pe E-- COM G R A N D OPERA HOUSE Production |COOLEST fe.» ; fo a At 2.30 rs Hint GONTIYOUS Ee Vaudeville. A Five Act Photoplay . To Bg Walsh, in CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES| TEACHERS WANTED. 0 " First insertion, le 8 word. Each con-| OFFIC N CLAREN AMe easier to ) t A k Agent | mecutive insertion thereaft i ALIFIED TEACHER FOR S. §, NO. big pv to A. gn Sh, SEAN. Savings Account The Bank of 3 will help | The Working NewS, Comedy and cher cent a word, Minimum chirge Wolfe Island; salary $450 per : a 79 Clarence street. ASSETS save what ir increased effort provides Features. one insertion, 25¢; three i annum. Apply to John Nile TWO BOOKS, ONE A BANK 73,000,000 She; wix $1; ome month, | Sec.-Treas, R.R. No. 1, Wolfe Is- book; at Lake Ontario Park. i land, Ont. Owner may have same by call. ROOMS SUITABLE FOR OFFICE D Er-------- 11 Braseches In Toronto, 119 Branches In Canada, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday N y Ing at 468 Albert street. dwelling; good location « » HELP WANTED | - Box 15, Whig om ET ABLISHNRD 28585 . Polite Vaudeville. {QUALIFIED PROTESTANT FEMALE = i A HOUSEMAID. APPLY MRS. CAR- teacher for Union S.8. No. 2, Port- FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- STORAGE FUR FURNITURE. E. WA- A Five-Act Photoplay won, 72 Barrie street, | land. or 26 Camded, two miles east then has a clean dry furniture a oo] 'Frances Nelson, i m FT ONCE a = of Yarker. Salary according to TISED FREE, building, 442 Albert street. Phone » BOY WANTED aualifie ons. Duties 39 aah n . "" Bon Marche Grocery, | mence pt. 1st, pply, 8 ng Anyone finding anything an Beautiful Lie. - | qualifications, salary expected amd wishing to reach the owner may HOUSE, 251 BROCK STREET, BIGRT | Col , experience, to M. V. Lake, Sec. do so by reporting the facts to rooms and bath room. All modern | lohesame Juke Fomiedy A FIREMAN. APPLY DOMINION TEX- | Treas, . RR. No. 2, Harrowsmith, [ll The British Whig. The adver: improvements. Apply 249 lrock | STOP, L yA} "Ne tile (%., Cataraqul street. | Ont, tisement will be printed in this street, 3 Apd Other Features. column free of charge. - | Matinee Evening 10e; "Found articles" does wot in- STORAGE FOR I URNITURE OR MER- Rn ved, Se Se Extra HOUSEMAID, IMMEDIATELY. APPLY FOR SALE clude lost dogs, cattle, horses, ., ohandise, clean and dry. McCann's Georg e B. McKay, Manager. i Ty «Supt. Rotkwood Hospital etc. . These, if lost. may be ad- Real Estate Agency, §2 Brock St. 621. vertised for in the "Lost" column, Ph 126 or A Lake Ontario] tee | ere (RT Sart ae Office, Apply J. Raid, 254 Princess sireet. ply Street Railway he. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, : A R RK | me dry. Airy roms; your own lock ad ; ; | GOOD WORK HORSE; SOUND WILL y. oats "City Storage, re a CASHIER, ONE HANDY AT TYPE- sell cheap. W. Grimwood, 92 Vie- LOST. Queen street. Phone 536; writer and shorthand. Apply in toria street. Toni ht and 'Every Wight ¥riting. - Bibby Limited." | " TWO $3 BILLS ON THURSDAY. FIND. TO RENT Ea TT - » ~ : er kindly return to Whig Office and at '8.30 A WOMAN TO HELP IN THE Kit. OVE "BEAVER" DROP HEAD SEW. receive reward. 