TT Tp News From Eastern Ontario | Simin) NEWS. FROM THE DISTRICT CLIPPED FROM THE WHIGSH MANY BRIGHT EX¢HANGES. In Brief Form the Events In The Country About Kingston Are Told ~Full of Interest to Many. Belleville gas is advanced $1.25 per thousand to $1.45. Major Macdowell, V.C., arrived at Brockville without notice and side- tracked a civi¢ reception, E15 The death took place at Belleville on Tuesday of George Lee, aged six years. Death was due to diptheria. . Hester Green, widow of Eb- Green, died Monday at her home at Stirling at the age of eighty years, from Mrs. Ann Woods, Latta, died Sun- day at the 'age of eighty-five years She leaves two sons and three daughters. Charles Wesley Bacon, Belleville, died Monday miorning in his seventy- fifth year. He was before retire- ment a well-known and prosperous farmer. George Francis Bartlett 'Russel, (Rednersville, died on Saturday in his seveniy-sixth year at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Johns Wilson, Rawdon. : Miss Olive Myrtle Burnham, Yonge Mills, only daughter of the late Burrell and Mrs. Burshant passed peacefully away on Sunday last. , Mrs. Allen Bowers, Brockville, passed away Sunday at the resi- dence of hier daughter, Mrs. Rachel Henderson, at the advanced age of seventy-eight. Isaac Barlow, Havelock, interested in garden work has been growing some exceptionally large gooseber- ries, which measured three and four inches in circumstance The condition of Mrs. Bean, Con- secon, a patient in Cobourg hospital, suffering from injuries received while escaping from the flames of her burn- ing home, is very serious, 'Harriett Cook, widow of the late Richard 8. Cook, Shannonville, died on Tuesday in [Prenton at the home of her son, Melbourne Cook. Mrs. Cook has been ill since December, Hugh Billings, Royal Flying Corps, whose home fs in Billings Bridge, and who has scores gf friends in Brockville and vicinity, has been made a prisoner and is now &eld in 'Germany Major George H. Johnson, for- tmerly chief engineer for McLachlin Bros, Amprior, has been promoted to the rank of lieutemant-colonel. He is in charge of forestry operations iny France, A grafty midsummer wetting was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kerr, Thomasburg, on Aug. 1st, when their daugtter, Mury Helena became the bride of Harper R. Broad, Cooper. James Henderson is wanted by the Brockville police on charges of forg- ery and fraud alleged to have been committed during the week-end. Henderson is a deserter from the Canadian Mounted Rifles. Angus William Fraser, K.C., Oi- # tawa lawyer, foremost temperance advocate, and representative citizen. member of the law firm of Perkins, Fraser and McCormick, died in the Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal, after undergoing an operation. Suffering from burns about the thigh, afm and neck, lttle three- year-old. Hazel Valcour, daughter of Nr. and Mrs. Willlam Valeour, TT Brockville, is a patient in hospital as a result of playing with matches. Miss Irene Aherne, M.A., a mem- ber of the editorial' staff of the Belleville Ontario has resigned and left for Smith's Falls. After vaca- tion she will enter upon a year's course at Boston as specialist in teaching of deaf. Edward McLennan, Neville, Sask., passed away at St. Vincent de Paul Hospital, Brockville, on Saturday at the age of fifty-seven years. The deceased, born at South Gower, was visiting his daughter, Mrs. Clinton Bush, Mille Roche, whén~he was taken ill. - (From Our Own Correspondent) 15.--Grace Sunday School orchestra went to Inverary on Mon- day evening to furnish music at an entertainment in that village. The steamer Missisquoi had fair patronage on her trip to Kingston yesterday morning. Senator and Mrs. Taylor, who in company with Mrs, Taylor's mother have been spending the past few days in town, left at moon yesterday for the Capital. Miss Nellie Lake, formerly of the staff of the looal public schools, who has been located for tne past few years on the staff of the public school at Sudbury, 1s spending part of her vacation here with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Schuyler Lake, Garden street, Mrs. John Mallory, Brockville, spent