EE THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1917. ee RT mm HOUSE | ] > . : ; 3 a : " : n ; roduction |COOLEST fe The People's Forum ern ab ane pe LAL 230 PLD) il CONTINUOUS : -- ap Pn hn | 67.30 pM ASQILY performance ESSE TeSys mo ag] rnin yaeoRviae 7 = bre suse Harold Lockwood and |cospessen ADVERTISING RATES| LOBE. | TEACHERS WANTED. May Allison, in + | Plent insertion, le a word. Each con-| 70 LET { ' | mecutive insertion thereafter, haif-| . Ht is easier to make money th ) T} Hidd Child 77| eent & word. Minimem charge for | LADY GOING SOUTH WISHES A RE.|SATURDAY NIGHT ON ROAD BE. | OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM. ASSETS: Savings Account al Fhe Bubk Toronto will help laden ren | ome immertion, 25e; three dnwertions. fined, intelligent young acy to Jen Odessa and Sydenham, bers, Avoly 0 A. B. Cunningham. a save wha our Increased effort provi { Fos 3 ir SOc; six $1;,0me t i assist in the care and Mea tion ady"s go watch in wrist strap. = $73,000,000 The Pathe News, Comedy and Other 1 six $1; one month, | aasipe. | 8 She care ag eduction EA TR Bh hart ap street. more { | Photoplays. Toronto, 119 Brauches In Canada, | ESTABLISHED 1855. PENDS mh ra rman | ' A Five Act Photoplay ; . June Caprice, in " i Bl v i > x } N y A FUR CUTTER. APPLY JOHN Me-| mence Sept, 1st. Apply, stating tanar and ohest and white tip. ts key. Frost's City Storage 299 i sition = essential. Apply Box rewarded by leaving with Wm. * HELP WANTED Be n Lake, Odessa t this offic STORAGE FOR I URNITURE OR MER. Thurs., Fri. and Sat. i 23, Wns Office. a ads this office, chandise, clean and dry. McCann s POLITE VAUDEVILLE | CARTERS WANTED, JAMES SWIFT & | Real Estate Agency, §2 Broek St, | Co. QUALIFIED PROTESTANT PEMALE LOST OR STOLEN. Phones 326 or 621. | | teacher for Union 8.8 No. 2, Port- { { | { i | CARRIERS WANTED. JAMES SWIFT! land, or 26 Camden, two miles east 9 TR & Co. | of Yarker. Halary according 0] 4 BLACK COLLIE DOG WITH WHITE STURAGE ¥ OR TYRNITURE, ULEAN qualifications. Duties to com- JHE ' 1 p, le « Kay, Linvited. i qualifications, salary expected and 1 Y q 4 Queen street. Phone 526; res 989, The Pathe Ne ws, omedy and Other Ri Sie ono Brad Ss Lt bn Ko legs tan and white, tan apis Syke Features, Treas, R.R. No. 2, Harrowsmith, "Pounce." Anyone having inf x Matinee Oc Evening 10e¢j A MAID GENERAL. APPLY MRS. CON- Ont, tion concernin, be ne n Ay 3 Any Seat Reserved, Se Extra roy, 205 Alfred street, : notify Prof § F. a 3 : FARM FOR SALE, clay, Manager ih A SMALL FURNISHED ov OR FOR SALE concession, township of Pittsburg, Steaey's Ltd conveniences, in central locality, ply, Thomas Todd, Lockmaster, town, to the south of Princess street. If you are| "The Undying Flame" 114 Clarence Stree planos and Victrolas. 'C, W, Lind- PRONTENAD 1 LOAN AND INV a. '- A AAA AAs ment Society: incorporate : : servant: highes: wages Apply | BY SFPICER, TR visi) Rot =, BED, SPRINGS, MATTRESS, DRESSER, president, Sironel HR smith Mrs. Third, 12 Wellington street. preferably with sn Brounds © kitchen table: two small tables: > MLG.I\ vice-president, « FB I" 3 flat, furnished or unfurnished. Pos- b 9 3 > le, C. oney issued olt: THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY S hur hr ny carbs Coutes: | CMG Fo proniient W: ¥. i 6" " Patsy. Iall; one white fore-leg; the other George B. Mckay . | I an pouty Prof. 8 F. Kirkpatrick, inn ; 3 n { IE: CHAMBER MAID AND DINING ROOM | mm EERE CRRA RAR | wirl Apply Frontenac Hotel | FARM, NORTH HALF LOT 1s, 4TH : sf ? 