4 achine; practically new. Ap- : ' Matinee nesday at 3.30, chen. Apply to the Dietitton, Mow- Ey Mater aa ------ - Een | LARGE HOUSE CONTAINING 14 A large residence centrally located, all modern HIGH CLASS St Tiosphal at 'ones, ply iio [oN Avast ism Labvs TWEED | AURCC, MOE provements: 3 fire: conveniences, large grounds. Will accept small VAUDEVILLE MS WANTED sTRADY |S CHESTNUT WomsE, suframrewon| Min H.C Brooks' ar fu Sydennam| RISORLCRR Nene 36 Het Monin LYHORERS the 15th of October. Ap- | family use; will be offered for sale Wiig office and receive reward. ° Apply J. K. Carroll, 56 Brock property in exchange. PHOTOPLAYS Ny treet Hallway Ofiice. on the market Saturday, August street. Phone 68, 18th SOMEWHERE BETWEEN KINGSTON Progyam Changed Monday and t dnd Camden East, lady's wh FARM FOR SALE. THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY weanentny cue one cont per (§ Tver R6 Brock St. Phones: Office 68; Res, 874 Persons entering the Park other worn must be willing worker. " | 2 3 than by street car will be prosecuted. There are splendid opportunities 3 i 4 Ek "4 i ther purse containing tw THREE FORD CARS AND ONE and some change. Re { Studebaker; must be sold; cheap to Minder. Please return te Bo x 254, | quick buyer Phone 759. Apply 169 Camden East, Ont FARM, NORTH HALF LOT 19, 4TH Raglan Road. concession, fowmship of Pittsburg, NO. 3A FOLDING KODAK, THURSDAY 100 acres, more or less, well water Aug 10th, between Kingston Milly ed, well fenced, good bulldings, | A LARGE NUMBER OF BICYCLES, IN- a Barriefield, on side road, at convenlent to school, church and { | after the war there will be bet- { oT b Dept., Whig. | cluding the famous Athlete, Over- Kingston MNIs station Finder cheese factory; best farm in town- 4 = AUCTION SALE #8." AOPiy * | land and Perfect Models: also tires | please return to P, C. Lawson, 68 ship. Possession in September. Ap. 0 ---- OF FURNITURE, | and bleyecle accessories. George Centre street. Reward. ply, Thomas. Todd, Lockmaster, = = Drop head Singer and other sewing ' Muller, 373 King St. Phone 1032. Bréwer's Mills, Ont ' E - machines, gem jars éte ss h 251 Princess Street, Saturday, Aug. BALE There's a closer relationship be- ? == 15th, 2 p.m. GIRL WITH OFFICE EXPERIENCE. | GOOD GENERAL STORE AND DWEL- JOR tween feed, poultry and dolfars than y : ALLEN The Aue State references and salary expect. ling, with stable, drive shed, ice! pups EFFROTIVE ADVTS. COST you may suspeet. Right feed means x Telephone 283, ed, to Post Office Box B56. house, and other out buildings; all little. Gut, Fa three times bbc; in first class repair, In village of better birds, quicker returns and Battersea, Soh th Pobr Aoalth: one week, § FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ent Soclety; Ancarper ied more money. For bigger dividends ) MAN WANTED TO WORK ON COUNTY a real bargain for quick buyer. Ap- | GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND TEN President. Colonel Rg on your poultry, let us supply your Nowa ase a crusher, 30 cents per hour. Apply ply to Mrs. M. Lake, Battersea, Ont. selections, your own choice, $27.60. M.G.: viee-presid x - Wn PE -~ tA in the printing Industry pow; Sree ss FINANCIAL . to G. Traves, of the job near Bat. Terns: $6 cash, §1 per week. C. W. kle, -K.C. Money issued on elit feed. The kind you need is here, . ) and our advice is free for the asking. * turses, GOOD DAIRY FARM, 250 ACRES, SIT- Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess 8. couniny de Sehertion. municips) op uated ot 2, 4th concession, town- h F. McBR M Athletics vs. C.L.C. GIRLS FOR WORK ROOM; NICE, ship of Leéds. Well located near| pw LAUNCH HULL, 28 FT LONG, hue Investment pleasant work. Apply Miss Mac- factory, school, church, and within 6 foot beam; fine model; for cash terest allow : = i N. A ) Ce, O ight miles of Gananoque, two he f X . . * Saturda Au 18th Callum, N. A. Pelsun, Co, Ontario eis N wo or exchange for other property manager, 87 Clarence St., & ' . > treet never falling springs; well fenced; ca 42-44 Princess Street. # y ? 