Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Aug 1917, p. 3

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MENNENS THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987 wanting anything done in the carpen- tery line. Estimates given on all kinds of repairs and new work; also hard- | wood floors of all kinds. All orders will recelve prompt attention. Shop 60 Queen street. WOMAN WEAK, DIZIY, NERVOUS Health Restored by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Jamaica, N. Y.--*1 suffered greatly with my head and with backache, was weak, dizzy, ner- vous, with hot years. One day when I was feeling bad Six" months ago bill boards ' 'adorned the corner now occu- pled by Best's Branch, To-day it is one of the most popular . cOrnars up tewn. To the people who have made such a success of our new venturét we wish to con- vey our sincere thanks. We are striving each day to Elve the very best service ever, and it is most gratifying to us to have our efforts so ap- preciated. 'Use us in every way you J can, We are here to serve you. BEST'S.UP TOWN BRANCH Phon 2018. J. V. Bradshaw, Manager. BRITISH FLEE IN GREAT SHA | | | | Eficiéncy increased 50 P.C. Since Jut- land Battie, Says Col. Repington. 17 WILL WEAR DOWN ENEMY | READY TO MEET GERMAN FLEET AT ANY MINUTE. leet for the Attack--Germany Cannot Make England Submit by Submarine Work. London, Aug. 17.--Col. Repington has been paying.a visit to the fleet to "find out whether * the naval strategy adopted had the approval of our best fighting seamen." Ex- tracts from his conclusions follow: "My opinion is that the war effi- ciency of the grand fleet is 100 per cent. higher than at the time of the | declaration of war and 50 per cent. | higher than when the battle of Jut- | land was fought. * Whenever I write of the grand fleet, it is not of the squadrons of patrols, flotilfas of mine sweepers, and other special craft which earry on the minor operations of the war. We all know te our cost that the ships' plant ne- cessary to waging successfully the minor forms of war were and are still most Inadequate to our pur: pose. Great has been the task of those who ,with inadequate means, have éndeavored to carry out this mission, and heavy is the responsi- bility of those in Londca whose want of foresight was the primary reason for the losses which our maritime trade has suffered, but it has been want of foresight, not congenital in- ability to find an antidote for the bane that hampered us. With our immense resources joined to; those of our Allies, we shall in time wear the enemy down, even under the sea. German View Jallacious. "Meanwhile, his expectation that want of food and raw material will compel us to treat for peace is shown by experience to he completely falla- cious. But no needless risks must be run with the grand. fleet, although the Allies are immensely superior to the Central Powers In aggregate naval strength. The number of Brit- ish' battleship units are not so su- perior to the German number that we can afford tp indulge in any spectacular follies. "I never had any doubt that on general lines our naval strategy is correet. 1 fortified this belief by my visit to the fleet. The German high sea fleet since the Jutland fight has not found conditions favorable for an engagement, but certainly the enemy may yet fight, and eur fleet Is commanded In expectation that he will do so. No other expectation is it legitimate to entertain. The en- emy If he comes will con® with his whole force, submarines included, and some units of ours will at such a moment be normally under repair. Therefore the grand fleet has been BACKWARD WEAKLY CHILDREN Dr, Cassell"s Tablets Strengthen Feeble Tdttle Folk and Fortity the Consti- tution, « 'Bvery mother should know that Dr. Casgell's Tablets are just as suitable for children, even for babies, as they are for grown up people. Dr, Cassell's Tablets. strengthen the constitution. of children and generate that vital energy which enables the little body to de- velop naturally, wd 'thereflore health ily. This they do because they pros mote digestion and ensure perfect as- similation of the nutriment which di- gestion provides. The result is that pure, rich nourishment f(s carried to every part of the ttle body' for sus- tenance and growth. % A free sample of Dr. Cagnell's Tablets will be nent to you on receipt of five cents for mailing and packing. Address Harold ¥. Riteble spd Co, Ltd, 10 M'Caul Street, Toronto, Dr, Cassell"s Tablets are the supreme remedy' for Dyspepsia, K¥ney Trou bles, Sleeplessness, Anaemia, Nervous allments, and Nerve Paralysis and for Weakness in children. Specially valu- able for hursing mothers and during i the critical periods of life. Price 50 cents per tube, six tubes for the price of five, from Drugsiss and Storekeep- iers throughout Canada. Don't waste | your immoney on imitations; get the gen- Dr. Cassell's Tablats, Proprietors, Dr. Cansell"s Cou Ltd, Manchester, Eng. : a CA PETS id (T | a § a mething Select now while our stock s large. Will store your purchases until you 1 require quire : a as to value, In 4 We ° » SNIDER SUFFERED Feels Better Since Tanlac Overcame Trouble Than He Had in Thirty-five Years. "I'm feeling better today than I have in thirty-five years and it's all due to the good work'of Tamldc," said James A. Snider, of 17 Jackson 8t,, West, Hamilton, recently. Mr. Sni- der has the distinction of being one of the fastest coopers in Canada, but was forced by ill health to give up his-trade. He has now returned to work, however, and is employed by the Pasrdeburg Chapter 1.O.D.E. Mr. Snider is well known both in Hamilton and vicinity and although sixty-nine years of age he has the dppearance of a man many years younger, Continuing his statement, Mr, Snider said: "A medicine that will make-a per- son my age gain in weight and re- lieve them of troubles of &hirty-five or forty years standing is certainly wonderful. 