Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Aug 1917, p. 11

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WHIG, SATURDAY, AUGUST 25, 1917. Fone it was not #0. I suppose we need- ed a vacation. We began to discuss what we would d6 when we should see i the city again. No oue for a moment | dreamed that we should quit these j rich diggings. We were here to make, our fortunes, and the fortunes seemed NOTED MUSICIAN OF MOWTREAL Advises The Use Of "FRUIT-A-TIVES", The Famous Fruit Medicine, MR. ROSENBUARG B89 Casgrain St., Montreal, April 20th, 1915. * fn my opinion, no other medicine In the world is do curative for Constipa- tion and Indigestion as ** Fruit-a-tives". 1wasasufferer from these complaints for five years, gnd my sedentary oecupa- tion, Musie, brought about a kind of Intestinal Paralysis -- with nasty Head- aches, belehing gas, drowsiness after eating, and Pain in the Back. I tried pills and medicines of physicians, but nothing helped me. Then Iwas induced 0 try " Fruit-a-tives", and now for six months I have been entirely well, Copyright, 1913, by Deubleday, Page & Ce. ' 3 CHAPTER XVil. We Send Out Our Treasure. F bad a good deal of trouble finding the exact spot where we had left him, for we could get no answer to our calls, He was down in a heap, cov- ered with blood and quite dead. The savages bad scalped him. In our long companionship we had grown very fond of him, for he was a merry, good natured, willing soul. "God!" cried Bagsby, deeply moved. "I'll put a ball through the next one of those devils I meet!" We returned slowly to the fire, car rying the body, which we laid rever- ently: one side and covered with a blanket. In all our hearts burned a flerce, bitter anger. Sullenly we turn. ed to prepare ourselves a meal from the supplies our hosts offered us. The latter were the father and five 1 advise any one who suffers from that horrible trouble--Chronic Constipation with the resultant indigestion, 70 #ry and you will be agreeably surprised at the great benefit A. ROSENBURG. b0e. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 250, Atall dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit. "" Fruil-a-tives"', you will receive", a-lives Limited, Ottawa. JOAN M. PATRICK Sewing machines, Umbrellas, Suit Cases, Trunks repaired and refitted, Baws filled, Knives and 3cissors sharpened; Razors honed; All makes of firearms repaired promptly. Locks repaired; Keys fitted. All makes of lawn mowers sharpened and repair. ed, 149 Sydenham Street | 20 MINUTES That's all. Twenty minutes after taking 8 ZUTOO tablet your headache will be ue tone little tablets--safe, reliable harml soda-- and will cure any headache in 20 minutes. Or; better oF feel the 'a on, ward it off--nip it in the bud. No Headache Garage Robinson & Wiltshire VULCANIZING AN inde of sass repaired promptly. sale, Oars for hire. With J. M. Martin, Maxwell '110 Clergy Street - Phone 1192. IMPERIAL LIFE ------------------------------a---- The Tmperial Life is in the uns position yr ITs of anv Not ouly has it never had an im sons of a backwoods family from the northwest, Pine by name. They were all tall, heavily built men, sloW mov. ing, slow speaking, with clear, steady eyes, a drawling way of talking and the appearance always of keeping a mental reservation as to those with whom they conversed. Just now they 'steod tall and grim behind us as we ate, and the gray dawn and the rose dawn grew into day. Nobody sald anything until we had finished, then Yank tose to his full height and faced the attentive men. { "I want vengeance," he announced long, lean arm. "Those devils have harried our stock and killed our pard- ner, and I'm not going to set quiet and let them do i." He turned to us. "Boys," said he, "I know you're with me thar. But I'm going to git our friends yere to go with us. Old man," an even voice. be sald to Pine, "you and yore sons help us with this job and we'll locate you on the purtiest diggings in these nills." "You bet!" agreed McNally. "You don't need to make my: boys no offer," replied Pine slowly. "Those Qirils were aftér our hosses too, snd they'd have got them if you hadn't Fcome along. We'd been told by a man we believe that there wan't no "njuns in this country or yon wouldn't lmve in an even voice, stretching forth his | "I want vengeance," he announced in | ' | this discovery that 1 hardly roused my- gir a eS KT That nonplused us for a moment. "Why