» « a In easie $73,000,000 11 Branches In ESTABLISHED 1855, THE Production effi. econ. via ar AVIngS, Increased clency in lal omy and les building up er work and will enrich your country. The and Wo» men at home mu produce more to cover war's waste. r to make money than to save r help at The Bank of Toronto wil increased effort provides Toronto, 119 Branches in Canada, AA ae ttt tPA PN A Ml Pld Sl BANK or TORONTO Georg e Bb. M ANETTA REO i ni i FOR We have a row of four brick houses, town, to the south of Pr SALE down incess street. If you are interested in a good revenue producing property, you had better give us a call and we will be pleased to give you all information. THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY 56 Brock St. Phones: Office 68; Res, 874 Closely Related There's a closer - relationship be- tween feed, poultry and dollars than you may suspect, 'Right feed means better birds, quicker returns and more money. j bigger dividends on your poultry, let us supply your feed. The kind you need is here, and our advice is free for the asking, W. F. McBROOM 42-44 Princess Street. "The Average Housewife 1s deeply interested in where she tan procure Preserving and Pickling Requisites at moderate prices and at the same time procure the best that money can buy. A glimpse at our "UPPER WIN- DOW, will suffice. ... . . Hoag's Drug Store Branch Post Office Kingston, Ont, F.J_JOHNSON The Leading Florist BES Fen i 1' Extra Choicest Japan (Green) Tea, in Sl Ib Boxes, $1.50 Lipton's Plantation Brand Black Tes, in 3% Ib. /Tiné, $1.40. When you Tea GORDON'S. is the place to get it. Gor Hay and Mésitrea] Stross, atts, rist Out Flowers Dai Foner ahDasions and We Wedding TAXI SERVICE RING 960. All Large Cars Used. At The United Grocery SUMMER DRINKS Glassco's Grape Juice, Welch's Grape Juice. Orangeade, Lemonade. Gurd's Ginger Ale, Try our Special Black and Green Tea, 40¢ Ib, The Home of Choice Groceries Phone 267 138 Princess -St. Special Prices in French Mushrooms 50c¢ per tin. Bon Marche Grocery Phone 1844. Cor. King & Earl AUCTION SALE Wednesday, Aug. 29, at 3 p.m; at Calderwood, Union St. West. Ep Wato, Brpas b-passenger cahrolet body (open or closed), 20-30 h.p, ens gine; car in first class condition; sult- able for all kinds of weather. WM. MURRAY, Aunetioneer. =n Blees, } HY anhles: oflcly fron &TIDPEM OPERA HOUSE GRAND COOLES Ie At 2.30 PM. ily Performance POLITE WAUDEVILLE A Five Act Photoplay Mariam Cooper, in "The Silent Lie." The Pathe News, Comedy and Other Features. Mon., Tues. and Wed. JPOLITE VAUDEVILLE A Five-Act Photoplay Harold Lockwood and May Allison, in "The Hidden Children" The Pathe News, Comedy and Other 100 Evening 10c¢; Reserved, Se Extra Matinee Any Seat THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Vivian Martin, in 'Giving Becky a Chance' Our New Serial. "THE NEGLECTED wire» VAUDEVILLE, Mutunl Weekly. STRAND Monday, Tuesday and Wednenday 2-FEATURE PHOTOPLAYS---2 Wm. Gillette, "'Sher- lock Holmes" (7 Reels) "Fatty" Arbuckle in "A Rough House." Matinee 10¢; Evening 13e, PLACE IN THE CITY! wm GRIFFIN'S. CONDENSED ADVERTISING Ra First lasertion, ic a word. secutive insertion thereafter, nalts] cent a word. Minimum charge | ome insertion, 25¢; three | 50c; six $1; ome month, $2. HELP WANTED ; CARTERS WANTED, JAMES SWIFT & So. i CARRIERS WANTED. JAMES SWIFT | & Co. | A FUR CUTTER. Kay, Limited, MOTORMEN AND CONDUCTORS, AP-| ply Street Railway Office. MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSE. | work, Apply Mrs. Murray, 109} York street, city. i COOK-GENERAL, REFERENCES | required. Apply Mrs. Hemming, | 157 King street. | FIRST CLASS STENOGRAPHER AND typist; good position. McKelvey & Birch, Limited, { APPLY JOHN Me LABORERS WANTED} STEADY | work till the 15th of October. Ap-! ply Street Rallway Office. Shh bbb bbb bbb bbb bb bbb bbe A mood active boy Department. for the ---------------------------------------------- MAN WANTED TO WORK ON COUNTY crusher,. 