Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Aug 1917, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, AUGUST 28, 0 IMPOSE FINE $200 UPON A HIGHLY SPECTED CITIZEN FORCED T oF RE- Becausé He Had- Liquor For Medici nal Purposes in His Private Resi- dence Over His Store. i A well known and highly respect ied citizen, whose reputation in the business section is untarnished, was {fined $200 and costs on Tuesday morning by Police Magistrate Far- reli for having liquor in his dwelling lapartinents above his place of busi- Mess. The police magistrate said tne had no other course left open to | him under the interpretation of the {Ontario Temperance Act than to im {pose the minimum fine. |" The business man in question stat- ed that he had ordered the liquor from Montreal last week Several | years ago a local doctor recomniend- | éd a mixture of rye whiskey, Cana- I dian wine, and quinine as a towic. It | was for this medical purpose that | he had brought in the liquor. The law, ilowever, says that no li quor may be kept under the same roof as a place of business, and the magistrate could not even give a sus- pended sentence. He was compelled therefore to fine him $200 and costs or three months in jail. Gifts For a Couple, A very pleasant time was spent on Monday night at Dr. C. C. Nash's, 366 Albert street, when a number of John McKay 149-157 Brock Street. a SO | VETERANS AIR COMPLAINTS! ENTS | OF GOVERNMENT'S ACTION ON AN IMPORTANT MATTER. Discharge Pay Not Given Returned Men--The Veterans , Want Infor. mation on the Ontario Land Settle- ment Scheme. Port discharge pay was discussed | Mt full length at the meeting on Mon- day niglit of the Army and Navy Vet-| | 1 1 | | INCIDENTS OF THE DAY LOCAL, NOTES AND YTHMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. | 1 Happenings In the City and Vicinity ~--What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. Buy your pickling vinegar and spices at Pickering's 'phone 530. T. J. Rigney and family left on | Tuesday for a moter trip through the Leo T. Croke's Haunting Ballad WAITING Sung by England's greatest artists. Published in Med. and High. When | hear the gate a-swinging As you throw it open wide; erans' Association. This first pay-igiotes > $ > been made on May!" 0 ment was to have b | H. Cunningham, piano tuner, hn " { 1st, but thousands of the 20,000 men |g ,: gireet, Leave orders at MeAul- who have returned from overseas to ey"s Book Store. Canada have not received it. The Edward J. Barrett, of the Whig complaints are being forwarded 10} reportorial staff, is spending a few Ottawa. a 1 The Land Settlement Scheme of the | days in Toromte. © family have re- Hom, i. Foreuson 1s veg. sched oo| (arid from. 'a motor rip {hrough send a representative to explain the he. / vile A ay proposed scheme and hear the views! : Hudine. plana and afr i of the local veterans on the subject amen: 144 i street We 1908 A' resolution of condolence is be-| eft at McAuley's or phone §a4. ing sent to Mrs. A. H. Tett on the) Mrs. F. F. Riley, Montreal, is the death of her husband, the late Capt. |Buest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tett, in England on Monday. W. J. Thornton, Frontenac street. Fa A NE SL { P. J. Tobin and, family, West- P2400 09 00049 2000444 S44e DOr't, motored to Kingston on Mon- «|day and visited friends in Ports- % | mouth. %| Mrs. Edward Huffman, Hartington, «4 | operated on in the General Hospital NOTIFY THE WHIG ABOUT CASUALTIES, Relatives who receive mess- xan be expected ages of casualties are requested # |° » i 1 , s Li to notify the Whig as soon as * dent. G. G. Lalterty, of tie Li possible, and thus take the'best 4 | Co'nshires, wounded, belongs 2 | the. members of Brock street Meth- jodist church met there and present- ed Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Fursey with an illustrated Bible and cut glass howl. It was a complete surprise, 48 the recipients knew nothing of ithe gathering until they drove in {the yard. Mr. and Mrs. Fursey {leave for Cornwall to-morrow, where {he has taken over. the McLaughlin | garage, writers