Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Aug 1917, p. 4

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: PAGE FOUR THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1917. The British Whig 1S CANADA AT WAR? F . ioeuT. aR = STH. YRAR, | GOOCH = Sometimes one really questions the KILL IN A ION fact, and has reason. to do so in the PUBLIC OPINION ED CT | : . presence of the general thoughtless- | ¥ {| Former Frontenac Star * Pays 1 ness or indifference which prevails. . 2 s : i v He sees the soldiers that are at A Load Dissent, The Suprame Eifics in a 3 2 (Windsor Record) | . France. 3 home, some of them broken in body Sir Clif. Sifton must be hard of | | and disabled for life, and if he is in- | hearing if he can't detect a chorus of | The sporting fraternity in King- Ji FINE UALITY 'MEN? AND oYS' WEAR clined to listen 'he ean hear from dissent at his political resurrection. | ston will be grieved to learn of the |} Q S B them a story of entrancing intergst. A Crooked Line. | death of "Jack" Gooch, who played od There are no doubt th Kingston the (Brantfo:d Courier) | with the Kipgston Frontenacs two i i Ho ting | Winters ago. It was ust'after "Reg" / + i survivors of Langemarck, and 'they |. The Hindenburg line is getting 8 : j °F | crooked e h t 3 dee | Crawford met with his sefious acci- |i ' pecial-- 3 rd 1 ia Shi [ = S ean tell how Canadians In april, | oo krerew aos the Je. use 2% 2! dent that Gooch took his place and [Hill S 2 pairs for 75c. Special Sport ris Tl == | German | i THEE [EEE Fr 1915, saved the day, meeting the | officers. won the confidence of the hockey Ii Heavy Quality Police Braces Sizes 14 to 153. Regular | ferocious Huns with their gas i fans in Kingston. . = i d holding th Something Surely. F. H. Gooch, Toronto, received the |i 2 pairs for 75c¢. $1.25 values for 69¢. El Poisoning devices an olding lt (London Advertiser) | word on Tuesday that h's son, Lieut. |} - : at bay after they had broken! Camp Borden air service casualties ' Frederick John Gooch, 6th Battery, through the lines the Turcos had to | Seem more numerous than those at | 2nd Brigade, had paid the s§preme Zive up. the front. What fs the matter with | price of his life on August 15th (Jill ™ | t " . ¢ oon ponder 'wwe the ate | 100 Wrueton? * = "SEY ining tae rus, spose, oct 1 ur ore despatches, and learn how the Can- Time To Act. { and taking a man's chance of com-| Ji adians retook Hill 70 and opened (Brantford Expositor) { ing out alive. 1 the way for the recovery of all the The Conservative press have been Lieut. Gooch, who * was twenty- Published Dsily and Semi-Weekly by loud in their praise of the independ- | g years of a i ; ; four 5 ge, was an all-round : . . . ay THE BRITISH WIG PUBLISHING tersitory trom LeBtise io Lows, But ence of a number of the: Liberal|athlete and In Nockey, canceing' and From now on will be headquarters in this locality for the male con: etree | UltiMALE SUCCESS COMES LO newspapers in Ontario. It would be | boxing he took a leadin rt in To- : : : : : TG Blot FratGent | at have consecrated their lives | pleasant 10 be able fo Tetarn the | rants Where ho was ding part 1n To; tingent of the human family, looking for fall and winter outfitting. : and Sec-Treas. | and services to the country. compliment. : Canada Life Assurance Co. In King- Men's and young men's Telephoness Canada can rejoice, and no doubt Skin Saves Him. ston, where he took the artillery Business Office Ldn does so, over the tribute 'which has a ea course, he was well known and his been paid to it by the press of Bri- A speaker said there were some clear cut manlindes was Impressed o \ : ® ® ' i 41} with whom he came in contact. t e erica. This tribute h Canadian editors who should be triad a ume 111 ae Cla A ay Baran) tain and America y as and shot for treagon.. The hide of 9 ear, Daily n) N LE . Que delivered In city ..... $6.00] Deen fervently expressed in thelin. 