THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1917. Nervous Breakdown $00000000000000-00-00060004 | MES FOR SOLEIERS, ; Averted. 4 Secret Treaty Movement May Result in Some Radi- | MEAT SUBSTITUTES | , cal Action, bu an No Appeilte. No Energy, Sieeplens and Be . A i! Capada- is. making definite plans | Bean hy Coy piu ust. firm o- Weak, Slut Som, Outed By Dr. tween utocrats "Ito provide farms for such of the re- matoes in boiling water, strip off res FOOVOD DOD dutoirgy | tUrDEd Dominion soldiers and 'saflors skin, cut in thick slices sufficient to Mr. G. C. Inman, 330 Harcourt street, {&8 care to ecter upon and cultivate two cups, slice thin one small Bturgeon Creek, Winnipeg, says: I UMORS that Nicholas Rom: | them. The same libera' offer will, jt| Malle chop fine one green pepper, 4 f yY weak, ~dow1 condi- p | e sion RL ake Frequently missed anoff, formerly Czar of, is said, be extended to all discharged and cut off enough ew et corn to HH make two cups, Put layer of corn inf meals because 1 had ho appetite and Russia, vas on the point of Molders and sallo:s 5 the Brivis suffered 1 orced myself to eat. My na . army, 0 those traine n the me- K | iv tbigdmid - aaa pnd, IY concluding a reparate PEACE) thods of farming, and who will agree ow: fies 8 lates ut sotnutoss | Ve Ded, is y 3 " 1 : » | Be imed Ye neriatur breakdown. Then | With Germany bave been current | to oceupy the land and cultivate . it, and --. then a layer of the a Poo Dr, Cassell's Tablets, and It was | ever since the revolution that Lurled| the plan 's to grant tricts of 160 Re tn ds 3 1 ao back ing bow my health came | i FOR augible| Acres each, and to wake a cash loan | PePDer. pe * baek A Mr. Inman - now in England him from his throne, but no taugible of $2,000 at 5 per cent, annual inger- | turn in half .cup of milk, dot top | IH as maha, of "A. - inman and Son, . - . ent. er- i o d Pot Ager of a Tabi evidence in support of them Wat | ost, for a erm of years. The mohey ical utter substitute, bake for half hi free samp f Dr. CagnelV's Tablets { ati a fe ays i > ' ¥ 3 be sent to you ou recelnt of Aee| [OTthcOmIng untit a few days ag | advanced, it is explained, 'is to be | armor malllug and packing. Address| when there eame to light a deeply| used by the settlers in providing Scall Egg} Peal eggplafit Wena Street, Torante Con Ltd, 10 incriminating, Following tht end Suulyments, and fn making Wham oped half inch thick, sait and |i] br. C II's Tablets are the supreme] 419€0very comes the annovnceny all goanioq put under a weight for half an hour, | fomody Por Pde dade dy Kidney Trou. | that Nicholas will be placed on trial, | In this comprehensive plan Can- [then rinse, put layer in baking pan, | bles, Sleeplessriess, Anaemia; Nervous| and a request that a conference b¢ ada includes three progressive meas- with toasted whole-wheat! fi | maiz ang Nerve peciaity gator | held with represcntatives Of the Em-l yres Two of these are openly avow- crumbs, repeat until pam dis anon amram al "auring | tente Powers in order to find out JI) ed. "They are to provide the defend- o) With a layer 'of the critical periods of life. Price 50 what treaties exist between the othet| ors of the Dominion and the Empire Sprinkle top with a little cents per tube, six jibes Tor the price nations and Russia, It 1s not e with comfortable homes, where the onion and dot with butter on Oironapont ats snd Btorekeep. cessary to infer that the object of men will be contented and self-sus- substitute. Heat three cups of milk, your money on imitations; get the gén- examining the treaties is to denoinee taining, and materially to 'merease stir into it a teaspoon of salt and ulne Dr. Cassell's Tablets. them; it may be tbat the prosent agricultural production in many sec white. pepper to taste. Turn over the! |} Proprietors, Dr. Cassell's Co. Ltd.,| Russian Governm nt merely desires! tions of the country. The third pur- | eggplant and bake in moderate oven ! {Ili Manchester, Eng. to know how far Russia ix pledged pose, which will be more