ba, PAGE SIX News From Eastern Ontario - FROM THE DISTRICT CLAPPED FROM THE WHIG'S MANY BRIGHT EXCHANGES, Iv Brief Form the Events: In The Country About Kingston Are Told ~Full of Interest to Many. Frank Mitchell, an employee of | .the National Mfg. Co., Brockville, | was repairing a machine and was | struck in the face with a revolving wrench. His lower jaw was broken. The death occurred - recently at Seattle, Wash., of Prof. Orson Ben- | nett oJhnson. Deceased was mar- ried in 1875 to Miss Mary Purvis, | Mallorytown, who 1st, 19186, Arnprior, James Storie, farmer of | the McNab district, passed away in| the Protestant Gemeral Hospital, Ot- tawa, at the age of fifty-one years. He was taken to Ottawa the previous | day to undergo an operation for ap-| pendicitis. { Miss Elizabeth Campbell passed) away at the home of her sister, Mrs. | R, Oliver, Arnprior, after an illness | of only a few days, Deceased was) a life-long resident of - Araprior; a daughter of the late Archibald Camp-| bell, Rev, John V. McAuley, curate of the Church of the Sacred Heart Pet- erboro, during the past seven years, ' 4has been appointed parish priest at| Ennismore, succeeding Rev, Peter | MeGuire who has resigned on ac-| count of ill-health, rrr To Quickly Remove Ugly Hairs From Face died on August| (Beauty Notes) Beauty-destroying hairs are soon banished from the skin with the aid of a delatone pasté, made by mixing some water with a*little plain pow- dered delatone. This is spread upon the hairy surface for 2 or 3 minutes, then rubbed off and the skin washed to remove the remaining delatone. This simple treatment banishes every trafe of hair and leaves the skin without a blemish. Caution should be used to, be certain it is delatone you buy. ' We Have a Nice gssortment of Pure Corn Syrup In 21b. tins, 5-1b. pails, and 10-1b, pails, which we are for ome week only at the price. E. H. BAKER Cor. Montreal 'and Charles 54, HUDSON BAY Insurance Company FIRB INSURANCE Head Offic SOTA Insurance Bldg. assess, Ovtarls Branch, Forente W. H. GODWIN & SONS AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. ¢ | played NN ) isis he | ow] (From Our Own Correspondent) Gananoque, Aug, 16.--Ganan- oque's civic holiday passed off quite pleasantly yesterday when the Citi- zen's band surpassed themselves in "their efforts to make a pleasant day for the populace, At 10.30 a.m. they gave & concert at the town park and at the same hour a ball game 'was between the local semd-pro- fessional team and the Havana Red Sox, resulting in a win for the lat- ter by a score of 8 to 4. During the early afternpon the band accompan- | ied the local ball team and the Red Sox to the Driving Park where the locals won, by @ score of 4 to 3. At 7.30 p.m. at "Torwoodlea Lawn' the home of Dr. and Mrs, H. A. Parker, | church street, the band gave another Eodtiont open air concert, and gar- len party, followed by dancing from 9 to 12 p.m. During the day tags were disposed of by young ladies for the benefit of the band, resulting in $66 being taken, : Last evening the steamer Thou- | sand Islander took out her fourth searchlight of the season to Alexan dria. Bay, being quite largely pat- ronized, The steamer Belleville was in port with quite large freight ship- ments yesterday and took on comsid- erablle at this port. The local corps of the Salvation Army held 'their annual picnic at the Sand Bar in MeNinch's Grove yes- terday, attracting quite a large crowd, Peter Amo of Buffalo, N.Y., joined Msr. Amo and his son here yesterday for a couple of weeks' outing. FIRE AT PERTH ROAD. Saw Mill of F. Foxton Burned to the Ground. Perth Road, Aug. 14.