Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Aug 1917, p. 3

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TROUBLE ENDS AFTER TWELVE LONG yeans is Stronger "and "Healthier Since Taking Tanlac Than in Years. "I tell you, for three weeks petore I started on Tanlac, 1 was so played | out 1 couldn't hit a lick of work, and | you may believe me or mot, but be fore 1 finished "my first bottle I was back on the job féeling like a new man," sald W. E. Falrbrass. in an interview a few days ago. Mr. Fair-| brass, or "Bill," as he is familiarly | known to his co-workers at the shops of McKenzie & Mann, where he-is| employed, lives at 138 Cawthra St, Toronto, and his many friends will be glad to learn of his recovery. | "My stomach had been troubling | me for twelve years,' continued; | "my appetite went back on me and I had gotten to where I could hardly eat a thing. What little I did eat disagreed with me and I was miser- able nearly alt the time with indi- gestion. 1 most always has a sicken- ing Rauseated feeling right after my meals and many a time I couldn't re- tain anything | had eaten. [ had a painful, gnawing sensation in the pit of my sfomach and felt like my food had lodged there and formed a hard lump. Sometimes the gas would bloat me up until I felt like I would burst, and in spite of all 1 could do I kept getting worse. Many a time have come home from my work so exhausted and sick, that I couldn't eat a bite of supper. 1 was s0 nervous and restless 1 counldn't get any sound sleep and would get up in the morn- ings worn completely out. I never felt like doing anything; in fact, I felt half dead all the time and what little strength I had was getting away from me rapidly. "Finally 1Just had to surrender to my troubles and the day I took my first dose of Tanlac I had been away from my work for three solid weeks. All the 'boys down at the shop had been begging me to try Tanlac so 1 got my wife to go down to the drug store and buy me a bottle, and I have never gotten more for my money in my life. I believe the very first -dose made me feel better and before I finished my first bottle I had started back to work, carrying a little bottle of Tanlac in my dinner pail ev- at Jay 50 I wouldn't miss a dose. 1 pt on working every day and im- proving rapidly, and since taking my third bottle I'm thankful to say I don't feel a touch of either stomach trouble or indigestion, never had a better appetite and never got more enjoyment out of eating than I do now. I'm simply feeling a thousand times stronger and better and my wife says she hasn't seen me looking so well in years. I have taken a good many different. kinds of medi- cine in my life but Tanlac has got them all beat and [ can certainly re- commend it to everybody." Tanlac is sold in Kingston by A. P. Chown. ----Advt. ee Hair Often Ruined By Careless Washing If you want to keep your hair Toor ing its best, be careful what you wash it with, Don't use prepared sham- poos or anything else that contains too much alkali. This dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle, and ruins it. The best thing for steady use is Just ordinary mulsified cocoanut oil (which is pure and greaseless), and is bétter than anything else you can use. One or two teaspoonTuls will cleanse the hair and scalp thorough. ly. Simply moisten the hair with water and rub it in. . It makes an abundance of rich, creamy lather, - which rinses out easily, removing every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and excessive oil. The. hair dries quickly and evenly, and it leaves the scalp soft, and the hair fine and silky, bright, "lustrous, flully and easy to manage. : You can get mulsified cocoanut oil at any pharmacy, it'sivery cheap, and a few ounces will ply every mem- ber of the family for