1 had been suffering from a bad stomach nearly all my life. I had no appetite and just had to force myself to eat. At times felt like there was a thousand pound weight on my stomach, and I was al- 'most doubled up with misery. Gas would form from what I ate and make my heart flutter, and I often had dreadful smothering spells. 1 have had the best treatment both in the United States and Canada, and have taken all kinds of medicines. 1 would feel a little better for a day of so and then feel as bad or worse than ever. "I'm now prepared to say that Tanlac has done for me just what others say it has done for them and I want to make this statement be- cause I feel like it may help lots of people who are in the same fix I was. Why, before I took Tanlac I had rheumatism in my knees, and the pain was so severe I couldn't straight- én up, and now the rheumatism is nearly all gone and I can walk as straight as a dial. "It has put my stomach in good condition, the gas has stopped forming and I don't have any more of those awful smothering spells, My food agrees with me and know it is building me up because I have already gained several pounds in weight and have just finished my second bottle of Tanlac. All my pain is gone now and I want to say again I feel better than I have in thirty- fiver years. 1 can't say enough in praise of Tanlac and I'm going to tell everybody I can about the good it has done me." Tanlac is sold in Kingston by A. P. Chown. ; --Advt, AAA AA A ready to tackle him in such strength as to make humanly sure that it will be the victor under the conditions specified, and will further be ready to steam out and fight at any mo- ment, on any day or night the enemy may select: This is an advantage of which the enemy cannot at present be deprived, but it is nothing new in our naval annals." CHINA IS PROMPT In Putting the German Asiatic Bank in Liquidation, : London, Aug. 17.--~The Chinede Government, a Reuter despatch from Peking says, is arranging for the prompt liquidation of the Ger- man Asiatic Bank. Five officials of the Forejgn Office have been appoint- ed to take over the accounts and cash here and in Shanghai, Canton, Tien-~ Tsin and Hankow branches. ' Chinese troops have seized Aus- trian concessions in Tien-Tsin, and German and Austrian shipping is be- ing seized ut Canton, Amoy, Swatow, Shanghai and Nanking. The vessels include several small warships, Canadian Casualties. Killed in dotion--T, BE. Hook, Pic- ton, 8 Died of wounds--T. H." Robinson, Baltimore, Wounded--W. H. Patrick, Camp- bellford; R. Dougall, J. H. Shire, Lyndhurst; B, Dent, [Prenton Leguce, - Mille Roches; 7T. Evans, Beaverton; E. Fairfield, Minden: J. Craig, Burrett's Rapids; W. MoBain, Lioydtown; T. Green, Pembroke; A. R. Davey, Enterprise; L. D. Hilliard, Escott; H. L. Wicks, J. J. Cullen, Co- bourg; EB. Harvey, Grafton; W. O. Steele, Bobcaygen. Oheese Markets. Lindsay, 831 at 21%e¢. ** Madoe, 420 at 21 5-16¢, Dollar Hat Sale, To-morrow At George Mills & Co's big store. The total production of creamery butter in Canada in 1916 is returned 136,968,367, 4 ogateG WaN is ' 3 'as = B24,176 Tb..0f the value of $34,388. in 1915 The total production MOST ALL HIS LIFE! ; About Hindenburg SHOULD say Hindenburg was a great brute--so ruth- less, so terrible." Thus spoke the Countess de Tur- cynowicy, a Canadian girl, during a recént visi. to friends in the Domine ion, if a horrible black cloud had for a moment shut out the face of the sun streaming in through her windows, as she recalled the awful memories of life in a country occupied by the merciless "hero" of Germany and his dissolute, cruel, butchering men. "There was a' great scattering of officers when he arrived at my house," she went on, "yet I could not bear to look at him. I felt as if I saw people being killed--being irre- sistibly, mercilessly crushed te death, He's just like his pictures--very big, very red, very ugly, very horrible. He drinks so terribly--oh, so terribly-- but they all do, for that gnatter. Nothing is too tiny for him to attend to, no humiliation so small that he will not find pleasure in signing, "One night I had to gef up at 3 o'clock' in the morning to make cof- fee for him and the staff," she went on. "They ate and drink all the time. Every day a mountain of bot- tles had to be taken away." ) Yet Hindenburg was always polite to the Countess, although he refused the only request she made