some time during the past few days in town guest of her brother, Frank Shurtliff, Charles street. Mr, and Mre, William Ward and family of Montreal have arrived in town for a visit /with Mrs. Ward's parents, Mz. and 'Mrs, James McKel- laf, Garden street. Mrs, George Lucy and little daugh- ter Miss Dorothea Lucy of Collins Bay are spending a short time in town with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Wheeler, . Charles street. Miss Mabel Walker, Charles street, left for Trenton on Monday for a visit with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. William V. Webster. THE DAILY HIGH HONORS FOR 21ST TRANSPORTS Won Cup Sergt. W .G. McCullagh Gets Silver Cup. Letters received in the city show that the 21st Battalion transporis have heen carrying off high honors. In 4 recent competition transports won a cup for the best kept horses | and transports, and this is, Indeed, a very high honor, and coming as it does to a local battalion citizens will he greatly pleased. Letters also state that Transport Sergt.: W. G. McCullagh, son of Samuel McCullagh, of the Armour- fes, was the recipient of a handsome silver case, on which his name was engraved, from the brigade general. The 21st Battalion transports are "Somewhere in France." THE CARTOONS OF THE WAR Interesting Address to Queen's Stu- dents by Prof, J. F. Macdonald. Prof. J. F. Macdonald charmed the members of Queen's University Summer School on Tuesday afternoon with his address on the. cartoons of the war, In a few introductory remarks Prof. Macdonald commented on the importance that cartoons exert in the moulding of public opinion and stated that often a cartoon with an inspiring message would mean just as much to an ordinary person as a well written editorfal. Both are powerful forces influencing the opin- fons of rich and poor; -of high and Iow, of educated and uneducated. On a screen the speaker showed a number of the best cartoons which he had 'had transferred to slides. His collection is adequate and shows clearly the changes that have come as a result of the war. Louis Rae- makers, the Dutch cartoonist, who has pictured 'with horrible reality of crueties perpetrated by the Ger- in Belgium; Bairnsfather, the British army captain who has shown the English Tommy in typical moods and has brought joy to the hearts of thousands through the excruiatingls funny "Fragments From France" and the efforts of other well known cartoonisth were shown. PRIZE WINNERS ANNOUNCED In the Field Crop Competition of the Kingston Industrial Fair, The following members of the Kingston Industrial Exhibition are John G. McCarney, of Ogdensburg, N.Y, is visiting here with his par-| ents, Mr, and Mrs. Neil McCarney, at! the Provincial Hotel. Gananoqué is celebrating her civie! holiday to-day and the various manu-" facturing establishments and mer- cantile concerns are observing the holiday, Alexander Amo, jr., of Syracuse, N.Y, is fn town for a few days visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adex- ander Amo, sr., Wellingten wire Mrs. Peter Amo, Buffalo, N.Y, and! son and daughter-in-law, Mr; and Mrs. William Amo, accompanied by the family, are spending a holiday outing at Landom's cottage, about a mile west of the town. Death of an Ex-M.P.P. Deseronto, Aug. 15.--Amos Rich- ardson, ex-M.P.P, for Bast Hastings, died at Deseronto on Tuesday. De- ceased, advanced in years, had been in failing health. He had been prominent in municipal politics, having served as -reeve and mayor of Deseronto. In June, 1908, he was elected M.P.P. for East Hast- ings, "amd proved a valuable mem- ber. He was a Conservative and member of the Methodist church. Silver and Cut Glass QUALITY AND VARIETY GO HAND 1 SILVER AND OUT GLASS ROOMS: GIFTS THE SELECTING IS MADE EASY AND YOUR POCKET ¥ Rodger, BOOK IS NOT OVER R "Where the Clock is on the HAND IN OUR FOR SUMMER BRIDAL Walk," 182 Princess Street. "prizes: |\Wood, Barriefield, | Brooklyn, N,Y., came 'to Kingston, Prize winnérs in the field crop com- petition of five acres of white oats, held in conjunction with, Kingston Industrial Exhibition an in which $76 was__ distributed in James Hen n, R.R. No. 1, Kingston, 90 points, $20; 