PAGE EIGHTEEN Mase AVIATORS IN DARING FLIGHTS DEFY DEATH tt a ® THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, BE Many are the stories of dar- ing aerial combats as well as equally reckless and foolish "stunts" performed in the air that are coming to this country every week from the great war centres and aviation training schools of Europe. Among the kpectacular air combats was that in which Robert Mesinger, a noted German air pilot, met death. According to the Frank- furter Zeitung, the German had shot. down four 'of the allied aviators before he met his own fate. During the fight one of the allied aviators aeroplanes canght fire, and the latter, real- izing that he was unable to es- cape death, rammed Mesinger's machine with the result that both aviators fell to the earth from a great height. The tor pedoplane, invented by Rear Admiral Bradley A. Tiske. U. B. N., retired, has appealed to the German aviators to the extent that they have adopted or appropriated it, and by clever work have demonstrated that the American naval aerial forces will find it a useful in- strument with which to invade German naval and submarine bases, to say nothing of sinking merchant ships, as shown in upper photo. oJ wr 3 Quality First 1 SPICE DROPS, CREAM ROLLS, LEMON MARGUER- AT PRESIDENTS, GINGER er CAKES. You will find the eating quality of these to be very good, and from 'the standpoint of purity, we can strongly re- commend them to you, Crothers' ~rrw RR RES rere WERE --- Frontenac GLENDOWER Aug. 14--The late rain did a lot of good, for everything was drying up. The cars come in at Thirty Is- land Lake for feldspar. Help' is very scarce for the farmers, D. Bab- cock has bought a new binder Mrs. Goudy preached in the Friends Church last Sunday. BARRIEFIELD Aug. 15 -- The hot weather is dry- ing up the gardens. Rain is needed. Mrs. Hamblet and three children of Massachusetts are the guests of her mother, Mrs. Hutton. Mr..and Mrs. | Killin also Frank Lucille and Miss Hazel Masher of Watertown, N.Y, who were the guests of Mrs. G. Med- ley, have returned home. Mr, Strad- in of Toronto, who was the guest of G. Muller, sr., has returned home. Mrs. J, F. OReilly and her daughter Dorothy, and Mrs. C. Cun- ningham of Buffalo, N.Y., were the guests of their sister, Mrs. Nathaniel Stanton. Miss Isabella Nelson, city, who was the guest of her grand- mother, Mrs. Dowler, and aunt, Mrs. W. Murray, has returned home. Mis, SYRUP oF TAR & Cob Liver Oil Stops CoucH a Sold in generous size bottles by all dealers. : THE J. L. MATHIEU CO., Props. SHERBROOKE, P.Q. * Unparalleled Indust Makers also of Mathieu's Nervine Powders the be edy for Headaches, Neuralgia, and Teveridi code. ag in Prosperity --Uniform Courtesy to All = Kingston rial Exposition ! Entertainment for _ 3 andaGiood Time pt. 25-26-27 | on all ship 7 Premiums, «., $6,000): {1m ou Prize List open to Pro-|- fait i * vince F eaturing E HORSES FLOWERS i CATTLE VEGETA GRAIN FANCY) and Running Horses, High Class ad Unheard of Quantities ~All entries in it Ww. A. Paterson, | 3 1 fit 10 F. Sproule, President. £ . " ps [= of speed, for Trolling, Pacing of Exhibits, Eri writing. For inform 4 n . Victoria St." Poult; JD: A. W. Sirret F. Coldham and children, who spent the week at Mrs. Wesley Wager's, Centerville, has retwrmed home. Mrs. Hazelton and son, Bert, of To- ronto, visited at Mr. Turner's, Mas- ter Ernest Leader is visiting with his grandfather, Mr. Price of Mountain Grove. Mr, Price and family mo- tored from Mountain Grove and spent Sunday at his daughters, Mrs. A. Leader's. Sergt. Gray has gone back to Petawawa camp. MOUNTAIN GROVE Aug. 16.--The annual Prentice Boys celebration was held here on Saturday, Aug. 11th, and a record crowd was in attendance. The Red Cross "taggers" are all smiles over the success of Itheir campaign. "Billie" England and Russell Arm- strong, Zealand, visited at Alexander McDonald's Jast week, William Mil- ler and family, Newburgh, took in the celebration here on. Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Uens are visit- ing her sister, Mrs, Iva Davy. Miss | Georgina Jeffery, Godfrey, called on friends here last week. D. Anglin, Battersea, was at A. W. Thompson's and E. Walroth at J. BE, Prices over Sunday. "Bob" Flynn and family Smith's Falls, are holidaying at his fathers, R. Flymn's. | Mr. and Ms. W. Williams, Belleville, motored to Dave Cox's on Sunday and spent a few days with relatives here, Wil: liam Evans is around to-day looking for a car load of stock for market. Mrs. Temple, Toronto, and Mr. Hardy, Tweed, arg at George Som- ers. Miss Florence Abbott returned home on Saturday from Madoc Mod- el School. "Winnifoird Thompson | spent Saturday in Kingston. George Somers made a business trip to Tweed this week. * Miss Agnes Price is 'renewing acguaintances at Long Lake. Joseph Cox and family also Migs Nora Grey motored to Deseron- | to on Sunday last, Muss Ruby Web- ster left on Monday for Little Brit- jin. Miss Mina Anderson, Braeside, | visited friends here over Sunday. Misses Bertha Scott and Winnie | Smith, Zealdnd, are visiting friends. Rev. Mr. Webster left yesterday for a short holiday. FERGUSON'S FALLS Aug. 18. Most of the farmers in this vicinity have finished haying and are cutting grain. Later crops are badly in need of rain. Mrs. Craig and her brother, P. Hollinger, left on Tuesday for their home in Grand Forks, after spending two months with relatives here, A num- ber of the young people attended the large Red- Cross dance which was held in Drummonl Centre on Wed- nesday evening. Miss May Sheppard of Hamilton is spending a few weeks at-her home here. William Closs, D. Berry, and T. Command left to-day for the west for tfie harvest. 4-1 the & SATURDAY, AUGUST 18, 1917. "FROM THE COUNTRYSIDE { | friends here. 4 | Friends here of Sergt. John of McNab, of Henrietta Wilson, relict |CURSIONS TO WEST- ERN CANADA $12.00 To Winnipeg, Man., plus 3 cent per mile beyond. Return, 15 cent per mile to Win- nipeg, plus $18.00, Going Dates, August 21st and 30th. Summers, Lansdowne, is visiting | Eli Tennant spent Sun-| day in Brockville. Farmers report! |a splendid crop of hay and grain, | Sum- | | mers, England, received a cable-| | gram on Monday announcing his re-| turn shortly to Ottawa. Between Montreal and London (Calling Falmouth to land passengers) --and-- Montreal and Bristol For particulars of sailings and rates Apply to local agents or to The Robert Reford Co, Limited, General Agents, 0 King Street Fast. Toronto er en tr Aa WIRE FENCING Trellis, Flower Borders, Railings, Gates, Wire Guards, Baskets and every description of wire goods manu- factured by Partridge & Sons. Crescent Wire Works, Kington. Phone 380. ©he TRANSCONTINENTAL Lv. TORONTO 10.45 P, M, TVSS0AY, Thumsoay Ar. WINNIPEG 4.30 P. M. ™V at Naira Connecting at Winnipeg for all Western Canada and Pacific Coast Points HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS tXisrn EVERY TUESDAY UNTIL OCT. 30th, 1917, Low fares in effect and tickets good for two months. Time Table and all information from any Grand Trunk, Canadian Government Railways, or T.& N. O. Railway Agent A nee ir MORTON. Aug. 14. --Miss Mildred Burtch, Jones' Falls, is spending a few days the guest of Miss ' Laura Wiltse Miss Laura Wiitse spent Sunday with friends at Jones' Falls. L. Coon, Kingston, is spending a couple of days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Coon. Miss Heaz® Halliday, Elgin, spent a couple of days last Week the guest of Miss Mabel Hen- derson. Miss May Sly. Lyndhurst, is spending a few days with her cousin, Miss Estella Sly. Mrs. Alice Willis has returned from visiting friends at Seeley"s Bay. Mrs. George Peddow is spending a few days with friends at Gananoque. Miss Jennie York is visiting friends at Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Burns Simpson, Jones' Fails, spent Sunday the guest of Mr: and |. Mrs. J. Stewart. Dr. Graham spent a couple of days last week in Kings- ton. Recent visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Mack 'Coon and daughter, 'Elgin; Mr. and Mrs. Clatyon Coon, Forfar; and Mr. and Mrs. Slack, Lyndhrust, at J. Coon's; J. Taber and Miss Tay- lor, Kingston, at F. B. Taber's, at the cottage. For further particulars apply to J. P. Hanley, C.P. and T.A.. G.T. Ry. Sys., Kingston, Ont. VENNACHAR. Aug. 13.