MISERABLE FROM STOMACH TROUBLE Felt Wretched Until He Started \ To Take "Fruit-a-fives" | 594 Cranrrars St., Movreman. | "For two years, I was a miserable sufferer from Rheumatism and Stomach Trouble. 1 had frequent Dizzy Spells, and when I took food, felt wretched and sleepy. I suffered from "Rheu- matism dreadfully, with pains in my back and joints, and my hands swollen. A friend advised *'Fruit-a-tives" and | from the outset, they did me good. | After the first box, I felt I was getting | well and 1 can truthfully say that "Pruit-a-tives" is the only medicine that helped me", LOUIS LABRIE. | 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 256. | At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit. | a-tives Limited, Ottawa. For Preserving Fruit | Fruit Jars and Rings. J Parawax and Corks, Pure Sugar, Spices and | Vinegar at the UNIQUE GROCERY C. H. Pickering, 490 and 492 Princess St. Phone 530. Where's There's There's Soap. GOBLIN SOAP WORKS WONDERS Recommended for toilet and bath. Lathers freely. Life Price 6c per cake. P. H. BAKER Princess & Frontemac St. Phone 1016 WILSON'S IAL S THAN FOR SALE Farm of 150 Acres 135 of Plotgh Land, balance wooded, Township of Pitts burgh, four miles fFoin King- ston. Cheap. moms W. H. Godwin & Son 89 Brock #trect Phone 424 T0 OPERATION 'Wife Cured by Lydia E. ' Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Des Moines, Towa. --*' Four years ago 1 was very sick and my life was nearly: TLR 1} | must have grown as a re i| be and a confident self THE DAILY 3 Wonre : THE CONFESSIONS OF ROXANE (By Franées Walter) 1 | J MY IMAGINATION WORKS. | I had formed a very vivid likeness Pelham and another, detailed. a picture, of Holman as a result the words which my mother had let fall about them 1 quite that Virginia was t and lean sour and precise, and that be about as w medicine was to me child. Mother had not she was a girl was tall and thin How mu and thinner she must have she gre up, and how a of Virginia though not as Kenneth few 0 VAS sure all and lcome as a dose of when 1 Leen was a her since then she 1 taller become a etic and even she ing in a small Georgia seminary young ladies, I could easily imaging I had seen the stage type on the primly where a belt buckle ought to satisfied smile lingering about the of mouth That must be Virginia Pel ham Kven the name suggested it And her conversation? 1 was quile sure it would be either he blue. blood and-the cestors or about the conforming strictly to ventionalities of life doubt corners about necessity all the She would, take exception to every broad con upon cramming down our throatg. But there was this consolation the sparks were likely to fly she clashed with the Chicago broker! Imagine a wealthy man of business from a metropolitan city being com pelled to remain even for a very short time under the roof Georgia school-ma"am! 1 laughed at the very idea. How long would it take Mr. Kenneth Holman to discover that. the wheat market was going to pieces and that his presence was urg ently required in the city Just about twenty-four hours. Just as Virginia's name suggested the cobwebs of anti- quity, primness and leanness, so Ken neth Holman"s name suggested pro- gress, plumpness of person, a love for the good things ¢f life, laughtgr, quickness of wit and a thorough €n- joyment of all the good things that could be obtained upon the face of the earth, "Misery!" I exclaimed impatiently, as I thought of the discomfiture which was in store guests and for hostesses. "What did you say?" inquired my mother, whose presence I had mo- mentarily forgotten. "I was just wondering how our two cousins will Tike each other," I re- plied, after a start, "I have been trying to form an idea of their looks and temperaments, and if mg con- clusions are correct, | am afraid that our little home party will be a dis- mal failure." "I am sorry that I cannot tell you much about either of them, but Vir- ginia zave promise of being a hand- her opinions same their two helpless | | {opinion she would | [ for both of our} some girl though | gently ult of teach- | for | | form Head thrown back, nose tilted in the | Most prosperous sons of rich parents air most of the time, hands folded | sok alike { her her | glory of her on 1 on mother you may have to revise your conversation in the alw when 1 her last, al- she was just at that age when is diffienlt to predict." "I thought she was:tall and lean?" she but so were you." Phank you," T smiled. - "Virginia may ha grown to be a eauty for all I know," mother went "If she is anything like her Saw was, It is always perilous to pic- ture people whom you have not seen, for you may gain prejudices w hich it will be hard to remove." "You are