2nd, James Baxter, R.R, No. 1, Kingston, 89% points, $15; 3rd, W. H. Mec- Adoo, Kingston Mills, 86% points, $12; 4th, Arthur Day, Portsmouth, R.R., 86 points, $10; 5ta, Joseph 85 points, $8; 6th, J. 8. Sibbitt, R.R. No. 1, Kings- ton, 84% points, $6; 7th, J. L. PF. Sproule, Westbrook, 83% points, $4. The result of this contest 'is in- deed, a credit to the farmers of Fron- tenac County. dt is just deubtful if throughout Ontario there is anotler township that could do so well, And still, this is but a side line showing what good can be accomplished hy having a fair in our midst: mete ---- ANXIOUS TO DO HIS "BIT" Ralph Blomley Made Trip From Brooklyn, N.Y. and Signed up. Ralph Blomley, aged 21 years, of tio sign up for overseas. He is a relative of Col. George Huater, and has signed up for service with the Forestry Battalion. He is very anx- fous to get to the front as speedily as possible, to do his "Dit". His father, a sugar merchant, in Brook- lyn, is a native of England. The son has spent some time in Cuba, Jooking after business for his father, amd was there during the recent uprising and guarded his father's property with & shotgun, while stationed on top of his sugar factory. He has had considerable experience in the mil- ita." He is a fine specimen of man- hood, and will make a splendid re- cruit, Don't Fail ' Thursday, See What We Have to Offer. We can save | We are showing' oils ; Rs Showing some smart siyles in fal ; ~ Suits at . To attend our big DOLLAR DAY on Aug. 16th. Ti NT TY The steamer Kingston passed up from Prescott to Toronto at 5.15 on esday. * ot Tuesday and cleared =~ W. M. Egan, repairs, in Compstition--| '| fered concussion of the brain. » was picked up. measures necessary to the 4. This proclamation will in ano! BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1917. RY Late Msg. J. A Cunningham. About half past' eight o'clock on , Tuesday evening Mrs. J. A. Cunning- ham, passed away. The late Mrs. Cunningham fell down stairs in her home at 23 Brock street on Friday morning last and as a result suf- She was taken to the Hotel Dieu Hos- pital and for over one hundred hours lay in the ward and never regained consciousness from the moment she The late Mrs. Cunningham was born in Brockville fifty years ago and was the wife of J. A. Cunning- ham, proprietor of "Beefsteak"" Jack's restaurant who is now serfous- iy ill INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Local Notes. and Iteies Of Genera) Interest. Canadian Locomotive stock, com- mon, continues at 62. Miss Dorothy Day and Miss Irene Graham, Guelph, are the guests of Miss Annie Gow, Lower Union street. Vincent Ecoles, 68 Princess street, wheelsman on the tug Magnolia, is Amproving steadily following the fracturevof his Hand on Friday last. Everything was exveedingly quite in Police Cougt circles on Wednes- day morning. s there was no ses- sion, Mayor Hughes, the acting mag- istrate had an off day. Mrs. Beaupre was removed from the home of James Shortt, Ports- mouth, on Tuesday afternoon in S. S. Corbett's motor ambulance to the Hotel Dieu with a paralytic stroke. A steel cruiser of coast defence de- sign passed down en route to the ocean shortly after eight o'clock on Wednesday The vessel at- tracted quite a lot of attention among marine men. James Hanley, customs officer, has received a letter from his son, Capt. George Hanley, R.A.M.C., who is now in Italy. with the British forces. Captain Hanley says that the troops receive a great welcome from the Italians. Dr. William Spankie, reeve of Wolfe Island, is trying to make ar- rangements for the lease of the old Folger wharf at the foot of Brock street, and it is- more than likely that he will succeed. It will make an ideal landing place for Wolfe Is- landers. The funeral service for the late Patrick McGrane was conducted on Wednesday morning in R. J. Reid's chapel by Canon Fitzgerald. The service was attended by a number of veterans. Interment was made in Cataraqui cemetery, YOUNG ENGINEER Queen's Man Electrocuted While Examining High- power Switchboards. Engineer Harry Dallyn, of the Hy- dro Commission, a Queen's graduate in electrical engineering stationed in Sarnia