Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Aug 1917, p. 5

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a "Out of the High Rent District." O'Connor's - LADIES" Ct Exclusive rrect Fall Styles From the Lerding American and Canadian malses, now ready, at prices that defy com- petition. «+ SUITS, In all the wan OATS, DRESSES shades and newest mater- ials ready for your choosing. The early . buyers get best choice. Come tomorrow -- a pleasure to show you; Any garment placed aside to suit your convenience. 3, T.J.O Connor 260 Princess St. Felephone 800 Higher up Street, But Lower in Price. JOHN M. PATRICK g machines, Umbrellas, Suit a Trunks nks repaired and, refitted, Saws filled, ves and Scissors sharpened; Razors honed; All makes of firearms repaired mptly. Locks repaired; Keys All makes of Jan mowers and repair« iy 149 Sydenham Street Gook's Cotton Root Compound GI 4 fe a drug Ls Fa PamphonT Sal THE we MEDICINE C6, It is Not Economical to economize on Lubricants ! -- You more than pay for what you might save on lubricating oil fn in- creased cost of overhauling and in the shortened service life of your motor. Soruy the most economi- "The Motor Oil cal lubricant to use. "That's Clean" HARVEY MILNE, 272 Bagot St., Kingston, Phone 542. CAR is the trust- hence most and ODO-RO-NO ! (For Emtremoes Parspiration) Three Sizes. oy - Relioves a Perspiration of Armpits, Hage and Feet, Prevents Odor, SARGENT 'S DRUG STORE Nyal Quality Store. Cor. Princess and Montreal Streets. Ts 18 THE AGE OF SPECIALIZL . BYES, NE YOUR EYES AND MAKE THE GLASSES AFT) A SCIENTIFIC RXAMINATION. J. J. STEWART, Opt.D. Optician Cor. Optician and Ste. Post Office. Phone 609 'Wellington and Clarence Opp. "KINGSTON'S LARGEST OPTICAL PARLORS." - Celebrated Bantam Corn on the Cob, fresh Every Morning. rawford's Grocery, Things To Eat." THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, , AUGUST a 917. TWO CITIZENS INTERFERE WITH THE siarar? * MACHIN- ERY OF THIS DISTRICT One Is a Politician, the Other a Jack- of-All-Trades--They Alm to Get Votes, But Théir Game May be Spoiled. A pewspaper man who recently re- turhed from overseas, said to the Whig "Take it from me, the kicks that are being made by people in Canada mow in the name of réturned soldiers, seldom, if ever, originate with men who have seen the firing ine 'Its the man who never reach- ed Krance, probably not England, or even Halifax, who is doing the kick- ing." This surprising statement certain- ly is borne out by recent'facts that have come to light locally. Certain changes have been made and these it it well understood originated not by returned soldiers, but through two civilians, one a politician dhe other, a cosmopolitan character. They seem to be amount of work presumably for the returned heroes. In one case they forced the resignation of a lieutenant who was selected by his officer com- manding for an overseas draft. The officer commanding is a man who has been through many months of French warfare, but who, on his de- turn is not allowed to make his own selection of officers because of the in-! terference of two civilians. The public seems to grasp 'the ex- tent to which civilian Interference is working into the military machin- ery of this district. Only recently a conference between the military authorities and these two eivilians was held. It resulted in the resigna- tions of two of the most experienced officers. Both have tried to go over- seas, but have failed. Now their ser- vices are lost to the country. The Whig is quite sure that the re- turned soldiers will be able to think for themselves and will certainly spoil the plané of those who think their votes may be coralled. KINGSTON MARINE CIRCLES SOHOONER ABBIE LL. ANDREWS ARRIVED .IN PORT Notes of Interest About a Number of Vessels--Movements of Boats in and About Kingston Harbor, The schocner Abbie L, Andrews, wihich sunk at the wharf in Oswego some days ago, has been raised and was brought to Kingston on Tues- day night in tow of the bange Hink- ley. She has coal for Sowards. The steamer John Thom whch was towed acrossg.the lake by the wreck- ing steamer Cornwall hias been taken to Ogdensburg for repairs to the rud- der, The steamer, H, M, Pellatt arrived 4rom Montreal on Wednesday morn- ing, -and¥will undergo a general over- hauling at the Kingston Shipbuilding Company's wharf before being sent for service at a distant port. The barge Mamie is still on the drydock following a collision several weeks ago but work is being rushed to com- pletion. The steamer Rideau Queen, which has been laid up for several weeks following a breakdown, has been fitted wp and left for Picton at 4.30 p.m. on. Tuesday on her first trip. She is replacing the steamer Varuna which 'will be laid up for a time here, . The steamer Haddingt6h arrived from Montreal at 2.560 p.m. on Tues- day but was despatched down the river to Clayton to tow the steam- barge 'W. M. Egan to Kingston, Both vessols arrived at 4.45 p.p.and cledr- ed light for Brie to load coal. The steamer Kingston arrived from Prescott at 4.50 p.m. and clear- ed for Toronto at 5.056 p.m. on Tues- The steamer