--Some ex- citement was caused last Tuesday morning, when one of the neigh- bors en route to Perth Road village noticed smoke ascending from the centre of the saw mill owned by F. Foxton. He tried to extinguish the fire by throwing water on it, but it was under too great a headway. Help was summoned, and a number of men soon arrived on the scene. On account of everything being so dry the fire could not be checked, and the building was soon burned to the ground. However, the men were enabled to keep the fire from spreading. Some logs and single timber were burned and some dam- aged. The origin of the fire is ung known. A number from here attended the 12th of August celebration at Bed- ford Mills on Saturday. A number of young peoplé motored to the soclal held on Miles Lake's lawn, Inverary, on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George -MoGillivray left last week for Nova Scotia for a month's visit with his parents. 8. Crdnk renewed acquaintances here recently. Miss M. M. Raymond spent the week-end with friends at Sharbot Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Ritchie, Mrs. - Ferguson and Mrs. William Ritchie were recent guests at Walter Ritchie's. Mrs. J. Ray- mend made a flying trip to Syden- ham on Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith and -Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stonnes, Wilmur, spent an evening of last week at Mr. and Mrs. Ross Guthrie's, Mrs. W. Guth- rie spent a few days of last week with her daughter, Mrs. R. Thomp- QUALITY AND VARIETY re er and Cut Glass GO HAND IN HAND IN OUR SILVER AND OUT GLASS ROOMS. FOR SUMMER BRIDAL _THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 1917. son, Wilmur. Miss Edna Jones, Pine Grove, visited friends here re- cently. Mrs. S. Orser is the gues{ of her son, Sheridan Orser. Mr. and Mrs. 8S. Orser's little daughter, Fern, who has'been guile ill, is much better, Miss Lillian Guthrie spent a gouple 'of weeks with friends at Latimer and Kepler, Mr. and Mrs. William Albason and Mr. and Mrs. B. Harris, of Kingston, visited at H. Babcock's on Saturday and Sunday leyt. The Misses Leta and Alma Barrett, of Sydenham, are spending a few days at Miss Bessie Green's. Miss Nora Bruce, of U:8.A., and her father, Samuel Bruce, are at John Slack's. John Rettan, Sydenham, visited J. Silver's and G. Green's. Little Daisy, Ella and Cliriton Shea, of Alexandra Bay, are visiting their grandfather, John Guthrie. Mr. and Mrs. H, Guthrie, Wilmur, spent Sunday afternoon at Mrs. H. M#Cadden's. Miss Bessie Crawford, of Watertown, N.Y, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Richard Har- ris. The M.L.M. Circle met last week at Mrs. Roy McCammon's, Wilmur, and will meet again August 23rd at Miss Lillian Guthrie's SEELEY'S BAY NEWS, of Mrs, Herbert Halferty in Kingston. Hospital. Seeley's Bay, Aug. 14.--Mrs. Her- bert Halferty died in the Kingston Genéral Hospital last Friday aged thirty-six years. The body was brought to residence-of her father; J. Gamford, here, and the funeral took place last Sunday at 10.30 a.m. at St. Peter's church, the services being conducted by Rev. H. Smith. The church was filled to overflow- ing, many being unable to gain en- trance. After the service the body was taken to St. John's. church church cemetery and interred, Mrs. A. E. Putnam and 'son, Howard, of Athens, are visiting their old home and friends here for a few days. Harry Maynes of Watertown, N.Y., visited friends here last week. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Me- Avoy; a fine daughter on Aug. 1st. Edward C. Brady of Tesier, Sask., is visiting his old home and friends, the first visit in over five years. A. piano, Mr. and Mrs: Richard Maxwell of Detroit, are visiting their old home and friends after several years' ab- sence. Dr. and Mrs. J. Collinson of Port Leyden, N.Y., visited friends here a few days last week. Mrs. Newman of Grand Rapids, Mich., is visiting her sister, Mrs. C. C. Gilbert. J. A. Steacy and daughters last Sunday made a trip to Deseronto in their auto to see the aeroplanes. Threshing commenced in this sec- tion this week and the yield of grain is excellent. Haying and harvest- ing will be all finished in this sec- tion in a few days, Ernie Blackman had his fore finger badly cut a few Death in a mower. KINGSTON BOWLERS WON DEFEATED BELLEVILLE BOWL- ERS BY THIRTY-FOUR PINTS, The Local Bowlers Lost to Belle. ville Ladies--Received Fink Ene tertainment on Their Visit. The Kingston bowlers who want to Belleville on Wednesday were ad- or devotees of the sport. After the games in the afternoon a motor trip arqund the city was provided and t Quinte for dinner. Judge De Roche and Rev. Mr. Smith. made a few remarks in which they wel- comed th Kingston bowlers J. M. Elliott, president of the localix clyb, made a fitting reply in which he thanked Belleville for 'théir kind- ly treatment, In the afternoon Kingston won out "hy sixteen points, Skip Watson de- 'feated Skip Vermilyea by 17 to 15, Bkip C. F. Smith won from Skip Kérr by 16 to 14, Skip Newnan from !Skip Sulman by 16 to 12, Skip Croz- ler from Skip Riggs by 18 to 10, but ' days ago while taking out the knives mirably entertained by their Broth-| guests were taken to the Hptel|< CANNOT ASSOCIATE WITH GER- MANS AT STOCKHOLM Hun Murders Cited--Havelock Wil. son Issues Document on Some Re- cent Piratical Doings: London, Aug. 16.---Havelock Wil- son, president of the National Sea- men's Union, in a statement prepared for the Associated Press, gave the "reasons why British seamen cannot fraternize with Germans at Stock- holm, or anywhere else." The document is an account of re- cent sinkings of British vessels in whizh German submarines fired upon opep boats or otherwise savagely mistreated the hapless crews. It was éxplained 'that no attempt had been made to make a complete list, but that examples had been se- lected more or less haphazardly, to illustrate the reasons for the attitude of the seamen's and firemen's union towards parleys with the enemy. The first instance picked out was the al- ready familiar case of the British ship Belgian Prince,. The statement says: "The Belgian Prince was sunk by a submarine July 31st; The lifeboats were broken up by the Germans and the survivors were thrown into the sea after being deprived of their life- belts. Forty men were drowned. "The British steamship Xildale was sunk April 12th. Fifteensshells were fired at the boats while they were pulling clear of the ship, killing one Seaman. : "The British steamship Westmin- ster was sunk December 14th. boats wre severely shelled by the ing killed. ine's guns were turned on the boats, master, steward and three others, and seriously injuring the second officer. sunk June 15th, fired on the master's boat, eight men. After the boat had been about in the water, the submarine again fired shrapnel shells at them." Do Not Contemplate Endowment. tor): | Since the matter has been 'given somé prominence it seems necessary to state that Queen's Sum- mer School students do not contem- plate raising an endowment, It may interest your readers, how- hgve something unique in an organ- ization to advertise the Summer School, and hence, the University. So far as we can learn no other body of students has ever taken similar action. We have contributed this year $130 for this purpose, and in all, since 1912, over $750. It also occurs to me that since the Summer School students of Queen's have brought into Hingston an aver- age of at least $10,000 for the past {®hree years, it might not be bad (business for the «ity to contribute $10,000 or even more to this or some other department of the University. e thank you for your kindly no- of the various activities of the Summer School. tice --J. T, CURTIS; Pres., Queen's Summer School As- 4ociation. The Whig did not 'make the state- WHY SAILORS OF BRITAIN The submarine, the captain and mate be- "The British steamship Eavestone was sunk February 3rd. The submar- firing shrapnel shells, fragments of which swept both boats, killing the "The British steamship Addah was The submarine killing sunk and the men were swimming Letters to the Editor | Kingston, Aug. 16.--(To the Edi- ever, to know that the Arts students HARVESTERS! LOOK! 36,000 Farm Laborers Are Wanted in the West. The Canadian Northern Railway will operate the first excursion trains for the West, leaving Toronto Union Depot at 9 am. and 10 pm, August 21st and 10 p.m. August 30th; and running through solid to Winnipeg. The equipment will consist of elec- tric lighted colonist cars, lunch counter cars, and in addition, the railway will continue their last year's innovation of keeping a special car for the accommodation of single women and families, and of placing it in the train where the occupants will be sepgrated from the other pas- sengers, The territory served by the Can- adian Northern Lines ® offers the widest choice of employment with high wages, but regardless of where you may locate, remember we give you ithe Dest service to Winnipeg, where you will re-purchase to final destination, no matter on what line it may be. For leaflet showing special train service with dates, number of men required at various points and other information, apply to M. C. Dunn, 317 Princess street, or General Pas- senger Department, Canadian North- ern Railway, Toronto, GOOD CARD OF RACES Results at Driving and Matinee Club on Wednesday. Following are the results races held by 4 of the the Kingston Gentle- |i Wednesday. Class P. Penalty (E. Tango Girl, bitt) Billy Dillon, coran) Time, 2.28 ¥% Randallo) 3 W. J. Nes- 1 (J. Cor- 2.23 2.271% Class IL. Directum (W, Nellie Murphy, McAdoo) (F. Bear- ance) Marengo, (H. Nicholson) Little Mack, (J. Mc-Fad- dem) Senator Murphy, Caugherty) Joe Patchen Jr., (J. - Bannister Time 2.31 2.3% J. Me- 2.35 2 Class 11 Exaltum, (A. Steen] Judge Genet, (C. Stokes Rest time-- 3.07, The officials were as /follows: BO 11 22 ip Haffuer, F. Laidley, J. Little; time keepers, Dr. Nichols, E. J. Met- calfe; clerk of course, H. B. Smith. BASEBALL RECORD. International League. Newark .. .. 3 Rochester . Richmond . . 7 Toronto .. Providenca . 3-6 Buffalo . . ore be National e. New York . 2-7 Brooklyn .. Boston .. . 3 Philadelphia . Pittsburgh . 3 Cincinnati . DO - Raa | American League. Philadelphia. . 2 Boston .. ... Chicago 5 Cleveland . Canadian Casualties. Killed in action--F'. Davis, Wales, Seriously ill--E. G, Russell, West- port; B. O. Smith, Stella. Gassed--A. Wilson, Winehester, Wounded---J. Garrow, Sturgeon Falls; J. E. Harwood, Port Hope; E. J. Sullivan, Pembroke; W. G. Allen, Athens; G. R, Holland, Ma- doe; W, 8. Dickey, Mallorytown; Ww. en te ta men's Driving and Matinee Club on |f Starter, W. 8, Grace; judges, Phil- D. Bate, Carleton Place; J. Cain, Lyn; R. Packard, Brighton; -M. Per- row, Hilton. Notice! gnent that Queen's University Sum- mer School was going to raise an en- dowment of $100,000. The .state- ment this paper made was that 'a plan is being considered by the exe- cutive of Queen's University sun- mer School to raise an endowment of $100,000," and these facts were learned from a statement issued by Queen's University Summer school itself. --Ed. THE e NEW FRENCH REMEDY. + : N es 4 [| STANDARD FgEERY rs OD A ra MISTS. TRICE IN ENGLANB, s