_PAGE TEN R.RIN GLAND UP TOWN SHOE STORE In comnection with our shoe repairing business, we have added a cholee stock of men's, Indies' and children's boots and shoes. Call and Inspect our stock, We have the best shoe repairing plant In the eity. sewed leather and fibre soles done specialty. Whole- by Goodyear Welt system a 355 PRINCESS STREET Ford, McLaughlin and Studebaker. BOYD'S GARAGE 129 Brock St. Phone 2 201. | THE | THERAPIO MO REMEDY. « ION THE NEW TH ER 0ISCHARGES, No. 2, cones Nu. 3. cone VITAL WEALNFSS SOLD BY LEAVINGOCHEMISTS. PRICE IN ENGLAXD. stamp address enveiope, age g ayingtome for FRS on anitability in your cise. No follow up' circulars, LECLERC Med. Ca oH AVERSTOCK RD.. N Wo LONDON, Hi - THAT TRADE MARKED WORD ' THERAPION * 1S ON li | sm2. ovr. STAMP AFVIXED T0 ALL GENUINK PACKET. 'Wood's FRospnocias, The Great English rh Tones snd invigorates the Aetvousgystem, makes in old YVei Cures bre 3 MONUMENTS of FALLON BROS., We have opened a branch of our monument business with a large stock marble and granite, Special attention given to cemetery lettering. 139 Clergy St. Phone 637. ---- WRIST WATCHES FOR DEPENDABLE WATCHES. OUR STOCK AT FRESENT 1S COMPLETE, RANGING IN PRICE FROM $5.00 UP TO $50.00 OR MORE, WE ALSO CARRY LESS EXPENSIVE WATCHES FOR BOYS. AND GIRLS AT $2.75 TO $3.00. OUR GUARANTEE GOES WITH EACH TIMEPIECE. R. J. Rodger, - SILV ody 'Where the Clock is on the Walk," 182 Princess Street. A FEW POLAR CUB FANS LEFT. $6.50 EACH. WHILE STOCK LASTS, Halliday SoCo. Ea ------------Y A Grand Display of Fall § For Ladies and Children. We invite your inspection of our NEW COATS, NEW SUITS, NEW SKIRTS, NEW BLOUSES, NEW NECKWEAR, shown such And New Fall Hat Shapes of Every Kind. Never bef have a latent ian Electric Co. incess and King Sts. a J | No. 1, cunes | BLOCH VOISON. | Thos EWS Ton Ti tare NEWS FROM THE DISTRICT cLFPED' FROM THE WHIG'S MANY BRIGHT EXCHANGES. } { | Ip Brief Form the Events In The Uountry About Kingston Are Told ~Full of Interest to Many, The Pembroke Standard thinks | Peinbroke is entitled to a letter de- | livery system. | The G.T.R. has sixty laborers at | work on the raising of their bridge at Campbellford. David Kelly, for forty-three years a C.P.R. engineer and a former resi- dent of Brockville, has been placed on the pension list, After a lengthy illness, Mrs. Hugh McNabb passed away last Saturday at her home on. Lake Avenue, Carle- ton Place. The deceased lady was thirty eight years of age. Brockville has successfully sold its issue of $28,000 53% per cent five year patriotic debentures. These were awarded to local investors, who purchased them at par. The death occirred at the General Hospital, Brockville, Tuesday of Mrs, George Montgomery, a resident of Toledo, who had been for several weeks an inmate at thie local insti- tution. Rev. Alfred Young, pastor of the Friend's church, Newmarket, has ac- cepted a call to the Friend's church at Boulder, Colo. Mr. Young held a pastorate at Wellington in Prince Edward 'County. Lieut.-Col. Charles T. Wilkinson, Brockville, whe went overseas as second in command of the 156th Leeds and Grenville Battalion, has sailed on his return to Canada. Mr. and Mrs. W. J, Lightbody, Backwith announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Lena May, to James Wellington Best, son of Mrs. J. Best, Drummond, the wed- ding to take place early in Septem- ber. Wilson Mapagle, Thomas Claus and Wallace Hawes, Deseronto, are accused by Wiliam Edward Water- bury with having thrown pieces of pig-iron at him from a trestle while he was fishing. One piece struck Mr. Waterbury and caused such in- jury as to require surgical attention. i. oo ---- -- "Ranks with the Strongest" HUDSON BAY Insurance Company FIRE INSURANCE ONT REAL "ee Bde. PERCY J. QUINN, Manager, On Branch, T\ - W. H. GODWIN & SONS AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. ¢ (From Our Owp Correspondent) Gananoque, A 25.