3lTee land in good state of cultivation; Suire Dr ke, 387 Johnaon AAA tts A ea aman " a ATT x NCE 3 ; large bank bam; twu ® FUR CUTTER, EXPERIENCED, GOOD dwelling; 1 F pany. Aval ry I T wages will be pald «il the year silos and other buildings. easy | LARGE STOCK OF EXTENSION TA. ¥ he Average At he Unit CRICKET FIELD. age: for propér man. Apply, stat- terms; early possession. Apply to » In addition os borough me T ali kings of second hand furniture possible rates. Before renewing y mpson, 333 Princess street. 1 BUY THE FINEST WANTED GENERAL P 3 Princ 8 old Lor EE ne pe busta particulars apply to Mrs. Pérreau, Apply Box 716, Whig Office 3 p.m. good brick dwelling, also frame LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND bles and dining chairs, buffets, th th lieyhold Vi ing experience, age, ete, Wm. Lech John Anglin, on premises. P.O. china cabinets, also good beds, security e police mited MabiNty of ot H if & Sons, 413 George street, Peter- address, RR, No. 1, Gananoque. sprigs and mattresses. We buy city property, insured at lowest A MAN WITH CART TO COLLECT Phone 1600. -- ro Is deeply interésted in where she rocer KNOWN A Ne rH CARY 10 CSLlmM AGents. Phone 3% ean procure 1 . liver at Artillery Park. For fulllgppices To CLEAN AFTER 4 PM. 3 : : : ¥ x ; Royal Military College. Goud job Roby Preserving and Pickling SUMMER DRINKS Tor tn Vd v SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS, 8 Glassco's Grape Juice, for cash or in part payment of new : . Requisites Welch's Grape Juice. : AMAZING SELLER-TABLETS THAT planos and Victrolas. C. W, 14 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE DR. REEVE, Nerve Years of experience enables me to treat difficult cases guc- Sequtully. Call, or state case by etter. 18 Cariton Street, Toronts, The best of service. Also large quantity of répair parts on stock for Saxon cars; also second-hand cars for sale, J. H. DAVIS, Saxon | Distributor. Ring 420 or 113. d- wash clothes spotlessly clean with. n Orangeade. out SUDDINE. Promise to solicit or- » Lamited, 131 Princess stree.. at moderate prices and at the same |p emonade. ders with ten. cents will bring time procure the best that money | Gurd's Ginger Ale saniples for four washings, Make can buy. a dollar au hour. Bradiey's Co. | TRASIENS, CALLING TRON Saat: Try our Special Black and Gleen : Brantford, Ont. ern Ontario can connect with a A glimpse at our "U PFER WIN- pea, 40¢ Ib. COFFEE gocd side line 5 Ry applying Le Box DOW" will suffice. ... ; LADIES CAN EARN 86 UF DAILY, Reda Me © Strictly cou, 7 introducing our exclusive British PERSONAL 4 3 D s The 'Home of Choice ine of Private Christmas Greeti POR SALE AT GEORGE A i : : Cards amang frien hare do. | WE WANT TO BUY ALL KINDS OF 4 ] R BATR, book of samples free. Orders de- y man's Real Estate Agency, $1,400 | LADIES' HAIR GOODS, SWITCHES, Hoag S rg tore . Groceries SS. THOUSAND IS- Hvered within " ne hours. pie Second-hand furniture, stoves, frame dwelling, north end; B and A de heaters, clothes, etc. We algo have an Psyche knots, Pompadours, ete, ; = Manufacturers, 3 C, hot and cold water. made to order; al rk gusran- Bruch Pol Post Office 3 everything In He second-hand ny 0 order; all work g Phone 267. : : i Church St, Toronto, Mne for sale. 8. Shapiro, 45 Prin- -- : * teed. Mrs, Love, 360 Broek street, ingston, Ont. 188 Princess St.