fully re-| for half an hour or until eggplant is| [II a e_. ; and with whem. It is known that if Yealed as the movement toward the tender. : Fascina odes or ¥ was the Sor. a; he Jormer i land progresses, will be to force upon -- oh ki Bs h d 1 make secre reaties with othet| the market, at a reasonable " Roasts--Wash and pick over : ic 0 not swir Toomaed beads ind to £ive 20 1] vast paver" oF root Uioma! a a, Hots ut pho THE COATS are swagger in style with skirts w wi OWN [fll formation as to heir contents oves| prarie provierer ow Bren e300 | wilk not do. Put to soak over nient|lll as extensively as those of last season, collars, however, are largeer HOME GR to his own Ministers. resident specul ators, Even at 'the y . . . POTATOES Wo anes Atement In the Russkole| outaet the perpiering question jg | ob Sot water ro awsaliowiue sor lh 1} ever, and the pockets are of many varied designs. In materials Slovo concerning a former secre asked by friends of the plan: Where, . | 50c Peck. ll tronty beiween the Czar and the] in thong ronan," be plan farming | thie water, cover with care amone lll velours lead with beavers, cheviots, tweeds and chinchillas, follow- Kalser that furnished the evideuce| land can be put quickly and easily | : : 3 ava and Fresh Vegetables that will be. used "against Nicholar| bags saiirea Dl, SWICK necssepry | 06 amy mess boon emo tand. All| ing in order of favor. The colors are rich Burgundys, J : ies [fi mocn he is put on trial. The state-| acronge bo ferry within reasonable | Jam" bone a" tind, or two erlf Nigger Brown, Taupe, Russian green, navy and black. and Choice Groceries [ffl moc be ow mors Glinsky, oditor] distance of the raifesadcs "ali three itoos of wit pork or bacon | fi x f desi . | of SincMoscow Review. -Messenter| familiar \ with porn TOM in the |¥ill be best. Bring to the boil, then || THE DRESSES -- Are shown In a great array of designs in Thompson's Grocery of History," and included a fae Prairie provinces are quoted as say- | Simmer for two hours or until beans by hs SY OF & letter written to him| ing that but ets cao od 3 an | $10 soft enough vo mash. Drain of [fll serge, broadcloth, satin and silk. The basque-like bodice, with its Phone 387, Tie a friend, the late Count Witte.| he found whiny wo comply with | Water, which keep for soup stock. straight lines is prominent. Navy and black lead in color though 294 P : S il| This letter was written by the Rus. these specifications. There are, it is | Mash beans, add w cup of toasted y rincess ot, | hia eiatesman, to be used only jupie| Sd, upwards of 100,000,000 acres | Wholo-wheat bread erumbs, sei sell | many dark, rich tones are also shown. 8 death, which took place a couple) of fertile land, in M nitoba, Sa: . | . » . . . Derta, eld by: Sokal 1 THE SUITS -- are cut on straight mannish lines, with attractive great national emergenay, It is A of years ago, and in case of any total over three greatly to the credit of Glifisky, whe | times. the toma Lo gy hres + Make into small joaves|lfll collars, belts and pockets, adorned with buttons, embroidery or has a national reputation in Russia Government land available for settle. | Sbout the size of squabs, place side i are made of serge, broadcloth abardine and mixtures. DAY and NIGHT SERVICE as a journalist, that he resisted many| ment anywhere in' the provinces | by side jn baking pan ad bake until braid, and ge, s 8 'previous temptations to publish the| named. and ihe, 1a is privately own- [Brown, 'basting vecasionatly with || Our showing is most complete -- may we have the pleasure of letter, but it might well be that he . ed are he more valuable, and are far | little melted fat, 1 : > Central bara g dared not use At before, since an at-| more accessible. ; il your mspection. tack. upon the Czar might well have The people of Canada, it is safe to EEEESs------ . $ led to his imprisonment or execufion| say, wily not be satisfied with any fof fat in two cups milk, add a scant |} J ® @® 335 King treet. if Nicholas were still in a position