--The base- ball game th ig I5- at the driv- ing park is oon the Athletics of Kingston and the Garnocks. Mr, and Mrs, James Bates and granddanghter, Miss Lillian Bates are visiting friends in Kingston for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Holland go to Brockville to-morrow to spend a week with friends, Mr. and Mrs. O. W, Sheets and their guests, Mrs. A. Kerr and Miss A. Dav's, are spending. to-day in Kingston with friends. Mrs. George Buell of Lyn and Mrs. James Walker and son, Master] in Buell Walker, of Calgary, Alta, are the guests of Miss Myrtle Oak street, Mrs. G. H. Bowen and little daughter of Toronto are visit- ing the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, George Andress, Stone street. Mr, and Mrs, Walter Begg, Momnt- real, are spending a few weeks in town with friends. The heavy rain storms of the past week is greatly retarding the bar- vesting of the grain crop by the far- mers in the surrounding district, The steamer Britannic had a large passenger list on the trip to King- ston yesterday, W. Reid, W. Harris and N. Wylie have gone to Saskatoon, Sask, where they expect to locate permanentl® Mrs, Vance of Seattle, Wash,, has been spending the past week the guest of Mrs, Hugh Wilson, Pine street, Robert Taylor spent yesterday af- ternon in Kingston, The sale of Cooks Island at Hal- stead Bay, which was to have taken place bere to-day, has been cam- celled, John Calvert, son of W. H. Cal- vert, who was wounded at the front nearly a year ago, is now om his way to Canada, having been invalid- ed home. Major S. A. McKenzie, who took the 73rd Battery overseas from King- ston, expects to return to Camada shortly on a three months' fur- lough, {YOUNG MAN'S SUDDEN CALL *"Osie" McCutcheon, Succumbs to Attack of Acute Indigestion. Cornwall, Aug. 25.--Osborne J. (Osie) MoCutcheon a 'well-known young resident of Cornwall, died siddenly 'at his home on Thursds after. an attack of acute indigestion He was in his usual health up to within hilf an hour of his déath. Some time ago he resignéd from the staff. of the local branch of the Royal Bank, to accept a position in the office of the St. Lawrence Brew here, and at the time of his dea was head of the shipbuilding depart- ment. He leaves his mother, wife ahd two young daughters. The fun- eral will take place Saturday morn- ing. ' CONTRACT AWARDED. M. J. O'Brien "win Erect 22-Room Addition, Aug. 25.--Work Renfrew, was ji! commence to-day in enlarging the Hotel Renfrew. The contract was given M. J. O'Brien, and will. run over $25,000. An additional front- age of 33 feet will be added, which will extend back- 80 feet, providing for 22 additional rooms." The hotel {has been a paying investment /ince it was built. te Cornwall, Aug. 25.--Archibald 3 ¥1from Prescott RAPT FTI The Late Angus F, Bond. One of the prominent business men in Kingston passed away very suddenly in Cleveland, on Thursday, in the person of Angus F. Bond. The late Mr. Bond, who had been in jli- health for some years, bad only son after his asrvival was stricken with his last illnéss. It was his in- tention to move to a new climate and his sudden demise has come as a dis- inci shock to many friends in King- stom. © Deceased was born in Inverary but for the past fifteen years has béden a respected and esteemed in- Mr. Bond was a Methodist a mem- Bor of Sydenham Street Church and politics was a Liberal. He is sur- vived by bis wife and two children, Miss Annie and Angus F, both of whom are now in Cleveland. Inter- ment will be made fn Cleveland. MAJOR ROSS MURPHY KILLED IN ACTION Was a Native of Kingston and Graduated at the R.M.C. Mrs. Catherine Murphy, of Chat- ham, formerly of Kingston, has re- ceived word that her son, Major James Hector Ross Murphy, was killed in action on Aug. 15th. He wias a brother of the late Glad" Murphy prominent athlete, who died following injuries received in the big Thanksgiving football game held in Toronto, Major Murphy was a gradute of the Royal Military College, Kingston, and also of Otjawa University. He enlisted in Winnipeg with a High- land unit and was wounded twice after reaching the trenches. Later he was awarded the Military Cross for bravery in apotion. About Christ- mas time he was home on furlough. He was a native of Kingston. IN MARINE CIRCLES. Movements of Vessels in and About Kingston Harbor. The steamer Bickerdike arrived from Montreal at 9.45 am. 