30 cents per hour. Apply to G. Traves, on the job near Hat- | tersea. { | | | i { GIRLS FOR WORK ROOM; pleasant work Apply Miss Mac- Callum, N. A. Polson, Co, Ontario street. A WOMAN OR IRL WHO CAN DO plain cooking well; from 1st Sep- jember. Apply Box 21, Whig Of- ce, P Lake Ontario ARK Tonight ™ "14™ Matinee Nenentay at 8.30, HIGH CLAS: VAUDEVILLE PHOTOPLAYS Program Changed Monday and Wednesday Children' on Street Cars, Persons entering the "Park other than by street car. will be prosecuted. BUY THE FINEST KNOWN ROYAL BLEND CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Fred Belwa acknow- i grateful appreciation the expressions of sympathy of thelr many ion in their recent sad be- reavement, in the loss of their little son, Dougles, TEACHERS WANTED, A QUALIFIED TEAQG FOR 8, 8. No. 18, Township o oh Crosby. Salary $450, Apply to Mat Mur- phy, R. R. No, 4, Elgin, Ont. Qu ALIENS TEACHER FOR SCHOOL setion, No. 18. Duties to begin Apply to Edward Co- ho RR No. 2, Mallorytown, Ont. QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR 8. 8. NO. 2, Abinger. Salary $400. * Apply, Stating qualifications, to John Gil- motir, Sec.-Treas., Vennachar, Ont. TEACHER WANTED FOR 8. 5. NO. D, Hinchinbrooke, for 'term 1917-18. Apply, stating qualifications and salary wanted to L. A, Cameron, Sec.-Treas., Tichborne, Ont, TEACHER WANTED, FOR §. §. NO. 1, Oso. holding Nmited third class certificate; protestant = preferred; Salary $400.0v per annum: duties to Summance Sept. to Be nest Hen derson, Seo Station, Ont EX ANT teacher for aE No, Faimersion nd Canonto; holding 3 | gecond class non-professional certificate: salary $400 per annum. Unless a holder of the above io ep need not ap. a pr. "h fu DY to © Bat 1 Shanice, Sec.~ Treen, Janonte, Ont. QUALIF PROTESTA PENAL] = teacher for Union SE N No, 2, Port jand, or 25 Camden, t mi AN T A MAX AS CLERK IN FLOUR AND feed store and capable to handle the books, Apply J. A. McFarlane, 256 Brock street. TEAMSTER (MARRIED MAN) 70 drive sand 'to thé city. Steady work the year round. Apply R. H. Fair, Kingston Station, COMPETENT . WOMAN OR GIRL TO assist with housework and care of baby; family of three. Apply 195 Johnson street, 7-8 Monday even- ing, August 27th, $35 PRIVATE CHRISTMAS GREETING card sample book free; representia- tives already making five to ten dollars daily. Bradley-Garretson's, Brantford Ontario. AMAZING SELLE R--TABLETS ™™ AT wash clothes spotlessly clean with- out rubbing. Promise to solicit or. ders with ten. cents will bring samples for four washings. Make dollar an hour. Bradley's Co, Brantford, Ont. LADIES WANTED T0 DO PLAIN AND Nght sewing at home; whole or spare thme; good pay; work sent any distance; charges pald. Bend stamp for particu National Manufacturing Company,' real, Mont- > ter, Apply GPRPPIeVe wa | BY {WE NICE, |= WANTED COTTON MILL WORKERS Entire families can be employed, Will arrange transportation if necessary. Good wages paid all beginners. Positions open for cxpefrienced workers, In card, spinning, winding and weaving depts. The work: is easy to learn and steady." Clean mill and well ventilated. Apply DOMINION TEXTILE CO. AP Cataracui Street. WANTED GENERAL A SMALL FURNISHED HOUSE OR flat. Phone 1887 or