Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Aug 1917, p. 12

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This Up-to-Date Range has a ventilated oven with walls of nickelled steel that roasts and bakes to a turn. The glass door enables you to watch the baking and the ther- utomo e COBB AND ROUSCH 2 PITTSBURG PIRAT | , HOLD LEADERSHIP HARD LUCK TEAM | Battles for Big League Batting | | are Hopeless Tail-enders But Ig Crowns Now for Second The major league Marathon re.| Wake Leaders Hustle to close battle for second place, baseball players next spring. Com-|approach was the 21 innings game | missioners Hoover threathens to pul|between a different brand of Pirates | them on rations, and the Giants at Pittsburg on Puly Rousch, Cincinnati leads the Na- 17th, 1914. A homer by Doyle won P A NDOR A RANGE tional League with 348, 30 -points ahead of Walter Cruise, St. Louis, -- In the American League Ty Cobb| Cleveland paper claims Ty Cobb is|for the Giants. i with 380 is 18 points ahead of { on the downgrale. Stil he has a The longest major league game on | George Sisler, St. Louis, | long way to go. record was that fought between the NNIPEG VANCOUVER Oruige is hitting .318, and Benny Boston Red Sox and the Philadel- | ones TT S0hR NE 8 Kauff and Roger Hornsby are tied phia Athletics, in, Boston, on Sept. | SASKATOON Johnny Evers has taken another MONTOR Place. cord is 24 games, played by Phila- Beat Em. { delphia and Boston in the American en | New Standard Headlights "Corning Conaphores mometer shows exact temperature. The bdttles for big league batting! circuit. All records in the National League Out free booklet describes many Othey crowns are mbw nearly settled for -- were broken by the Pirates and Dod- | special features. Write for it. this year, Averages show only a There may be a stampede among | gers last Wednesday. The nearest { 4 Light never more than 42 inches above the road. Headlight range of 500 feet with a 21 c.p. bulb properly focused. Cuts out all the glare, yet uses all the light, complying with the law of the city and state in glare laws. Penetrates fog, dust or smoke so you can drive 25 miles an hour under adverse weather conditions. Has strong side-light which illuminates the roadside. The noviol beams make the green stand out so you can distinguish bushes and ditches. Never clogs with dust or mud in sum- mer or with ice or snow in winter and is eas- ily put on any car. You will have to get them. Why not now and have the pleasure of good light and not bother the other fellow. TREADGOLD Sporting Goods Co, Phone 529. 88 Princess St. En pr---- TRY 5c. Poet Cigar 5c. Look for Silk Thread on Tip of Each Olgas, | S. OBERNDORFFER, Maker, Kingston. te - hie McCallum Granite Co pormont Here sess Street. 1981 a MONUMENTS | at .314 for third place. Grol, Cin- cinnati; Wilhoit, New Yosk; T. Clarke, Cincinnati; Prendergfst, Chi- cago; Zimmerman, New York; Grif- fith and Reuther, Cincinnati, are other .300 hitters. Lister, St. Louis; Bader, Boston; Speaker, Cleveland; Ruth, Boston; Russell, Chicago; Russell, New York; Chapman, Cleveland; Bodie Philadelphia; Harris, Cleveland ; Veach, Detroit, and Melnnis, Phila- delphia, follow Cobb in the .300 class of the American League. ATHLETICS IN TROUBLE St. Catharines Crowd Meet Hardships in Chicago. The unauthorized jaunt of the St. {Catharines Athletics to Chicago has got them into serious trouble with the Ontario Amateur Lacrosse Asso- ciation, and at present the Athletics are on the suspended list, the game with Young Torontos, scheduled for Saturday being indefinitely postpon- ed, The trip to Chicago was primarily arranged to provide one of the fea- tures of a big Red Cross Athletic fes- tival at Weeghman Park, the grounds of the Chicago Cubs, last Saturday. Apparently, the tour was taken on without consulting any authority or making any effort to obtain the sanc- tion necessary for an Ontario team intending to pay abroad. The Red Cross game was not the sum of ile activities of the tour though. On Sunday, which