Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Aug 1917, p. 5

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"Out of the High Rent District." O'Connor's LADIES Exclusive Now is- the Time ! To select your new garments for fall and winter wear. he THIS IS THE PLACE If you want individual style at the lowest prices in the city. Suits-Coats-Dresses A magnificent range to choose from in cloths that cannot be secured later. A pleasure to show you -- Come tomorrow. T.J.O' Connor 260 Princess St. Telephone 800 Higher up Street, But Lower in Price. Province of Manitoba 5% Gold Bonds DUE IST APRIL, 1922 DENOMINATION $1,000 Interest Payahle Malt Yearly Principal and Interest Payable at Toronto, Montreal, nnd New York. Manitoba, the o'aést of the prairie provinces, has & land area of over 251,000 square, miles, and a population of 578,000 The bonds We wre offering are a direct and primary obligatiop of the Province, and are payable fram its general revenugs, Price, 97 and Interest, Yielding 53% Wood, Gundy & Company Canadian Pacific Railway Building, TORONTO Winnipeg Montreal New York o SL ODO-RO-NO! (For Extreme Perspiration) Three Sizes. Relieves Excess Perspiration of Avmpia, Hands and Feet. Fa ooo sesPrevents Odor FE kB ow SARGENT'S DRUG/STORE Nyal Quality Store. Phone 41. Cor, Princess and Montreal Streets. A Specialists ! THIS IS THE AGE OF SPECIA WE EXAMINE YOUR EYES AND MARE 1 ™HE GLASSRS AFTER A BCHENTIFIC EXAMINATION: Optician and A J. J. STEWART, Opt.D. Cor, W and Clarence Sta. Opp. "KIN IN'S LARGEST OPTICAL PARLORS." FRUIT JARS Pints, Quarts, Half Gallons. Parawax.. Pig Spice, Pickling Vinegar. icol's Celebrated Bantam Corn on the Cob, fresh Every Morning. Crawford si "Goud Things To Eat." Phane 26 Post Office, Phone 609 a. A ------------ Reduced Ton is al, Ter 4550.38 25 tent colt Oxfords, '| tiie' betterment "THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, AUGUST 27, 1917. VERY ROUGH ON LAKES| THE VOICE OF THE PULPIT REV. DR. MACGILLIVRAY BROCK STREET METHODIST. Preached on How Men When at Their Wits End Cry to God in Their Trouble--Rev. W. T, G. Brown Preaches on the Pioneers. Rev, Dr. Macgillivray spoke in Broek street Methodist chureh on Sunday evening, and delivered a splendid sermon from Psalm evil, 27: *"They are at their wit's end. then they ery unio God in their trouble." In this Psalm the "preacher said that four classes of men were de- scribed. They are at their wit's end and then having used every human help they each cry to God and God in. His mercy hears then. The first man mentioned is in mental and moral confusion over the riddle of existence. He cries unto God and God hears him. The next man mentioned is one who ap- | IN black and frightful disease. It night be in consequence of his own excess and sin. The wit of man fails him and he recourses to God, who hears and saves him. The third is a fool, who played fast and looses with his own moral character and reputation. He real- izes this folly and reproaches him- sell. Death is preferable to moral nausea, which torments his soul, He calls unto God, who hears and saves him. "The last of all is the business man who has worried over "his affairs, the troubles of meeting supply and demand. He is likened unto one who ig on a sea, first in one trough and then in another Feeling neo comfort or voice from shore he sees the waves mounting higher and higher. He like the rest calls on God, and God in his hercy answers him, Two' things come out of this les gcn. One is God's thought of man {and the value of man. To realize these two things man must get hold of the Christly idea and spirit. He must 'let the selfishness, darkness and waste pass and see anywhere that God and brotherhood will come right into hidden souls and lift them up into liberty and love. Sydenham Street Church. With many historical allusions and a wealth of apt words, Rev. W. T. G. Brown spoke eloquently in Sydenhag Street Methodist church on Sunday evening on the subject of "Pioneers. Basing his remarks on a shont text chosen from the story of the migra-~ tion of Abraham with his flock from the land of Aaron into the promised land of Canaan, the speaker showed that this man, the father of a great people, was the first pioneer of faith on this earth, The millions of be- lievers in the monotheistic doctrine, whether Christians believing in the Supreme Being knowm as God or Mohammedans believing in Allah; or any other of the great sects trace bick their beliefs 16 Abraham, the first great pioneer. Passing on to more recent times Mr. Brown reviewed the exploits and deeds of David Livingstone, of the Pilgrim Fatherd, of the first settlers in the Dominion. Thege were men rugged and fearless, seeing in their visions a new and bright ideal to- warde which they ever strived. They had faith in their visions and struck out on mew paths, some for adven- ture, some for the accomplishment of great and noble deeds, some for of their childrens' conditions. These were the men who carved the way for the future, who brought the new thoughts into relig- fon, science, discovery, "Those who love the bright Vghts and the movies are mot the people who bring new thoughts and beaubi- ful thoughts into the Kingdoh of God," declared the speaker, in closing he urged that the pre- gent generation and ithe generations yet unborn should live up to and be worthy of the ideals for which our tors, the pioneers of a great of Canadians, fought and died, and he appealed to Canadiams in these crucial times to lay aside the petty things of the world, which last - pears to be in the clutches of some I} NAVIGATION TIED UP FROM LAKE SUPERIOR TO MONTREAL Heavy Gales Have Prevailed Since Friday Last on All the Lakes--The Movements of Vessels Reported. Rough weather has prevailed on the lakes, and as a result « large number of the smaller vessels have been tied up. It was reported to the Whig on Monday morning that navigation had been tied up from Lake Superior to Montreal, with heavy gales since Fri- day last. 