is deeply. interested in where she rocer ~ Swelling; large hank bam; 1wa of setvice. Also can procure Havana Red Sox, vs. ¥ for ta > bo oo AL yo io large tty of repair parts RY ra De on AN Aratiabis % . . ngln, on premises, *.0. assets P PS Pi kk . ' SUMMER DRINKS ' Picked Team. » . address, K.R. No. 1, Gananoque. which the Punilmated dave tor reserving and ICKIINE } Glasseo's Grape Juice. s security the ty of § . WANTED GENERAL Posaible rates. Before renewing Requisites Prange ie, 4 With or without cxparione; on : old or givin Thee : Yehiaren by. Sent. 1st. Apply Box : gents. Phone 33 3 G Jight work; highest wages paid 117, Whig O : - ne Ce the best that Cm Black 'and Green hile 1 i **Apnl : veniences, in central locality, |FOR SALE AT GEORGE A, BATE. A glimpse at our "UPPER WIN. By 1st September: family of four. man's Real Estate Agency, $1,400 DR. REEVE, Baw" will sulie. Blan *| The Home of Choice : | APply oy $1, Whig 0! Omas. ¥ frame dwelling, north end; B and Nerve Specialist. es . : 4 eT SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS, vy 1 cases f - " for cash or in part payment of new | $4,200, 23¢ STOREY BRICK; ALL IM- Sonatiniy Gall ul ase bY 0ag' 4 hu EE Slanos and -Yietrolas. C, W, Lind- provements; 10 rooms; central lo- lette ; -- mited. 121 Princess stree. cation. furnished b; 2 rn | ements; hard. FIRST CLASS BOARD AND pogus, DOtR. Eel o Homa ¥ Joung eouble wood improv and Lr FURNITURE FINISHING rn Ontdrio can. con ith a In Sb. tins, 5-Ib. pails, and 10-1. H ¥ . by Aopiyine Te 3 57.000. DETACHED BRICK; ALL 1a.|FAPIES' HAIR GOODS, BE or drop a card. 23 John HOUSES ALL PRICES ALL OVER teed. Mrs. Love, 350 Brook stree! | A ¥ LEGAL p ished rooms, MON TO LOAN; INSURANCE AND HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMAR KS Cor, Montreal and Charles 8¢, il - nd bed room, Customs broker, 67 Clarence street. Win "Phone 1968. AA . hy t Ord do-1 - pson, 333 Princ street Ww. The Avera . et Deke "ok sure + Weise | FOOD BANE FARN, 108 ACRES, WE. Fons Tbh 1 xia ed iloney la Manufacturers, Dept PF. 3 . ip i A bi btn A Pr Ss ge t e nite Wednesday, A ; 15th _Chureh St, Toronto. ship of Leeds, Well located near Hn cB onuren: IO do . . N never failing springs; well fenced; terest allowed. R. C. Cartwright Cricket Field, 4 p.m. a, EE Ap CRitivaton AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Kington. term: earl possession Apply to . fn." on stock for Saxon cars; also LIT gn addition Welch's Grape Juice, property, insu NTED, UNFURNISHED WLAT, NO tates from at moderate prices and at the same | Gurd's Ginger Ale, sewing and knitting machines. A WANTED TO RENT-HOUSE WITH C, hot ang cold water, Years of experience .enabl rr 'Carlton Street, Toronto. A ESR" . fF. 8 8 Ne BRICK, 8 ROOMS AND ATTIC Branch Post Office We Have a Nice Assorument of niet WANTED BY SEPT, JST, TWO UK 4.008, BRICK TTIC; Kingston, Ont. te business " _-- ----- Y pon 8 every Ee Sentral nd aral, Spin ply ye an, Whig Offise. trance; stable, AL ; re Mm TRAVELLERS CALLING VION MER~|$3300, DOUBLE FRAME, NORTH PERSON - c. chants and business men in East.' end; Jot 65 x 165, 3 Psyche knots, Co ete, The Leading Florist Poll voek oaly at the oil price. TR" SMscULL, FURNITURE SiNISHL] | Siendal Sribtly sw] | rolemsn elie Jord nt gersse.) mide Ahorion. ALL NONE Sisroe: ! y . Kingston, the city. FCT sur spaintty riers E. H. BAKER LADY REQUIRES TWO FURNISHED fn house or near. Not far- Phone 396. and ali growths and & AM, ARRIE ighes moved permanently, With A _- Gamo offer 19 Clar- Bae Harris street Ap- at car: 30 yours Xperience. Iv. ngst s 'Whiz Elmer J. Lake, Eye, Mar, Nose suc ros, _-- d FARM FOR SALE. Throat and Skin tat, + 252 , Top x ; 4 Hagot street, Japan (Green) Tea, a Mv anomrTmOr. hay TUX (all KINDS OF |[FARM, NORM HALF LOT 19. 4TH 9, 1 4 . 3 ' wR Na CRIES. Sh - . Seaters om g, War Save Sdheasston, township of Pittsburg, ni : acres, less, well water. in51b $ $1.50 : iat | > A NON, ARCHITEOPS, MER. i i fhe pire. a Band od, Tell Ponce Ear DENTAL . Lipton's Plantation Brand n oi ; rook and Wellington streets. cess street. Phone | 7. Black Tea, in 23 Ib. Tins, $1.40. When you require Tes dling, : scr : i Brcwers Mill, Oar | CONmAster ly, gm KNAPE, Bi. LDA. SDA. Omoe, Princess street, we GORDON'S. ; i : : BUSINESS CHANORS = the place to get it. iia EET ¥ vy @ 3 PR. J. LEONARD WA DENTIST, Cun, Bay and Montteal Stroots, " . 4 fel KS ES Sa { «o 'i iT corner Princess streets. .| DRS. SPARKS, DEN. sta, Btw tn street, G. C. fois, 149 wit LDS, assistant. Phone 3485. nl + weasonable fruits. | os on, nel i : | E 1 i TET ; 210 Division St, PS sis f Apply : J. Farrer, Supt. CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE COM- ANY, LTD. : adm $x des wwe» Beni ls ceili A 15 CENTS PER BAG. AL FOR CQOKING. "© 1,000 Ibs. Stewing Cuts, only 15¢ Ib. | Don't miss this chance to save money. |

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