installing the Hydro for the past few months, was @lectrocuted on Tuesday while making an exam- ination of one of the . high-power switchboards. The man was caught by fellow-workmen who saw him fall, and medical assistance was called, but although a pulmotor was used for three hours, doctors could do nothing. Engineer Dallyn was twenty-six years of age. He was ed- ucated at St. Thomas Collegiate In- stitute, in which. city his parents re- side. CAPT. FREEMAN WAS ILL. Contracted Bronchial Pnenmonia and Was in Hospital. > * Capt, J. E. Freeman, officer com- manding Kingston Forestry Draft, writes as follows from Smith's Lawn, Suniiingdale, Berks, England, - to Sergt.-Major Beale, Chief Recrui: ing Office staff here: ¥ "We arivéd fn' Bagland all" 0.K., but F had a little 'misfortune in tak- ing a bad colt and 1 got bronchial pneumonia and had to go to hospital for three weeks. | am quite all right again now, only pretty weak. P 'We are 'hére at the base yet, no PAL peace many. They know they badly, but they are dying a 'death. I think we will be here: their funeral, and that will be a py day for us all." » Making Havoc of Trees. with. commendable promp- yor Hughes has issued a proclamation to the citizens in re- gard to the Tussock moth and the exterminate be found column of to-day's paper, and if the advice give is acted n, § i Ie 4 i I f 0 ] § : I i js be restricted if not destroyed. Mény this plague, which is now. havoc of trees and other foliage, gan 1 Ihe inant, trees along King, Awenty years jttering or publishing statements dis- ed to 298 deaths. tion of wealth to pay for the war ahd the exemption of the earnings of the hation's workers are urged in a re- port to the Senate yesterday by three members of the Finance Committee, who disagree with the revenue rais- ing methods proposed in the pending Lafollette, Gore Colorado, asserts that' the sum the committee bill proposes to raise is only half enough to meet Govérn- mental needs for the present fiscal Year. gare of loans to the allies and interest n KILLED AT SARNIA 'raise more than $13,000,000,000 this year. yights of mankind." PUBLIC SENTIMENT He : Bills Introduced at Washing- ton Show Tendency to Curb Hun Activities. Washington, Aug. 15.--Publica- tion of war news and comment on in- ternational or political questions af- fecting the war in German or other foreign language newspapers unless aceempanied by a parallel column with a true and correct translation in English, would be forbidden by a bill introduced yesterday by Senator King. Deportation or internment for .citi- zens naturalized within the last found guilty of loyal to the United States or tending to incite sedition or insurrection, is proposed in another bill introduced by Senator King. The attorney-gen- eral would be instructed to hring suits against such persons to cancel naturalization papers. FOOD SUPPLIES SCARCE Hamburg © Soup Kitdhiens Feed 180,000 Pesidents, Copenhagen, Aug. 15.--Moré than 180,000 residents of Hamburg are row being fed in the municipal soup kitchens, owing to the difficulty of AGAINST HYPHENATES|? + HAY SUPPLY FOR ; YEAR IS ASSURED. Ottawa, Aug. 15.--The Con- servation Commission announc- es that the hay crop this sea- son is phenomenal, the barns throughout the country being packed with timothy, It is estimated 'that there is a supply. in Canada sufficient for the demands of this year and part of next. The com- mission points to-the fact that farmers should devote more attention and more acreage to the raising of wheat and rye, owing to the shortage of food for human consumption. Phd | PPP PRFPREP IPE ra de rb bbbb bbb bbb bbb ibate AUSTRIAN VESSELS BOUGHT ! & il. 50,915 Tons. New York, Aug. 15.