'and cleared for Toronto and Hamilton at noon on Friday. The steamer Britannic arrived from Montreal "at 2.30 p.m. and cleared for Montreal at \.30 p.m. on Friday. / The steamer Kingston arrived at 4.45 p.m, and cledred for Toronto .at 5 p.m. on "Friday. The steamer Thousand Islander arrived from Ogdensburg at 9.45 p.m, and cleared for Alexandria Bay at 10.15 p.m. on Friday. 5.10 a.m. on Saturday. The steamer 'Toronto arrived from Toronto at 4.50 a.m. and clear- ed for Prescott at 5.30 a.m. on Sat- urgay. 'M.T. Co's. Bulletin--The 'Bronson cleared light for Coteau, to bring four light barges to Kingston; with grain, from Port Colborne for Montreal; the tug Bowman arrived with two light barges from Mont- real, and cleared 'with the barges Lapwing and Hiawatha to load coal at Charlotte. FISH IN THE STREAM That Never Were Caught, But Yan kee Hooked Three. There are fish and fish, and then some more, but Winthrop Lewis, of New York City, who is visiting at Mrs. Charles Vanalystyne's cottage ll Denny, who for '® 'period of thirty-| Dead Man's Bay, takes tlie laurel tite, Youre was conticeted, with the, Ontario Bank and for the past] NEW CHILDREN'S DRESSES, NEW CHIL DREN'S COATS, NEW CHILDREN 'S FURS. x "every line. All at our usual moderate 4% is cacy An v with the Boyal Bank as Cornwall, has resigned E i dit § g wreath for big catehes. { On Thursday evening this genial : Yankee thought he would try his fisherman's skill in the waters near Eastview. He was more than amp- Iy rewarded dfter a short time fish- ing, when _he pulled up in succession three pike weighing respectively eight, five 'and three pounds. He has & big fish story to take back with him to the other side. BOWLING ON FRIDAY. Cool Ale Did Not Bother the Zeal- ous Bowlers. Several bowling games were play- pon ion Friday even- lub 'g Skip New- pip Mormwih by Wx RE 5 men. moved to Cleveland on Tuesday and |PY: surance agent in Kingston, The late] . The steamer Pellatt passed down, | , from Fort Willidm to Montreal at tug {| the steamer Joyland passed down, [|i Green were J Soo an re A LONDON DIRECTORY (Published Annually) » enables traders throughout the World to communicate direct with English MANUFACTURERS & DEALERS in each class of goods. Besides being a complete commercial guide to Lon- don and its suburbs the Directory con. taing lists of EXPORT MERCHANTS with the goods they ship, and the Col- onial and Foreign Markets they sup- STEAMSHIP LINES arranged under the Ports to which they sail, and Indicating the approxi- mate Sailings; PROVINCIAL TRADE NOTICES of leading Manufacturers, Merchants, ete, in the principal provinelal towns and industrial centres of the United Kingdom. f A cop Sony of the Ls edition al be orwa relight paid, on receipt of Postal Order for Dealers seeking Agencies can adver. tise their trade cards for £1, or larger advertisements from The LONDON DIRECTORY 00., Ltd. 25, Abchurch Lane, London, B.C. FISH AND TROUT All Kinds of Fresh Fish. Dominion Fish Co. that has enabled over 300,000 deaf people to hear. GENERAL ACOUSTIC COMPANY, 1300 Cawdler Bldg, New York You Can Hear With the Acousticon-- aT Sh Poeoes Aout alien a4 tue ant rite at once for ten days' free home, trial. aan a CROWN CAFE f+ ~~~ NOW OPEN -- BEST PLACE, GOOD SERVICE 203 Princess Street, Next to King Edward Theatre. Will be Open Daily from 7 a.m. to 2 a.m. Phone 2169. ON YOUR NEXT WEEK-END BOAT TRIP STOP AT The Wilhelmina 242 Mountain Street, Montreal, Que. Quiet, cool, airy rooms, 75¢ up per day. Ownershi, Inannie. ment. Exeelient garage accommodation for motor part phone uptown, ASK YOUR GROCER FOR CHARM TEA IN PACKAGES. Black, Green and Mixed. Packed in King- GEO. ROBERTSON & & SON, Limited. is Bat a The Royal Piano It makes no difference whether it is a high social function, educational affair, or a great artistic event, in this coun piano made by Ye Olde Firme in nine cases out of ten. We refer to the firintzman Art Hann as the Royal Piano, becaisse it the in this is great Canadian i has stood the test for 65 tone, in action, in due nd de " World's Best Piano." C. W. LINDSAY 121 Princess Street, bears the