to] plan which will compel the men who | teaspoon of salt. Sift a teaspoon of x Automobile Accessories, punish his enemies. have fought the battles of the Em- baling powder with a cup of corn General Repairing, - It appears that when Count Witte pire to accept imferior land when meal, moisten with a little cold wa- . - [ © Gagollue, Olin, Ete. Was on his way home after having re-| there are: nillions of fertile acres ter, them stir in slowly the milk {Ill , Ulied Cars' For sale. presented Russia in concluding the lying idle, although mo if SI : : re advantag- | Ada more corn meal until batter js BD. WALSH, Prop. treaty of peace with Japan at Ports. eously situated. It would not be Just | very stiff, then drop by spoonfuls in |{jViszy eS -- ---- Satisfaction Guaranteed, Mouth, NA. he Jound i necessary u to force the returned soldiers to im- fot fat and fry brown. Use as a -- -- stay off in Paris for the purpose oll prove remote tracts, thus enhancin pota J TRLEPHONE 2185, fosotiating a loan for Russia. AL] still farther the values of the lands a Nt. Sg Tent. ot us fairs there were in an unsettled| held for speculation, Already, in the matoes or spinach state, the Moroccan question being| Province of Alberta, agitation has pe acute, The Russian statesman wasa| been begun toward forcing the Hud- toes-- Pick informed that ir matters gréw more| son's Bay Company either tc take pe iam, Totaate rs ek serious it would be utterly . impos-| title to large areas of reserve lands, slice from th, of each. and sible for France to lend any money| held in trust for it by the Dominion |@ ou y oh op thick to Russia. Witte then went to Ber-| Government, and thus make them |®COOP out the pn oaving a 1 e 1lin and had an interview with thef taxable, or, in lieu thereof, to have | Voll to the shell. Stew this pulp to Kaiser, and Germany, not being yer| the lands thrown open to homestead |S On another day as a Splice, ON ready for a war, the difficulties in the entry. Millions of acres also are held |#dd to soup. Fill tomatoes with way of restoring nominal friendly{ by German landlords, by railroad | boiled relations }-tween France and Ger. companies, and by companies operat- many were not great, and since Witte| ing in the United States and Great told the Kaiser that unless Germany| Britain. These vast holdings, be- made concessions Russia would be : a he, improvement of adjae- : . unable to get the money so urgently| ent trac Privately owned, and be- required, he was able to bring about| cause of the increased value of an pulp, thickened with a KINGSTON. CARPETS -- CURTAINS a modification of the German attl-| products of the land, are enhancing | Nttle butter and flour, and seasoned Aug. 6.--Members present: the tude. Suklsequently France made the in value every year. Those wko hold | with one sweet pepper minced fine, F 1 them for still highe ites slice of oul d salt Reeve, Deputy Reeve and Somtiliors oan. m 8 gher pri fee no a slice onion and salt goes ex-| Clark and Shillington. inutes of In the course of their : conversa-| reason why they shculd make them Cellently with the tomatoes, In. last meeting adopted. Moved, Sto. We are always on the look out for some- tions the Kaiser remarked casually} productive, and they evidently have | send of macaroni cocked rice may be ver-Clark, that P .A. Babcock 'be ap- thing new -- something a little better value that he was the more willing to do used, 2 ointed Idspector of sheep killed or Ramis » Pond re boro System of taxation which will oper- Machroni or "Spaghetyt Loaf-- Forriea 2" dogs. lon, ar = than the Jost 3 1 d ell sel ct Coat and Bea Oh the oceasion af ually 4s confiscation or ex. Cook sufficient macaroni to make Son Oatdner (Invalided) as aspes. : ur stock is very arae and w 1 - - details, but the al laughingly ET -- 5 or ol SID tomer . 