5 . flat. Phone 1387 or apply to Box 00 poten, more or ama" Di Jase: - y = Fy J sday 42, Whig Office. h* . enced, 00 1} le Fi OR SALE us pete meLe wavren -- Tagan ErvmorivE avves. come) convenient lon aired wed Jesse L. Lasky Presents [$ between 15 00nam ms POT awe 21 WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE WITH one wens, due: three Umes boc: ship. Possessfon in September, Ap- i : 1 3 } hay October; family Bréwer's Mills, Ont We have a row of four brick houses, down ( Mme. Petrova, mn oF or Aan 37, Whik office, ALMOST NEW STEEL RANGE. APPLY : t . . : ; rE i z | SBCOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS, FINANCIAL interested in a good revenue producing property, [ "The Mystery of the Double Cross" ares or Tavore NT Arp NE for cash or in part payment of new | z NTigte 3 ROSEWoon BOOKCASR, you had better give us a call and we will be pleased | Mat, $060 Hob soe, Davie & Sonn. 1.40 say. Limited, 131 Princess sires: Pely I. Reid, 254 Princess street. . . { to give you all information. | ONCE, COMPETENT GENERAL | Saeion aboyt Ooty | A Siale 14h and farm prope muni; . | panticulars. Apply OX wha XL, 56 Brock St. Ph : Office 68; Res, 874 | Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday ' AAA ce A AAA rare ieee 1 Rn country debentures; mort Whig Office. chased; Investment or" a Msn 2 FIRAT . > Sea A good active boy - ONE-TON SANFORD MOTOR' sale; deposits recelv a . | Seif BATURE 10TOF TAYE ' iE Hs Department. Good TRAVELLERS CALLING UPON MER- Truck in first class condition Ap- terest hejsns R. C. twirl ; 3 ES Wm. Gillette, in "Sher- yames And, steady, employ ment. chants and business men in [East Bir iow. G. Cralg & Co., or Boyd's manager, §7 Clarence St., , h = = 9" . ern Ontaris can connect with a ' ose e lock Holmes" (7 Reels) | goed Bide line by APPIPIRE to Bos dha k and i . J. W, Whig Office, Strictly con- LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND Ru AEay Cou = 4 "fp " A b kle i fidential LADY'S PERSIAN LAMB COAT, Fire Insurance Company. A 1e There's a closer relationship be- ; atty DUCKIE IN |yiN WANTED TO WORK ON COUNTY nearly new. Owner going south assets 361.157.2185, In addition te y 4 » § sr hour, Apply . A ~~ and desires quic sale, Tele- whic! the po olders eo . tween feed, poultry and dollars than : 6" " (orusher, 30 cents per . YIWE WANT TO BUY ALL KINDS OF . oyh u may suspect. ~ Right feed means > 1 A Rough House. ' to G. Traves, on the job near Bat second har ATT avon phone 1481, security the unlimited Nantiity < Fou Y us quicker returns and | Matinee 10¢; Evening 13e. tersea. . : heaters, clothes, etc. We also have sity Dioperty, insured at etter ig . 3 everything in the second-hand more money. For bigger dividends ES oe ¢ a line for sale. S. Shapiro, 45 Pria- | GENUIN on your poultry, let us supply your a Lake Ontario GIRLS FOR WORK ROOM; NICE, ne for sale. 8 Shapire NE GRAPHONOLA , AND TEN pleasant work. Apply Miss Mac- selections, your own choice, $27.60, Agents. Phone 32 feed. The kind you need is here, Callum, N. 'i Polson, Co. Ontario Terms: §6 cash, §1 per week: C. W. and our advice is free for the asking, street. WANTED--OLD FALSE TRETH; Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess S¢, i don't matter If broken. 