5viorage editor is so tough that IN MARINE CIRCLES year, if paid in advance .... $5.00| words of the London Times, which |a common bullet would simply glance ' . ' b , one your, 15 Tite States pilots iE say: "The Canadians at Hill 70 have |off and hurt some innocent specta- Movements of ¥etsths in a Art 1 22 5 nl-Week adv , : \ . One year, all, cash 1.00 | advanced the fame of those who tor The steamer City of Hamilton ar- a ue, *® Ono year, 1 United St $15 have fallen in the attack on the : as Sar AG i f T t 10.45 d : 3 CUTTING DOWN WASTAGE rived from Toronto at 10.45 a.m, an x Eo three months pro rata. same ground in September, 1915." a w AGE cleared for Montreal at J p.m. on General Currie, the Canadian com- | The Garbage Collectors Have Favor. Tuesday. . . . - rly MONTREAL REPRESENTATIVE i y O ox EFAS. |cmaral Cultie, Iho Canadian wom Rau Aor. Yarana\utrived Tom Genuine indigo serges, cheviots, and worsteds; pinch backs, form ruce Owen 123 able Report to Make, : : 3 RONT 2} NT V 2 11.20 a.m, le f . FORONTO' REPRESENTATIVE . | 0", canada 1s concerned, iss] - That the people are paying more) pian St 1j:20 ain. and ciated for fitting. ; and the more conservative two and three button sack style, ¥. C. Hoy ... 1005 Trad g . NR ATA RE EEN LATIVE: in the maintenance of her army. At attention to good food placed in the| The steamer Toronto arrived from stouts, slims and regulars. F.R.Northrup, 1510 Ass'n Bldg. Chicago | once, one asks, how can she be help- Sattace an. and that there is a| Prescott at 4.45 p.m. and cleared for is one of the best job| ed with conditions as they are at uniform éffort to curtail the wastage | Toronto at 5.05 p.m. on Tuesday. Afttac) * y preached 10 Oe ds : - " is the opinion of the garbage col-| The steamer Plummer arrived Special --Boys Low Shoes. Special - Prenont Prussianism" Is the | jectors, Some time ago, it was stat-| from Montreal at 5 a.m. and cleared : Ee Thi RRR ieoalatins OF FREE BRIVIS word which expresses most tersely| ed that there was a good deat of food | for Fort William at 6.10 a.m. on - Sizes 31, 4, 41, 5, 53. Tans, See Bibb $8 50 En kL h WHIG is suthenticated by the the persistency and the malice of Placed "i the Sans that could be w- Wednesday. Blacks, Patents. Regular $4.00 1 ys e gis . BO the enemy. Germany had what she | 126d, and complaint was made in the] The steamer Kingston arrived , . Audit Buresu of Otrculations. || oo S00" "CE To ting ma. | "DIE ahout the matter, Now, Bow-| from Toronto at 5.10 a.m. and clear- and $4.50 values, for $2.75. Parametta Raincoats. ever, comes the report that there is Prescott A - om chine. It ought, at any rate, to have | not the amount of wastage, and this So for at 5:30 a.m. on Mon NON-RESIDENTS AS VOTERS, been perfect in view of the labor and | shows that the people are working M. T. Co's Bulletin: The tug The question of whether non-re- | money that were spent upon it. to help win the war. Thomson arrived with the barges sidents of the Dominion, who are| This machine was meant to be ei the Mliffetent hotels, the bread | Quebec and Rickerton, from the Wel- : B by which G hould craps' are being saved and are|jand Canal; tug Hall arrived from serving in the Canadian Expedition. | the means by which Germany shou sold to the keepers of poultry, and! Montreal, with two light barges; Ow= ary Force, shoyld be allowed tc vofe | become perhaps the world's dictator, | this alone does away with a great ing to rough 'weather on the lake, in the fortheoming general election | and every inferest was made sub-| deal of the stuff which under ordin-| the steamer Jex did not arrive in port occupied the House of Commons for | serviant to its efficiency. If it fail- ary circumstances, goes into the gar-| yesterday with the tug Magnolia in five hours on Monday. Hon. .Dr.|ed at a critical time it was because £0 tana, NTN tow from Oswego, but she was ex- Pugsley, leading the Hberals, urged | the plans of a Von Hindenburg fail-| QUEEN'S PROFESSOR RESIGNS pected to reach here to-day; the tug B leared. f M: th that persons who had not been re- [ed when they were expected to suc- a ay hie otros, bd sidents of Canada for a reasonable |ceed. and ever since the turning |Prof. E. A. Dale 'Appointed to De-|jang cleared Wednesday for Port!" time before enlisting should not be {point there has been striving, and ary of Jatin "Varsity. Colborne. '| Alkali In Shampoos ; allowed to vote. ~ His argument was [constant and painful striving, on the of. Ernest: A. Dale, - acting pro- Pr Rar A . : 3 that residents of the United