8dd 4 a roy ordered: $7, H. A. [== ed, great care being ta en as to value. In. Eh, ed The, EYRE Si BY fe, BREET KIS oe eeneour retail prices are below the nari Wie oreasd i Po] i Cains Conte Co | "te S77 Go. Sova! 113.5 Geapee Dou |= 08 Of the goods, wholesale, toc ih grad, and began an investigation. He| toria, B.C., atte . a tour of the t erty, chgd. to Rd. Div. 63; $19.13, |S Select now while our stock 18 We closely examined all the members of Pacilié Coast provinces, stated that |. Ellas Ely, 4 1-4 toise gravel: $1.10, = will store your purchases until you require the Czar's entourage who had attend-| he believed the pulpwood resources George Gates, 11 loads gravel, chgd. ed him. at the Bjorka meeting, and|were in the neighborhood of 250,- | pays wnetl or for about twen-|'0 Div. 25; $2, Chas. Kemp, rep. what he learned convinced him that] 000,000 cords. He said that the sit- Serve culvert; $25, grant to Kingston some form of treaty had been sign-| uation was, however, serious with tomato School Fair; - $6.50, Geo. Gates, nem. ed. Witte. who had no more fear of | throughout Canada, especially in the | "°° Made as for Italien tomatoes, shovelling snow on Rd. Con. 4.5; |= : t the Czar than of any other man, im:| Far East, where the extent of the 45; Samuel Babeock, bridge on town ; Complain mediately sought .u interview 'with! pulpwood bad been grossly overesti. QUEER SOCIALIST IDEAS, line; $6.30, C. W. Hughson; open- [£5 » * , prepared. Buy a bottle of HI pis Sovereign and challenged him to| mated. Cruisers in Eastern: Canada = 5 "4 . es Soday Phone 90. Limited, A. ing Rr. Div. 64; and chgd. Council wherry Ext produce his eopy of the treaty. - Re-|and the United States bad, In some | Peace Programme Might Have Been adjourned to meet first Monday in have it when needed. luctantly Nicholas confessed that he cases, reported th Made in Berlin. September at 1 p.m : x had signed on behalf of Russia an i London, Aug. 28.--The British n Remember. you get what Jon oy ensive ad AulGusite teats with or fourteen years Soclatist party has Dropated a-state. STORKINGION. wh 11 ; . -- rs a for when you want it, at by afy responatbic. Russias Minister, | would be the Han ment on the war for resentation at Sunbury, Aug. m the inter-allied Socialist conference | present. Minutes of last meeting and no Russian knew its provisions| White said that the res k : otion, Holder Cam Best's Popular Drug except the Czar. America must now look to the West od Sstminster on Tuesday and Adopted on m Wp % A Wednesday. The statement declares bell, resolved that W. B. Dalton & a Thr As oe Shas ad te the Past ~ Buipwoad, WIth | that there is common responsibility | Sons be paid $36.80 for 16 barrels % ment. he would torn a Columbia's DulD-making wiode ish for the war and that, Stusequently, | of cement. for Sulvarl on N onth Shore Phone 59 Branch 2018 the incident, France would then destined to meet a large part of con- } [eParation must be from a common | Road, and Mat di) 5 ts paid. Prompt Delivery. thause ihe needed Russian loan, and |tinental requirements © or tuad contributed by all the belliger- be napovied b ea ig. t the Joan would {would be + world's greatest source ar onditions laid down by the 71, work done on Boss Marsh If regulated, the Socialists are that Mesopotamia | Road; John Gordon, $50, work deny Columbia must be transferred to Turkey; the | On Div. No. 5; dwar Sesians, 3, Gotan colonies must be returned; | drawing tile; Roy Allison, $4, build. suspend pay-|of pulp paper, hords atiforests of British um could home and abroad, thus becoming continue to give six million cords of bankrupt 20d dlagraced. the Czar was|pulpwooed per annum for an almest ing, and $2 repairing culverts on obliged to Sie bis niastertul {indefinite period. Pe ust Road Div. No. 3; Wm. Haffner, | Minister. Naturally the Czar neve: ---- ] , to capture Ger- | township or Government | forgave Witte, and look the carliest| Western Game Plentiful, ihe. ; grant on Washburn Road. f opportunity of retiring him, Ame arden O'Neal, of v Lorraine to decide own g0v- | on motion Ritchie: der, resol. N . ¢ [ol of his death in 1815 | hat guriui bia Srument, ahd a. Leourse ty be 4 hat ihe caliector sctor be paid his sal : 'to his to: death to connty.