THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, AUGUST 27, 1917. Furs John McKay Limited. 149-157 Brock Street. rs wri New and t All kinds, from 425.00 Check Protectors, $10.00 and $27.50. Envelope Sealers, $3.60, J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. Street 41 Ularence Kingston, Ont, 1500 Sothurne sv, Ave, Money to Loan--Easy YTeima, ISHED THEIR THRESHING and More Help Would do Much Good, Reports from the farming district vesting is now well under way. It is sald that many of the farmers have been able to gather im their bumper pleted their threshing and bave the.r grain stored away, "How are your crops this year?" was the question put to a prominent farmer on tha market on Saturday last. "1 never saw such a harvest in all my life," couraging reply," but on with the threshing. {to get the grain all stacked wp but the rain has prevented me gathering the crops in for threshing." "Are there many of the farmers in the same box as you?" | query. are. The rain seems to have been side and the man who did mot have his grain in was in a bad fix. Of course there are some of the far- more than others and they were able to get their work done more quickly than some of us. Next week, how- ever, I guess everything will be in and threshing well under way." This seems to have heen the ocom- census of - opinion. Conversations with and correspondence from far- WeareOptical Specialists em MNS THE ORTICAL QUESTION = a IS BEST soLYeD BY COMING You are assured a thorough scientific examination and ac- curate glasses at Asselstine's. Consult J... ASSELSTINE DOS. STANDARD PATTERNS For Sale at COLLEGE BOOK STORE. At the Golden Lion Grocery Fa HONEY 'McCann, aid meh, - vee end 40e I Hit | HH HARVESTING 1S UNDER WAY Rain Prevented a Large Number in the District Fron Garnering Bum- per Crops Soomer---Good Weather around Kingston show that the har- crops and that some have even com- was his cheerful and en- the rain has kept me back somewhat from going I was able was the next "Well from all I can hear there pretty general around the country- mers who had lots of help or at least ncy Clover mers leads to the same conclusion that some of the more lucky have Beén able to get in their bountiful crops... The help problem has been a knotty ope and has caused much anxiety. Everyone from children up has been (working from. sunset to sun- down in the fields and the famners have labored as never before at their patriotic tasks, The farmer in these days is indeed the man behind the man behind the gun. PETTY THIEVES REPORTED POLICE CONSTABLE LOCATED A BOX OF STOLEN NAILS, Taken From Farmer's Rig and Were « Hiddey; but Officer Unearthed Them~--Thrée raincoats Taken From a Home on York Street. On Saturday Police - Constable John Naylon succeeded in locating a box of horse shoe nails which had been stolem from the rig of a well- known farmer. The "farmer pur- chased a dozen boxes of nails at a local hardware store and had them delivered to his rig at a local hotel. When he came to get the nails he found that two boxes were missing. He thought that perhaps, through some mistake, the hardware firm had only sent ten boxes, but found that they had been delivered O.K. Constable - Naylon got busy on the case, with the result that he located one of the missing boxes of nails in the hotel yard, where it had been hidden. He' could get no trace of the other box. Anothér case of petty theft was | reported to the police on Monday ! morning, when Joseph Hefferman, living at 113 York street, stated that some person secured an entrance to his home and made off with three raincoats. 'The matter was reported to Constable Marshall Armstrong. Evidently some person is making preparations for a rainy day. | FLIGHT LIEUT. MALLOCK, er of War. A letter received by Mrs. Mallock, Arnprior, concerning her son, Flight Lieut. Clyde Mallock, from a major who was Lieut. Mallock's senior of- ficer, states that on the evening of July 28th a British airplane squad- ron was returning from a bombing expedition, when they met several hostile airships. The British airmen at once give chase and succeeded in shooting down four of the enemy craft. The last seen of Clyde was as his machine was diving after one of the German planes, The major says that the pilot on his machine was particularly capable and there is every reason to hope that he is a prisoner of war or interned in some neutral territory. WAS COMMITTED FOR TRIAL Charged With Obtaining Credit Un- der Misrepresentation. The charge against Douglas Em- J} MODS of Kingston township, when he ee ee | @DPeared before Justice of the Peace George Hunter, on Monday moming, was that he obtained credit under misrepresentation, when he sold a disc 'harrow for $50 to John Smith, also of Kingston township. It is al- jeged that there was a len on the harrow. T, J. Rigney appeared for the prosecution, while the accused was defended by C. R. Webster. Af- ter hearing evidence, Col. Hunter committed the accused to stand triak Canadian Casualties. Killed in action--Lieut. D. R. Bumnitt's Rapids, Wounded_-8 A. McMillan, Alex- Marmora; A L. Altord, 'Belleville: R. Jacques, Gananoque; J. B, Sinclair, Almonte; 1. MeOonmedi, Avonmore; W. Fair- His Comrades Think He is a Prison, INCIDENTS OF THE DAY LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. Happenings In the City and Vicinity --What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. Mr. and Mrs. KX. N. Storms and family spent Sunday with friends in city. Mrs, Gerrard, Peterboro, is vieit- ing her daughter, Mrs, W. Harte, 28 | Division street. H. Cunnin King street. ey's Book Store. The Baltimore International Bawe- ball team will play the Gananoque team on Wednesday. Kingston's parks never looked bet- ter than they do just now. The rains have kept them radiant. W. Swaine, plano and pipe organ tuner, 100 Clergy street W. Orders left at McAuley's or 'phone 564. F. 8. 