right. mother, as usual, but 1 am quite sure that Virginia is «bout like I have imagined her." "As for Kenneth," she went on, changing the direction of the manner which made me ashamed of myself, can readily how you could an accurate picture of him. , except as to the color of their hair and eye "And they are all incl 38," | commented pe y urged ined to stout- simistically. mother. persons are you have in the Pelham herself." mother, but and see,' "Remember the only relatives world, except Mrs '4 shall remember, these two of | the kinship is not close enough to | compel me to like either of them if 1 | i when | | with al | | | nol don't want to." "Let us hope that you will want statement that was made, and would | 4 || insist And so the conversation closed. (To be continued). North Branford, Conn, seven- teen persons were killed and up- wards of two score injured, some probably fatally, when two trolley cars on the shore line electric rail- way crashed head on at high speed. Why Wait for War to learn real food values? a oe you digest, not whaf you eat, that furnishes strength fof' the day's work. Many foods tax the digestive powers to the utmost with- out supplying much real nutriment. Shredded Wheat Biscuit is all food and in a form that is easily digested. Itis 100 per cent. whole wheat. For break- fast, dinner or supper it takes the place of meat, eggs and potatoes. You don't know how easily you can do without: meat or potatoes until you try it. Delicious with sliced bananas, berries, or other fruits, and milk. Made in Canada.' At a Tie corn on cob an 4 Continued from Page 3.) Mts. Thomas Watson, Earl street, has returned home after visiting her cousin, Rev. W. J. Buell, Niagara, Ont. . Mis Katle Dickson, of Syracuse, is visiting at Wer home on Ordnance street. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Linton, Well- ington street, left Sunday to spend a few days in Montredl, Miss Lockett, Stuart street, has returned from holidaying in Mus- koka. Miss Charlotte Flanagan, Barrie street, 'is home after a prolonged visit in Peterboro. Mrs. A. F. Chown and daughter, Daisy, ¢f Kingston, are visiting re- latives and friends in Ingersoll. Mrs. H, Doherty, St. Thomas, left this morning to spend a month with her mother at Kingskgn. | Mrs. William Hendrie, Hamliton, and her children will spend 'some time on their 'house boat on the French River. Mrs. B. J. Cornett, Kingston, is visiting her son, Dr. W. F. Cornett, St. Thomas. ' Mrs. Anson Aylesworth, New- burgh, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. J. H. Gallagher, 23 Springfield avenue, Westmount. LN Miss Minnie and Miss Mabel How- ells, visiting Miss Mary Rogers in Kingston, are now staying ° witn their sister, Mrs. F. Washington, in Hamilton. Mrs. E. F. Dawson, in England for the last two years, to be near her son, Capt. Ernest Dawson, and her daughter, has returned to Canada. Mrs. Dawson is on her way west to join. her youngest som? John Daw- son, and on her way is staying with Capt. Dawson's mother-in-law, Mrs. Robert Carson, "Romilly Housel" Mr. and Mrs, George Turner, Belleville, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hunt, Prin- cess street, have returned home. At the request of a lady subscrib- er that we should print a recipe for canning green peas, and the Whig's appeal to its readers to help us out in this respect by contributing recipes which y had found to be satisfac- a forth a great many replies. The Whig has already pub- lished two very good recipes, but another one has come to hand from Mrs. J. B. McKinley, of Stowe, Vt, a reader of the Whig in which it is published herewith: Shell, wash and boil until tender; salt to taste; then let get cold, Fill jars. If not enough water on tiem fill up with a little cold water. Put top on without rubbers: Place jars into a hoiler with wooden or wire rack so the jars will not come in con- tact: with direct heat. Have water enough in boiler to come up to neck of jars. Boil twenty minutes, then take them out and put on new rub- ber rings. Must be new. Fasten down quickly while jars are hot. When cool put away jn a cold place. 1 drain off water when Boing to use. Done this way they will keep all win- ter. 1 do corn ihe mmo way, Boil Wit it off when # has boiled about twenty minutes. Fill in water it has been boiled in with a litle salt to tate. --Mrs. J. B. McKinley. Recipe From Vermont. FARMER LOSES HEAVILY. Btock. , Cornwall, Aug. 10--A disastrous vonflagration occurred at Glen Nevis Saturday when D. J. MoDonnell suf: fered the loss of his commodious harns. and stables togethor with thir contents, Including three fine horses, several head of thoroughbred cattle, about 40 tons of hay, ' farm imple- 'ments, etc. When the fire was dis- covered hy Mr. McDonnell it was im- possible to save anything except the granary oBarhy. 