is a for- bidden day to Amateur lacrosse play- ers, the Athletics got deeper into trouble by playing another game with the Calumets, in which Fitz- gerald and Kalls, St. Catherines pros, figured on the Chicago team, and at which a "gate" was taken. In their twe days' visit the St. Catharines' team appear to have accumulated all the difficulties that could be ga- thered in that space of time and which it will take a good deal longer to clear up. Their present status, therefore, is that of a suspended club, due to make representations and explanations at headquarters, with Matty is waiting to hear from scout Larry Sutton, The old sleuth hjas been spending several weeks in the bushes and is expected to bob up with several new pitchers. The i PURE Tobacco CIGARETTE Why not put a package in your pocket to-day? bison aR ies x new lease of life, He is fielding in sensational style for the Phillies. The Giants' lead has made the Na- tional Iseague race topheavy, but the gap between second and third places in the American League struggle is producing similar conditions, Griffith let Jamieson go because he couldn't hit. Now Jamieson is one of the Athletics' leading stickers. Rumored that Percy J. Haughton and his pantrers will sell the Boston Braves when the season is over, Hank Gowdy has not been missed by the Braves for the reason that Tragresser has turned out to be a splendid backstop. The Pirates will not get very high this year, but the team is young and quite sure to improve. In two or three years the Pittsburg club may be back in the place of prominence which Fred Clarke's team formerly 'held. Joe Evans, of the Clevelands, is a coming thirdbaseman, He possesses a'powerful throwing arm and can hit. John MoGraw has one record that is unigue in his brilliant career as a manager. The pilot of the Giants has taken back more pastimers he had previously canned than has any other manager. Ed. Appleton, who refused to join the Baltimore Orioles when ordered to do 0 by the Brooklyn Dodgers, but who later changed his mind, is on the down grade. Jack Dunn let him go and the Dallas club landed him, but they also turned him out. THE LEAGUE'S STANDING. International League. Won. Lost. Toronto -.. +i. so 51 .598 Providence .. .. 50 .690 Baltimore .. .. .. 62 .587 Newark .. .. ... 83 569 Rochester .. .. .., .} 68 .460 Buffalo ..... vu» 69 .448 Montreal .. .. . 80 .376 Richmond ., ..-.. 76 .372 Pe National League. , Won. Lost. New York .. ..... 40 Philadelphia .. .. 48 St. Louis .. i. . 57 Chicago .. PN 60 Cincinnati .. .. .. 62 Brooklyn .. .. .. 59 Boston... ui. 9.61 Pittsburg .. .. .. 79 P.C. 649 571 521 504 -504 A87 445 319 American League, P.C. 626 +614 544 516 A479 458 Chicago ... .. .. Booster .. .. .... 'Cleveland Detroit ; . New York Washington St. Louis ... 390 Philadelphia .368 Facts About Walter Johnson. Here are some of the principas facts in Walter Johnson's wonderful career: In 1907, his. fitst year in fast company, he pitched 14 games, win- ning five and losing nine. : In 1912, the first year Washing- ton ever finished in the first divi- sion, he won 32 and lost 12 games. - In 1913 he hung 36 victories and lost only seven games. His winning percentage of .788 is 'his high water mark. In 1910 he fanned 313 batsmen, Rube Waddell Is the only pitcher with a higher total for strike-outs. In 1912 he came back with 303 strike-outs. His year of greatest effectiveness was 1913, when he allowed but 109 1st, 1906. The contest went 24 in- nings, the Mackmen winning. The record for four consecutive ex- tra innings games was tied by the Pirates, fourteen innings last Saturday, won from the Dodgers in ten innings on Monday, tied the Dodgers in a thir- teén innings game Wednesday. This makes a total of 59 innings. The previous record of four con- secutive extra innings games was es- tablished by Detroit and Chicago, which played four extra innings con- tests in succession, one going twelve innings, the second ten innings, the third eleven innings and the fourth ten innings. The total is 43 