| LANDER TRIPS FOR cens street. Phone 1557. 00, 2% STOREY BRICK: ALL WM-) Kington. ; X ; FEE eation, § 1 1 P 1 3 THIS W EEK a FURNITURE FINISHING $4,000, BRICK, § ROOMS AND armies! BAR an aan] Dir pecia rices in fo = . all moédern improvements: hard- ishes removed permanently, with- ho P. DRISCOLL, FURNITURE FINISH- wood floors; side and rear en- out Scar; 30 years' experdence. Dry. | A . ar Call or drop a card. 23 John 4rance; stable, Elmer J. Lake, Eye, Ear, Nose, -" street. d Kt 8 fahct, The Losing ii Florist French Mushrooms [|| #+terda i Eth, thioudh, the --- #3200. DOUBLE A, Nour Tr alana; SMin. Bytelubiat, . 20% orien % ol . 0 x emailer Oraert Orders . i 1 Tis 'Broek 50¢ r ti : - With or without e ; on LEGAL $7,000, DETACHED BRICK; ALL IM./ Ing and i ~ - provements; large yard and garage. | DENTAL p sewing. knitting machines, A. B. CUNNINGHA: BARRISTER : ; 4 "iar. | HOUSES ALL PRICES ALL OVER Choi " I FOR SALE | Might Work; ghost wagon ld Sha scHaltor, aw of) ce, 79 Clar the city Extra hoicest | - MONEY TO LOAN; INSURANCE AND| A. EB KNAPP, BA, LDS, nok : . ] Cc brok Offics, 368 Princess street. Japan (Green) Tea, Bon Marche Grocery Three Used Cars Kingston Hosiery, goa AND ROOMS. Pon 198 $F. 51 Clarence street. |, 2 . sn | Phone 1844, Cor. King & Earl || of wa | - Limited. 3 : DR. J. LEONARD WALSH. DENTIST, in 5 Ib Boxes, $1.50 Wer Ford, McLaughlin 0% roy iTV ANS JUARD AND ROOMS, MUSIC gorner Prices and Bagot sweets i ~ Y tion. Apply #43 Brock street. Phone Lipton's Plantation Brand " and Stude er. : ' PEARL A, NESBITT, LT.CM., CON- = 25 Ib. : ; tralto, organist dna difector of | DRS. SPARKS AN Rutan: nl Tea, Pins i i Brock St, Meth, church. 'eacher Usta, 160 W: $1.40. When you require Tea 9 SRE . = = of Dang SrEan and voice produce Dewar, Dos : BOYD'S GARAGE n | Ton. Buplis. prepared Sor To | Dhaenyyd PS. . ' 3 | 5 4 Toto Conservatory examinations. GORDON Ss. 1 129 Brock St Studic' 449 Johnson St. Fall term la the plage to get it . commences Sept. 1st, 1917. BUSINESS CHANCES Cor. Bay and Montreal Streets. : . Phone 88. vEter eva seat esr ses Var INVESTORS WARNING DONS INV one cent unt you read Successfu Finance, and learn bow fortunes are made and lost by Investors TECTS, MER. trial subscription. Success- chants Bullding, corner ul Finance, 608 8. Dearborn St. Brock and Pan, ull streets. *hleago. A ses sue see Hen ene Bee 33d smaws ww Ses vas be od ee oo Bc, Be, Eo Lh Dre EEE © adm ra to All ts of the City 15 CENTS PER BAG , AL FOR COOKING. "or the benefit of those - y co] : . oh ; " a aA L tl a a Tg 5 8% FS bd aki ar Repu ing fruits; No. | 1 '| Tenders for cement walk-on Alwing- |B . --_ sh : =a = = = He = = re REE = y h Sugen in 100 ton Avenue, Portsmouth, are solicited |i} 2k. 3 : J 2 \ 1] ; 5 ry aR A ry A | $8. 50 by the Covnent of the Village of Ports- mouth, Specifications of walk can be seen at the Halliday Eleetrie Co, Prine cesy and King ptreets. het The lowest or any tender not neces-| sarily 'ncabpted. Tenders to be sent to the clerk 0 8 pa August 22nd, mr a : = JAMES SCALLY, Clerk Portamouth * ltt dois DRI ois aaa ison ti