PAGE EIGHT © THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1917. ST PLOTTERS CIVEN WARNING to and associated with the Merkori | EERE REAR TE School Suits are Ready ! It's time to be thinking of school suits again, Start the boy to school with a good suit. It will help him along in every way. He will command more respect, have more respect for himself, and take more interest in his work than he will if he is made to wear an unsightly, ill-fitting suit. \ 7" Boys' School Suits, pinch back and Nor- folk cut, durable materials, strongly put together, well cut and well tailored. $6.50, $7.00, $7.50 up to $10.00. 7 Dressed in one of these excellent school suits the boy will do himself justice. Many of our suits have extra trousers, 8 ® 9 Livingston's, Brock Street. If Off Your Route, It Pays To Walk. IAEA SE A for Fall Wear Over 300 new blouses in Georgetta, silk, crepe de chene and wash silks, all the very latest New York models, featuring the new collars and sleeves, moderately priced. From $3.00 to $12.50 fl rge Dresses 8 part styles in this. popular garmen ent all the new features. Black and |i ices range 2 From $15.00 to $27.50 velours fabrics, cor- and for 0000 OR | throughout and pitched weil, while ll! vice place the same team on.the did- BY KERENSKY AS TO WHAT WILL HAPPEN THEM Loyal Russian Forces Ready to Meet | Any Attempt at Revolution--No | Pity for the Guilty. Moscow, Aug. 28 --Russia is pass- ing through a period of mortal dan- ger, Premier Keremsky told the na tional conference whivh assembled in Moscow on Saturday to consider the present situation of the country and plans for a new natiomal government. He. declared that any aitempt to take advantage of the conference for an attack on the national power, as em- bodied in the provisional ment, would be repressed p.tilessly by blood amd iron. Representatives of important pol- iticat economic, commercial and scientific organiations and persons prominent in public life are in at- tendance at the conference. "Those who think the moment has come to overthrow the revolutionary power with bayonets are making a mistake," said Mr. Kerensky. 'Let them take care, for our authority is supported by the soundless confi dence of the people and by millions of soldiers who are defendng us against the-German invasion. Kerensky spoke resolutely, em- phasizing the role hes had played in recent events and his determination to guide events in the future. The premier was greeted with wild applause wher he declared: "All attempts win armed force against the people's power will be crushed with blood and iron." Still more applause greeted him when, hinting at a counter revolu- tionary military conspiracy, he ex- claimed : "Let them be warned who think the time has come when, relying on the bayonet, they can overthrow oug revolution," The audience rose and' cheered this expression for five mia- utes, Kerensky rebuked the Finlanders and other seceding nationalities, his words evoking enthus. asm, and there was ao menacing note in his voice when he declared that their pre! tensions threatened the success of the revolution. The premier"s speech indicated that the government expects fun her attacks by the military duma and the Moseow deputies, which he de- nounced in advance. | Military News Army Service 19, Medicals 4, 'and the score indicates about the style of play. This was the result of Mon- day afternoon's game, the winner of which meets Engineers Wednesday for the camp championship. Medi~ cals wen the toss and took the field. In the first inning, Army Service completed the diamond four times, and it was not till the fourth loning that Medicals were able to break their hoodoo. Subsequently at dif- ferent times the "doctors" tried hard to pull together, but the spurt on each occasion was short lived. Al- though the score at no time was close; still the Service boys took no chance, and played hard steady ball throughiouk, Several trick plays were pulled off, but McGregor stealing home unno- ticed in the fourth drew cheers from the lange orowd of interested -spec- tators. Credit is due Derry and Rob- fnwon for notching the greatest num- ber of uns, they each getting from in the ninth inning Derry connected well and drove the ball almost into the Medical's garage. Medicals were minus two of their best players, Mun- dell and MoeDonald; but Capt. Mo Gregor deserves special mention for Placing a team on fhe field, espee- jally when two of the players were incapacitated from injuries received in the last game. "Charlie" Larocque as usual tried the funny stuff, but Belanger caught him nicely in the second inning