--Right of the Aubtridn steamships which were in- terned in ports of this country, Ar- gentina and Cuba have been bdught for $12,000,000 by the Kerr Naviga- tion Company of 17 Battery place. The vessels have an aggregate dead- welght tonnage of 50,915 tons, the biggest being 8,100 tons and the T bX |'T FT 8S. Firm Pays $12,000,000 for | For Sale at COLLEGE ROOK STORE. HERAPION Sot HERAPION % HERAPION SOLD BY LEADING CHEMISTS, PRICE IN EXGLAND, 2 address envelope, age & symptoms for om suitability in your case. No' follow up' LECLERC Mad. Co. HAVERSTOCK RD. N.W SEE THAT TRADE MARKED WOKD ' THERAFION * 1S ON nt. GOVT. STAMP AFFIXED TO ALL GENUINE PACKETS ""Ranks with the Strongest' HUDSON BAY Insurance Company FIRE INSURANCE Hed Ofc, Sas agrees Bids. PERCY J. QUINN, Manager, Ontario Branch, Toronto W. H. GODWIN & SONS AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. ¢ smallest 4,805 tons. obtaining tood supplies for individual} households. The number has fallen off somewhat, now that fresh vege- tables are obtainable, it having reached the maximum ig April, May and June when betwee 230,000 and 240,000 persons visitéa ithe kitchens daily for their meals. It is expected that the number will in- crease again considerably during the coming winter. The above figures do not take into consideration the school! kitchens where a mid-day meal is supplied for pupils, nor the fantéens main tained at many factories and in the shipyards. The summer vegetable season has slightly decreased the death rate, which during the first week of June was 49 per cent. higher than the birth rate, 200 births being record- ONLY MEETS HALF NEED, Minority Report Calls for Double| Original Estimate. Washington, Aug. 165.--Conscrip- CROWN CAFE", Saturday, Aug. 18th, 11 a.m. BEST PLACE, GOOD SERVICE 203 Princess Street, Next to King Edward Theatre. Will be Open Daily from 7 a.m. to 2 a.m. Phone 2169. or PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM, Visit This Dairy and Decide for Yourself. «-- Satisfaction Guaranteed. Official Test by H. B. Smith, Milk test. ed 3.2 Butter Fat, 24 JOHNSON STREET Phone 2083 2,066,970,000 war tax bill, The report, signed by Senators and Thomas, of The report says that to take bond issues this - country must TO PROMOTE GOODWILL. Come as Allies, ou A Pacific Port, Aug. 15.--In a Ishii, head of the Imperial Japanese (| mission to the United States declar-{}| tives of Japan on a mission of friend- ship and goodwill. We come to youll rades in a gigantic struggle which involves the liberties and sacred TRUMPETS DREW NO CROWD ¥ Famous Band Played in Berlin to Celebrate Galician Victories. . London, Aug, 15.--it is reported in an Exchange Telegraph despatch from Amsterdam that, in response to a command of Emperor William, the famous band of Yobleck Trumpeters played yesterday in the tower of the Berlin Town Hall in celebration of the victories in Galicia. The news- papers say the attendance was small, and that the concert probably will be the last of the kind during the war. BRITISH PUSH GERMANS Back Across Steenbéke River and \ Re-establish Line, British Front in France and Bel- glum, Aug. 15.---British forces yes terday attacked the German positions on a small section of the Belgian front and pushed the German posts back adross the Steenbeke River cast of the Ypres-Thourout Railway. = The British re-established their line on the eastern side of the river. Beautiful New Stock to Choose From Prevost, Brock street, has an extra fine assortment of tweed, cheviots and serge, blue and black, for the order department. "His ready-made cloth and get's. raishing never / better assorted. Extra low prices. The German military authorities have confiscated crops on Germag irtation of land is probibited. Ten years' imprisonment was the. imposd that town last July. sh casualties during the two weeks of August totalled A St. Alban's School, Brockville A BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS A. G. M. Mainwaring, M.A, School Reopens September 11th, 1917 For Prospectus, Apply to the Headmaster, Headmaster: Viscount, Ishii Declares Countrymen i speech at the city hall here Viscount |i "We are here as the representa- || as alfies in a common: cause--as com-||i The Wilhelmina 242 Mountain Street, Montreal, Que. Quiet, cool, niry rooms, TSc up per day. Ownership manage. ment. lixcellent garage accommodation for moter parties. Tele. phone npiown, 5344. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR CHARM TEA INPACKAGES. Black, Green and Mixed. Packed in King-* ston, by ; GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, Limited. Sot bn the border some between | This $33 or $50 lumbla Grafo