Tonic passed up from Montreal to Toronto and Fort Wil- from Montreal to Lake Erfe to toad coal at 2 am. on Wednesday. The steamer Toronto arrived from Toronto ait 4.35 a.m. and cleared for Prescott at 5.30 a.m. on Wednes-| day. " The steamer Jex arrived with coal from Oswego for J. Sowards. M. T. Co's Bulletin: -- . The tugs Bronson and Hall arrived up from Montreal with four light barges. : The tug Thomson arrived two light barges from Mo! with doing a great| ARE SURVEYING HIGHWAY SURVEYORS WORKING FROM NAPANEE TO BOUNDARY They Reached Kingston gn Wednes- day on Their Way East--Making Oross Section and Profile. On Wednesday a group of sur- veyors arrived in the city and sur- voyed Princess street. They have been working from Napanee. The survey 'is the preliminary fo: the new provincial highway which is to be bult from the eastern provincial boundary to Toronto and further west, The men in the city are mak- ing cross-sections. of the present highway and will complete a profile when their work is finished and all the data obtained. In all probability the new highway will follow the present very closely. Except in really necessary Places there will be mo diversions because of "the big expense incurred where land must be purchased The Government bas already taken over the highway frem Toronto 'to Port Hope and it is understood that A, M. Rankin, M.P.P. is making a strong appeal to have the remainder taken over so that work will not be delayed. TAMWORTH WEDDING. A Happy Event at Home of J. N. Wagar. The home of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Wagar was the scene of a pretty event on Aug. 22nd, when their only daughter, Edna Bernice, was urnfted in marripge to Clarence Loughhead, Centreville. Promptly at high noon, to the sirains of the Wedding March, played by Mrs. W. W. Redden, the charming: bride entered the drawing room, on the arm of her father, and took her: place under a beautiful cor- ner arrpagement of evergreens, ferns and carpations. The hride looked lovely in a gown of white duchegs silk trimmed with pearls and wore 4 wreath of orange blossoms in her hair. She also car- ried a shower bonquet of roses and maiden-hair fern. Miss Jessie Smith, Frankford, gowied in pale pink taffeta, acted as bridesmajd and Bert Loughhead, Kingston, brother of the groom, 'did the duties of best man. Little Miss Jean Rose, Frankford, made a very pretty flower-girl, dressed in white, with touches of pink,' and carried a basket of flowers in which the ring was concealed. Rev, Mr. Rorke, Tamworth, offielated. After "the ceremony, 'the guests, numbering about eighty-five, repair- ed to the dining room, whére they partook of a very dainty and tasty luncheon, which had been prepared by the bride's mother, after which the bnidal party left amid showers of confetti to motor to Kingstoy, where they left by boat for Toronto and Niagara Falls. The bride travel- led in a navy blue rdine suit with felt. hat to match. he groom's PAGE FIVE ry -- icc re --, RR This is Clean- Up Week at Abernethy's ALL SMALL LOTS OF WOMEN'S, GIRLS' AND CHILDREN'S SUMMER SHOES AT SPECIAL BARGAINS WATCH OUR WINDOWS. Rh rh sii gift to the bride was a peanl and, emerald pendant; to the bridesmaid a cameo ring; to the msman a pair of gold cuff links and a masonic, emblem; to the flower girl a pearl, ring and tg the pianist & dainty pearl' brooch. The presents were numerous and costly and included substantial 'cheques from both the groofh's fath- er and the bride's father. Among the guests were friends from Michi- gan, Toronto, Kingston) Frankford, Madoé, Tweed, Napanee and Enter- prise. The happy couple will reside on the groom's farm near Centre- ville, - SPORTS AT BARRIEFIELD. pti Field Events Were Held There on Wednesday Afternoon. : + That sports are being considered as pant of soldiers' training is shown by the fact that Wednesday after- noon has been set aside for compe- titive games-at Barriefield: camp. Beginning at 2 o'clock sharp, the following events were staged: Heats or'100 yards run, one mile wheelbarrow race, When you hand out your money be sure to get good hon- est value in return for it, Our slogan is "one hundred cents worth of goods for every customer's dollar." New Hats, New Caps, New Furs. Motor Ambulance This i is used exclusively for ambulance work. Easy running and well ventilated; fitted with every convenience. Phone 147 for personal and motor service. Enis nee REL 'Campbell Bros : g Unde er with a Motor Hearse, ir. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR CHARM TEA Our one dollar sale is still going on. Any straw hat $1, "besides our $1 sale of soft felt hats. . "The style centre for men's hats. IN PACKAGES. Black, 3 Oren und Mixed. Packed in King- ston GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, Limited. THE "ARTISTS' CHOICE" Williams' New Scale Piano. It is the construction of goes to make it an instra- mght of quatity--a pitino of +, & Wfetime. wy tnavite you to emll inspect the many Tnodels ut our akowroom, SE_--_-- Prouse's Drug Store 'Phone 82. » a Sd ll bl a lh a NL LL A A aaa a 4 A

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