innings, as against the Pirates' 59, The Pirates, therefore. establish a new record as far as the number of innings is concerned. It took the Pirates and Dodgers 36 innings to reach a decision. This beats the former record of 26, play- ed between the Senators and Browns, August 27th, and 28th, 1913. Jimmy Hickman, Hi Myers, Casey Stengel and little Bigbee carried off the honors at the bat. Hickman made five hits in nine times at bat. Myers five out of ten, Stengel four out of eight and Bigbee six out of eleven. The total number of hits made was 47, the Dodgers getting 28 and the Pirates 19, The Greatest Ever. Harry Davis, Connie Mack's lieu- tenant, i8 of the opinion that Ty Cobb is the greatest ball player who ever wore a aiN'orm. Quoth Harry: "I have watched Cobb with inter- est. Now and then he has a rival, but he is Wke Caruso, rivals come and they go, and Cobb is still king. ) No hitter was ever uo good as Cobb. No man was ever faster than Cobb. No outfielder ever covered the earth as he does. No man ever ran bases like Cobb has for tem years. There is only one Cobb. How much longer can he go? I don't know. I was my best at 35, and Cobb looks good to me for at least five more seasons of top work I don't think he will play one game after he starts to slip. He has told me he was ready to retire the day that Father Time called him back to the field." Johnson Big Card in Spain. According to a London paper Jack Johnson is still hypnotiinig the na- itives of Barcelona, Spain, where he is safe from legal prosecution or ex- tradition and the people take him at his own valuation, Three times a week he is a toreador, and is said to be piling up the florins. The account also goes on to say that he has ac- quired an Interest in & newspaper, ¥hich supplies a queer migture of socialism and sport. long screeds in Spanish are published over John- son's name, but he refrains from dis- cussing them, due to the fact that he rarely knows what they contain. Barcelona is some seaside resort for J still believe him champion of the world and are proud to ententain him, Baseball Tourney at Tweed. At a baseball tournament held at Tweed between teams from Ivanhoe, Chapman, Lodgeroom and the Tweed ball team, some good ball was put on, and proceedings were watched by a crowd of spectators. Lodgeroom and Chapman were the first to take the field. The former team was handicapped by not having their reg- ular catcher and lost to the other team by a score of 20-5. Ivanhoe and Tweed were next on the diamond, go- ing five and four times to bat, re- spectively. Ivanhoe was defeated by a score of 14-6. Then came the final clash between Chapman and Tweed, which was watched with great interest.. The zame was stopped at earned runs per game off his de- livery. the third innings, the score standing 12 to 9 in favor of Chapman. They lost to Philadelphia in| WI TON _ CALGARY For Sale by J. B. Bunt & Co. MONTHLY INCOME Surest way of providia x for your old age or your beneficiary is the Monthly Income Polley of THE MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA, S. Roughton, 60 Brock St., Phone 610. City Dairy | PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM, Visit This Dairy and Decide for Yourself, -- Satisfaction Guaranteed. Official Test by H. B. Smith. Milk teat. ed 3.2 Butter Fat. 34 JOHNSON STRERT Phone 2083 The Leading Undertaker Carpet Sweepers and Vacuum Cleaners 50 Sweepers, all steel .. .. .. .. Domestic Vacuum Cleaners, best m vo 2581.98 ade . .$12.50 R. J. REID, 230 and 232 Princess Street. Motor Ambulance. Phone 577. | - Girls' calf boots in button and School Shoes | Start the children off to school with good, serviceable footwear that will stand the hard knocks. Boys' calf boots, with solid leather at $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00. Youths' solid leather calf boots at $2.50 and $3.00. lace, at '$2.50, $2.75 and $3.00. The "Wear Like Iron" Kind. JH. Sutherland & Bro. The Home of Good Shoes. N14 "0,

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