apply to BIX 42, Whig Office. SH YR | LARGE ROOM WITH BOARD, SUIT- able for two; down town district Apply Box $34 Whig Office. NTEPD TO RENT---HOUSE WITH conveniences, in central locality, not later than lst October; family of four, Apply Box 87, Whig office, KOOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS, for cash or In bart Payment of new planos and Jicttelag. O W. Lind- say, Limited, 121 ncess stree.. COLLEGIATE PUPILS FOR school term, two well heated, fur- nished rooms, with use of kitchen far light housekeeping. State price. Apply Box 823, Whig Office, OFFICER, FURNISHED HOUSE, preferably with small grounds or flat, furnished or unfurnished. {Pos- session about Oct. 15th State full particulars. Apply RILLF., Whig Office. BY Box | TRAVELLERS CALLING UPON MER- chants and business men In East. ern Ontario can connect with a goed, side line by applying to Box J. Whig Office. Strictly ceou- dential WANT TO BUY ALL KINDS OF second-hand furniture, stoves, heaters, clothes, ete, We also have everything in the second-hand line for sale. 8 Shapiro, 45 Prin- cess street. Phone 1237, WANTED--OLD FALSE don't matter if broken. I pay $2 to $15 per set. Send hy parcel post and: receive check by return mail. PF. Terl 403 N. Wolfe St, Ballimore, Md, TTHELP WANTED TEETH; 'GIRL WITH OFFICE BXPERIENCE. State references and salar, ed, to Post Office Box § BOY TO DRIVE BRELIVERY WAGON. Apply A. Glover, Cor. Earl and Bagot, No horse-killers aeed aps ply. expect. With or without experience, on 'sewing and knitting machines, Light work; highest wages paid while learning: Apply Kingston Hosiery, Agent wanted In Froutexae County with good business i= ity and alse wood connees tion with Farmers to push the "K'ze" Double Bag-Holder. Good commission to party who can sell, J. Bolander & Com- Yy 70 Lombard Street. Toronto --ee ne J) ing on a war thofront: Appiyto ETRE BACK RACK OF MOTOR TRUCK. FIN- der please notify E. Alkens, 12 Patrick street, city. AUGUST 17TH, ON KINGSTON ROAD, west of city, two automobile tires. Size 33 x 4, with hanger attached. Suitable reward" Notify J W. Petch, Walkarville, Ont. GENTLEMAN'S GOLD FILLED OPEN face waich and fob on Tuesday, ai Parham station or in vicinity. Find- er please return to John Lowry. Parham, and receive reward, y. FOR SALR ESN EFFECTIVE Hitle. ness. aS: three one week, § Are ines "Woc: ANTIQUE ROSEWOOD BOOKCASE. Apply J. Reid, 264 Princess street. PRIVATE SALE AXTIAUE AND other furniture, at' 50 Princess street. . DOMINION EXPRESS MONE) OR- ders are on sale In five thousand offices througrout Caneda. BED, SPRINGS, MATTRESS, DRESSER, kitchen table; two small tables; sideboard. 214 Unlon street W. ARGE NUMBER OF CHICKENS OF all size for sale at reasonable prices, Apply 223 lower Rideau sree, AL ONE-TON SANFORD MOTOR Truck #n first class condition. Ap- ply te W. GQ. Craig & Co. or Boyd's Garage, LADY'S PERSIAN nearly new. and desires phone 1481, POWER.PLUS MOTOR CYCLE AND i , 1916 model, in good cons Apply in evening at 231 Barrie street, LAMB Owner gong quick Sale. COAT, south Tele- oFvichs IY ES AT 75 Clarence BIGRAT ROGMED on HOUSE, ALL modern conveniences. Apply 1566 Sydenham street, or Phone 1770. STORAGE FOR | URNITURE UR MER. ol handise, clean and dry. McCanna Real - ney, $3 Brock St, a 326 or 821. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN dry, ay rooms; ay r own lock and key. Frost's ¥ Storage, 29% Queen street. Phone 536: res. 989. TO WORK ON SHARES, 7 . farm, fentaining 200 ile "Whit aia Temng, 2 pir at Wot faiahd - TO RENT AR ron a McRae. A TEN ROOM BRICK HOUSE, WELL situated; all modern conveniences, {op ly 122 Earl sireet. Phone No. 10, FIRST CLASS UPRIGHT PIANO, easy terms to one that would take pond care. Apply Box $35 Whig Office. FARM FOR SALE. FARM, NORTH HALF 14 19, 4TH concession, township eof ttaburg. 