months. A, z i= i 2 & -~ i 3" Hd | nurse<intraining, Kingston, Told In wilight Fl aa sasaanaas Bastiat loss . . . ons and Mrs. Moose Sask., and Miss Katie Rotters, are vis- iting their parents and other friends at Gananoque, Miss Drummond, Kingston, is the | guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bulloch, Gananoque. Dr. James I. Rogers, Hamilton, has {arrived to spend a few weeks with his family on White Calf Island. Miss Edith Macdonald, "Blink- bonnie," Gananoque lert on Saturday to visit friends in Oshawa. Miss Violet Burleigh, Kingston, was the guest of Miss Leonora Jack- son, "Gananoque, for a week, Miss Marie and Master J. H. Whelan, Westport, left on Tuesday for Kinston. Mr, and Mrs, Henry Joseph en- tertain at dinner on Wednesday at the Algonquin, St. Andrew's-on-the- Sea, in- honor of Lady Blanche and Lady Maude Cavendish, who are vis- {ting Lord and Lady Shaughnessy at "The Fort." R. I. Rotters, - ' - Miss Vera Leslie has left for her home in Toronto after a pleasant visit with relatives in Kingston, Clayton, N.Y., Ogdensburg, N.Y. and Brockville: = Mr. andMrs. R.' T. Dunlop, New York, are the guests of Mrs, F. Taylor, Rideau street. Mrs, Odell, Ottawa, is visiting her sister, Mm. H, D. Bibby, Barrie street. Mrs, H. Casey is with her daugh- ter, Mrs. R. J. Carson, "Romilly House" for the next few months. Miss Norma Elmer, Bagot street, is now the guest of Mrs. Maitland Newman, Toronto. Mrs. Richard Elmer and Mrs. Mal- colm J. Gibson and children have taken a cottage at Point Vivian for the remainder of the summer, Mr. and Mrs. N. B, Hamm Bath, intend leaving for Denver, Colorado, on Friday, Aug, 17th, to visit their son Dr. A. 8. Hamm, - - » Mrs. Patterson, Kingston, Is the guest of her daughter, Mrs, H. Leg- gett, Westport. . Mr. and Mrs. Frank ' MoCann, Kingston, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. F. McCann, Westport, Rev, H. H, Bedford-Jones, Brock- ville, joined Mrs, Bedford-Jones and family at Ganfiinoque. Mrs, William James Reid, Ganan- oque spent the week-end in the city the guest of Mrs, Walter J. Plewes and her son, Sterling H. Reid, Wil- liam street. Miss Jean Graham, Paris, Ont, visiting the Misses Chadwick, Divis- fon street. Dr. Herbert Tandy, Toronto, has 'been the guest of his sister, Mrs. A. R. B. Williamson for the past few days. Mrs. T" A. Keyes and daughter, Gwendolyn, Colebrook, are visiting Mrs, Sydney Smith, at her summer home up the Gatineau, * . * At London the marriage was cele- brated on Saturday of Col. D. T. Ho- garth, Port Arthur, director of a Supply Transport, to Margaret Pat- erson, Winnipeg. The bride was given away by her uncle, Lieut -Col. Snider. Miss Lois Saunders is spending some weeks with Dr. and Mrs. Por- teous at their summer home. Miss Margaret Creelman, Guelph, is expected this week to visit 'Miss Dorothy Caown, '"'Sunnyside." Mr. and Mrs J. M. Hughes, Uni- versity avenue, motored to Portland on Saturday and spent the week-end! with friends there, Mrs. N. P, Wheeler, Olfava, is spending this week in town with Mrs. Ashby, Willlam Street. Mrs. R. C. Carter, West street, entertained informally at the tea hour on Mon afternoon. Mr: and Mrs. Frank Cooke and son, Oldacre, Chicago, and also Rev. A, Qooke, Barriefield, left yesterday for Ottawa. Geoffrey O'Hara, New York, is the guest of his sister, Mrs. Arthur Craig, Collins Bay. 