Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Aug 1917, p. 10

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Some women hold to the idea that bread-mak- ing is a long and difficult operation, but this is a mistake, for with Royal Yeast Cakes, light, sweet bread can be made in a few hours with but little trouble, Eh ee et, eo and rola with Rov Yeas Cakes. Send name and 3 plainly tten and Sais vajustis § Htte will be mailed EW. CLL ALEIT.ED.LTD LTD. Po ---- GERMANS IN CHINA. Employees in Oustoms Service Were Pald Ofr, Amoy, China, Aug. 22. employees in 'the Chinese customs iviee were paid off yesterday. What disposal is to be made of sub- jects of the Central Powers, with which countries China is now at war, has not yet been decided. German 80,000 Are Homeless. Tondon, 'Aug. 22.---More than half the walled <ity of Salonika, in Greek Macedonia, which is under occupation by the Entente Allied troops, was destroyed by fire on Saturday. Eighty thousand people who were rendered homeless were being re- moved to neighboring villages last evening, according to a despatch re- ceived in London. The fire is now under control. HOME GROWN POTATOES 50c Peck. Fresh Vegetables and Choice Groceries Thompson's Grocery Phone 387. IMPERIAL LIFE Te rate of Interest re- Jumpgate) J Lite on ian a fund 1916 wan Wid per tent,' Acvording to the tant available Sgures, the ayver- nie rate earned by all Unnadidn companies way 6.38 per ce fred; Keys fitted. J ch Em 149 Sydenham Street a THE CONFESSIONS OF ROKANE | (By Frances Walter) AN ARGUMENT. (Copyright, 19616, the McClure Nawgpaper Syndicate) The place we had chosen for our camp was ideal - for that purpose. High up on the grassy bank of the erystal, pure creek we had chanced to find a broad, flat rock, over which a wide spreadifig oak capt its cool shadow. Here we prepared our lun- cheon, for Kenneth declared he was famishing for food and could not enjoy another moment of life unless his hunger wae satisfied. and, despite the fact that it was only eleven o'clock, we allowed him to have his way. It was a very congenial little party which gathered about the improvised table. In fact, from the time I had thrown my arms about my newly- found cousin at the railroad station on the evening of her arrival, I had heen drawn to her by the many charming qualities which she posses- sed. And she gave every indication that the attraction was mutual. As for Kenneth, both Virginia and 1 admired him. Had 1 been called upon to find fault with him, I should have said that he was perhaps too retiring, too dignified, but this fault was not striking when he was among his friends, for with those he liked he unbent to the extent that he became almost talkative. It was a novelty for me to hear views such as his expressed by a man, In all my experience I had known only women to hold such opinions, yet Kenneth did not appear effemin- ate when he gave utterance to these unusual ideas. Just as his opinion of sportsman- ship had been unique for masculine utterance, so his views on nature it- gelf proved refreshing. "I cannot understand the attitude from which some persons regard na- ture," he was saying in reply to some- nia had asked. 'They think it is a cadaver to be pleces and studied un- nd why? I can under- stand the necessity for studying the human body, but nature is much better let alone. In its entirety it is magnificent. In its details it may be wonderful, but it cannot be beautiful." "Those who seek nature are not a by Lerrons Prepared Specially for. By Pictorial Review ly emmy Virginia. They are scholars. They are utilitarians. They seek medicinal herbs. They strive ito understand insect life so that they may destroy that whieh is harmful and build up that which is beneficial. I suppose such a seeker would not know if a thing was beautiful if he looked at it, or he might consider a rare spe- cies of toad an object of admiration." "It cannot be denied that what you say is true," returned Kenneth. "I know it is true, and that is the rea- son why I find if so regrettable. I would not preach so much if ' the search for useful knowledge confined within proper limits, but it is not. In our 'sehools they teach to pieces, to mangle the forms of Awormg, to pry fimto. the roots and stems of herbs. What earthly good does it accomplish? None." "But 'these young women may