New and Rebuilt All kinds, from $25.00 up. Check Protectors, $10.00 and $27.50. Envelope Sealers, $3.60. J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. A sn, -- | Weare Optical IKia'ning, Bide ts and Fit. Remodelling: Mallaings of all Winds, RYT RATES "n EXPERIENCE 273 University Ave, } 1 | IS BEST SOLVED BY COMING TO US, You are assured a thorough scientific examination and ac- curate glasses: at Asselstine's. Consult J. 5. ASSELSTINE 0.0.8. King Street. ' STANDARD PATTERNS Atthe Golden Lion Grocery Fancy Clover HONEY In one pound sections, 25 cents each. Fresh California Prunes, nice and SRT Se. tice SE do Evaporated Apricots sound Sweet Cider .. } REAL ESTATE $2650---Begvorly St.» A50---Union St. 4800-=Abordeon St -8t. 300 Remmi. 1850--olborne St. {1 4600---University Ave. \ Money to Loan--Euasy Terms, | McCann, are eet Fhane ? or 631 W. R. McRea & Co Golden Lion Grocery HEI HHT HI mim | 40c gal, {£04 method of giving the news to 4 Culeay ai Sha a sraguute of Det Inands, Se ames aze + The steamer Thousand Islander : s 4 | brought an excursion .from Morris- 4 | burg, Iroquois and Cardinal on Tues- lists till three or four days following the receipt of the of- { ! ficial telegram, and the publi. 4 | day afternoon to Kingston . cation of ' the news is there- #| S. Winter, Yarker, motored to Gan- aged, 4 hig {anoque on Faursday and visited old I motiied. Intasmation was 4 | Yarker friends, James Stevenson and % Ge given b honing 229 y * | Burns Gilbert, for a couple of days. * & yp B 4=Y. *! Two aeroplanes which passed over | the city on Sunday descended below CHLPEPLAP IEEE LEER P EPRI | Gananoque. There were seven | planes in the air at one time over the PTE. JOHN J. PRIOR IS AGAIN WOUNDED | city, His Mother Has Been Notified Potatoes went up to $1.40 a bushel on the market on Tuesday morning, For the Second Time. BBA ddd dbo but this increase is considered only temporary. There was a small mar- ket. The death is announced in Minne- anolis of Mrs. F. Rand, a former Wingstonian, Miss Adda Ferguson, daughter of the late Mrs. F. X. Cou- sineau. Among the recent wounded in { France is Lieut. N, V. Buchanan, of Edmonton, who left Kingston with a draft from "C' Battery, R.C.H.A., last year. Mrs. Henry Doherty and two child- ren, Lyrel and Rettis, St. Thomas, have returned home after spending two weeks with her mother, Mrs, M. J. Post, 346 Princess street. W. W. Cliff, Carleton Place, who {is renewing acquaintances in the city, is an old Sunday school pupil of Sydenham street Methodist church. For five generations his people have been regular attendants of the church. The Board of Trade at Regina is andeavoring to establish a public market, and the secretary has writ- ten to Market Clerk McCammon here to obtain information as to the pre- | vailing regulations, etc., which gov- ern the one in Kingston, Mrs, John Prior, 331 Montreal street, has received official notifica- tion from the Canadian Record Office that Pta. John J. Prior, her son, had been admitted, with a severe gun- shot wound, into the 11th General Hospital at Camfieres, France. Pte. Prior who is with the 39th Battal- fon was wounded on Sept. 17th, 1916, and had only been in the trenches | for two weeks after his recovery when another German shell caysed him his severe injury. Another brother. George, is still in service with the Canadian Mounted Rifles, IN MARINE CIRCLES, Movements of Vessels in and About Kingston Harbor, The steimér Hamiltonian passed down, coal laden, from Erie to Montreal" at" 9 'eM' on Monday. f= The steamer Wairfax 'passed up Hght fron Montreal to Erie at 11.30 a.m. on Monday. The steamer Varuna.arrived from Picton at 11.30 a.m. and cleared {or Picton at 3.30 p.m. on Monday. The steamer Thousand Islander arrived from Ogdensburg with 430 passengers at 2.30 p.m. and cleared for Ogdensburg at 4 p.m. on Mon- day. The steamer Hamilton arrived from Toronto at 11.30 am. and cleared for Montreal at 3.30 a.m. on Monday, The steamer Toronto arrived from Prescott at 5.06 p.m. and clear. €d for Toronto at 5.20 p.m. on Mon. day. ,The steamer Kingston arrived from Toronto at 4.45 a.m. and clear. ad for Prescott at 5.30 a.m. on Tues- day. ! "MT. Co. Bulletin--The steamer Windsor arvived light from Mont- real. The tug Thomson arrived with coal barges trom Charlotte. The Steamer Joyland passed up light from Montreal to Port Colborne. 