'Miss Ada Birch, Bagot street, and| islands. Miss Helen Eames, Binghamton, N. Y., are successfully conducting a tea- room at the Thousand Golt Club, Thousand Island Park, N.Y, Capt. and Mre, Jobn Aird, little Mies Helen, have spending a fow days with Major and Mrs. D. B. Mundell, Brock street., Miss Molly McBride, Montreal, is the guest of the Misses 'Kent, King 'H. E. &* past two weeks the guest of Mrs. J. Holland, Clergy street. Mr. and Mrs. Cooke and Miss Fen- wick, Earl street, have returned from a motor trip to Toronto where they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ev- 'erett Wilson, Miss T. Gallagher, King street, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs, T. Collins, Belleville, Mrs. George Keyes and daughter, Madeline, Winnipeg, are guests of her sister-in-law, Mrs Arthur Day, "Spruce Lawn," Bath Road. : 8. V. Adams and Mrs. J. M. Sher- lock, who moto from Toronto last week and were the guests of Mrs. F. H. Taylor, Rideau street, returned to Toronto on Tuesday taking with them Mrs. Adams and baby daughter, Lorna, who has been in town for the last month. > Miss Nan MacPherson, Toronto, is with Miss Nellie Creighton at the Warden's Residence, » . Miss Maxine Morris, who has been visiting Miss Isabelle Waldron, left on Monday for Gananoque whete she will be the guest of Miss Murion Macdonald. Master Walton Smith, whe 'has been the guest of his aunt, Mrs. Bux- ton Smith, left early in the week for his home in Monjreal, Miss Millie Ferris is spending a fe wdays at CoHins Bay with Mrs. Richardson and Mrs. Arthur Craig. Mrs. K, N. Fenwick, King street, is leaving to-day for Ottawa for a short visit. Mrs, Dawson, Montreal, who has been visiting Miss Alice King re- turned home this week. » Mrs. Mitchell, Brooklyn, who is spending the summer at Mrs, Clarke's, Collins Bay, is a guest in town this week. Miss Jean Duff is spending this week in Brockville with Miss Mil- dred Jones, "Rockford." The weekly tea is being held at the Yacht Club this afternoon and a dance has been arranged for this evening, Mr. and Mrs. 'A, J. Reid, Toronto, are spending a few days in town. Mrs, F. C. T. O'Hara and Miss Marion, Ottawa, who have been visit- ing in Belleville are spending a few days with Mrs. Robert O'Hara, Union steret. Miss G. Roi, Montreal, is the guest of Miss Loretta Swift, King street. . . » Mrs. F. Z. Babcock and daughter frene, Orillia, who bave been visit- ing Mrs. Norman Smith, Alfred steret, and Rev, J. D. and Mrs. Ellis at their cottage at Sydenham Lake, leave to-morrow for Toronto where they 'will remain until after the Ex- hibition before returning home. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Mattice left yesterday for Cornwall after spend- ing a few days with friends here. Miss de St. Remi, Portsmouth, has returned home after two delightful months with relatives in the States. Miss Jessie Smith, "The Welling- ton", returned to town yesterday af- ter a couple of weeks with Miss Agnes Richardson, "Fettercairn." | Mr. and Mrs. James Craig, Earl street, left yesterday for Toronto. . Mr. and Mrs, R., Waldron, Miss Carrie and Miss Ethel Waldron are expected home to-morrow from Oquenquit, Mainé. Mrs. J. L. Whiting, Clergy street, is leaving this week for Lake of Bays, Muskoka, to spend a month. Miss M. A. Shaw, Clergy stréet, is leaving to-day to spend a week at Mrs, Clarke's, Collins Bay. Mrs. Ernest Malone and childfen arrived from Ottawa to spend some time with Mrs. Malone's © mother, Mrs. J. BE. Reid, Bari street. guest of her sister, Lambert, Clergy street. Miss "Kats Fraser ia here from Ot- tawa this week té visit her sisters, the Misses Fraser, Barrie street. Mrs, Thomas - - . - Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Milne, West Toronto, have returned home after spending the past ten days with the latters parents,' Mr. and Mrs, Mat- thew Spratt, Enterprise, Miss Edna McCartney, University avenue, is visiting Miss Edith Prus- Sate. Syderham. and Mrs. mn BoRevite ate. Be Helleville, are taking a few days' hoMdays at the Thousand Rstunde. Murphy, Brockville, je on a visit to Kingston. Mrs. Enoch Godwin visiting mn Brockville has returned 2. Mrs. BE. Woodman, Earl aug Mee. WW. Teste, Wolfe Yelond, on Mon Saskatchewan and other Dor atchenun | tended visit, ] AE "Miss Conatande Nesbitt, nurse-in- {hating af th aioe Nestits, gene. 