and trom then on he was as close us a steel trap. Derry had good support MeGregor was without question the mainstay of the Medicals. ~ If Ser- mond Wednesday against Engineens, they stand a good chance of cinch- ing the league. The teams line up as follows: Army Service--Teple, ss; Robin- gom, cf; Derry, p; Baker, 2b; Stagg, ©; Belanger, 1b; Hughes, 3b; Walk- er, #f; McCamont, rf. Army Medicals--McCartney, 2b; Woodley, 3b; Monley, M; Chapman ef; McGregor, p; Larocque, ss; Du- bean, ¢; Porter, rf; Wilson, 1b, Score by innings: Service-- » 43000071419 § HH) i i=: §s fh i governs] Who leaves the military service on tre, Nine inches of ribbon will be issued for each officer or man én- titled to wear the honor. ribbon will be crimson, with white 3 At the Theatres edges and a white line dowd the cen- - Np The Grand, . A em iA packed house thoroughly ap- Major G. 1. Campbell, C.R.O., ad=|{ o : : dressed a Red Cross meeting in Pic- rociated ithe enjoyable programme ton on Tuesday, and was expected in} 2 red at oe Grand last night, the city on Tuesday night. | Dropping the juu} Problems of mi or --_-- existence, Harold Lockwood a Ernest Smith, Yarker, has signed May Allison, in Robert W. Cham- up for service with the Army Service| bers' "The Hilden Childret" » 'have Corps. been plunged irn:o a sheer romance, -- the like of 'which has rarely been appointed deputy assistant ad- | middle eastern country in Revelu jutant and quartermaster general to | tionary times, this account describes succeed Lieut..Col. H. R. Wilson, | the varying fortunes and delectable adventures of two children, Loskiel| Saturday next. This announcement |and Lois, deserted by their mothers comes as a pleasant surprise to] during an Indian attack, It is an ideal | thousands of friends of the popular | marrative for youthful enchantment. | young major, and citizens generally | The Pathe News, a joker comedy en-| are pleased that Brig.-Gen. T. D. R. | tithed 'His Coming Out Party", amd Hemming has made such a splendid | the final adventure of Yorke Norroy selection. Major Kidd left his home {io "The Perils of the Secret Ber- at Burritt's Rapids to go overseas vice' are glso shown, Borra & Delon | as a subaltern of the 2nd Battalion. | are wizards of the stringed ingtru- He was appointed aide-de-camp to | ments and offer a very pleasing Gen. Hemming on his return after | vaudeville act. being seriougly wounded, and a few weeks ago given 'the position as casualties officer. At Griffin's, Mme. Petrova, the great dramatic i | actress attracted a large audience to | Mr. Proulx, M:P., is a%king in | Griffin's, when she appeared for the, Parliament as * to the position of | first time under the management of Lieut. W. Gibson, registrar in the ' the Lasky Company, in the ripping] militia, where located, if he is draw- and unusual photoplay "The Undying | ing salary as registrar, and if his | Flame." A weird and mysterious | military duties could not be per- I story has been cleverly woven around | formed. by a returned soldier. | it. Besides the above unparatleled | -- picture the management also shows | With the shake-up in the staff at the eight episode of "The Mystery of | Barriefield, which is befng carried | The Double Cross", an exceptionally on by politicians and others, the interesting chapter, and a first class name of Lieut, L. I. Johnston, ad- | Somedy picture, Programme repeat- jutant and quartermaster of the in-! ed this evening. fantry school, has been mentioned on several occasions. The Whig learns that this popular young offi- cer is making more attempts to go overseas as an officer, and is so de- termined to go he will revert to the ranks if necessary. This should note be necessary. An instructor of Lieut. Johnson's ability should be given an overseas commission. Major R. E. Porter, infantry Late Mrs. John Harrigan. school, has placed his resignation in At five o'clock on Tuesday morn- the hands of headquarters, and will | Ing the death occurred of Mrs. Mary be. leaving his position in a few Harrigan, widow of the lale John days. The major, during his ten Harrigan, who was for many years ure of office, has proved to'be one employed: as an instructor in the of the most experienced and capable Fiortsimouts penitemtistt. The late officers engaged in instructional 255, Si nga A Jou Ey rs work. Hundreds of the officers and |p y' gop came peacefully at her N.C:0's. who has been qualified at | Ceidence, 6 Garrett street. De. the infantry school owe their traln- | ceased, a Roman Catholic in religion, ing to him, and it will be a very diffl- | js gyrvived by five sons, John, Leo cult matter