not bury it?" 1 suggested. Bagsby and Pine snorted. "Any Injun would find it in a mins ute," said Pine. "And they know gold's worth some thing, too," put in Yank "This is a scout, not x louse moving expedition." anid Bagsby decidedly, "and somebody's got to kéep camp." "I'll stay fer one," offered old mam Pine, bis eyes twinkling from beneath his Gerce brows. "I've fit enough In- juns in wy time." After some further wrangling we came to drawing lots. A number of small white pebbles and one darker were shaken up In a hat. | drew in the fourth turn and got the black! "Hard luck, son," murmured old man Pine. . The rest were eager to be off. They leaped upon their horses, brandishing thelr long rifles, and rode off down the meadow. Old man Pine leaned on the muzzle of his gun, his eyes gleaming, uttering commands and admonitions {to his five sons. : "You, Old," be warned his youngest, *you miud and behave and don't come back yere without'n you bring a skelp! About 3 o'clock of the second day Pine remarked quietly: > "Thar they come!" I was instantly by his side, and we strained our eyesight In an attempt to count the shifting figures. Pines vi- | sion "was better and more practiced | than mine. | "They are all thar." said he, | they're driving extry hosses." Ten minutes later the cavalcade stop ped, and the men dismounted wearily. They were, as the old man bad said, driving before them a half dozen po- nies, which Governor Boggs herded Into the corral.' Nobody said a word. One or two stretched themselves, Johnny seized a cup and took a long drink. Yank leaned his rifie against the wall. Old man Piné's keen, fierce eye had been roving over every detail, though he, too, had kept silent. "Well, Old," he remarked, "I see you J "and Lut. obeyed orders like a good sojer." The boy grinned. "Yes, dad," said he. : And then I saw what I bad not no- ticed before--that at the belt of each of the tall, silent young backwoodsmen So horrified and revolted was I at sell to greet the men. I looked with JAinally agreed that Yank, Buck Barry {dwelt the Itallan friend. Once there jj sort of escort for the uninhabited por- {of thousands of to be ready for the making. Only, the noveity having passed, it had become bard work, just like the making of any other kind of a fortine. - The Plue family camped below us, used our corral at our invitation, and set placidly to work. They were typ- ical frontiersmen and settled down in the well built cabin which they guick- ly van up as though they meant to make of it a permanent home. For two months, which brought us up to the end of July, they lived a regular and leisurely life. Then one morning, without 'any warning at all, they. rode over to our cabin, leading their hotses, fully packed. Old man Pine explain- ed, while his'five tall, steady eyed sons sat their horses quite immobHe in the backgroupd, that they bad dug enough} gold for their necessities, and that they were now going down to the lower country to pick out some good land. These men were the very first I hap- pened to meet who had come into the country with a definite idea of set- tiling. . After the departure of this strong force, began our discussisns as to the safeguarding of our gold. It had now reached a very consirerable sum-- somewhere near $35,000, as I remem: ber it. Bagsby was very uneasy at its presence in camp. Buck Barry brought up strongly the advisability of sending our treasure out to a safe place. His argument wus given point by the arrival in camp vue evening of three évil looking Mexicans, shabkily clothed, but well armed, and mounted on beautiful horses, 'We fed them well, but saw to the caps of our revolvers and the security of our cor- ral before turning in for the night. In the morning they departed before we were stirring, without so much as a word of thanks. These mysterious visitors had given us no faintest ink- ling of their business or destination. Don Gaspar stated flatly that they had come to spy us out, having heard of our presence iu the valley from the Indians. » "And I told them." said he triumph. antly, "that essoon we would be sen' out for the food." He went on to argue that thus he bad prepared their minds for the fact that pack horses would soon be going By distributing the gold its pres- ence would be unsuspected. I suggested a strong guard, but both Bagsby and Don Gaspar opposed me. "There's enough of these yere rob- bers to git us anyhow, even if we all went," said Bagsby, "and that's why I want to send thé stuff out now. The mince they'll tackle will be right yere, if they tackle anything at all> I will pot weary you with the pros and cons. 