8. Johnson, American Con- sul and his brother-inlaw Le Roy Scott,' Scranton, Pa., motored to Par- ham on Sunday. Misses Inez and Margaret Moore, Kingston, after spending a few weeks at their mother's home at Westport have returned home. Mr, and Mrs. Bert. Quincey and son, Rochester, N.Y., who had been visiting Mrs. M. Moore, Westport, have returned to their ome, Messrs Whitaker and Tom and Ken Ruddy, Brantford, are here to enter the Royal Military College, where they will take a military course. John Vale, Kingston, a sailor on the schoomer Abbie L. Andrews, fell into the hold of the vessel at Oswego, N.Y., receiving a bad shaking up. He is at the hospital, If you have any $10 bills labelled Imperial Bank of Canada look them over very carefully, A counterfeit in circulation is am unusualy good imitation of the original. Mrs. Huffman of Hartington 'was removed from the early C.P.R, train on Monday morning to the General Hospital in S, S, Corbett's motor am- bulance, suffering from appendicitis. Ross Carnegie, son of Capt. R, Carnegie, 200 Bagot street, is spend- ing a few days in the city, He will return this week to New Yor: to re- join his regiment for overseas ser- vice, Mns. James T, Sutherland, Miss Anita Sutherland and Miss B. Mec- Call are leaving this week for Lind- say to work on mupitions until the end of the war. There are probably other Kingston ladies who will also be doing this work in the near fu- ture, , piano tuner, 21 ve orders at McAul- Given a Commission. Lieut. C. E. Dobbs, , St. John's College boy, son of Ray (Capt.) C. E. and Mrs. Dobbs, Winnipeg, who has been givem a commission over- seas. He was ome of the first St. John's College boys to enlist, hav- ing joined Lord Strathcona's Horse at the outbreak of the war. He was one of the first Canadians to get to France, and was only seventeen years of age at the time. Lieut. Dobbs took the officers' course in England, and is now attached to a reserve battalion ready to go to the front again, notwithstanding his having been seriously wounded and but lately recovered. He is a grand- son of the late Rev. F. W. Dobbs, the loved and revered rector of St. John's church, Portsmouth, and" he has consequently many near rela- tives in' Kingston. Pte. William Gurden . Mrs. Culhene, 91 Rideau street, received word on Monday morning : from Ottawa that her son, Pte. Wil- Hospital in France, suffering from gunshot wounds In the right leg and up. He went overseas with a Ham- jiton battalion. Pte, Gurden was well-known in for- metly been employed by W. J. Croth- ars & Co. He is in his twenty-fourth "| year. Engagement Announced. Mr. and Mrs. J, 1H. Stewart. Brock- ville, anpotnce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Martha to Vie- tor W. Bryant, , the mar Tings t0 take place early in Septem Leo T. Croke's Haunting Ballad When | hear the gate a-swinging As you throw it open wide; When | hear your fotsteps ringing On the cobble path outside; When | hear your dear voice singing As you reach the cottage door, Then I'll know that love is bringing My dear one home once more. Price 40c--Postage Free. No. 4 Fragments from France, by: Bairnsfather. Popular Music Sale . . . . . WAITING Sung by England's greatest artists. Published in Med. and High. Ready Today. . Two for a Quarter The College Book Store, 160-162 Princess St. Open Nights Phone 919 ictorial atterns lease articular eople Fall Styles Now On Sale By ewman & Shaw, | THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE CLOSING OF 'MAILS fortes FVLES gE PE Cn uid I Sana 1000 pen. mes igh Bend Sin ay BEE PEW gE SEE uy TIMBER Round Spruce and Douglas Fir, in the water and Square Oak, which we can saw to order. Essssssssssssasses S ANGLIN & CO. Weotwarking Pastors, y Streets. eee Lumbes, . | Looking We havea stock of Phones: Office 66, Factory 1415 1 MantelClocks We are able to save you money on black enamelled mantel clocks. Our prices, due to opportune buying are practically the same as before the war started. These prices cannot last and the next shipments will be much higher, Put a clock where you need it --ROW. Prices from $6.30 up. Smith Bros. Jewelers and Opticians. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. When You Are For you wish to place opesition, pil ance it will be to your interest fo consult us, On Clergy street west~--a new dwel- ling, all nodes. with hot water cany terms, Place your property on our selling Money to Loan. Hr EW Hulk Son Beers of Ren Etats, Dor, duhnson "Always Take: a Kodak { Along." " 0 i The new 1A r JA Kodak | J "a Phe aTi00." | 4. Price $1.4 See our stock of Brownies, $140 wp,