States, | part of Germany to hold what she fessor of latin at Queen's Univer How. a Little-Saved Mounts Up. Bad For Washing Hair SAVE THE EGGS of the West Indies. Newtoundiand. |n t and ib 7 th sity during the past session, has re-{ The new vogue of carrying pareels|\ oe T Hel Co od » | has got, and on the part of the en- signed, and will take a permanent| home as a means of practising Wir| .Don't use prepared shampoos or 0 elp nserve and the British Isles, who had never | emy to drive her out and into de- | professorship in the department of{ economy is becoming popular in|anything else that, contains{ 100 'The Food S 1 set foot in Canada, would be quali- | feat. Latin at the University of Toronto, many cities in America, Some! much alkali, for this is very injuri- uppiy. tied to vote under the provisions of : Which as a4lerer) through the powartal organizations of Sometn ous, as it dries the scalp and makes et section two 'of the Military. Voters EDITORIAL NOTES. 8 Prof, G. W._ Johnson and|{havé taken the matter up with the the hair brittle. Everyone is entering into Act, 1917, It would he Possible he| = It costs a lot of money to make | ox Fretoher recently, idea of gett'ng merchants to make| The best thing to use is Just plain IE of oad al --Co arstied § jp uing his short stay at Queen's prices slightly more favorable for | mulsified cocoanut ofl. for this is ple are mow familiar with the gued, to colonize and hive non-|an airship, and one has to remenibhé Uliversity Prof, Dale has rendered | those sroppers who carry their oWn| pure and entirely greaseless. It's wonderful preserviug qualities of residdnt:woldier voters in constitu-| this when W¥ ral of the rfliimbeF ledidently satisfactory service, and parcels. | very cheap, and beats anything else encles where there were narrow |of accidents to aviators these days. | hs departure will be regretted, by| Sometimes it is necessary for the zll to pieces. You can get this at any Lyman's Egg Pre- margins, and: by: judicious distribu- members of the staff and students.| shopper to have some or all of her drug store, and a few ounces, will ton the: non-resident military slec-| It 18-8aid that there are trade {iio Succemor has been appointed to purchases delivered at her home, last the whole {amily for a server Waterglass 1058 wadithbe able to control a lun combines in the city. They couldn't the professorship which has been va-| The woman with children or with mply mo t ol 15¢ Ti Be 1't| caved by Prof. Alfred B. Codd, who|a long shopping list involving alter and rub it in, about a teaspoo m number of ridings. exist it the buyers looked about ais till on leave of absence, and|lengthy walk cannot be expected to| ful is all that is required. It makes Dr. Pugsley sald that if the mini- little and reafized ' that the retail | wihiose position was so successfully | burden herself with parcels, many of an abundance of rich, creamy lather, whee, tun sanisin on ster of justice persisted in the bill | Prices vary to a most remarkable ex- filled by Prof. Dale. Mach are heavy: aut ory often Sledngos horosshiy. ang irae Syt settles and keep the exgs in- tent. small parcels can oar in (the . hy. going through as it stood, after his - Important Food Announcement. | hand without inconvenience or dis< evenly, and.is Joftetiesh Joking. attention had been called to its de-| oo 0 bjection to a* new | Food Controller Hanna makes the comfort, To remember to do this, bright, flufty, wavy anf easy 3 oh ; Aly fects, there would be only one con- 8 4 announcement that on Tuesdays and |in war time, is to feel the thrill of, le: Besides, it loosens A rt nal clusion, namely, - that the measure |EoVernment began when Sir Clitford | prigays those selling meals ate mot| service for the cause. Out svery particle 'of dust, Qirt ang was expressly designed by the gov-|Sifton posed as a diplomat, or gov-| permitted to dispense ham in any| Ata hundred stages of exch day's andrul. err : ernment for tha purpose of stealing ernment advisor. Rogers knew Sif-| form, btacon or beef, and the age experience there are opportunities THREE LITTLE BOYS DRUG STORE the 'election.' "The: minister 'of Jus- ton in the west, and they couldn't|dmit for veal has been placed at six for ecomomizing. It