100 acres, more or less, well water. ed, well fenced, good ings. convenient to school, church and cheese factory; best farm ia town. ship. Posséssion in September. Ap- oly, Thom Todd, Lockmaster. rewer's Mills, Ont. FINANCIAL IT IS ALWAYS SAFE TO SEND A DO. , minton Express Money Order. Five dollars costs three cents, GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND TEN selections, Jour own choice, $27.60. Terms: $5 cash, $1 per week. C. Lindsay, Limited 121 Princess St. A LARGE NUMBES OF BICYCLES, IN. cluding the famous Athlete, Over- lan: nd ane Port oot Models; sg tl tires Cle AC Geor Meher 373 King Tah Phone 10 052, GOOD GENERAL STORE AND DWEL-. ling, with stable, drive shed, ice house, and other out buildings; all in first class repair. In village of Battersea. Owner in poor health; a real bargain for quick buyer. Ap- ply to Mrs. M. Lake, Battersea, Ont LARGE STOCK OF EXTENSION TA. bles and dining chairs, buffets, china cabinets, also hod beds, springs and ACtraese. We buy all kinds of second hand furniture J. Thompson, 333 Princess street. Phone 1600, ne AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE The best of service. Also large quantity of repair parts on stock for Saxon cars; also . second-hand cars for sale. J. H. DAVIS, Baxon Distributor. Ring 420 or 118, EAP EEE NS SPE BOPP ee ie FOR SALE AT GEORGE A. BATE. man's Real Estate Agency, $1,400 Same dwelling, north end; B and » hot and cold water. $4,200, 2% STOREY BRICK; ALL IM. b biuigments; 10 rooms; central lo- eation. #4000, BRICK, § ROOMS AND ATTIC; all modern improvements; hard- wood Hoors: side' and rear en- trance; stable, DOUBLE FRAME, end; lot 65 x 168. Xonrn $7,000, DETACHED BRICK; ALL IM. provements; large yard and garage. 3 1%, | |e! ALL PRICES ALL OVER MONEY TO LOAN; INSURANCE AND Customs by broker, 67 Clarence street. DENTAL 258" Princess street. A. EB. KNAPP, Sos, Tons | DR. J. LEONARD W, Phone most ad Bae ress streets' Ti AND SPARKS, DBS. ODE. LOA Cesta; FRONTENAC LOAN AND ment and countr, chase terest a manager, $7 Clarence St., LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND Fire Insurance ay. A assets $61,187,215, In addition which the bolicyhy security the unlimited insured at, Before rT Phone WE DR. REEVE, Nerve Specialist. Years of experience .enables me to treat difficult cases suec- fa Call, or state case by SEND A DOMINION EXPRESS MON- ey order. Five dollars costs three cents, HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS and all growths and skin blem- ighes removed permanently, with out scar; 30 years' Sxperienfs, Dr. Elmer J, Lake, Eye, Nose; Throat and Skin Sncciatist, 262 Bagot street. MARRY IF LONELY-FOR SPEEDY marriage try my club; very suc- cessful, best, largest in the coun- try, established 11 years; thous- ands weal y wishing to mar at once; confidential Seactiptions TS Reliable Club, Mrs. Wrubel, 7 Madison, Oakland, Calif. - MARRY IF LONELY; FOR RES try me; best and most succe ome Maker"; hundreds of rich wish marriage soon; strictly eon fidential; most reliahle: years Ent a free. re Purdie, , Oakland, BOARD AND ROOMS. FIRST CLASS BOARD AND! every venvenlence, ceniral tion. Apply 243 Brock street. ARCHITECT 4 Rofl Panic. Eprreoy -re Brock and Wellington streets. LEGAL A.B. CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER and solicitor, office, 79 Clas: ence street, Kingston,