1 pay $2 W. F. McBROOM Sem vo 0 ore, Md. odels; also tires Nerv pecialist, at 830 Fair, Kingston Station, Baltimore, Md and bicycle accessordes. - George Years Ne » Specialia _ enables TI : A Matinee Wednesday at 3.30 + Muller, "373 King St. Phone 1032. ill , Yur", of Siherience enables i - 25 Brock street medalist, teacher of pianoforte alogue and foe: re pO oO | FEATURE J playing and theory of music. Ad- br securs aur Miser defor he: ousewire | PHOTOPLAYS --~--e frees, "23 "Pine virect, Ringaton. | heli securs our micen beers pir: | Three Used Cars $5 PRIVATE CHRISTMAS GREETING -~ Pump Thursday. dollars daily. Bradley-Garretson's, tralto, organist 'and director of €an procure Wednesday Children's Ome Cent Day Brantford Ontario, Brock St. Meth. church, Teacher | GOOD GENERAL STORE AND DWE. and Stude er. on Street Cars, - et emp ee - oo of piano, organ and voice' produc- Ung, with st a | | wagh clothes spotiessly clean with- Studio 44% Johnson SL. Fall term Battersea. Owner | or "health: Requisites BOYD'S GARAGE | Ss ont rubbing. Promise to solicit or- enmmeaenras Sept. 1st, 1917. a real bargain for anich Dayar th: | il ten cents will bring. Ply to Mrs. M. Lake, Battersea, Ont 1 | ' - P. DRISCOLL, FURNITURE FINISH-|LARGE STOCK OF EXTENSION TA. | > 3 SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. | can buy. | KNOWN : er. Sail or drop a card. 23 John bles ana dining a ra, buffets, POWERS Bank Bulla ing, * corner = = ee ( street. ol cabinets, a 00d beds, p d Wellington streets. A glimpse -at-our-MUPPER "WIN. springs and mattresses. We po! Brock an ton 3 TEAMSTER (MARRIED MAN) Post ang: reeeive Shack Toy Parcells LARGER NUMBER uF BICYCLES, In. | (7 HIGH CLAS A MAN AS CLERK IN FLOUR AND MUSIO cessfully, Call, or state case by Company, Limited, Hamil. card sample book free; representa- nt. : i able, drive shed, joe |FIRST CLASS HOARD AND ROOMS, Preserving and Pickling | Persons entering the Park other thon. Pupils prepared for To house, and other out buildings: ali every convenience, central Jjoes- 7 | ders with i | | samples for four washings, Make ARCHITECT at moderate prices and at the same || 129 Brock St. i'l BUY THE FINEST doliar an hour. -- Bradley's Co, FURNITURE FINISHING y DOW" will suffice, vain... ... ,.. all kinds of second hand furniture, ® F ie ns ' ---------------------------------------------------- Y BUSINESS CHANCES 4. «Thompson, 338 Princess street. LEGAL t Hoa 'We Have a Nice Assortment of ys. Phone 1600. het: r arive sand to the city, Steady post and receive check by return clvdin § . DR. REEVE. >, v 3 4 : and Every Night work the Year round. Apply R. H. mail, F. Terl, 403 N. Wolfe St, land hg He famous Athlete, Over 3 42-44 Princess 'Street. a | onig = : feed store and capable to handle - letter. FOR SALE VAUDEVILLE the books. Apply J. A. McFarlane, | GRACE E. CLOUGH, LT.CM. GOLD |GASoLINE PUMPS AND AANA, CATS 1S Carlton Street, Toronto. --------------a----] | Program Changed Monday and > > . rr ton, C 8s deeply Interested in where she [li 3 tives already making five to ten | PEARL A, NESBITT, LT.C.M. CON- BOARD AND ROOMS. Jn deeply Il Ford, McLaughlin es already || than by street car will be prosecuted. AMAZING SELLER---~TABLETS THAT ronto Conservatory examinations. in first class repair. In village of tion." Apply 243 Brock street; time procure the best that money!) Brantford, Ont, or ; . INVESTORS WARNING DON'S INVEST | =e a Brug Stor Pure Corn Syru hz,cent Wnill you read Bueonsi AB, cEMINowAM, BAmmivren A 5 ance, r d : : hv Branch Post Office P are made Ana Tout Dy" inyesiors. y ence street, Kingston, Kingston, Ont 8 ay . 2 In 2b. tins, 5-1b. pails, and 10-1b. . Boy wanted to learn press ful Finance. 