is a happy duty " MET VIOLENT DEATHS 848 ties Eavh mix. months. - - to buy War Savings Certificates' with gave no sign that he would in . money saved by reversing certain emp-- any way change the act or meet the| =" EEE T LL pos | A good man's.countenance may | habits acquired in ante-bellum days. Three Last inquests Here Have _ objections which had been made to 8 price bt wheat in tlie. Jn fall, but it remains for some better| A little saved here and there soon! goon Over Deaths of it. His argument in the main was| 'te3 has been fixed at $1.65 peri man to beesk it. "=. xl mounts up to a lot. CS that "tlie man' who Comes fo. fight | 2ushel: Which means that. litte - . Youngsters. : y Canadian grain will be sold in the : : fra for his country evinces an interest 'Tlie three last inquests held. in in Jt and should have 's say in its United States when the fixed price 4 . N Kingston, have been as the result of government." : in Canada is $2.40 per bushel. v Ri lin mes oh th of dttle boys. A feature of the case that is : ; It will be remembered that two Hon. Mr. Rogers possesses one most noticeable consists of the fact distinguishing characteristic. He that it was a conservative paper | yjynt, and he is plain. . He does 'which, in advatice of this discussion, ngt believe in playing with con: POOR GERMANY ? ~* pointed ont how completely the Bov-| soriptiow; and, because the premier : : "Qld Kaiser Bill is bad enough; you must admits ernment 'had the soldier vote In is not in earnest, leaves his govern- 5 it's pretty tough to have a king like that; a man so dent, bu band. The machinery of an elac-{, ..¢ in disgust. i arrogant and vain, with egotism so insane his head| ..."ir he is called upon to act, he tion was in the control of the gov- 3 outgrows his hat. It must be tough to have a king|; tends to hold an inquiry into ev- ernment; the vote itself 'was sracti-| The Globe speaks of the coming . who always says a crazy thing when wisdom's in re- : death has been ~ecally under the direction of the gov- arafl. One would think it was quest, who was, hefore he took his lance, and started| used by an automobile. ' ey : st t in France, the universal jest, But Kaiser 3 etnment's agents; and the hiving of | coming next month, When one has mtn is shin. Mis Jnivarel J, Alnor Sends to do all in his power to pre- this vote was rendered possible by | read the Military Service Act of f. shins, has points one may admire; his heart is not en- reckions driving : the manner in which large numbers | 1917 he realizes how long it will tirely stone, and people say they've heard him groan Canadian Casualties of voters could be assigned at will | take, months probably, to get its|k o'er all this blood and fire. The load he carries is to any particular constituency. No- to} 3 ; soon or lite, and he willl Died of wo aS. aT : : | machinery -into operation. , J 5 White, Port Hope; G. BE. Rogers, thing was said about the loading of g . in gi i . the lsts with non-residents for the| Uncle Sam will not stand for ang} © The kron wil ; 'the' arta minal Delioved killed-- occasion, and the care with which [trifling with conseription. The two |\Pm ; T. Leary, Verona; H. W. Andrews, | provision has been made for this is |New York judges who accepted of {As A, ; arr Lindsay; W. S. Brown, Minden, Ont.; indicated by the warm defence the | bribes, and gave certificates of un-| Si east a ma . ead, and | Re-8:-Gurry. Haliburton, \Om. government is making of the prin- | fitness to slackers, will repent of ciple... =. 3 iW] their sins during the two years they © There is only ome braks on «the| will spend in prison, They deserve plans of the government, and aiall they got. a 'brake which may be. applied with So iy nt some purpose. The government, in| How many men from Kingston ita distress, in its desire to avoid | has the Department of Agriculture 'complete disintegration, and at the 'same time comply with public opin- . ; 1 ion, Is appealing "to the leading : uted 1] poof | ald It in forming a war the labor that is required. Are ouri t business mén not susceptible to the] |: support or 'assistance and | call of the hour? oh plot, as Dr. Pugs the election? part | %

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