for his place to be filled and Fred, Kingston; George, Ottawa, to advantage. and William, who is overseas with : Queen's University Ambulance. One A draft of five or more medical daughter, Ina, a graduate nurse, also officers is leaving Barriefield Camp gyryives, in the immediate future. -- The Late Andrew Ryan. Lieut. James G. Bews has been ap- | a4 pig summer a Lough- pointed to the Canadian army gYM- or ouoh Lake the death occurred of mai sate ans Jokes of apytech | Sade Kran for wees Touts o vel d ' kpown harness maker in the city. of the bayonet fighting 75d physical i Deceased was born in Lougiborough training at Barriefield Camp. v.fty-seven years ago, and had been ill ---- Since last Christmas. He was a Through the kindness of Manager ' Roman Catholic in religion and a Parks and other officials of the Can- XConservative in politics; and is sur- ada Steamship Lilies, the Teruel ! yived » his wife, residing at 163 Di- soldiers the city are being given | vision street. trips steamer Thousand 1Is- - or jander. On Thuréday afternoon and Late Dennis G. Murphy. evening last fifty men from the Mow-' A sad death occurred in the Hotel at Hospital and Elmhurst Convales- 'Dieu on Monday night, when Dennis cent Homes were treated to a trip G. Murphy, 2 bright dad of Sourteen down the river. This was repeated years, passed away after. a sho! - on Saturday with fifty from the eas. The boy was taken to Ihe iu. t Hospital. The plan will be stitution only on Sunday last, hut his Mowa » y condition became worse until he pass- od away on Monday night. He had been in ill-health for some time. The -- young lad was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Sergt. F. W. Painbow, C.AGS., Dennis Murphy, 226 Queen street, has been transferred to the depot Ln battalion for duty. : son. on the boat. il A THE WORLD'S NEWS Lieut. W. H. Slinn left on Tuesday IN BRIEF FORM for "Ottawa to 'inspect technical stores of the Signal Training Depot. | Tidings From All Over Told In -- 3 a Pithy and Pointe Retreat is being sounded this week Y Way. g at 6.53 p.m, : There has been a tremendous in- crease in Russia's war expenditure. ake an ebu, o 10, bnta Shut Vile arate 3 quarters sub- w "He is in building in Hamiltgu, collapsed on "his way to work dying in a short » Pte. M. Francis, C.A.8.C., has been quartermaster sergeant. the department of the accounting otficer, 'Reeve Charles Liout. «Col. HJ. Watt, who trained | Btobicoke township and a 'at 'Barriefield camp as \ . ¢ 'mang of the 130th Perth 'Battalion, | 8100 With a Radial car. and later raised and took to England | 'David Caplin; Hamilton, while go- \the 240th Renfrew Battalion, has re-| ing to the station to meet his wife 4urned to his home. He left on| returning from Muskoka, 'was run Tuesday for Ottawa, and will prob-| over and killed by the train she was ably be in the city in a few days. on, - Hom. Rodolphe Lamiens, Post- master-General in the Laurier n- GIVES CREDIT TO PROF. MARTIN iration." wil be the ules agumins : didate e new constit: i Kor Development of Dapt. William | npeuve, at the next ale: Canada' Aviator Ot tle next general . Bishop, s 'A despatch from New Glasgow Writing in the Toromnfo, Star re-|states that orders have been .receiv- A Ww. VXC., who | ed from Ottawa by the Nova Beotia Silverthorne, of little been Major Thomas Ashmore Kidd has | equaled on the screen. Laid in the | § La er UTTERICK PATTERNS Err LE i MEAL them as house dresses. Come tomorrow. . BLOUSE 9275 SHIRT 0276 A Good Time fo Buy Women's av. Summer DRESSES! Buy now for the month of warm weather still ahead, then use A numbar of pretty styles and colors at less than half their value. 4 in com-| child were killed in a motor eolli- Capt. SES ar down forty German | Steel and Coal Co. directing them to aeroplanes, Prof. A. Brickly of To- Siscantinue making shrapnel forg- hy Py 8 {he bent af his mind was |. 52 . # ti KE | 2, i8tx rg NAPKINS, tage than usual. Roller Towelling from 15c to 20c yard. Odd Linen Damask Table Covers. alike. Table Napkins -- 50 doz. TOWELS, TABLE CLOTHS, A number of specially priced items from our linen department, are of interest to all housekeepers. They are of excellent quality. We bought them to better advan- Six makes, ranging in price A number of these; no two All sizes, and the better makes at a decided bargain. Special values, 20c. - Special values, 25c. Special values, 35c¢. C. ' = * WHITE TURKISH TOWELS HUCK-A-BACK TOWELS. ~ Your choice of a number of particularly good value, at 20c and y and We carry a compléte stock of reliable travelling goods on secs Jon Laidlaw & So Lage rr -- Lilli lS Soph Be