to him. Two of her maids had disappeared, one of them a sweet girl of seven-| teen. Waiting on the *'great brute" at table one day, a menial fin or) noble husband's house, she gently | begged that they might be restored. H@ refused. | Countess de Turcynowicz was for- | | merly Miss Laura Blackwell, of Georgetown and St. Catharines. She became a grand opera singer and ' while touring E.rope met her hus- | band, a Polish nobleman, at present inspector-general of the sanitary | division of the Russian army. She settled dpwn with him at Suwalki, in Poland, just on the borders of East Prussia, happy with her little girl, Wanda, and her twin boys, Stanislaw and Hladislaw, when war came, These boys are now In a little school near New York, She is now touring in the interests of the Russian Red Cross and British War Relief. : The things this young-faced wo- man, whose fair hair has turned white through suffering, could tell of Prussian fiendishness are unprints able. When, in September, 1914, the Germans came to Suwalki she es- caped in a trainful of Cossack wounded to Warsaw, _ "I+ was an awful night," she exelaimed, "and yet in the light of later things if. seems to me happy and sweet that |] night spent with my children in a cattle trainful of suffering Rus- stans." When the Germans were driven out she returned to Suwalki. 'My first feeling," she said, "when 1 reached my home was that I want &d to put my head out of the window into thé clear, pure air. The place Countess Tells $l She shuddered as she spoke, as was hideous, awful=--well, you know all about that!" and' a shrug of the shoulders told all the unutterable horror of it. : 'You are no longer a human being if you're in occupied territory," she! i went on, "The second coming of the Germans, on February 11, 1915, sounded like a nightmare. They had Just won the great battle of Augus- towa and rounded up 40,000 Rus- sians. "When the Germans arrived at my home I said, 'I'm an American; you ¢an't intimidate me." Next day the prisoners began to arrive. What bideousness! What terrible sights! Men were driven along through the Streets like dogs in the slush, Rus sians were lashed to the guns. They (li clubbed them; they killed them. For punishment some of them were shut for two weeks in a church without food and water. No; they did not all die. A few came out--a very Db. | few. 'Oh, if people could only know about life under Prussian rule. Girls disappeared. Sometimes they were never seen again, Sometimes they did come back--unrecognizable. Oc- casionally their masters led them out for an airing, to keep them alive, { just like animals. "The German idea is to rule by terror, Every day was a lifetime. Their sufferings were awful." The German system is curious, ac- cording to the Countess. The of value of | their The last of all summer sales and we have prepared a list of bar- gains that will make instant appeal -- be here early as in most cases the quantities are small. 120 New York Spért Middies, Regularly priced from $1.25 to $3.00 Saturllay i, ere an «oo « 98¢ 119 White Sport Skirts, with novelty pockets and belts, and plain tailored and button trimmed styles. Reg. $1.50 to $2.50. Sat urday . . EEA A By iain gla ORE 60 fine white lace-trimmed nainsook night gowns and combinations. Regular $1.50 to $2.25. ECA wit Cea ee 36 Print House Dresses, in light and dark shades: Regular $1.50, Sat- wday .. Le VER dra ek Tle 24 children's white middy dresses in sizes'4 to 12 years. Regular $1.25 to $1.75. Saturday cove oy 980 60 White Voile Waists in pretty novelty effects. Reg. $1.50 to $2.25. ee oe . Saturday .. .. . "sa. *iine . . 24 novelty Outing Hats. Regular $1.50 to $2.00 each. Saturday 95¢ 120 pair French model corsets, made of fine French coutil; all sizes. Special value at $1.50. Saturday . . vr ah aa S8e "Queen Quality" fine silk hose; a special "fii Regular 75¢c a 95¢ 60 pair black and white $1.25 value, 72 pair "Radium" quality black silk hose in all sizes. pair." Saturday, 2 for La . 36 suits of men's Balbriggan underwear -- shirts and 'drawers -- all sizes to 46; worth 65 a garment, Saturday, 2for .. .. .. 95¢ 48 large Terry bath towels. Regular 35¢ each. Saturday 4 for . , 95¢ 220 yards fine round thread bleach ed sheeting. Regular 50c AoA ES Te ee welt "roan Saturday, 24 yards for .. .... . 180-yards extra good quality white Indianhead, full 36 inches wide; [if reg. 23c a yard. Saturday, 6 for co... 95¢ 200 yards novelty striped wash silk; full 36 inches wide. $1.25 a yard and worth $1.50. Saturday . . 60 only men's white night shirts: full sized. R yard. . 95¢ Regular cis van BBE lar $1.50 values. . 95¢ . . NRC ew Tee. . ei 360 yards "Riverside" colored American print; very special value at 13c a yard. Saturday 10 yards for .. .. .°. ceases 300 oe = co Sem : SILK SUITS, $7.95. : "Khaki Kool" silk suits, formerly priced at $22.50 Four onl th Nell Rose trim, and Paddy, with ivory trim, in ivory, wit Nr A re -------- EA St in fy aien Se gir =J1-2 PRICE SALE ho iiss £ : To Clear at $2.50 Tho wat wen ot Cumin The Maden Bees Ra. 76, and tho survhee of hea ano x i Sr 4 iF = -------------- RIT

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