'Helen I. Gale and Miss Nel- Atiaws, Who have heen 1 Summer school, Toft for Brine PB Lg i. a= Me dnd Mrs. J. B. Carruthers wn- engagement of "charge at Point St. Charles, Miss M. A. Walsh, Cobourg, is they '} spent the week-end with Is FOR CONSCRIPTION | ONLY AS LAST RESORT Government Led by a Man Elected by People. Renfrew, Aug. 15.--Addressing a large number of his constituents at a picnic held at Douglas, Hon. George Government's peculiar recruiting methods in Quebec enlistments in that Province would compare rav ably with those of any other portio of the Dominion. Mr. Graham op- poses an extension of Parliament, and believes that with a new Govern- ment led by a man in, whom a ma- there will bé no need of conscription. He had voted for conscription in Par- liament. only to be used as a last re- sort. the people to have an opportunity to say who shall be at the head of it. Referring to the Government's action in connection with the Canadian Nor- thern Railway, Mr. Graham wonder- ed why that company could not live up to the agreement made with the 'Government in 1914. DEMGHTFU L GARDEN PARTY. Collins Bay Was the Scene of a Big Patriotic Event. On the beautiful -grounds at the home of Stephen Fairfield, on the Hon. George P. Graham Wants jority of the people have confidence iH Bath Road. a most delightful lawn social was held on Tuesday. evening. The event was under the auspices of the Bay View Women's Institute, Collins Bay. It was featured by ad- dresses from Capt. Edwin A, Baker and Elmer Davis. Both showed the value of the Red Cross Society and the duty it is of everyone to carry on such work. The ladies in charge of the arrangements were Mrs. C. H. Nicholson, president; Miss Mabel Fairfield, secretary, assisted by the convenors of the various com- mittees as follows: Home-made booth, Mrs. G. E. Saundercook, Mrs. J. B. Fairfield; ice cream booth, Miss Ina Miller, Miss Roxie Frink, Miss Beatrice Fairfield. A Vietrola loaded by Mrs. Reid of Collins Bay furnished delightful music. S.A. BAND AT CORNWALL The Organization Has Seat Fifteen Men to Froat. Cornwell], Aug, 15--Thd silver band of No. 2 Corps of the Salvation Army, Point St. Charles, Montreal, visited Cornwall over the week-end and assisted the local corps by put- ting on open, air and inside band concents; before large audiences, The band was under the leadership of Dave Puttick, who has been at the front and returned wounded, as have also two other members of the band. Al told, the band of Neo. 2 Corps sent fifteen members to the front, and the depletion in the ranks has been partially made up by a num- ber of boy scouts and girl guides. Ensign George P. Goodhew, how in 5 a former. officer of the army here. Sergt.-Major Whelan, of Montreal, was also present and his appeal for funds was liberally responded to. Harrowsmith Personals. Harrowsmith, Aug. 13. --Miss Maud Patterson, of "Winnipeg, is home on a six weeks' holiday with friends. Miss Grace Thompson has returned home from Napanee after two weeks' holidays. James Lewis, of Wilton, agcompanied by his bro- ther," Parker Lewis, of Chicago, call- ed on friends on Sunday afternoon last. ' Mrs. A. W. Stewart and daughter spent Saturday in Kingston. Miss | SOS E. M. Clow spent a few days last week with Miss Gladys Knapp. Miss Muriel Stewart is spending a few days in Kingston. Miss Flora B. Stewart, Kingston, friends. Miss Sybil Thompson has returned home from Kingston. Miss Ethel 'Baxter, Pittsburg, returned home on Sunday after spending two weoks with her grand-parents. Mrs. -J. Baxter and family spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Davis. W. J. Shibley, Guelph, was Shibley Bradshaw, Kingston, spent Sunday at home. Nr. and Mrs, E. E. Day spent the week-end with friends in Belleville. Rey, E. Buck, Kansas, is visiting his father. Fifty-two Pound Maskinonge! Brockville, Aug. 14.