Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Aug 1917, p. 2

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John | McKay 140157 imited. Street. | AA A, At AN il Type writers New and Rebuilt All kinds, $25.00 up. Check tectors, $10.0 and $27.50. Envelope Bealers, $3.60, J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street Kingston, Ont. \ W. R. BILLENNESS Su 273 University Ave. booted : 161° ion Street. Near Brock & gut. to the University. Ang the city, will sell at » hr- * y McCann' '8, Wy Future sad Sas Iadhrdnce ee ter and Builder ---- NEATLESS DAYS ORDER]: IS NOW RFFECTIVE ' BE OBEYED AND MUST Eating Houses Must Not Serve Meat or Bacon on Tuesdays and Fridays I* and Only Once on Other Days, The Canada Gazette, publishing | Lhe orderdn-conncil regulating eat- ling plac es has been received in King- ston. This Orderdn-Council, passed at | the request of the Food Controller, | prohibits the serving of beef and { bacon on P resdays and Fridays, and at more than one meal on any other ja Substitutes, such as corn bread, | oat ¢ akes, potatoes, etc., must be pro- { vide Ad at every meal at which white bread is served. The use of wheat i the distillation or manufacture of al- cohol is prohibited, except for manu~ | facturing or munitions purposes, and then only after obtaining a license [from the Food Controller, Heavy penalties are provided for violation eof the regulations, Proprie- { tors, managers and employes of pub- | te eating places are liable upon sum- mary conviction, for the first oifence, to a penalty not exceeding $100 and not less than $25, and for each Sub- sequent offence to a penalty not ex-, ceeding $500, and not less than $100, or to imprisonment, for any term not | exceeding three months, or to both fine and imprisonment, Any person violating any of the | provisions regulating the use of } wheat in the distillation or manufac- ture of alcohol is Mable upon sum- mary conviction to a penalty not ex ceeding five thousand dollars. { The regulations went into effect | with the gazetting of the Order-in- | mm i os A at a NAA (We are(ptical | Specials THE OPTICAL QUESTION IS BEST SOLVED BY COMING TO US, You are assured a thorough scientific examination and aec- curate glasses at Asselstine's, Consult .. For Sale at COLLEGE BOOK STORE. At the Golden Lion Grocery Fancy Clover HONEY In one pound sections, 25 cents each. Fresh California Prunes; nice and Juloy ... i. YOR, 1RMe, 150. Ih. Evaporated Peaches, 8 Iba for 28e. Sent Cher Toes WR Mees & Co. 'preak ruling on the question, ere | . 40c gal. - a THE DAILY Rss WHIG, FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 1917. Council on Wednesday. Copies can be secured from the Food Control: ier's office. A TORY INSPECTOR UNDER DISCUSSION | Why Was Returned Soldier, Not Made Inspector of Mili- | Jary Buildings? In the House of Commons on Wed- nesday these questions of Hoa. George P. Graham were answered by] Hon. Mr, Sevigny - Is G. O. Alken in the employ of the Government in Kingston? An- swer: Yes. _ What are his duties and his sal-| ary? Answer: Sanitary inspector] of military buildings in Kingston at) a salary of $100 a month. Answer: voluntary sition of guard and why? October 30th, 1916, by resignation, What was the date of his new ap- pointment? Answer: October 19th, 1916, and took up his duties on No-| vember 1st, 1916, Who prevignsly preformed the du- dies of the position to which Mr. Aik«| en has now been appointed? Ans-| wer: No one. : Why was Bot a returned soldier given this position? Answer: Not| known, 39904004 FAAP THE 4990003 i + USE OREOSOTE OIL + FOR TUSSOCK MOTH. 4 A--prominent citizen told the & the Whig to-day that he had + a good deal of experience with the tussock moth five years ago * and found-that creosote oil was &| the best thing to use, Get up + on a ladder and touch each egg- + mass with a little oil and that + will destroy It. 3 * + + * * * + P» +> + + Crd bbbd SH40ELII IEEE WHEN 15 A MAN DRUNK? TIME<WORN QU "QUESTION up POLICE COURT AGAIN IN Mayor , Hughes Dismissed Charge Against a Citizen After a Lively Session Friday Mornipg---His Wor- ship Quoted Montreal Ruling. When is a man intoxicated? This is a question which has been thresh- ed out in the local Police Court time and time again. The knotty problem bobbed up again im Police Court on Friday morning, when a man was up . charged with being intoxicated, and ft required an hour of the time of Mayor Hughes, the acting magis- trate, to solve the question, and the ruling of the court, after all had bedn said on both sides of the case, wag that thie man was mot intoxicat- ed, and 'the charge against him was dismissed, A feature - of the case was the wordy battle between C. R. Webster, who appeared for License Inspector William McCammon for the prosecution and A, B. Cunning- ham, who' defended the accused. Mayor Hughes queted the Mont- "when is a man intoxicated?" which is as fol- lows: "When a man hangs on to the ground to keep from falling." License Inspector William MeCam- mon spotted the man in the case, about 5.30 o'clock on Sunday after- noon. At this time, he was on On- tarvio street, in front of the city buildings. After looking him over, he had Constables Marshall , Arm- strong and Bar} Jenkins take a peep at bike. As axesult of the little ex- 'hibition, the man was "given a Po- Hee Court-summons. The two con- stables stated that the accused was staggering. Under stiff cross-exam- ination by Mr. Cunningham, one of the conetables said that the fellow was able to care for himself, The accused went into the box, and swore positively, that he was not dutoxicated, He said he had not had a drink since the previous Thursday. The proprietor of a restaurant, in which the accused was served a meal Sunday afternoon, and who had oc- casion to see him three times