608 8 Dearborn Bi.|® AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE which we are for one A : *hicago. a. pails, EN at selling COFFEE work; must be willing worker. The 1 of week the price. . i There are splendid opportuni. large quantity of repair parts Chi ties in the printing industry on stock for Saxon cars; also E. H. BAKER CARD OF THANKS now; after the war there will h second-hand cars for sale. Cor. M 1 Charl be better. Apply Job Dept., J. H. DAVIS, Sutra} and G1 Se, wits Andrew Meliquliam And family Whig. w' Rin Saxon Distributor. | ---------- "ty oP REA S| NS eee) a y floral offerings duripg thelr sad be- ee reavement in ne oss ar eo he. . oving , N nd father. SS. THOUSAND 1S- $ DRS, SPARKS Axp SPARKS, na AUCTION SALE LANDER TRIPS FOR! Tyas'w FOR SALE AT GEORGE A. BATE.| ews® Nsilinglon street GC. \ WAR MIA : THIS WEEK . : Rave Saat Agency, 3400 Phone 345, Th ------ . An_ up-to-date boarding and day C, hot and cold water, HE ane : RF cg 4 Thursday, Aug. 30th, through the hool os Wednesday, Aug. 29, at] uande sing me orouth the chi ml oagof Sirls and $1.30, 2% STOREY BRICK; ALL IM- MEDICAL Ean : 30¢c, tually . TT 8; rooms; central lo- 3 p.m., at Calderwood, | 1y,..>%: .. tellectually, on, : : Union St. West ? Moonlight. as 8 Brock! The course begins with primary K. 4 00Ms AND ATTIC,| PR}: 8. ANGROVE. PHYSICIAN AND Bisck Toa, in 236 Ib. ~Tins : . Street M *h N nd A n liprovements; = hard. Surguon, 38 Clergy sire 81:40. When 'you require Tea atm iat: i ---- ree Bs odist Epworth Lea-| work a continues through all PEEP % 4 DENTAL BE. KNAPP, BA, LDS, DDS, Omos. 263 Princess strest. Phone DE. J. LEONARD W. : Sgrner Samos and Bagot stroots) one 3 SEPP bee French Mushrooms ° v Brock). Hours 2 to 4: 7 to 9, Of- i glish Auto, 5-passenger cabrolet Rue, 85c. . | grades to matriculation. trance; stable. aide and rear on fice phone 2163; residence 1783. AYN? body (open or closed), 20-30 h.p. en- Prides, Aug. 81st, to Ogdensburg, GORDON S. Grocery Eine; car jn first class condition; su. ving at 8.90 a.m. Fare 70¢. Reopens Sept. 10th 1917 AME, NORTH is the place to get it. Ae Lr. Anan of anther... Saturday, Sept. 1st, through the : | = Cor. Hay and Montreal Streets. : 2 : Islands, leaving at 2 pan. Fare | At 85 We : Apply to oa aC HED BRICK: LL. § . ) ADA J. BATES, Pri . ~ | HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS 5 4 HOUSES LL PRICES ALL OVER And all growths and skin blem- . the city. ishes removed permanently, with- - " - soe . e- out scar; 30 years' experience. Dr, Household Furniture, 203 University - ND MONEY TO LOAN; INSURANCE AN mer Lak Eye, Ear, N J. 8, Avenue, W Angust. 20¢ ustoms broker, §7 Clarence street, hroat and Skin alist, 354 Adem ¥s u Ld Phone 396, Bagot street, $3200, DOUBLE ¥R end; lot 85 x 185. PERSONAL Parlor pleces, rugs, rattan and other rockers, couches, Il rack, extension ¢ and students tables; oilcloth! sideboard : dining chairs, iron { . & - - tresses, fable and § I x i ; 3 WANTED PATTERN MAKERS, HANDY MEN and _ | fod a lor--feeding t be : I 3, CAULKERS and CHIP- etiring Sale | she front. Apply to esol I PERS: HIGHEST WAGES > Ah. FARM STOOK AND MACHIVERY v SB ry | ata ARE Sout 7 Theta. wil 3 cory Punic aucros H1.° = WEA ° 1 CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE | COM- ten, "osdbara Was meen: [| q | | PANY, LTD. har, : aN a ih ney Ph : 1H 33 Commencing at 1 o'clock sha the OR Cea RAS ae Cony X : i po Hey rp. | ras re 3 i » . PER BAG Lani Hers Pedi