be- come scientists," scholars usually are men. Why ex- men?" They argued in this vein for an side of the tonténtion, while Ken- neth supported the view which one might have thought a woman would be partial to. Kept. on indefinitely had I not put a stop to it all by suggesting a walk along the creek bank. As it was, the disputants gave ground, but slowly, and it was Some time before we were egrefully picking bur way along the high and dangerous path by the winding rivulet: (To be continued.) There is more Catarrh in this aéction of the country than all other diseases put together, and for years it was sup- paséd to be fneyrable. Dootors pre- scribed loeal remedies, and by con stantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable; Catarrh is a Toc] disease, greatly in- fluenced by eonstitutional econditions and therafore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manu- factured by F, J. Cheney & Co, Toledo, Ohio, in & constitutional rémedy, is ta. Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. One Handred Dollars reward is offered for any case that Hall's Ca- tarrh Cure falls to cure. Send for eir- culars and testimonials, F. J. CHENEY & CO. Toledo, Ohio, Sold by Pruggists, 76¢. Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Gary &Fractieal | Toot Dress Making This. Newspaper Bathing Suit Upon New Lines. 4 swimming Suit over which t Iehuinely enthusiastic ia this is ateta ela wtoncs delow normal gcled tote Borcher BR Caner ana tions. Fold on line of large "0" per forations and baste notched dg b> to gether; them arrange pocket on from! of skirt, notches and edges even Close side seam of skirt 48 notched (Including the pocket in the seam) Turn hem at lower edge on small "0° perforations. Gather skirt at uppes edge between "T perforal "0" perforations, Lap upper front edge on back matching doable small "00" perfora: tions and tack: Sew sleeve in arm: hole as notched; large "0" Han at dvjer Glige at shoulder Pratasiay Review SG sult No EO £3 cents seekers after the beautiful," replied were young and giddy girls to tear flowers '""The records do not prove it. The tend the powef of destruction to wo- hour. Virginia upholding the man's And they might have ken Internally and acts through the il | Are Only Things That Sub. is Afraid i Of. { Washington, Aug. 22 Immediate { expangion of building facilities of {the United States to doubie or treble {the output of destroyers during the { next eighteen months was the oh- ject of a conference to-day between Secretary of the Navy Daniels and representatives of 25 or more ship and engfie builders. ; "MH we get what we want," the Secretary said, "the United States will have more destroyers than any other power. They are the one thing that a submarine fears." The Secretary indicated that all the destroyers the builders could produce would be ordered. Every effort of the department will be laid upon speeding up the large number of A ac now pending. MT, Daniels said no additional submarine chasers would be ordered at present. The chasers are valu- able for harbor and inshore patrol work, but the destroyers are far superior even for these duties, and have in addition seagoing qualities which make them of Tar greater value in all ways than the small chasers. HARVESTERS! LOOK! 36,000 Farm Laborers Are Wanted in the West. The Canadian Northérn Railway will operate the first excursion trains for the West, leaving Toronto Union Depot at 9 am. and 10 p.m, August 21st and 10 p.m. August 30th, and running through solid to Winnipeg. The equipment will consist of elec- trie lighted colonist cars, lunch counter cars, and in addition, the rathway will continpe their last year's innovation of keeping a special car for the accommodation of single women and families, and of placing it in the train where the occupants will be sepdrated from the other pas- sengers, The territory served by the Can- adian Northern Lines offers the widest choice of employment with high wages, but regardless of where you may locatef remember we give you the best service to Winnipeg, where you will re-purchase to final destination, no matter on what line it may be, For leaflet showing special train service with dates, mumber of men required at various points and other information, apply to M. C. Duna, 217 Princess street, or General Pas- senger Department, Canadian North- ern Railway, Toronto, LOVETT, PRIORITY DIRECTOR. Coal to be Shipped to Centres Where Urgently Needed. Washington, Aug. 22.