Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Aug 1917, p. 2

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PAGE TWO _THE DAILY or { BRIT 1SH WHIG, THURSDAY, AUGUST 23, 1917. Furs John McKay Limited. 149-157 Brock Street. | ---- Type writers New and Rebuilt All kinds, from $25.00 up. Oheck Protectors, $10.00 and $27.50, Envelope Sealers, $3.60. J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. an x bay yd ns Davari Ave. ----------------------s] VIOLENT ELECTRIC. STORM |THE WORST KINGSTON HAS EX. PERIENCED IN YE ARS {The Rain Fell in Torrents -- Little Damage Reported in the City -- Rural Telephone Wires Damaged One of the most violent elzetric istorms that has visited Kingston in some years passed over on Wednesday night and while the damage reported in the city was slight, the vividl light- ning and crashing thundér gave a fright to many of the timid in the | wee, «;na' hours, The rain began to fall from the lowering sky shortly after midnight and in a short time was coming down in torrents. It seemed at times as if there were two storms, oné in the west and one in the east approach- ing. The sky was livid with the blinding flashes of fork and chain iightning. Fach flash was followed by terrific thunder. The storm lasted for more than an hour, but éven at five o'clock the !distant flashes of the electrf.al dis- | charges could be observed lighting up {the eastern sky. The Weather Man reported to the Whig on Thursday morning that {during the night over half an inch {--, 685 of an inch to be precise--had {fallen in the city. {| On the lake there was quite a little igale but mogt of the boats reported jon time and experienced little diffi- !eulty in making the ports. | One of the summer visitors at | Wolfe Island had quite a fright when {the increased current travelling along | the telephone wire blew out some of {the carbon dust. It was emitted in la stream of bright yellow sparks and {as the 'phone is beside his bed it made him jump. The local telephone office reported { i | | | | | on Thursday morning that the lines in the city were generally jntact, but that they had suffered in the rural districts. In Cataraqui especially the wires had.been grounded and inter- rupted communication for a time, but the damage was being quickly repair- ed. No poles were reported to have been struck by lightning. Soldier Knocked Unconscious. The lightning was felt to its full- est extent at Barriefield camp early Thursday morning, when Pte. J. Pe- low, Special Service Company. was knocked unconscious and remained in that condition for two hours be- fore he cofild be revived. The pecul- far part is that the building in which he was, when struck, was not dam- aged whatever. In company with Corpl. Spencer, also of the Special Service Company, Pte. Pelow was walking to the camp in the early hours of the morning. The storm hit the pair just as they were nearing the "Official Camp Drug Store, which is situated on the main Gananoque Road at the extreme western camp limit. The rain was so severe that the two men went into the building for shelter. The elements were at their worst when suddenly a lightning bolt hit the camp. The building shook from the effects and Pte, Pelow went to the floor unconscious. A hurried call was sent to the Army Medical Corps for assistance. The big motor. ambulance came through the storm and carried the man to the Field Hospital, Major Mundell and Capt. Elliott hurriedly dressed and gave medical treatment. For a time it was considered doubtful if Pte. Pelow would recover. In the morn- ing he was allowed to return to his lines and though not back on duty, should be fully recovered in a few days. GOING TO REGINA. QMS. Jacquith and Family Are Leaving Kingston. Kingstonians generally will hear with sincere regret that Quarter- master-Sergeant James A. Jacquith, Canadian Ordnance Corps, leaves on { Saturday to take up permanent re- 'sidence in Regina, after twenty-or\ years in the city. Q.M.S. Jacquith was formerly a sailmaker, and for years worked in the best sailmak- ing 'establishments of the United IS BEST SOLVED BY COMING © 10 US. You are assured a thorough scientific examination and ac- curate glasses at Asselstine's. Consult J. 5. ASSELSTINE STANDARD PATTERNS 'or Sale at COLLEGE BOOK STORE, At the Golden Lion Grocery Fancy Clover HONEY in ut Sound sections, 35 cunts spsh, Juley ... ... 1 12 Je, 123, 136. 15. for 205e¢. Apricots ... ... 18¢c 1b. States. In 1896, suffering from a broken arm and shoulder blade, he came to Kingston on a visit. An ex- perienced sailmaker was needed at the old militdfry stores under the late Col. Strange, and Mr. Jaequith was asked fo take the position. He accepted and continued until 1903, when the Canadian Ordnance Corps was organized. His rank In the C.0.C. was sergeant, and he has been in it continuously since then. It will be "Sergt.-Major. Jacquith, warrant officer, in Regina. Q.M.8. and Mrs. Jacquith and their three children have left their former home at 229 Brock street, and are now stopping for a few davs with Mr. and Mrs. P. Devlin, Wil- liam street. MARRIED ON WEDNESDAY The Young Couple on Return Will Live on Albert Street, On Wednesday, Aug. 22nd, a very pretty wedding was solemnized at the homé of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Irwin, Albért street, when Rev, W. H. Gregory, Odessa, joined in mar- riage Miss Effie Viola Gibson, Brace- bridge, and Gordon Bray, Hunts Wille. The bride leaning on the arm of her cousin Robert Irwin, entered the parlor to the strains of the Wed- ding March played by Miss Eleanor Morden, Buffalo, N.Y, The bride sweetly attired in white mull, carried a sheaf of sweet peas and was at- tened by her little cousins, Olive and Georgina Irwin, as flower girls car- reing baskets of