'At the time 1 thought, and I still think. the whole arrangement most {If adviked: but against we was the whited opinion of nearly the whole camp, including the most level headed members of my own party. lt was and Don Gaspar should take out the gold. They started very early in the morn. ing, carrying the treasure in saddle hags and across the horns of the sad- dle. 1 argued that Yank rode much the lightest and had the strongest horse. nnd managed to get the others to confide to him a full half of the mefdls At the last moment we had uwiadified the original plan to suit ev- erybody. The horsemen encumbered hy pack anhmals were to push on as -- Like Summer Inside--Borzuic Behind the blizzard, summer-like comfort radiates throughout this home--because it is heated with a King Hot Water Boiler. Every room in the home is warm regard- less of size or in what part of the house it may be located. Whether you live in a cottage or a mansion, on a farm or in a city, the problem of keeping a house com- fortably warm at all times is solved only in one way--by Hot Water Heating. Ave. ze Borers prriL Pipurors have numerous advantages: case of Operating, cleanliness, quickness in heating, economy of fuel, etc. The Imperial Radiators are most graceful in design and appearance and have wonderful efficiency because every inch of surface js heating surface. If you are convinced that next winter's comfort depends upon hav- ~~ ing a new heating system in your home, let us give you an idea of what it would cost to put ina King Hot Water Heating System." King Hot Water Boilers are graded for the smallest houses up to large buildings. i Don't wait until the first chill of winter makes you _.- Sanit 4 think about it but write us at once and get your User Jiksr=Flease sendime a copy | i ion i i --NOW. ~"able Homes" and also, without obligating | information immediately N ~" myself in any way, I would like to know the ~ probable cost of a hot water system suitable for Pl heating my home. NAME ci bimini dirs » = il Meassr: . STEEL AND RADIATION, LTD, 158 Fraser Avenue Toronto rapidly as possible in order to, reach by nightfall the settlement "where - Send in War Letters. Letters Sud photographs from 'soldiers and sailors, de. scribing the progress of the great struggle for the liberty of the world, have had a wel. come place in the Whig's pages since the war began. When desired, the letters and photos are returned to the friends who supply them. All such cone tributions will be gladly re ceived by the Whig. Any per. sonal or private passages in such letters will be carefully excluded from the published 'MAYBE BUYING MATCHES Never Struck You As Being An Important ~ = ww -Job. Butltls.- - It Is important that you buy none but EDDY'S CHEMICALLY SELF-EXTINGUISHING "SILENT 500's" The matches with "no after glow." EDDY. is the only Canadian maker of these matches, every stick of which has been in a chemical solution which ° positively ASIC the match 'becoming dead wood once it has been lighted blown out. & Look for the words "Chemically Self-Extinguishing" on e box, raat y o - » ne a a they could feel theniselves reasonably safe. Jolnny. Missouri Jones and I vould ride with them until noon as a tion of the journey. By (bat hour we figured we shold have reached the outskicts of the' regular diggings. where. our expérience told us, our com: panions would be safe. Accordingly' we pushed our mounts hard. Unbampered by. pack animals, and aided by knowledge of the route, xe made great progress. By noon we +d pgssed the meadow of our night's amp After a hasty lunch we accom- ified our men a fow, miles farther, roti farewell aud godspeed and irried | back in vider to reach home before suuset. ' (Continued Next Saturday.) te "No heart for anything" is the ¢ men and ¢ wi who might be made well by the n red blood V 223 Eg 1 HE ae dit ail | © nuh Unparalleled in Prosperity --Uniform Courtesy to All. Kingston Industrial Exposition 7 $6,000 ] attend to Pro- fal this year ; Kingston fn ertaiament for all and aGood Time "-- Premiums, « only one Prize List open come to | vince i' Featuring Exhibits A bat Alt a Ti a TS EA a ed FANCY WORK POULTRY |

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