Send ope, age & syriptoms for FRER §iviceon I aDIILY ih your SA8e. No follow up" clre: 1. LE CLERC Med. CoH AVERSTOCK RD. N.W,, LONDON, » Sa SEE THAT TRADE MARKED WORD 'THERAPION' IS O® or BRIT. GOVT. STAMP AFFIXED TO ALL GENUINE PACKET IBGE nook STORE. ~ Visit This Dairy and Decide for Official Test by To B oe ed 3.2 ™ SOLNSON. SrRrET Phone 2083 I E PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM, Yourself. -- Satisfaction Guaranteed. MUK. test CROWN CAFE", Saturday, Aug. 18th, 11 a.m. BEST PLACE, GOOD SERVICE 203 Princess Street, Next to King Edward Theatre. Will be Open Daily from 7 a.m. to 2 a.m. Phone 2169. ON YOUR NEXT WEEK-END BOAT : TRIP STOP AT The Wilhelmina 242 Mountain Street, Montreal, Que. Quiet, cool, alry rooms, 75¢ up per day. Ownership manage ment. Excellent garage accommogation for motor parties. Tele. phone uptown, 5346, 9 HIGH GRADE NON-INTOXICATING Ale, Porter & Light Beer I beg to advise my patrons throughout the City and Vicin- ity, that I am prepared to supply the Trade and Private families with the above goods, delivered at their doors, which are decid- edly the best Brands on the market in that line. THE OLD NAME the old fame, and new quality. Canada's greatest malt beverage of the day, highly recommended by the medical faculty as a mild and healthful tonic. JAMES McPARLAND 76 Brock Street. Phone 274 FFs z ASK YOUR GROCER FOR CHARM TEA IN PACKAGES. Black, Green and Mixed. Packed in King- sad to relate ladies won from the GIFTS THE SELECTING IS MADE EASY AND YOUR POCKET BOOK 18 NOT OVER TAXED R. J. Rodger, "Where the Clock - on a. Walk, v 132 Princess Street. Don't Fail -- To attend our big DOLLAR DAY on Thursday, Aug. 16th. See What We Have tc Offer. We can save chase, FOR THIS DAY ONLY. 'men, Mise Mclean winning from Skip Elliott by 8 to 5. and lost two in the evening, but won points. in favor of Ki Wfrom Skip Crozier by 15 to 13. 21 to 9 Skip Eliott Vermilyea by 23 to 13, Kerr from Skip Watson hy 3s to 14. Belleville Payers --W. C er, Dr. Vermilyea, W. Belair, Col. .Lazler, Rev. Mr. Kerr, (Skip); S. White, J. Bor- bridge, Dr. 0'C man (Skip); De Roche, Rev. Mr. Smith, W. Ri (Skip ; players--Dr. R. E. Fergus | © h 4 Hl al , Bl Green, H. Wi v. Sartwright Ww. Ww. on _ Bip}; ¥, Smith (Skip); ©. G Singlbton, H. D, Bibby, . an n a: Tl, Walsh, W.* vens, Skip). "In the svetiing games 1. D. M Eitiont and (Wewman, After winning all four games in Ahe afternoon Kingston won two the- touranment round by eighteen The total scores for after- noon and evening were 138 to 104 In the evening 8 lip Suliman : won Skip Bibby from S8kip Smith by from Skip and Skip Ys. SR 7 vars Lip, lugs. allaghan, C. A. Sal-, J! J. O'Flynn, Snifey Mr. 2m a] $e Ag 3g shighed of H. W.' x . Smith and W. B FRONTENAC CHEESE BOARD. Sales Made at 21 3-18 Certs at Meet ing on Thursday. Cheese sold at 21 3-16 cents. on the Frontenac Cheese Thursday afternoon. boarded 467 boxes of white cheese, and 101 boxes of colored as follows: White--Inverzry, 30; Forest, 40; sand Islands, 50; 'tena, 75; Collins Bay, 40. Cuojored--Biginbucg, 85; Island, 66. At 21 3-1 chased the offering Wolfe "| bought the offering of Howe Is Ontario, Thousand Islands and ginburg. Complaint salasinen about the loéal board that paid on other price to-day,' look at the newspapers that an all other boat 0, "a8 any p "1 "of the same opinion. \ und. 2. Board on} There was Glenvale, 60; Howe Island, 30; On- tario, 32; Silver Springs, 90; Thou- erona, 50; Fron- Wolfe J cents Jolin Gibson pur- of ~Inverary, Glenvale, Silver Springs, Verona and | Island. At the same price L. W. sm of nt was made by one of the | elak Tous ia a hawt embers were i ___ston, by GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, Limited.