during the afternocn, @ilso swore that he 'was not dunk. This evidence was backed up by a cabman, who®drove the accused to his home. The "cabbie" said the man got in and out of his cab like any ordinary person would do, and ihe did not see anything wrong with [] whose business it was to look after = such cases, was that the man was in- so ETE ron X is as desirable as it 1s. in the" living room. fie looking linoleum much to en attractiveness, especially if with its guarantee beauty youn gn 'Our of wearing' ual: ao very complete. Don't fail to see it Jenewing your kitchen floor covering, toxicated, Mr. Webster further con- tended, that if a man wis not drunl and went out on the street and play- ed drunk, he would come under, the 1 {left at McAulev's or "phone 56. When was he retired from the po- INCDENTS OF THE DAY |LOCAT, NOTES AND rrEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST, | Happenings In the City and Vicinity ~~~What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. | 'The Salvation Army "band is to | play at a Red Cross event st Bath on { the 22nd, H. Cunfingham, piano tuner, 21! King street. Leave orders at McAul- | ey's Book Store. The yacht Ariel, of the Oswego Yacht Club) with a party on beard, | was at the Kingston Yacht Club's wharf on Friday. W. Swain, piano and pipe organ tuner, 100 Clergy street W. Orders The Belleville Intelligencer says: "No better sportsmen nré to be found any where than Kingston re- | presentatives on the bowling green." Rev. F. J. Pratt, who returaed to Westmount, Que., to-day after a vis:t| with Canon and Mis, FitzGerald, is| chaplain to Bishop Farthing of Moni-| real. The Kingston Golf Club was under | discussion on Thursday night, at the | meetipg of the Trades and Labor Council, taking over arable , land | near Portsmouth for new links. The | actign is deplored. ' Cultivate your musical talent by # | listening to the peffect recreations # | of the songs of the World's greatest Artists. If you have children who +] are studying music, there is nothing lyon can do that will develop their talent quicker than to give them the 'daily intimate association of the won- derful New Edison in your home. The J. M. Greene Music Co. Ltd. {Sydenham and Princess streets, bss "Headquarters for Headwear" Come to "The Hat Store" tomorrow and buy a new hat for a Dollar. Dollar Felt Hats for Men. Hundreds of elegant Soft felt hats in all shades to choose from, sold regularly at 83, $2.50 and $3. Tomorrow take your choice for ...., $i Dollar Straw Hats 'Subscribe Today at Special Rate -- 59¢ for a Year. THE DESIGNER Regular Canadian price by mail $1.25 per annum. Special offer is for but a few days more. The Designer is one of America's leading fashion journals, and as large as most of the | 5c and 20c publications. wt is published monthly by the Standard Fashion Company and be- sides showing the latest in fashions, also embroidety, contains inter- esting articles for women. The Standard Quarterly, Autumn number, containing a Yaalth of information. The Quarterly contains a coupon good for 5c i ¢ashvin the purchase of any Standard Pattern and good for use to Oct. 31st. Full line of Standard Patterns in Stock. Mrs. Gibb, of the Standard Fashion Company will 'be with us until Saturday night and would be pleased to meet anyone interest- ed in dressmaking. The College Book Store, 160-162 Princess St. , Open Nights and white, at 50c pér at 98c each. Newman i CLOSING OF MAILS B h mail Clowes itregy larly. information posted at oF Lowby time. v ited States, a 11.30 3 Shas 11.30 p.m. & east, i110 pm. orn, 30 p.m. AN INDIAN CONVICT tenced Over the Killing of Pembroke Jailer. Peter Whiteduek, a an Indian from Sport skirts; all this. season's styles. sale Saturday, half Price. DIES IN PEN PENITENTIARY | Peter White "Duck Was Sen~ upply Your Saturday Needs At This Store. We are offering many lines of goods at a less cost than we could replace them at. HOSIERY Ladies' black and white at 35¢ a pair. 'Heavy make silk boot stocking, black silk boot hose, pair. Children's fine black ribbed stockings, all sizes, 5 to 10 inches, at 25¢ per pair. LADIES' VESTS -- Short sleeves, no sleeves: also long sleeves, 15¢, 18¢, 20¢, 25¢ CORSETS -- Our new corsets are here. Good serviceable corsets at $1.00 per pair. SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY. Middy Blouses, $1.50 quality on sale Ladies' voile waists, $1.50 quality, on sale Saturday, $1.00 each. " Ready to Wear Dresses--All summer dresses; voile and muslin, go at half price. On & Shaw, THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE -- i ie pose BUILDERS SUPPLIES wooy SAND 'Concrete and Mason- ery work. ™ S ANGLIN & CO. Phone 919 NAA NIN A Safety Razors Camping time is here, . and camping means compactness and availability in everything, particalarly in a razor, The "Auto Strop™ is the best there is. Let us show you how it works, We have it in small leather, nickel or gun metal cases, com- plete with strop and extra blades, : Smith Bros. Jewelers and Opticians, Issuers of Marriage Licenses, All kind of Fox Stoles suitable for Summer Wear. W. F.Gourdier 80 Brock Street Phone 700. Money Saving Buys Dwelling A new brick, modern, fnorth of Prin- cess St.) for A new brick dwelling ( south of Prin cess St.) modern, $3100, A new double brick for $7800, A dwelling on Cherry St..for $000. and one on Alfred St. for $1100, A dwelling and garden at Outer Hia- tion for $425, on easy terms. And a host of good buys at office, Money to Loa. EW. Mullin & Son Sellers of Real Estate, Fire Insurance @* dor. Johnson and Division Sts. Week-end Phones 580 and 1456. Chocolates 50c QUALITY for 25¢ FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Agents for & Shaw Chocolates. t's Chocolates.

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