sweet peas tied with pink ribbons. The happy young couple left on the 3.19 am. G.T.R, train for Toronto and Muskoka amid showers of confetti and good wishes. On their return they wifl reside at 517 Albert street. . ROBERT 8S. DOWSON KILLED. Mrs. Hegadorn Notified That Her "Cousin Had Made Sacrifice. On Wednesdiy Mrs. I. A. Hega- dorn, 107 Queen street, received word that her cousin, Signaller Hu- bert 8 Dowson, Same the only son of, Mr. and GA Dowson, Perth, hag, been ed n on in France "sigadrir ywion enlisted with the first oh ingent Bignatlets while | is in n the living 3 uh In mally if 'with its : ere i 'street Method yo! atttnding the aiverit of to, dnd 'Was well Knowh. in "Kingston, where" i ne ad he atten a sin vies No received NCDENTS OF THE DA Happenings In the City and Vicinity ~--What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. Egg plant at Carnovsky's Miss Watson, Belleville, ing her brother, Thoinas Earl street. Mrs. Peter MacCallum, of Winni- peg, was. a visitor { the city on Thursday. H. Cunningham, plano tuner, 21 King street, Leave orders at McAul- ey's Book Store, Mrs. J. Benn, 284 Queen, street, is spending the month of August with her sister at Muskoka. W. C. Emerson, Toronto, has been the guest of his cousin, Mrs. A. R. Laidley, for a few days. W. Swaine, plano and pipe organ tuner, 100 Clergy street W. Orders left at McAuley's or 'phone 54. James Walsh, Chicago, spending a few days In Kingston, his old home, will go to Ottawa to-morrow. Lieut. Jack Smythe, a brofer of George H. Smith, lawyer, has been seriously wounded and in an Eng- lish hospital. Miss Florence Forsythe has re- turned after spending the past thro is visit- Watson, When You Think of Patterns Think of The Standard Patterns THE BEST ON THE MARKET. THE FAVORITE WITH ALL Full and Complete Stock Carried By The College Book Store, 160-162 Princess St. Open Nights Phone o19 weeks at her uncle's camp, Point Salubrious, Chaumont, N.Y. A returned soldier who got in- toxicated on a couple of bottles of invalid wine was fined $10 and costs in police court Thursday. Mrs. Nicholas Vanalstyne, Nap- anee, and Mrs. William A. Boyce, Syracuse, N.Y., are the guests of Mrs. Joseph Buck, Queen" street. The name of Christopher Lang- with, a prominent farmer at, Sun- bury, has been mentféned as a can- didate for the pasition of county jailer. A number of citizens received a circular from Premier Hearst on Thursday calling upon them to use all the inflence possible in the emn- deavor being made to save fuel this winter. The city's asphalt mixing plant is still busy on the Barriefield road for the military authorities, and will not be able to do work on Univer- sity avenue before the first of September, There died at her spn's residenee, 46 St. Clair avenue east, Toronto, Frances T. Gerow, widow of the late Capt. F. A, Carrell, in her eighty- fourth year. Deceased wa well known in Kingston. Miss Mary Alice Fitagerald, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Fitz- gerald, Cape Vincent, N.Y., became the bride of Thomas Killean, Water- town, N.Y., op Monday morning in St. Vincent dé Paul's Church, Cape Vinoent, N.Y. God's greatest gift to humanity was an appreciation of music and music's ability to stir the human emo- tions. Have you ever realized how necessary music is in your life? If you contemplate this thought seri- ously, you will appreciate the abso- lute need of a New Edison Disc Phon- ograph in your home. The J. M. Greene Musi¢ To., Ltd., Sydenham and Princess streets. MADE THREAT TO BURN HER HOME Sad Case "Revealed When Woman Was Removed to Rockwood Hospital. A sad case was revealed in & home on Pine street on Tuesday morning when a woman whose mind has be- come unbalanced, had to be remov- ed to Rockwood Hospital for treat- ment, y The Husband secured an auto- mobile, and assisted by Constable Er- mest Clark, had the woman removed to the hospital. It is stated that the worian, who is the mother of nine children, has been acting strangely for some time. On Thursday morning it is alleged that she secured some matches and going into a clothes closet, threat- ened to set fire to herself and her home. She was taken in charge be- fore she had time to carry out her threat, Her husband is in khaki. New Materials for Suits and Dresses GABERDINES, BROADCLOTHS, SERGES; DIAGONALS AND POIRET TWILL. In shades of Burgundy, African Brown, Navy, Taupe, Castel; "Russian Green, also Black. 75¢ Per Yi Many of these lines are less in price than they can be purchased for wholesale. Newman & Shaw The s Always Busy Store. Mee pose BUILDERS SUPPLIES deny FIREWOOD Dry Slabwood and Edgings, Cut into stove leng- CLOSING OF MAILS 4 ¢ Information posted at PO. from time to time. United States, gatly nd 11.30 p.m. Grand i : 11.30 am. and 11% dard Fa dnd dtl City, CPR swe FHe BEE SOE ea pm. if 3m ths for kindling. S ANGLIN 4 CO. Lumber or Se, Phones: 6, Factory 1415 hs ® MantelClocks We are able to save you money on black enamelled mantel clocks. Our prices, due to opportune buying are practically the same as before the war started. These prices cannot last and the next shipments will be much higher. Put a clock where you need it --fOW, Prices from $6.50 up. Smith Bros. Jewelers and Opticians. Issuers of Marriage Furs! All kind of Fox Stoles suitable for Summer Wear. W. F. Gourdier 80 Brock Street Phone 700. When You Are ; * Looking For A good Real Estate proposition, or if fou wish to placo some Fire insur: . consult ds, On Clergy street west--a new dwel- ling, all molar y h Accomm for four horses, cement floor, for A. new cement bungalow, with ne nace, electric light, B, and ©, $2,000, on easy terms. Place" your property on our selling Maney to Loan. Hot SEE You Like §

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