'rhe tug Thowson cleared for the Corn- wall canal. 'Lhe steamer Samuel Marshall passed" up pulp laden Irom Ills Bay to Erle: The steamer City of Dresden ar- rived with coal for Crawford & Co. from Oswego on Tuesday morning. Canadian Casualties, Killed in action--iC. MeDairmid, Lindsay; H. D. Acton, Broekville: G. Acton, Brockville; D. P. O'Brien, South Indian; A. Fergus, Maxville; Died of wounds--R. Kilrea, Ot tawa; J. E. McCrum, Oxford Mills. Wounded--W. Cowley, W. Camp- bell, F. Bennett, Cornwall; C. N. Metcalfe, Fenelon Falls; G. R. At- kinson, North Augusta; A. Rolfe, Kingston; S. 0. Lemmex, Smith's Falls; ¥. Bedore, Cordova Mines; W. L. Brown, Mallérytown; W. Ker. shaw, Paterboro. Gassed---F, Jackson, Renfrew; A. C. Masters, Deseronto, Retreat of Priests. The annual retreat of the priests of the archdiocese of Kingston open- ed on Monday evening in St. Mary's cathedral, Rev, Rather O'Reilly of Toronto is officiating. Real Estate Transfer. Noo: 103° Clenzy Street west, "has been sold to C. C. Hodgin, by BE. W. Mullin & Son. EE A A = Oswego on Tuesday. is as desirable as it is in the living room. Pleasant looking linoleum adds much to Kitchen attractiveness, especially i 3f with ito : Joes a oO 1 i br EE a very complete.. Don't fail to see it before ny ol The steamer Jamieson cleared for The steamer T. J. Waffle arrived from Oswego with coal for Swift's on Tuesday. 21] # | on Monday, is improving as well as % When | hear your fotsteps ringing On the cobble path outside; When | hear your dear voice singing As you reach the cottage door, Then I'll know that love is bringing My dear one home once more. Price 40c-- Postage Free. No. 4 Fragments from France, by Bairnsfathe - Popular Music Sale Lu oa The Colle 160-162 Princess St. Knitting Socks for Daddy! WILL BE MUCH MORE PLEASANT IF YOU USE THE YARN THAT WE SELL. Open Nights CAPSTAN -- WHITE, BLACK, MID- GREY, KHAKI, DARK GREY. i, UNBREAKABLE--BLACK, DARK GREY. wr -- ~~ FACTORY -- DARK GREY, BLACK. BEEHIVE -- LIGHT GREY, DARK GREY. ee PICTORIAL PATTERNS SOLD ONLY BY Newman & Shaw The Always Busy Store. AY DRESSED SPRUCE sees --aee---- CLOSING OF MAILS British mat! closes irregularly. - Info posted at P.O. Lobby from time to nat United States, dat 1.30 >, +s BUILDERS SUPPLIES A very fine lot of matched spruce lum- ber for floorings, partitions, ceilings, ete. SeEs------ S ANGLIN & CO. sero Bib, Phones: Ofte 06, Factory 11s t OHANGES IN STAFF. Taree New Public School Teachers Are to be Employed. "The Dublic schools wil) have seve- ral changes In teachers when sghool is: resumed on Sept. 4th. Henzy, the long time principal of Rideau school, is to superannuate after very faithful service. Her suc- cessor as principal has not yet been announced. Misses Smith and Mae- pherson, of Centre school, 'are also Teliring. The new teachers engag- ed are Misses MacT 3 as Sambar, Donk Ant Wace sos Junior; r. Ready Today. Two for a Quarter ge Book Store, Phone 919 MantelClocks We are able to save you money on black enamelled mantel clocks. Our prices, due to opportune buying are practically the same as before the war started, | These pricés cannot last and the next shipments will be much higher, Put a clock where you need it now. Prices from $6.30 up. ~~ Smith Bros. Jewelers and Opticians, Issuers of Marriage Licenses. EEE Furs! All kind of Fox Stoles suitable for Summer W. F. Gourdier Tr i \ } Real Estate A New Cement Block Two story dwelling. modern (on a corner) centrally located, go- ing 'for $2000, A Brick Dwelling On Brock street, below University Avenue; modern, for $4,000. A Frame Dwelling On Montreal street, In good condi tion, and large lot for $1150. on casy terms, ; Give us a call; we have the goods. ior; pictures 2} x 4. Price $11.00. No focusing required.

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