i I E---------- ey HEN studying thrift consider this French woman on the St. Lawrence, who made all her own clothes, and some of them from the wool as it came from the sheep's back. High Cost of Living was never invented to worry her. All it means is that the things she makes from the wool would be more valu. able If she sold them--but she doesn't. She gets enough extra for a small part of what she does sell to balance up the extra cost of the print she has to buy at the store. But she gets precious little of that. She has even made her own shoes. 1 A. --" UE p-- UEBEC mammas do not be- lieve in costly toys that kill the imaginations of children. This little girl's wooden doll was carved by a doll-man down the street. a. QUAINT QUEBEC Scenes Here and There N the walls of this cottage hangs a saw. And the saw of the Frenchman was as far as could be made at home. Of course the steel blade had to be bought. But the bent hickory frame was made by oid Plerre Look "well at the picture above: the little miracle church of St. Anne de Beaupre. The people are going to church. The bell has been tolling above the curious indoor pyramid of crutches and reliques of all sorts of infirmities. The miracle is still there to those who believe in it. No rude German shell comes within 3,000 miles of St. Anne de Beaupre. And so long as it dpes not, what need for the fuss and fury of war? To the Jeft--Antiquarians could tell you how many years older in history this big spinning-wheel is than the little one at the top of the page. Ontario women: have had such wheels. But the Ontario wheels are - all ip in the attics. To the right--Horatio Walker, Canadian artist, down on the Isle of Orleans, never Painted a finer picture of pigs than this feeding-time scene would make if put on a canvas. These pigs are big money, and what they eat sometimes seems to cost very little more than the light on {heir backs, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, ay NY stage manager wanting properties for A a rustic play would be charmed at once by this picture of the French mother and 'her dainty cradie beside her and the little spin. ning wheel before, and the light of the great valley streaming in with a benediction of per- fect, pastoral peace. Maybe she sings as she spins, the song of the spinning wheel that came with her mother's forbears from some quaint village of France. And the baby sleeps well. There Is nothing to disturb it but the whirr of the little wheel and the murmur of the breeze from the hills by the river. HILIPPE is a brawny young man} and the father of some children Standing at his cot- tage door he enjoys loafing a while as he looks at his wife. Soon he will go to work tike a demon; ana presently stop to palaver again, or " ------ - A CHURCH LIKE AN AIRSHIP. | Chartres Cathedral (France) . een from the top, looks like a a ---- tL wr -- SATURDAY, AUGUST 35, 1917. Notice the grim look on some 'of the faces above, some of the men in khaki. These men have been at a convention. It had something directly to do with organizing the sentiments of men who have been at the front and are now back in Canada observing what this country is doing to help finish the job. These men are Great War Veterans. The come from clear across Canada. They are the Council of the Federation of Returned Soldiers' Associations, / 18 part of a first consignment of 600,000 1bs. sent by the Southern Alberta Sheep ion to the Dominion Government's warehouse in Toronto. » @ Win-the-War Convention held récemtly in Te insert is J. M. Godfrey, G.C., chairman. Poli if. War was the subject, and the volley and others were all on the war and how win it without further delay.