'The steamer Belleville arrived from Montreal at 4 a.m. and cleared for Toronto at 6.15 a.m. on Sunday. The steamer Varuna cleared for Picton at § am. on Sunday, The steamer Kingston arrived from Toronto at 5.45 a.m. and clear- ed for Prescott at 6.15 am, on Sun- The steamer Kingston arrived from Prescott at 5.15 p.m. and clear- ®d for Toronto at 5.30 p.m, on Sun- day. The steamer City of Ottawa ar- rived from Montreal at 1.15 a.m. and cléared for Toronto and Hamilton at 2.45 a.m, on Monday. The steamer Toronto arrived from Toronto at 4.30 am, and cleared for Prescott at 5.30 a.m. on Monday. M. T. Co's Bulletin: 'The steamer Arabian passed up light, on her way from Montreal to Pont Colborne; the steamer Oatland passed down, with grain from Montreal to Pont Colborne; the tug Bowman cleared with the barges Lapwing and Gaskin, for Charlotte; the tug Magnolia} r cleared on Monday with the barge Dundurn for Port Dalhousie, The steamer Shrigley, which has been at the Government dry dock, undergoing repairs, has cleared for Erie to load coal for Montreal. The steamer Rolph and the barge Sophia Minch cleared for Erie to load coal for Kingston. The schooner Julia B. cleared for Fairhaven. Merrill TRIBU = 1. PAID By the RM... Commandant to the Late Prof. Lanos. The following appears in the or: ders at the Royal Military College: "It is with the deepest regret that the Commandant has to announce to the college the death of J. M. Lanos, priofessor of French, which occurred alt his residence on the 19th in- stant. "Prof, Lanos' connection with the college dates from the first of Sep- tember, 1905, and during the twelve years he has been on ithe staff, his loyalty both to his adopted country and to his native land, his devotion tio duty, kindness of heant and invar- iable courtesy won him the love and esteem. of all those whom his du- ties brought him in contact with. "Since the war began Prof. Lanos was untiring in 'his 'efforts to furth- er the cause of thé Allies, Bealdes = frome his only two available sons for active service and volunteering himself, he undertook as a voluntary work the preparation of officers of the Canadian Expeditionary Foree in the Frenchy language at Barriefield camp, "His final illness wus brought about by his recent jourmey to France, anid owing to an unfortunate chain of circumstances, the keystone of which was Prof, Lanos' fixed de- termination to leave nothing undone in regard to his duty to his native' land of France, "The Commandant assures Mrs, Lanos and her family, on behalf of the college, of their heartfelt sym- pathy at their irreparable loss." Dr, Alfred Na Nash Dies o at Joilet. Dr.' Alfred Nash, one of Joilet's oldest physicians, a practitioner at Joliet, Ill, for thirty-seven years, and believed to have been the oldest Wving graduate of Michigan Univer- sity is dead. Death came after sx weéks illness with the infirmities of old age. Dr. Nash was born on Am- herst Island, fu 1828. Two sisters, Mrs. Isabelle Swetman, Bloomfield, and Mrs. Mary Allen, Kingston, sur- vive, Beautiful New Stock to Choose From Prevost, Brock atreet, has an extra fine assortment of , tweed, cheviots and serge, blue and black, for the order department. Ris ready-made clothing and gent's, furnishing never better assorted. Extra low prices. --r-- Cheeses Markets Picton, 1,562 at 21 6-16¢. Moanin at 21 3-5e, . Al 850 at 21%c. 815 al 21%e. PAGE FIVE Are You Going To Toronto Exhibition ' How about your travelling bag or suit case? Our stock is well assorted. Suit cases from $1.50 to $20.00. Travelling bags, $1.95 to $30.00.. We also carry a large stock of trunks ranging in price from * $3.50 to y25.( 00. Abernethy's Shoe Store 3 A X A & b Mh When you hand out your money be sure to get good hon- est value in return for it, Our slogan is "one hundred cents worth of goods for every customer's dollar." New Hats, New Caps, 'New Furs. Our one dollar sale is still going on. Any straw hat $1, besides our $1 Yale of soft felt hats. CampbellBros | "The style centre for men's iy a Dandergo Motor Ambulance This is used exclusively for ambulance work. Easy running and well ventilated; fitted with every convenience. Phone 147 for personal and motor service. James Reid, The Leading Undertaker with a Motor Hearse. Y ' oY HT - BE SURE YOUR 2 MILK IS DELIVERED IN SEALED BOTTLES. All our milk is thoroughly pasteurized and bottled at once. It is safe. It is pure. It is good. "Phone 845 Price's move dandruff and. stop falling | hair: Price, 50c bole. Prouse's . Hearing 1 Believi That is the one proof -- the final test of the quiltll- Yen y of nuy musical ingtra- nd mensured by ey "tent, the Grafonoln superbly ttn right fo. the title "The One Incomparable Instrament of Music." ro rug Is believing." he Columbia to the Hd tent todny. We will inal demonstrate this ly faet {o you on Any model of Columbia Gratonoln, I. Greene Music Go, Li : Princess and Sydenham Streets. Phone 1324

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