---Govern- ment control of the coal industry Wilson formally named Robert 8. Lovett, of the war industries board, director of priority of transporta- tion and approved an order issued by Judge Lovatt directing that rail and steamship lines give bituminous coal shipments to the nerth-west preference over all other freight movements, : Within the next day or so the President is expected to appoint a coal administrator on whonr he will confer authority to control coal pro- duction and distribution, including price fixing powers, given to the executive in the food control act. 100,000 Tons of Sugar Ordered Washington, Aug. 22.---Contracts for 100,000 tons of sugar have just been placed by the governinent for army and navy requirements at a price to be fixed by the food admin- istration. At the present market price the drder will total between twelve and fifteen million dollars, Next to there is nothing a woman likes better than being pos- sessed Another $50,000,000 loan was made by the United States to Great Britain, » A, -" - moved a step nearer when President You may want to change 'your automobile, or your piano, or even your home-- but you will never want to change the COFFEE, when once you taste the delectable flavour of Chase & Sanborn's "SEAL. BRAND" COFFEE. In 3. 1 and 2 pound tins. Whole--ground--pulverized--also {ine ground for Percolators. Ne Sari mn an ver sold in bulk. ry VA California Fruit Store CHOICE F Bananas . . Oranges Peaches . .. Pears . .. wwe Grape Fruit . . . Home Grown Tomatoes RUITS : t, 20e, 25¢, 30¢, 30¢, 40¢, 80¢, FRESH HOME MADE C ANDIES Moir's Chocolates . , . 25¢, 10¢, 80¢ dozen. 50¢ dozen, 50¢ dozen, 40¢, 50c¢ dozen . 4 for . Ibe iio . 50¢ pound Fruits Delivered to All Parts of the C ity. 286 Princess St. Charles Dafnas, Prop. D* J. Collis Browne's / 20 NY } THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. Acts like a Charm in DIARRHOEA ... . 0 on sean CHOLERA DYSENTERY. Checks and arrests those too often fatal diseases FEVER, CROUP, AGUE. The best Remedy known for COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. Effectually cuts short all attacks of SPASMS. *a he only palliative in RHEUMATISM, TOOTHACHE taken in a od according fo the malady, 1 Shlorodyne is yt in rops. dradua no bad CH a fe b¢ taken when no INSIST ON HAVING De. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S The immense success of this Remedy has given tise to many imitations. NB. «Every botile of Oeavias Chlorodyss hears on the stamp the same gof the investor, Dn J. Collis Browne. nervous System when ali beep : other lm Jail, leaves ne cam de tolerated. ri - 36,000 amo 30th, 1917, plus $18.00 to, + Plus Half a Cent per Mile beyond to any Station East of Calgary, Edmonton or Burbank. Alta. Return Fare Half Cent per Mile to Winnipeg till Novembé® Original Starting Point Special Through Traing Leave Toronto (Union Station) 9.00 a.m., August 21st 10.00 p.m., August 21st and 30th. The Best of Equipment and Lunch Counter Cars Pe ar Worn - Yor Tickets dat Leaflet shunfibg amber. of Jborers: required at each point apply Me 5 Dunn, 0s Aout oi Gites] Pamenger- Depstisent, Ont. = SS -- mo Mid- Summer Bargains Gut Prices Men's white canvas Oxfords, with rub- ber sole, $1.98. Men's tan and black Oxfords, $2.48. Men's tan and black Oxfords $2.98 The Sawyer Shoe Store (HCA RAILWAY ARTE HARVEST HELP EX- CURSIONS TO WEST- ERN CANADA $12.00 To Winnipeg , Man., plus 4 cent per gts beyond. Return, 34 cent per mile to Win« nipeg, plus $18.00. Going Dates, August 21st and 830th. For further particulars apply to J. P. Hanley, C.P. and 'T.A., G.T. Ry. Sys., Kingston, Ont. CANADIAN PacCcir Le VISITORS To the WORLD'S GREATEST Annual Exhibition (Aug, Jo hd ne 10th) Will Find the Canadian Pacific THE CONVENIENT ROUTE From AH Points In Cannda EXTRA TRAIN SERVIOR To and from Parkdale Station and Exhibition Grounds from pringipal certain dates. Farticuinry ran | Conwy, or, A. City Ticket Ofice, Princess an Wellington streets, Phone or (Calling Faimonih to land passengers) y de Montreal and Bristol For particulars of sailin tog ly jocal nts bly Jo do oon Lments or to (letiera tara) 50 King Street Fast, Toronto.

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