--The largest maskinonge, so far as known, to be taken from fhe St. Lawrence river Carpentét, Morristown, at ona Man's Island, op- Brockville. The fish tipped "scales at fifty-two pounds and measured five feet nine inches in {ength. It was caught with a spoon * | troll, ro which had been tied [dhe dla piece of red flannel. Cobourg Officer Promoted. bourg, 15. Stewart Cra. on on and Nive. RJ. Cpais of this Sad the Military Cro ted in the at J. D. Shibley's for a few days, |Twin +o} P. Graham declared that but for .the | Jil While not opposed to a coali-| {Hl tion Government, Mr. Graham wants | |} A WONDERFUL ONE DAY SALE sen BRIMFULL OF SENSA- TIONAL BARGAINS The values offered tomorrow at "The Woman's Store of King- ston' are such that will astonish and delight even the most sophisti. cated bargain-wise woman. Sale Hours, 9 to 6 O'clock. SHOP EARLY -- As in many cases the quantities are limited. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY -- For a few of the many "Dollar Day" Bargains. * WE REFUND "' on every purchase amounting to ten dollars or You "a dol Trellis, Flower Borders, Railings, Gates, Wire Guards, Baskets and every description of wire goods manu- factured by Partridge & Sons. Crescent Wire Works, Kingston. Phone 380. MARRIED IN ELGIN Miss Sly Became the Wife of RB. P. Mills, Eganville, & Bigin, Aug. 13--A very pretty wedding was solemnized on Aug. Sth in St. Paul's church, when Wilhel- mina Sly, B.A., second daughter of Mr, and Mrs. 'W. H, Sly, Elgin, was united in marriage to R.. P. Mills, eldest son of Mr, and Mrs. Alexander Mills, Eganville. The bride entered the church to the strains of Mendell- sohns Wedding March, played by her aunt, Mrs, A. C. Dial. Her gown was of white Liberty satin, with a court train and trimmed with seed pean, She Wore the orange blos- word by her mother on her wedding day. She carried a heauti- ful boquet of white roses. The bride was al by Luella Traves, B.A, who prettily gowned in blue crepe black picture at ahd car- red pl. roses. The groom was at- ed by J. W. Milligan, Ottawa. The church was beautifully decorated by the Altar Guild of St. Pauls church, After the ceremony, dainty dinner was served at the Lome of the bride's parents, after which Mr. and Mrs, Mills left for sev. weeks stay at Highland Tan, Park. The bride travelled in a suit of melon-colored jersey . trimmed (with and wore | a black hat with touches of copen-} hagen. Among the guests from a| distance were Miss Jean Campbell, Ottawa; Miss Margaret Surgenor, Ot- tawa; Mrs. Walsingham Moore, Gan- anoque and Cyril Moore, Peterboro. . BATTERSEA IS HONORED, "With Three Preachers at Sunday Evening Service. Battorses, Aug. 13.--The Ladies' Aid Society met at the home of Mrs. CARPETS. -- CURTAINS FURNITURE We are always on the look out for some- thing new -- something a little better value" than the last. Our stock is very large and well select- ed, great care being taken as to value. In some cases our retail prices are below the cost of the goods, Hk toda Select now while our stock is large: We yl store your purchases until you require em. Lu HARRISON COMPANY Lh of Ee | Do you realize what a piano player in our home will mean to the entire family? very single one of you from father down will Sei Bleasure from ie than could not possibly a m an ordinary piano. You don't have to know how to play to _ enjoy the beautiful music you can get out of our New Scale Williams Player Piano. ; 'Men' Goodyear Welt Low ig ie ve Regular $5.00 and » To Clear at $2.50 Ack CK JOHNSTON'S SHOE 70 Brock Sree, STORE, Sad

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