'The grigin of the 3 fire 18 a mystdry." The: coptionally heavy one, 108% 15 an ex- a8 tho build _ * INnigs had only recently been thot- .joughly renovated. The loss is Messrs. Fred Arbep and rei § par: tially covered by insurance.. © ' Mivaculous Escape. Tweed, Aug. 12.---The Hitle Lour- year old child of Mr. and Mrs. 8S fumrenen. fad a miFacalous aseape|. from drowning on Monddy and had 4t not been for the timely arrival 6 Gordon Sa- who werd crossing the bridge at time, Mrs. Marchen might shore opposite his home, swhen the left the shore, taking him out the stream, where he fell off. Jittle sister who had been play- : A 7 Miss Jackson, Queen street, after two weeks visit at Oshawa has re- turned home, Mr. and Mrs. James A, Gill, Water- town, N.Y., are in Kingston for three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Ansley have returned to their home Cleveland, Ohio, after spending a very pleasant ! weeks visit with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J W, Ansley, Barl street. Mrs. James Ferguson and daugh- ter, of 156 Sunnyside avenue, To- ronto, have returned froni a visit to Kingston, where they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Arniel, York street, Miss Lillian Knowles, Buffalo, N. Y., has accepted the position of Gen- eral Secretary of the Association, Brantford, = } - Mr. and Mrs. Stewart'M. Robert- son, Sydenham street, are spending this week at Hay Island. Miss Jean Young, Union Street, ré- turned to-day from Quebec. Dr. W. I. Uglow is expected this week frem South America to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Uglow, Barrie Street. Miss Margaret Wise, Toronto, is visfting Mr. and Mrs. Howard Folger, "Edgewater." Mrs. R. G. Cox, Ottawa, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. G. A. Rob- inson, Alfred street. . . LJ Mr. and Mrs. David Murray and John, Frontenac street, left on Sat- urday for Pine Point, Maine, where they will spend the next few weeks, Miss Josephine Cossitt and Miss Nan Champ, arrived from Brockville this week and are assisting with the V.A.D. work at Queen's Hospital. Mrs, Smeaton, Clergy street, has returned after spending the past few Richard | : Bld and possibly you will not detect this imitation until the tea-pot reveals it. Demand always the genuine siSalada' in the sealed aluminum packet, and see that you get it, if you want that unique flavour of fresh, clean leaves properly prepared and packed. BE SURE YOUR MILK IS DELIVERED IN SEALED BOTTLES. All our milk is thoroughly pasteurized and bottled at once. It is safe. Ii pure. Itis good. Phone 845 ~- Price's CE -- ~~ Beautiful Bust and Shoulders are possible if you will wear a scientifically constructed Bien Jolie Brassiere. The dragging weight of an unconfined bust so stretches the supporting muscles that the contour of the figure is spoiled, at the bust back where it be ongs, prevent the full bust from having te appearance of fab . - biness, eliminate the danger o BRASSIE a Ss dragging muscles and confine the flesh of the shoulder giving a graceful line to the entire upper body. Thegcare the daintiest and most serviceable garments imagi- nable--come in all materials and styles: Cross Back, Hook Front, Surplice, Bandeau, etc. Boned with * Walohn,"" the rustiess boning--permitting washing without removal, Have your deater show you Bien Jolie Brassieres, if not stock ed, we will gladly send him, prepaid, samples to show you. BENJAMIN & JOHNES, 51 Warren Street, Newark, N. J. i in I 0 i t-- weeks in Ottawa with her sister, Mrs. John Robertson. ® Miss ['lorence Henderson and a number of friends came up from Thousand Island Park and spent Sat- urday in town, wd eo A A A A PAA AA AN AA AAA ABA EAN MAN Canada Sugar Refining Co., Limited, Montreal. Sydenham and Princess Sts P The Government has purchased the 1917-18 crop of Egyptian cotton seed. All the crops in province are good. Not what a man knows, but what he doesn't tell shows his essential wisdom, Italy is building merchant at a rapid rate. Saskatchewan ships ns Redpath refining methods produce no second ade sugar. We make and sell one grade only--the ighest--so that you will never get anything but the best under the name of Redpath. "Let R th Sweeten it." 9 Ammt i artists you choose is yours the in- stant you want it if you own a Columbia Grafonola The artists themselves--absolutely, to are therein personality, though they may . be absent in person. The rick round, full "Hearing is Believing" Hear the Graf- onola to-day--<we have many styles from $21 to $475. On easy terms if desired. M. GREENE MUSIC CO. 324 J 5 a son 444 3 SRNR lsat FR en