--The memorial service held for Pte. J. L. Ball and Pte. C. A. Gregg, who sacrificed their lives | for King and country in the battle | of Vimy Ridge, France, lasp April, was conducted in the Methodist, church here on the 12th inst. The church was heavily draped in white. The pulpit rail was ladened with wreaths and crosses. made from beautiful flowers contributed by friends from different places. The service was conducted by Rev. Mr. Herrington, of Plevna. Visitors:-- | Alexander Stalker, Clayton, N.Y., and James Stalker, Plevna, at Robt. Gregg's; Mrs. Charles Goodrich, for- merly Miss Maud Gregg, Kingston, and Mrs. Carman McNeil, Plevna, at their brother's, Stanley Gregg's; Rev. M. W. Simpson, Fernleigh, and family, are visiting this vicinity; - Henry Armstrong at An- drew Wilson's; Mr. and Mrs. An- drew Lemkie, Plevna, at James H. Sallan's; Miss Eva Booth, Denbigh, at Alexander Jacwson's; Miss Eva M. Jackson has returned -home from | attending summer Model school at Sharbot Lake. Mrs. James Full- brook, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Alexander Jackson, has returned to her home in Toronto. + 36,000 * Harvesters Wanted $12.00 TO WINNIPEG Return Fare Half Cent per Mile to Winnipeg till Novembe* 30th, 1917, plus $18.00 to Original Starting Point Plus Half a Cent per Mile beyond to any Station East of Calgary, Edmonton or Burbank, Alta. } Special Through Trains Leave Toronto (Union Station) 9.00 a.m., August 21st 10.00 p.m., August 21st and 30th. The Best of Equipment and Lunch Counter Cars Electric Lighted Colonist Cars, Special Accommodation for Women For Tickets and JLeaflet showing number of laborers required at each point apply to > M. C. Dunn, City Agent, or General Passenger Department, Toronto, Ont. tee) BONYARD'S. " Aug. 15.--Quarterly service will be held in the Methodist church on Sunday next. 'Irome Minaker, of Bay City, Mich., after an absence of many years, is renewing acquaint- ances here. Miss Nellie Martin, of Picton, is the guest of Miss Edith McCornock. Mr, and Mrs. F. Eaton spent Sunday last at Wlupoos. A j number from here attended the farm ers' picnic at the Sand Banks last Thursday. The quarterly official hoard met at the church on Monday. SALEM. Aug. 15.--Several from this vicin- ity attended the farmers' pic-nic at the Sandbanks on Thursday last. Miss; Hattie Hawley, Toronto. Is | Spending a few weeks with friends (Bere. Rev. and Mrs. C. A. Fox and daughters, Ruth and Thelma, motor- ed over from Alton, N.Y., and were visitors at Egerton Wannamaker's. Among recent visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Morrison, Bloomfield; at A. Spencer's; Mr. and Mrs. George Elmo, Big Island. at Charles Carn- rike's; Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Fox, Plc- (ton, at C. C. Wannamaker's; Mr. Heel, Peterboro, at C. M. Kemps. {Your correspondent on a trip ! through North Hastings last. week found the best crops that had been grown for years.. The hay was near- ly all harvested and in good eondi- tion. All crops are aboul two weeks later than usual. Everywhere one sees large patches of potatoes; and as one farmer remarked there were enough potatoes in a few northern townships to furnish all Hastings County. ~__ "Higher than Gibraltar" Yes, higher by 600 feet--this Montreal. Make it a two-week rugged outpost of the Laurentian yin. or take any of it. Between 'oronto ty, is MAKE THE SAGUENAY TRIP THIS YEAR You can start your trip at The boats touch at Murray Niagara Falls, at Toronto, or and Tadousac. g Send two cents postage for illustrated Booklel, Map ond Guide ~~ CANADA STEAMSHIP LINES LIMITED LE EE NEE EEE The death occurred on July 31st, ! at her' late residence in the township 46 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont. THs is the Year for om I nlond Water Trip § ¥ mE of as ui Siupoon. was -one years 'blinds some men, ant in makes fots of others too nearsighted Experience'is a high priced teach- er. It keeps a man hustling to pay uition fees, So You ean sometimes judge 5 mans ability by the number of relatives fie RAR stations PRETYELEEEE fo / and ineluding ten and Windsor, Oot, i Fistuwel, Goericn, St. Mary's, Port Barwell North to. Bolton, Inclusive. ; Ms Som F. Conway, @.P.A. Corner Princess 8nd Wellington Streets, Kiriguton. ORL.